New iMacs and Mac minis confirmed to use NVIDIA chipsets



  • Reply 161 of 180
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    Originally Posted by wobegon View Post

    Add to that the fact DisplayPort is royalty free and Apple's miniaturized version offers a far smaller port and connector, which requires no screws.

    So it's obvious DisplayPort makes sense. Then why doesn't Apple run the audio through it as it should be? Seems they've taken great technology and crippled it. Hopefully they'll straighten that out in the port on the new Mac mini.
  • Reply 162 of 180
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Originally Posted by wobegon View Post

    How the hell would they fit an optical drive and HDD in the iMac's base stand!? You do realize that would completely disable the ability to detach the iMac from the stand, thus no more VESA mounting?

    Who detaches the stand? I've never heard of anyone doing that. For one thing, it's very difficult to get into the stand in the first place.

    Originally Posted by wobegon View Post

    Who cares in what direction the optical drive faces!!?? One can already replace their HDD by taking off the back cover.

    No you can't. The new aluminium ones are opened this way:

    The direction of the optical drive is important for short people like kids and midgets. They have a hard time reaching it on a 24" screen. Right at the base is fine. It's also much better if you have a dual display setup because the screen doesn't interfere with the slot.

    Originally Posted by wobegon View Post

    While I recognize your irritation with the dreaded chin, I'd say you're in the minority.

    The people who own one don't like to play it up as a problem. The people who don't own one probably see it as a negative but not a significant one. It's just one more thing wrong with it that could and should be fixed.

    Originally Posted by wobegon View Post

    Do you really believe Apple's tremendously popular iMac could be dethroned by Sony's knock-off running Windows Vista?

    I think tremendously popular is an overstatement. Apple have restricted the largest demographic of their customers to buying one. Sony's AIO numbers likely won't compare because they offer other kinds of computers in that range, which are more popular. This doesn't mean Sony's AIO was a failure vs Apple.
  • Reply 163 of 180
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Who detaches the stand? I've never heard of anyone doing that. For one thing, it's very difficult to get into the stand in the first place.

    Get "into" the stand? Don't know how many detach it, but the stand is detachable and Apple sells VESA mounts for it.

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    No you can't. The new aluminium ones are opened this way:

    Ah, forgot about that. Thanks. But the RAM is still replaceable via a door, yes? HDD replacement is the iMacs only major shortcoming, but of course, most people never replace their computer's HDD. Hopefully they'll figure out a better way to pack the case so it doesn't require taking off the display and everything.

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    The direction of the optical drive is important for short people like kids and midgets. They have a hard time reaching it on a 24" screen.


    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Right at the base is fine. It's also much better if you have a dual display setup because the screen doesn't interfere with the slot.

    You can put the second display on the left side. The vast majority of consumers don't have dual monitor setups. Do you realize how fugly an iMac would look with a big boot-ish stand? Apple's hardware has class.

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    The people who own one don't like to play it up as a problem. The people who don't own one probably see it as a negative but not a significant one. It's just one more thing wrong with it that could and should be fixed.

    That's rather debatable and neither of us have any data on the matter.

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    I think tremendously popular is an overstatement. Apple have restricted the largest demographic of their customers to buying one. Sony's AIO numbers likely won't compare because they offer other kinds of computers in that range, which are more popular. This doesn't mean Sony's AIO was a failure vs Apple.

    In the AIO world, iMacs reign supreme; no other brand has that name recognition. What do you mean "restricted the largest demographic of customers to buying one?" The largest demographic, the consumer, is trending towards laptops, ie, portable AIOs, and away from desktops, AIO desktops or otherwise. Apple doesn't sell one iMac, they sell the 20" and the 24" model. Sony sells the JS series, which is the same computer in different colors and configs, all with a 20" display. The LV series is the same story, just a different case and a 24" display. There's also the RT series, which is just a 25" version of the LV, which seems completely useless. I never said any of these were "a failure vs Apple," but they are likely not selling on the level of Apple's iconic, superbly designed, reasonably priced iMac.
  • Reply 164 of 180
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Originally Posted by iDave View Post

    So it's obvious DisplayPort makes sense. Then why doesn't Apple run the audio through it as it should be? Seems they've taken great technology and crippled it. Hopefully they'll straighten that out in the port on the new Mac mini.

    The audio features do not appear to be turned on yet. I think they've ratified 1.1 of the spec but will be moving quickly to 1.2 which is going to potentially support more bandwidth for 120hz TV and other features.

    I think Apple's Mini-DisplayPort connector will become the standard for the smaller plug.

    Things we're still waiting for in DisplayPort

    1Mbps Aux channel- I believe this was completed in Draft 1

    8 channels of Audio - Up to 192k sampling

    Daisy Chain- I don't know when this is coming and if 1st generation DP product will work
  • Reply 165 of 180
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    The direction of the optical drive is important for short people like kids and midgets. They have a hard time reaching it on a 24" screen. Right at the base is fine. It's also much better if you have a dual display setup because the screen doesn't interfere with the slot.

    OK, how is that there are a whole bunch of posts in these forums by people saying that Apple should eliminate optical drives and now it matters which direction they face?

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    The people who own one don't like to play it up as a problem. The people who don't own one probably see it as a negative but not a significant one. It's just one more thing wrong with it that could and should be fixed.

    I don't own an iMac and I'm just a data point of one but think the iMac's "chin" looks fine.
  • Reply 166 of 180
    Originally Posted by Hudson1 View Post

    I don't own an iMac and I'm just a data point of one but think the iMac's "chin" looks fine.

    Me, too. I hate all-in-one machines in principal so I'm not going to be buying an iMac, but the "chin" is low on the list of things I think are wrong with it.
  • Reply 167 of 180
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Originally Posted by wobegon View Post

    HDD replacement is the iMacs only major shortcoming

    As well as the stand on the new one if you want to replace it or the display if you want a bigger one.

    Originally Posted by wobegon View Post

    but of course, most people never replace their computer's HDD.

    I think people will next year when SSD drops in price. People will replace it if it's easy to do. The MB and MBP are extremely easy to do now and that's how it ought to be with all the Macs. It reduces service time and the less chance people will take their entire machine back to Apple for a drive replacement clogging up the service centers.

    Originally Posted by wobegon View Post

    You can put the second display on the left side. The vast majority of consumers don't have dual monitor setups.

    It's still another limitation. The point is that it's not a very flexible machine, you have to keep working around its flaws.

    Originally Posted by wobegon View Post

    Do you realize how fugly an iMac would look with a big boot-ish stand? Apple's hardware has class.

    I'm pretty sure this machine won a design award:

    The base doesn't necessarily have to look like a boot but like a small half-height Mac Mini stuck to the base. A slightly curved top over it wouldn't be unattractive.

    Originally Posted by wobegon View Post

    The largest demographic, the consumer, is trending towards laptops, ie, portable AIOs, and away from desktops,

    Desktop sales still outnumber laptop sales considerably. Mac users move towards laptops because Apple's laptops are really pretty good but their 'desktops' (desktop-restricted laptops) are not so great.

    Originally Posted by Hudson1

    OK, how is that there are a whole bunch of posts in these forums by people saying that Apple should eliminate optical drives and now it matters which direction they face?

    Well yeah, if they keep them then they should face in a good direction, if they get rid of them then it's not a problem. I don't think people want Apple to get rid of the optical drive on the iMac though, just the machines where they take up space where more useful components can go.
  • Reply 168 of 180
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Desktop sales still outnumber laptop sales considerably. Mac users move towards laptops because Apple's laptops are really pretty good but their 'desktops' (desktop-restricted laptops) are not so great.

    Laptop sales now exceed desktops.
  • Reply 169 of 180
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    As well as the stand on the new one if you want to replace it or the display if you want a bigger one.

    These "issues" are found in ALL AIOs. You sound like a Mac Pro or Mac mini person.

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    I think people will next year when SSD drops in price. People will replace it if it's easy to do. The MB and MBP are extremely easy to do now and that's how it ought to be with all the Macs. It reduces service time and the less chance people will take their entire machine back to Apple for a drive replacement clogging up the service centers.

    No, most people won't. Most people don't know crap about computers. They're not going to know crap about SSDs until they become more widespread and even then, most aren't going to replace their computer's built in HDD with one. You vastly overestimate the mainstream PC buyer.

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    It's still another limitation. The point is that it's not a very flexible machine, you have to keep working around its flaws.

    It's not supposed to be flexible, it's an AIO!! It's like a laptop with a bigger screen that you can't take with you when you're out and about.

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    I'm pretty sure this machine won a design award:

    The base doesn't necessarily have to look like a boot but like a small half-height Mac Mini stuck to the base. A slightly curved top over it wouldn't be unattractive.

    You never said anything about an entirely new stand, just putting the iMac's HDD and SuperDrive in the stand. Thanks for clarifying. I do not see Apple going backwards on this, though.

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Desktop sales still outnumber laptop sales considerably. Mac users move towards laptops because Apple's laptops are really pretty good but their 'desktops' (desktop-restricted laptops) are not so great.

    I never said desktop sales outnumbered laptop sales, I said the trend was towards laptops, which is true. Desktop PC sales are flat thanks to over-saturation; Apple's Macs are the main exception - Macs are outpacing the industry 4 to 1 - and the iMac is driving most of their desktop sales.

    Apparently, though, laptop shipments exceeded Desktops for first time in Q3 this year. (thanks Hudson1)
  • Reply 170 of 180
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Originally Posted by wobegon View Post

    You never said anything about an entirely new stand, just putting the iMac's HDD and SuperDrive in the stand. Thanks for clarifying. I do not see Apple going backwards on this, though.

    In a way, I wish they would. With the iMac G4 you had a full size disk drive and more room for RAM. You know, what I would love to see is a return to this AIO design with the monitor being just the regular mounts through VESA. Obviously you can only get an iMac with a screen already attached but later on you would be able to upgrade it. I mean the Apple monitors already have speakers and a webcam, not to mention USB ports and a power supply.
  • Reply 171 of 180
    hi everyone!

    Please help!

    I just literally bought my new imac (my first ever mac - and I love it).... I got the 2.66ghz L2 6mb cache 256mb video card, 2GB RAM for $1600...

    Now i see that a new imac is coming with the new processor..... does this mean I should return it and wait? will the difference be big with the new one? thanks a lot, sorry I am new and I dont know mjuch about macs at all. thx
  • Reply 172 of 180
    lorrelorre Posts: 396member
    If you love this machine, and it works perfectly and does everything you desire, why should you? Last time I told people to hold out on a Mac purchase, apple released the Alu MacBook which forced them to spend $200 more and came with a hyper-glossy screen. You're not even sure the new iMac will suit your needs as well as the current one does, and it's not even 100% sure it comes at MacWorld, could be later.

    And what would you do in the meantime? Go without a computer for a few weeks?
  • Reply 173 of 180
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Also, remember that moving from the last-greatest machine to the new-greatest often only means a 5% increase or so in speed. People who benefit most are those who haven't upgraded in two or three years.

    Enjoy your new Mac, and save your pennies for the new software coming (iWork09, iLife09, etc)
  • Reply 174 of 180
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by sticker99 View Post

    hi everyone!

    Please help!

    I just literally bought my new imac (my first ever mac - and I love it).... I got the 2.66ghz L2 6mb cache 256mb video card, 2GB RAM for $1600...

    OK so the machine is working fine and their is nothing wrong with it. So if you are happy with then why return it? Especially a computer which change rapidly as it is.


    Now i see that a new imac is coming with the new processor.....

    Well that is what people think. We won't know until Apple releases something new. That might not happen till March. If people try to tell you it will happen take it as BS. There is good sound reasoning to why it might happen but that doesn't imply it will.


    does this mean I should return it and wait?

    No it is far better to keep what you have and learn from your mistakes. I have nothing against returning goods for good reason but this isn't one of them. To go out and buy something you like and then immediately return it because you hear whispers about a new model coming is just plain sleazy in my opinion. Frankly people doing such just inflate the costs of such products for the rest of the buying public. It can be rather significant inflation too which is why many businesses have mandatory restocking fees.


    will the difference be big with the new one? thanks a lot, sorry I am new and I dont know mjuch about macs at all. thx

    As far as the differences go that was covered already, no body knows. There is a lot of speculation and educated guessing going on but dont take that to mean anything other than what it is speculation.

    As for making a purchase without doing your research, well that is your problem. That requires looking into the mirror and doing a little soul searching. Ask yourself if you would do so for a major automobile purchase or even a microwave. Would you return an automobile you liked and is working fine just because you hear that a new one is coming?

    I don't wish to be hard on you and I hope this isn't coming off like that but I think the attitude you display in this message is one of the greater problems we have in this country right now. That is the unwillingness to take responsibility for ones action as a consumer or for anything else. In part this is why the banks have had so much trouble with loans, people just walk away from them and don't take responsibility. There is a lot more to it than that but it is a significant component. It is the mind set that disavows personal responsibilty and expects the public in general to pick up after them.

  • Reply 175 of 180
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by sticker99 View Post

    hi everyone!

    Please help!

    I just literally bought my new imac (my first ever mac - and I love it).... I got the 2.66ghz L2 6mb cache 256mb video card, 2GB RAM for $1600...

    Now i see that a new imac is coming with the new processor..... does this mean I should return it and wait? will the difference be big with the new one? thanks a lot, sorry I am new and I dont know mjuch about macs at all. thx

    I just bought a mini 8.25 hours ago. I'm not taking it back. I think your iMac will do fine if you fit in the 99% of people in the world.
  • Reply 176 of 180
    Would make sense to delay new mac mini and iMac to coincide with earlier release of Snow Leopard.
  • Reply 177 of 180
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Originally Posted by heartydiamond View Post

    Would make sense to delay new mac mini and iMac to coincide with earlier release of Snow Leopard.

    Probably not. It would be just as easy to go ahead and ship them with 10.5.6 and then make sure SL is ready before sending it down Software Update.
  • Reply 178 of 180
    On boxing day I purchased a 24" iMac, but have since priced out a Mac mini and 32" Bravia for much cheaper. I figure that I'll return the iMac, buy the Bravia for $499 and wait for the updated Mac mini. If it stays around $850 but gets bumped up to 2.4GHz and 2GB RAM then it looks like a much better deal. Also, I just got the EyeTV for Christmas, can return that and save another $200.

    Pro: 8" more screen real estate, ~$700 savings

    Con: A slightly inferior CPU and definite inferior GPU


    PS. I don't game on my computer or do anything graphics intensive, so I don't know if the con is an issue at all. I work on computers all day at my job so when I get home I take it relatively easy.
  • Reply 179 of 180
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    On boxing day I purchased a 24" iMac, but have since priced out a Mac mini and 32" Bravia for much cheaper. I figure that I'll return the iMac, buy the Bravia for $499 and wait for the updated Mac mini. If it stays around $850 but gets bumped up to 2.4GHz and 2GB RAM then it looks like a much better deal. Also, I just got the EyeTV for Christmas, can return that and save another $200.

    Pro: 8" more screen real estate, ~$700 savings

    Con: A slightly inferior CPU and definite inferior GPU


    PS. I don't game on my computer or do anything graphics intensive, so I don't know if the con is an issue at all. I work on computers all day at my job so when I get home I take it relatively easy.

    Bigger screen, but lower resolution. You didn't say what model number TV that is, but my bet is that it is 1280px x 720px. iMac 24" is 1920px x 1200px. TV screens usually have much bigger pixels, that's part of why TVs can be larger than monitors for the same price. If your primary use was to watch videos, then a mini + TV is the way to go. It's not so great as a computer monitor unless you have bad eyesight.
  • Reply 180 of 180
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Bigger screen, but lower resolution. You didn't say what model number TV that is, but my bet is that it is 1280px x 720px. iMac 24" is 1920px x 1200px. TV screens usually have much bigger pixels, that's part of why TVs can be larger than monitors for the same price. If your primary use was to watch videos, then a mini + TV is the way to go. It's not so great as a computer monitor unless you have bad eyesight.

    Damn, didn't really think about that. Totally slipped my mind!
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