Apple releases Apple TV 2.3 with AirTunes, third-party remotes



  • Reply 61 of 107
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,681member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    RIGHT ON! If I knew back in May 2007 that it would evolve into basically an Apple Juke Box I would have said "no way" instead of laying out $$.

    Wait a second... So, you "laid out $$" for a product without knowing what it could do or what is was for? What did you expect it to do and what were you promised it would eventually do?

    I bought my AppleTV because Apple said that it would allow me to watch my iTunes content on my TV in the living room. Is that not what it does? Are you sure you got an AppleTV?
  • Reply 62 of 107
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,435member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Freeview ROCKS!

    but the sooner 2012 arrives and we free up the bandwidth for a larger slice per channel.. the BETTER for all our eyes.

    I'm getting sick of the crappy compression artefacts on some channels (50" screen)

    But Walter...2012 is the end of the World.
  • Reply 63 of 107
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,681member
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    It must have escaped your attention that the AppleTV is a very poor seller. In my opinion that's because as it stands, it's just another box to put under your telly; if instead Apple offered a device to replace all your "under the telly" boxes, they'd sell a lot more of them.

    What do I care if it's a poor seller? And what exactly makes it a poor seller? It's a product with a very limited set of features that would only be useful to a small group of people; those who want to view their iTunes library on their TV's. Why does Apple need to sell a lot more of them? Is that all that interests you?

    I just really don't understand all of this bashing based off wishful thinking? Desire is one thing, hell even I would like to see at least a DVD player built-in, but I don't see how the missing DVD player takes away from what it actually does and was advertised to do?
  • Reply 64 of 107
    imatimat Posts: 214member
    It also strangely disabled volume on some of my HD episodes that were converted from .mkv files with VisualHub. Not all of them seem affected but the most recent are...
  • Reply 65 of 107
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Originally Posted by mjtomlin View Post

    What do I care if it's a poor seller? And what exactly makes it a poor seller? It's a product with a very limited set of features that would only be useful to a small group of people; those who want to view their iTunes library on their TV's. Why does Apple need to sell a lot more of them? Is that all that interests you?

    I just really don't understand all of this bashing based off wishful thinking? Desire is one thing, hell even I would like to see at least a DVD player built-in, but I don't see how the missing DVD player takes away from what it actually does and was advertised to do?

    What i really don't understand is your hostility towards the people on this site that are trying to hold a civil discussion? We are simply discussing our thoughts on how we can take this great idea that ATV is and make it better to the end user. it's a discussion. We're not bashing ATV at all, we all really like it in theory, otherwise we wouldn't be on the blog, silly.
  • Reply 66 of 107
    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    I completely agree with you man, that SHOULD be the purpose of ATV but for some reason it's not. I'd really love one of these but it doesn't replace all my other dumb boxes. Plus without the option of downloading my OWN movies to iTunes; i'm not going to go and purchase all the same movies on the iTMS, what a waste of money that would be, plus you get no DVD Special features if purcahased on iTMS. like I said, would love to buy into it but it's just not there yet.

    and to reply to mr. nasty above...I strongly believe that blogs area a good way to post ideas to Exec's out there. Contrary to popular belief, lot's of Apple "people" read these blogs.

    And, no we aren't all spoilled little brats, we just demand better products from Version #1. Unlike most wastefull American Consumers, I can't blow $350 every couple years when the newest device comes out. I'd rather put my hard earned money into products that can last longer than a year.

    Of course you can add your own movies to itunes, ever heard of handbrake and easy
  • Reply 67 of 107
    rcfarcfa Posts: 1,124member
    Now if only the AppleTV could finally act as an AirPort base station, or at least as a relay station for an AirPort based WiFi network, then we'd have a good reason to buy these instead of AirPort Express or AirPort extreme units.

    And if we could use the external USB port to hook up a printer of disk drive and have it act as print server or TimeCapsule, then we'd really be talking business.

    The AppleTV has too much overlap with either a MacMini or a TimeCapsule/AirPort Express unit to not either be replaced by the former or to not incorporate the functionality of the latter two.
  • Reply 68 of 107
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,681member
    Originally Posted by russco View Post

    Of course you can add your own movies to itunes, ever heard of handbrake and easy

    That was one of the main reasons to get the AppleTV, to have all my movies at the touch of a button. So far, I've ripped about 100 movies, still many more to go.

    Handbrake & MetaX, works beautifully!
  • Reply 69 of 107
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Originally Posted by russco View Post

    Of course you can add your own movies to itunes, ever heard of handbrake and easy

    that's not the point. iTunes SHOULD HAVE that functionality on it's own, like ripping a music CD to iTunes.
  • Reply 70 of 107
    Originally Posted by bg_nyc View Post

    The AppleTV is going nowhere fast, which is sad because if they would ask us what we need instead of telling us, we would all be better off.

    Steve has called AppleTV a "hobby".

    I think "hobby" is a code word for competitive placeholder.

    I bet Steve has a long term vision for what he wants the AppleTV to become.

    Until all the pieces are there and he is ready to say "one more thing" we will have the placeholder.

    It gives Apple a foothold in the market, makes it hard for a competitor to establish themselves and buys Apple time.
  • Reply 71 of 107
    Ok, we have remote control from the iphone, but give me ATV with a DVR and a way from my iPhone from anywhere to access my stored programs and watch on my iphone....and I am in for life.
  • Reply 72 of 107
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,787member
    Originally Posted by heyjp View Post

    My AppleTV is rebooting right now with 2.3. I am totally psyched about the AirTunes. I've been wondering why this wasn't there before!! Now my home music system is complete.


    Agreed, why on earth this hasn't been there from day one! It is great now to be able to use my iTunes full Library (8,000 songs in mine at the moment) on the main Hi Fi with the click of a mouse! Now the iTunes movies should play audio and video just as easily from the Mac end as an option to having to 'get' them at the ATV end. I am far better with a Mac and Mouse than a remote and ATV.
  • Reply 73 of 107
    Volume control!!! yeah

    But hang on...only for music!!!...what idiot at apple thought that was a good idea?? I also want volume control for podcasts and movies.

    So here is a wild crazy idea....volume control for everything!!! come on how hard is it!!

    List of other wants

    1. multiple views like itunes for my movies.

    2. Mail app

    3. Safari with iphone remote mouse and keyboard

    Don't need DVR as I have IQ 2 for paytv and free to air digital.

    Maybe in 3.0 update...

    PS anyone that hates their apple tv and wants to sell me a reply.
  • Reply 74 of 107
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by GeekLawyer View Post

    I predict a DVR in my aTV just as soon as there's an FM tuner in my iPod.

    (Half past never.)

    Quoted for truth.
  • Reply 75 of 107
    idunnoidunno Posts: 645member
    Just to clarify, Apple listed the fixes and one of them said...

    "Playlists \tPlaylists in iTunes that contain Movies, TV Shows, Podcasts, and Music Videos can now be seen on Apple TV."

    So does that mean that movie playlists will now work on the Apple TV? I ahve a stack of movie playlists that never ever copy across. I have put thru a feature request for this, as have others. Can anyone check if this now works?
  • Reply 76 of 107
    If ATV incorporated DVR it'd cannibalize video sales/rentals through the iTS. Apple would have to change the entire ATV sales model. The stats say TV/Movie sales/rentals are currently at fairly low rates, just think how much lower those rates would be if ATV incorporated DVR. I'm not sure Apple is ready for that big a change in the ATV business. It's because of this that I've never understood people's irritation with Apple for not including DVR. It's simply not what this product was designed to be.

    Back on topic:

    This 2.3 update sound nice enough. Nothing to jump up and down about but will definitely improve the user experience. Can't wait to d/l it tonight.
  • Reply 77 of 107
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by yensid98 View Post

    If ATV incorporated DVR it'd cannibalize video sales/rentals through the iTS. Apple would have to change the entire ATV sales model. The stats say TV/Movie sales/rentals are currently at fairly low rates, just think how much lower those rates would be if ATV incorporated DVR. I'm not sure Apple is ready for that big a change in the ATV business. It's because of this that I've never understood people's irritation with Apple for not including DVR. It's simply not what this product was designed to be.

    The argument is flawed because in order to do the sales/rentals to the AppleTV box, first you've got to get people to buy the AppleTV box!

    As it stands, AppleTV is not an enticing enough product for most people. They've got a DVR. They've got a Blu-ray player or a DVD player (which perhaps they're considering upgrading to Blu-ray). They don't want to get rid of those devices unless it's to replace all of them with one box. So they don't get an AppleTV and they don't rent or buy anything at all from iTunes.

    Now, put DVR and Blu-ray in the AppleTV - suddenly it becomes a lot more interesting to a lot more people. Now Apple has the potential to sell/rent more content from the iTunes store.

    Why would people buy from iTunes if they've got DVR? For the same reasons that people with DVRs buy DVDs - DVR is primarily for time-shifting TV broadcasts, purchasing content is for stuff you like enough to want to watch several times and therefore want to buy it to keep.

    Why would people rent from iTunes if they've got DVR? Because titles become available on iTunes a lot sooner than they are broadcast free-to-air or on non-premium cable.
  • Reply 78 of 107
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by mjtomlin View Post

    Wait a second... So, you "laid out $$" for a product without knowing what it could do or what is was for? What did you expect it to do and what were you promised it would eventually do?

    I bought my AppleTV because Apple said that it would allow me to watch my iTunes content on my TV in the living room. Is that not what it does? Are you sure you got an AppleTV?

    You're completely missing the point- Apple has put your music and your movies/video files at the BOTTOM of their respective menus- they should be at the top. Searching your files should be easier with Apple TV not harder than iTunes on your computer. Is that so hard to comprehend?

    I laid out $$ thinking that the intention of ATV was to evolve into a device which made playing those files on my TV easier not harder. I had no idea it would evolve into an Apple JUKebox with an emphasis to buy and rent from Apple.

    I should be able to play(stream) or store(rip via iTunes) my entire DVD collection on it - that''s where it should have revolved. You still can't even repeat any of your videos or songs on it!!! And the only searchfunction is for "to buy" at the iTunes store. I bought it to add functionality to my own files-not anticipating it would become an Apple purchasing tool to buy/rent Apples files.

    YOu could hook any cable from any computer or buy a mini Mac and get better functionality a performance than ATV- and that's why it's not selling. Anyone who plays with those menus loses interest real fast.

    Unless of course now you want to add another machine for renting and buying low quality, mostly DRM crap - than good for you.
  • Reply 79 of 107
    Last night I rented a movie and this screen came up, I've never seen it before.

    dunno... it might be a 2.3 thing.

  • Reply 80 of 107
    I'm streaming music, as I write this, from my AppleTV to speakers directly connected to it and a couple of Airport Expresses in other rooms, all started and controlled from the Remote App on my iPhone, while the ATV itself is in standby mode: light off and no output to the attached TV. Santa Claus came early this year, I can't think of anything more...
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