Apple contributes $100,000 to fight California's No on 8 battle



  • Reply 1321 of 1351
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    Yes, I'm so stupid that I understand the word "Rate".

    You left out the rate of Christians who are married as opposed to secularists that are married, and that the secularist have a higher rate of cohabitation without the benefit of marriage. IOW shack ups, and when they split up, there's no record. So much for your "rates".
  • Reply 1322 of 1351
    Wow, you really are an angry, angry man.

    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    You left out the rate of Christians who are married as opposed to secularists that are married, and that the secularist have a higher rate of cohabitation without the benefit of marriage. IOW shack ups, and when they split up, there's no record. So much for your "rates".

  • Reply 1323 of 1351
    londorlondor Posts: 263member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    You left out the rate of Christians who are married as opposed to secularists that are married, and that the secularist have a higher rate of cohabitation without the benefit of marriage. IOW shack ups, and when they split up, there's no record. So much for your "rates".

    This has to be one of your stupidest comments yet. Just in case you have not realised it, to get a divorce you have to be married so it makes no sense whatsoever to add to the equation people who choose not to marry.

    As previously said the rate of christians getting divorced is higher than the one of secularists. That shows that secular people have more regard for the institution of marriage than religious people which makes your arguments against gay marriage based on the sacredness of marriage nothing more than laughable.
  • Reply 1324 of 1351
    Originally Posted by Londor View Post

    This has to be one of your stupidest comments yet. Just in case you have not realised it, to get a divorce you have to be married so it makes no sense whatsoever to add to the equation people who choose not to marry.

    As previously said the rate of christians getting divorced is higher than the one of secularists. That shows that secular people have more regard for the institution of marriage than religious people which makes your arguments against gay marriage based on the sacredness of marriage nothing more than laughable.

    That shows who has a greater respect for the institution of marriage, and it's Christians, by far. Thankfully, gays aren't getting married here, or in California.
  • Reply 1325 of 1351
    londorlondor Posts: 263member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    That shows who has a greater respect for the institution of marriage, and it's Christians, by far.

    Wow, it is not only your comments that are stupid if you think that christians have a greater respect for the institution of marriage because they have a higher rate of divorce.
  • Reply 1326 of 1351
    Originally Posted by Londor View Post

    Wow, it is not only your comments that are stupid if you think that christians have a greater respect for the institution of marriage because they have a higher rate of divorce.

    I KNOW it. This country was founded on Judeo-Christian principle, and it remains populated by a Christian majority. Secularist don't respect anything Christian, and everyone knows it. Secularist have tried to stifle Christmas, and now Thanksgiving, and they are trying to re-write history to suit them. Get a clue!

    But, this is about gay marriage, and you LOST!!!!
  • Reply 1327 of 1351
    Zin is just trolling at this point.
  • Reply 1328 of 1351
    You forgot to taunt. Nah... nah-nah, nah-nah... nah. Are you sure you're 70 and not 7?

    Your family must be so proud to have a father figure such as yourself.

    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    But, this is about gay marriage, and you LOST!!!!

  • Reply 1329 of 1351
    londorlondor Posts: 263member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    But, this is about gay marriage, and you LOST!!!!

    Sorry, but you still fail to understand that as long as Prop 8 is up for review at the Supreme Court nobody has lost or won.
  • Reply 1330 of 1351
    Haha. That's all he's been doing. He's clearly just a lonely old man wanting attention. We should all just feel bad for him and let him be.

    Originally Posted by nowayout11 View Post

    Zin is just trolling at this point.

  • Reply 1331 of 1351
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    I KNOW it. This country was founded on Judeo-Christian principle, and it remains populated by a Christian majority. Secularist don't respect anything Christian, and everyone knows it. Secularist have tried to stifle Christmas, and now Thanksgiving, and they are trying to re-write history to suit them. Get a clue!

    Hey Zinny,

    Read this:

  • Reply 1332 of 1351
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    Hey Zinny,

    Read this:


    You, and that article completely missed the truth. This country was based on Judeo-Christian PRINCIPLES, there is no official religion, we have freedom of religion. The majority of the population here is Christian, get over it. The words "Separation of church and state" do NOT appear anywhere in our Constitution, or Declaration of Independence. They DID appear in a PRIVATE letter written by Thomas Jefferson, and have no legal authority in this country, in spite of the ignorant people who think otherwise. Your article is just another attempt by the secularists to re-write history, an action that is becoming a very common occurrence here. These people single out Christianity PARTICULARLY, for harassment, these are the politically correct folks, wake up!
  • Reply 1333 of 1351
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    You, and that article completely missed the truth. This country was based on Judeo-Christian PRINCIPLES, there is no official religion, we have freedom of religion. The majority of the population here is Christian, get over it. The words "Separation of church and state" do NOT appear anywhere in our Constitution, or Declaration of Independence. They DID appear in a PRIVATE letter written by Thomas Jefferson, and have no legal authority in this country, in spite of the ignorant people who think otherwise. Your article is just another attempt by the secularists to re-write history, an action that is becoming a very common occurrence here. These people single out Christianity PARTICULARLY, for harassment, these are the politically correct folks, wake up!

    Well... one thing is true. The country was more closely based on Judeo-Christian principles than the vast majority of today's churches and churchgoers are. Principles of right and wrong. Principles of equality. Principles of tolerance. Principles of kindness. Principles of sharing. Principles against war and greed.

    Seems the false prophets were able to make great inroads. Today, what is done in the name of Christianity, is hardly Christian.

    We have the Obamites saying "we should accept and love one another, and help one another" while the Palinites are launching another crusade (against Islam, secularism and homosexuality), and longing for another great "purging" to which Katrina was just a prelude (Noah, Sodom & Gomorrah look out!) all the while grabbing more and more money like greedy little money-changers all in the name of our new savior "capitalism". Now who do you think Christ himself would respect today?

    Zinfella, Sinfella... you've lost the plot. You've lost the Message. You need to be born again. But of course you don't worry about that. Jesus has saved you, so you can be as much of a faggot hating Muslim hating secular hating asshole as you like without fear of repercussion.

    Jesus gave but one commandment. To love. "Love them as I have loved you." In that, Zin, you have failed. No worries. God will have mercy on your (soon to depart) soul.

    And as more people like you die off, more people like us are born. And the cycle will renew itself to the real Message once again. When it does, I may even go to church.

    That's the truth. Nothing is "missed".
  • Reply 1334 of 1351
    " Go and sin no more"

  • Reply 1335 of 1351
    Originally Posted by Mystic View Post

    " Go and sin no more"


    So, by fighting against gay rights you are doing this how?

    If you think that gay love is "sin", then if it's your intent to "sin no more", then all you need do is not have gay love. End of story. Anything further than that is beyond your job description, and it is not what Jesus would do.
  • Reply 1336 of 1351
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    So, by fighting against gay rights you are doing this how?

    If you think that gay love is "sin", then if it's your intent to "sin no more", then all you need do is not have gay love. End of story. Anything further than that is beyond your job description, and it is not what Jesus would do.

    A gay marriage supporter telling everyone what Jesus would do, now that is arrogance. It seems that you like re-write the tenants of Christianity to fit you. How convenient.
  • Reply 1337 of 1351
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    A gay marriage supporter telling everyone what Jesus would do, now that is arrogance. It seems that you like re-write the tenants of Christianity to fit you. How convenient.

    It's so sad that so much of your own faith is based on indoctrination and conjecture.

    Jesus spoke out openly and clearly against many things. Gay love was not one of them. Greed was.
  • Reply 1338 of 1351
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    It's so sad that so much of your own faith is based on indoctrination and conjecture.

    Jesus spoke out openly and clearly against many things. Gay love was not one of them. Greed was.

    This is NOT the greed topic. Changing the subject still won't allow gays to marry here, or in California. You lost!

    You do NOT have the first clue concerning my faith. You accuse me of hate because I don't support your side in this matter. By your criterion, you'd be a hater because you don't agree with me. Society has the right to set standards. Not supporting the gay lifestyle does not make me a hater, but people like you, that choose to force it on society certainly are doing your best to create gay haters.

    Gay marriage is not the equal of heterosexual marriage, and anyone with an ounce of sense knows it. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig, oinker.
  • Reply 1339 of 1351
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    You, and that article completely missed the truth. This country was based on Judeo-Christian PRINCIPLES, there is no official religion, we have freedom of religion. The majority of the population here is Christian, get over it. The words "Separation of church and state" do NOT appear anywhere in our Constitution, or Declaration of Independence.

    Of course there is a separation of Church and State.

    The founders of the USA, who were mostly Deists and not Christians, had the sense to dump the notion of an established religion. Christianity or any other religion was kept well out of the constitution. It was their way of distancing themselves from the dangerous nonsense we had (and still have here) in the UK. (With a monarchy and an established religion.) The principles drew on common law which pre-dated Christianity.

    In the UK we have still have the outrage of bishops in the House of Lords. Which means the religious viewpoint can pollute legislation with it's misogyny, racism and homophobia.

    The US was founded on much better principles. It is a pity you dislike them.

  • Reply 1340 of 1351
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    Of course there is a separation of Church and State.

    The founders of the USA, who were mostly Deists and not Christians, had the sense to dump the notion of an established religion. Christianity or any other religion was kept well out of the constitution. It was their way of distancing themselves from the dangerous nonsense we had (and still have here) in the UK. (With a monarchy and an established religion.) The principles drew on common law which pre-dated Christianity.

    In the UK we have still have the outrage of bishops in the House of Lords. Which means the religious viewpoint can pollute legislation with it's misogyny, racism and homophobia.

    The US was founded on much better principles. It is a pity you dislike them.


    You, don't know crap about the founding fathers of this country.
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