No new Mac Mini or iMac



  • Reply 161 of 240
    phongphong Posts: 219member
    Originally Posted by Expat View Post

    True, Steve has turned his back on the desktops, so maybe with him out they'll roll out something new on that front (not that I want to put a positive spin on the guys health, he ticks me off sometimes, but he needs to be well)

    That's alright. The same thought crossed my mind, though I doubt the desktop situation will be any different under Cook. As the dude in charge of the supply chain, he's more directly to blame for the lack of a Mini update than Jobs.

    The more I find out about his attitude toward Apple's products (mainly from his October presentation) and the more I look at the measurable facts about Apple's products, the more likely it is I think I'm going to buy a Dell Studio Hybrid.
  • Reply 162 of 240
    Originally Posted by Phong View Post

    That's alright. The same thought crossed my mind, though I doubt the desktop situation will be any different under Cook. As the dude in charge of the supply chain, he's more directly to blame for the lack of a Mini update than Jobs.

    The more I find out about his attitude toward Apple's products (mainly from his October presentation) and the more I look at the measurable facts about Apple's products, the more likely it is I think I'm going to buy a Dell Studio Hybrid.

    Just wondering, what about Cook's attitude. Is he more conservative or even radical?

    Please illuminate...

    PS: I hope Dell Studio Hybrid can run Mac Os X (Hackintosh Project)
  • Reply 163 of 240
    Originally Posted by oneaburns View Post

    I'm not sure that's what he was saying.

    No, what "he" was saying was that he would rather bitch and moan about something than take the advice that was offered and write and let Apple know..

    I'd like a new mini, I wrote to Apple and laid out my reasons like a gentle (hopefully persuasive) request.

    I'd rather do that than whinge about it on a message board like some of the idiots that grace the interwebs
  • Reply 164 of 240
    phongphong Posts: 219member
    Originally Posted by haryanto2007 View Post

    Just wondering, what about Cook's attitude. Is he more conservative or even radical?

    Please illuminate...

    I think he takes a false sense security in people's dissatisfaction with Vista. He imagines that people go into Apple Retail Stores already primed to accept something different and, if they are not, that the ability to run Windows through Boot Camp will calm their fears like an insurance policy. During his "State of the Mac" speech in October, he lists these among the primary reasons why Apple has experienced "momentum" in unit sales over the past few years. Of course, he does not list price or affordability.

    In any sense, he's not aggressive about marketshare. He sees a rise in retail share, but is not impressed by that much. He's more impressed by the rise in "revenue share." He seems to take such pride in selling high quality products that he believes they deserve the higher margin. Maybe they do, but his attitude is that Windows is so bad that it's doing most of the work for him, so he's more likely to exaggerate that margin of value.

    I'm trying to imagine him saying how much better the Mac Mini is at twice the price of a Dell Studio Hybrid because it runs OS X and doesn't have an HDMI port. This is what it feels like to have an uncontrollable urge to slap a dude.


    PS: I hope Dell Studio Hybrid can run Mac Os X (Hackintosh Project)

    It's very likely.
  • Reply 165 of 240
    phongphong Posts: 219member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    I'd like a new mini, I wrote to Apple and laid out my reasons like a gentle (hopefully persuasive) request.

    I'd rather do that than whinge about it on a message board like some of the idiots that grace the interwebs

    I wrote to them after the October event, then after their announcement in November that their holiday lineup was set, then after Macworld.

    Back in September I almost bought a Mini, but felt it was more sensible to wait. I let the staff in the Apple Store know that I wanted one but felt it was old and they expressed their sympathies. An October trip to the Apple Store brought another discussion with staff and one of them quickly acknowledged that "everyone" was waiting for Mini update and sighed with sad disappointment, like he had heard it a thousand times. This was a full three months ago.

    Apple clearly doesn't care much about its Mini customers. It bears discussion why because they probably do not deserve our business.
  • Reply 166 of 240
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    No, what "he" was saying was that he would rather bitch and moan about something than take the advice that was offered and write and let Apple know..

    I'd like a new mini, I wrote to Apple and laid out my reasons like a gentle (hopefully persuasive) request.

    I'd rather do that than whinge about it on a message board like some of the idiots that grace the interwebs

    Dear Mr. Walter Slocombe,

    I did send Apple regarding my disappointments and so did many of my colleagues, especially with the guy that recently sued Apple for broken iMac screen.

    What is your problem Walter ?

    Please don't vent out anger to other member. Are you employed by Apple? It seems that you take it very personal.

    This thread is all about "No new Mac Mini or Imac". If you don't like it, please don't bother to read or write.


  • Reply 167 of 240
    Originally Posted by Phong View Post

    I think he takes a false sense security in people's dissatisfaction with Vista. He imagines that people go into Apple Retail Stores already primed to accept something different and, if they are not, that the ability to run Windows through Boot Camp will calm their fears like an insurance policy. During his "State of the Mac" speech in October, he lists these among the primary reasons why Apple has experienced "momentum" in unit sales over the past few years. Of course, he does not list price or affordability.

    In any sense, he's not aggressive about marketshare. He sees a rise in retail share, but is not impressed by that much. He's more impressed by the rise in "revenue share." He seems to take such pride in selling high quality products that he believes they deserve the higher margin. Maybe they do, but his attitude is that Windows is so bad that it's doing most of the work for him, so he's more likely to exaggerate that margin of value.

    Thanks Phong. I think this is a goodbye for me for any of new Apple's products.

    Don't get me wrong, I really do like Apple, but this time around they have lack of new ideas and innovations. Furthermore, with the massive price tag, this Apple logo is probably only for the elites.

    I own Apple Newton, Power book 5300C, and ibook....but no more for upcoming one.

  • Reply 168 of 240
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    You know, most people who decide to buy a PC don't spend so much goddamn time droning on about it on Apple enthusiast boards.

    What, you want us to beg you to reconsider? Admit that Apple sucks so you can have a sense of closure? Jesus.

    Apple doesn't have the products you want? Hey, no problem, there's lots of PCs to chose from. And I bet there are lots of PC discussion boards that will be absolutely thrilled to hear from former Mac users with lots of bitterness towards their old OS.

    Knock yourself out, boys. But for God's sake, do it and be done and stop telling us about it.
  • Reply 169 of 240
    drboardrboar Posts: 477member
    I am not saying that the user have to "overclock", that is something Apple can do or get top bin parts from Intel The point is that the new generation of CPUs really are faster not as that epic failure with G4 replacing the G3.

    Regarding SJ. He both created Apple in the first place then resurected a clearly moribund company to make it an icon again. I hope that Apple has learned that that Apple logo does everything intinsically "cool" or good, that they have to keep on their toes at all times. If that is the case Apple will thriwe regardless if SJ use this 6 months to recouperate or die.
  • Reply 170 of 240
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,435member
    Originally Posted by haryanto2007 View Post

    Thanks Phong. I think this is a goodbye for me for any of new Apple's products.

    Don't get me wrong, I really do like Apple, but this time around they have lack of new ideas and innovations. Furthermore, with the massive price tag, this Apple logo is probably only for the elites.


    Shit everytime I show a PC friend OS X they start sounding like Keanu Reeves ..."whoah". Hell yes I feel elite when I tell people I compute on Macs. They should know that :

    A. I care about above average software and hardware design.

    B. I'm not a lemming, I've been in Apple's corner when it wasn't so hip.

    C. I don't suffer fools gladly and computing on a PC fulltime is a fool's paradise.

    You know the one thing that is vastly different about Apple now is that Apple fans don't have to evangelize beyond our walled garden. With quarterly sales in the millions if someone chooses to buy a PC it's but one less drop in Lake Ontario.
  • Reply 171 of 240
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    You know, most people who decide to buy a PC don't spend so much goddamn time droning on about it on Apple enthusiast boards.

    What, you want us to beg you to reconsider? Admit that Apple sucks so you can have a sense of closure? Jesus.

    Apple doesn't have the products you want? Hey, no problem, there's lots of PCs to chose from. And I bet there are lots of PC discussion boards that will be absolutely thrilled to hear from former Mac users with lots of bitterness towards their old OS.

    Knock yourself out, boys. But for God's sake, do it and be done and stop telling us about it.

    Gee...what a tosser. Don't you know that you can't take the Name of the LORD in Vain


    C'mmon PC-Mac, Mac-PC. Again, it's all the same dude except OS, EFI, quality control, prices, etc etc....

    What makes you so angry Pal??

    Mommy forgot to breast-feed you again....
  • Reply 172 of 240
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    You know, most people who decide to buy a PC don't spend so much goddamn time droning on about it on Apple enthusiast boards.

    What, you want us to beg you to reconsider? Admit that Apple sucks so you can have a sense of closure? Jesus.

    Apple doesn't have the products you want? Hey, no problem, there's lots of PCs to chose from. And I bet there are lots of PC discussion boards that will be absolutely thrilled to hear from former Mac users with lots of bitterness towards their old OS.

    Knock yourself out, boys. But for God's sake, do it and be done and stop telling us about it.

    I agree with you 100%.
  • Reply 173 of 240
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by haryanto2007 View Post

    Gee...what a tosser. Don't you know that you can't take the Name of the LORD in Vain


    C'mmon PC-Mac, Mac-PC. Again, it's all the same dude except OS, EFI, quality control, prices, etc etc....

    What makes you so angry Pal??

    Mommy forgot to breast-feed you again....

    Not angry. Bored. Run along.
  • Reply 174 of 240
    phongphong Posts: 219member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    You know, most people who decide to buy a PC don't spend so much goddamn time droning on about it on Apple enthusiast boards.

    I haven't decided to buy one yet.

    It's not as simple as "Apple sucks" or "Vista sucks" for that matter. I wish it were, then the decision would be easy. The fact is that Apple has been slowly pushing me away from them for some time and I'm trying to understand why.
  • Reply 175 of 240
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Phong View Post

    I haven't decided to buy one yet.

    It's not as simple as "Apple sucks" or "Vista sucks" for that matter. I wish it were, then the decision would be easy. The fact is that Apple has been slowly pushing me away from them for some time and I'm trying to understand why.

    That's a pretty reasonable response to a not entirely charitable post.
  • Reply 176 of 240
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,435member
    Originally Posted by Phong View Post

    I haven't decided to buy one yet.

    It's not as simple as "Apple sucks" or "Vista sucks" for that matter. I wish it were, then the decision would be easy. The fact is that Apple has been slowly pushing me away from them for some time and I'm trying to understand why.

    I haven't hit 40 yet but but it's right around the corner. I've learned one nigh immutable fact. In most transactions that I

    have made over my lifespan I have rarely gotten burned over spending the extra money on premium product. Now of course there are caveats here...just because a company affixes a large pricetag doesn't make for a premium product. Typically price correlates with scarcity. If a item is harder to get yet sought after it generally commands a higher price. I'm not interested in Apple EVER having %80 or more of the computing market. They will simply become a flashier version of Microsoft..crushed under the wheels of legacy support.

    The reason why I compute on Apple is to hopefully be at the forefront of computing. I expect to have new technology packaged and sold to me. Apple's not always first to market but but when they hit they generally show more care and polish. Yes Macs are expensive but Apple's not forcing me to validate against Genuine Advantage servers or online activation or even serial numbers for most their apps. I don't have annoying popups telling me my computer is at risk or whatever scare tactic of the year is in effect. OS X and my Mac have restored peace to my computing environment with little effort by me.

    Apple has created a superlative computing platform despite being hobbled with 2 major transition this decade (PPC to Intel, Carbon to Cocoa). Microsoft has not had to worry about transitioning off of X86 and they've primarily worked on moving developers to .net yet they still have a registry based OS that is not highly modular.

    If "good enough" is your thing then I give you the Windows based PC. If your time is valuable and your standards are high then there is no other platform that delivers the consistency that Apple does IMO.
  • Reply 177 of 240
    phongphong Posts: 219member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    The reason why I compute on Apple is to hopefully be at the forefront of computing. I expect to have new technology packaged and sold to me. Apple's not always first to market but but when they hit they generally show more care and polish.

    Then the 18-month-old Mini should anger you about as much as it does me. There may be polish in the current Mini lineup, but the lack of care is more than noticeable.

    The old Mini by itself should perhaps not cause offense, but together with the lack of a mid-range headless Mac at any price, and the more than year old hi-range workstation should cause any prospective Apple customer to ask, "what do you take me for?"

    I am not arguing from a generalized position that "Macs are more expensive." I was there in the 90s and it has never bothered me that Macs could be as much 200 dollars more than a similarly constructed PC. The Mac OS was worth it. However, I have never seen and never thought I would ever see a Mac be more than double the price of a PC with identical parts. The excessive gaul should make an Apple enthusiast's blood boil.
  • Reply 178 of 240
    phongphong Posts: 219member
    Ha, I just saw someone post this in the Macrumors thread about a $799 Mini running an Atom.

    The current mini is

    - 2.0GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

    - 1GB memory 1GB memory

    - 120GB hard drive

    for $799.

    He asked, gee, what can I buy for $799?

    It's just funny, isn't it? Come on, laugh.
  • Reply 179 of 240
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Originally Posted by Phong View Post

    Ha, I just saw someone post this in the Macrumors thread about a $799 Mini running an Atom.

    The current mini is

    - 2.0GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

    - 1GB memory 1GB memory

    - 120GB hard drive

    for $799.

    He asked, gee, what can I buy for $799?

    It's just funny, isn't it? Come on, laugh.

    Heh, I don't who to laugh at. The poor ignorant customers to specs, or apple for robbing them blindly?
  • Reply 180 of 240
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,435member
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    Heh, I don't who to laugh at. The poor ignorant customers to specs, or apple for robbing them blindly?

    Sadly it's classic Apple. They are price competitive at the launch of new hardware but since Apple doesn't reduce their computers in tune with Intel price cuts Apple gets to keep the profits.

    I think they somewhat make up for it via for delivering excellent software like iLife and iWork even despite the $78 "upgrade" costs.

    I find it interesting...the press freaks out about Steve Jobs' health but honestly I think Jobs has weaknesses that prevent Apple from attaining more sales. I'm not necessarily talking about xMac but rather an obsession with form to the detriment of function. An inability to take advantage of homegrown tech like Firewire. Continued weakness in online synchronization (mobileme).

    I think Apple is at a point where new leadership could come in and find success in areas that Jobs' would likely object.

    I find that Apple continues to bash its head up against the wall trying to differentiate products. The Mac mini is a perfect budget child's computer ...the iMac is a step up but has Apple really "earned" someones upgrade by offering a built in monitor and discrete GPU? They don't have much of a compelling argument over rolling your own with a mini which is why they love to let the mini be the laggard.

    The Mac Pro is sky high in price because Apple doesn't want the conflict with the iMac. But as they continue to add larger monitors to the iMac it approaches the Mac Pro entry level price.

    Though they are selling more laptops than desktops but the problem within the laptop line exacerbates the issue even more. The Macbook looks like a Pro model but damn near functions like a netbook in scalability.

    Apple's trying to shove square pegs into round holes too often.
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