No new Mac Mini or iMac



  • Reply 181 of 240
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    I find it interesting...the press freaks out about Steve Jobs' health but honestly I think Jobs has weaknesses that prevent Apple from attaining more sales.

    More sales or more profit?


    I'm not necessarily talking about xMac but rather an obsession with form to the detriment of function. An inability to take advantage of homegrown tech like Firewire. Continued weakness in online synchronization (mobileme).

    Apple with it's penchant for oddball interfaces has probably been more hindered by homegrown interfaces than helped.

    Mobileme is a relatively weak offering but probably would be considered good if the price was lower.


    I find that Apple continues to bash its head up against the wall trying to differentiate products. The Mac mini is a perfect budget child's computer ...the iMac is a step up but has Apple really "earned" someones upgrade by offering a built in monitor and discrete GPU? They don't have much of a compelling argument over rolling your own with a mini which is why they love to let the mini be the laggard.

    The Mac Pro is sky high in price because Apple doesn't want the conflict with the iMac. But as they continue to add larger monitors to the iMac it approaches the Mac Pro entry level price.

    The point that many folks seem to miss is that SFF and AIOs can command higher prices and margins that towers cannot. Apple cannot compete with HP and Dell at 30%+ margins in the tower market even with OS X and iLife. All it would do is reduce Apple profitability while gaining questionable amount of maket share.

    There is more resistance to adoption beyond price.


    Though they are selling more laptops than desktops but the problem within the laptop line exacerbates the issue even more. The Macbook looks like a Pro model but damn near functions like a netbook in scalability.

    Apple's trying to shove square pegs into round holes too often.

    Why? Because it now lacks FW400? The Macbook looks like a Pro model and ACTS like a pro model in as much as it's functionally superior to my 2006 C2 MBP with a X1600 GPU with the exception of FW and expresscard slot.
  • Reply 182 of 240
    bjnybjny Posts: 191member
    Does this supposedly delay affect the possibility of a Nehalem-based quad-core iMac?
  • Reply 183 of 240
    Originally Posted by haryanto2007 View Post

    Dear Mr. Walter Slocombe,

    I did send Apple regarding my disappointments and so did many of my colleagues, especially with the guy that recently sued Apple for broken iMac screen.

    What is your problem Walter ?

    Please don't vent out anger to other member. Are you employed by Apple? It seems that you take it very personal.

    This thread is all about "No new Mac Mini or Imac". If you don't like it, please don't bother to read or write.



    I don't have a problem, but its clear that you do.

    If you think I shouldn't post on this thread, then why pray tell, if YOU find yourself opting to go to Dell, do you think you should be posting on a Mac forum?

    free will? free choice?

    so why should that only work for you?

    Apple is no more perfect that any other company, but they get closer than most, if you don't like their hardware options vote with your wallet, and don't buy.


    I want to see what Apple offers in terms of the mini, IF it suits some of my needs I will buy one, If it doesn't I'll go for an iMac, however I'm not going there till its quad core, but thats a promise I made to myself last year.

    another need I have is for a MacBook, but its further down the list of important stuff.

    so there you have it, you think I shouldn't post on a topic about Macs when I potentially will buy 3, but YOU should post when you ain't gonna buy any?

    how does that make any logical sense?


    oh yeah, and NO I don't work for Apple, not that I haven't strongly considered it, or may do in the future.
  • Reply 184 of 240
    I haven't seen any posts here on the story below. What do AppleInsider veterans think about it? I found it tantalising.
  • Reply 185 of 240
    Originally Posted by epursimuove View Post

    I haven't seen any posts here on the story below. What do AppleInsider veterans think about it? I found it tantalising.

    I think Apple's got to update their outdated desktop line already...
  • Reply 186 of 240
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    I don't have a problem, but its clear that you do.

    If you think I shouldn't post on this thread, then why pray tell, if YOU find yourself opting to go to Dell, do you think you should be posting on a Mac forum?

    free will? free choice?

    so why should that only work for you?

    Apple is no more perfect that any other company, but they get closer than most, if you don't like their hardware options vote with your wallet, and don't buy.


    I want to see what Apple offers in terms of the mini, IF it suits some of my needs I will buy one, If it doesn't I'll go for an iMac, however I'm not going there till its quad core, but thats a promise I made to myself last year.

    another need I have is for a MacBook, but its further down the list of important stuff.


    Clearly with temper as yours, you have some serious problems.

    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    oh yeah, and NO I don't work for Apple, not that I haven't strongly considered it, or may do in the future.

    Nah I really don't think you're employed.

    You will work with Apple ??? Sorry mate. Even Steve Jobs, the maestro can applaud Gates without have to carry this kind of emblem all the time.

    "I don't see how an anti M$ stance can be seen as a bad thing on an Apple forum I really can't!" .

    Get real and crank up your IQ meter a bit.
  • Reply 187 of 240
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by epursimuove View Post

    I haven't seen any posts here on the story below. What do AppleInsider veterans think about it? I found it tantalising.

    Sorry I've already given that hackjob of a website a hit for 2009.
  • Reply 188 of 240
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Sorry I've already given that hackjob of a website a hit for 2009.

    Does that mean the story cited has near zero merit?
  • Reply 189 of 240
    Originally Posted by BJNY View Post

    Does this supposedly delay affect the possibility of a Nehalem-based quad-core iMac?

    I thought iMacs don't use "desktop" i7s?

    Originally Posted by epursimuove View Post

    I haven't seen any posts here on the story below. What do AppleInsider veterans think about it? I found it tantalising.

    If true, that makes total sense. Down-price the existing Core 2 Duo iMacs (and continue selling them), yet retain the current price schedule for new quad-core iMacs. Damn you, Apple, why couldn't I have waited?????
  • Reply 190 of 240
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,443moderator
    Originally Posted by epursimuove View Post

    I haven't seen any posts here on the story below. What do AppleInsider veterans think about it? I found it tantalising.

    Considering all they did to that image was change 2 prices, it is a terrible Photoshop job. You can see one of the old bits of text rubbed out and the kerning on the comma on the iMac price is way off.

    The Core 2 Quad chips come out tomorrow or Monday and we all know know what Monday is right before.
  • Reply 191 of 240
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    Originally Posted by epursimuove View Post

    Does that mean the story cited has near zero merit?

    Yes, Yes it does
  • Reply 192 of 240
    phongphong Posts: 219member
    Originally Posted by epursimuove View Post

    I haven't seen any posts here on the story below. What do AppleInsider veterans think about it? I found it tantalising.

    The guy who claimed to take the snapshot is toddixon in the Macrumors forums.

    Make of him what you will.

    MacOSrumors is an old site, btw. I remember reading them for rumors on what would be in OS 7.5.5.
  • Reply 193 of 240
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,443moderator
    Originally Posted by Phong View Post

    The guy who claimed to take the snapshot is toddixon in the Macrumors forums.

    Make of him what you will.

    That explains the dodgy image as it looks like he's using Seashore and not Photoshop.

    There are 3 quad core chips coming and they are all priced almost the same as the dual core chips. The consumer line can go all quad core and the Mac Pro can go all 8 core.

    I have a suspicion Apple will cripple the Mini again with dual core chips and leave the quad chips for their iMacs though. Then people will say well it's not like they are forcing you to buy an iMac, you don't have to if you don't want to.
  • Reply 194 of 240
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    That explains the dodgy image as it looks like he's using Seashore and not Photoshop.

    There are 3 quad core chips coming and they are all priced almost the same as the dual core chips. The consumer line can go all quad core and the Mac Pro can go all 8 core.

    I have a suspicion Apple will cripple the Mini again with dual core chips and leave the quad chips for their iMacs though. Then people will say well it's not like they are forcing you to buy an iMac, you don't have to if you don't want to.

    I suppose, but "people" will also say that we would buy a dead monkey if so ordered by our lord and master/messiah Jobs, via the RDF chip installed in our heads, so what people say is a kinda dreadful metric for pretty much anything.

    On account of people are dumbfucks.
  • Reply 195 of 240
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    I have a suspicion Apple will cripple the Mini again with dual core chips and leave the quad chips for their iMacs though. Then people will say well it's not like they are forcing you to buy an iMac, you don't have to if you don't want to.

    I think this is exactly what's going to happen. Apple's innovation in hardware is decidely poorer than their innovation in software. They cannot seem to add value features in hardware as a differentiating factor save for :

    faster cpu

    faster gpu

    So they most certainly will restrict the mini to dual core and cut Firewire and make the iMacs quad core with Firewire.

    And we'll have to hear PC users bloviate about Apple's first Quad Core entry being $1200 whilst the PC is $500.
  • Reply 196 of 240
    After joining this forum to see if new iMacs might be announced soon, I see only that No One Knows. Yesterday I visited the Apple store and three re-sellers in Colorado Springs and concluded that no one know or can/is willing to say. I received no pressure to purchase Anything, which is refreshing. The Apples re-sellers were sensitive to my plight on Not knowing whether to buy an iMac Now or wait - the "specialists" at the Apple store seemed rather indifferent. I'll wait...
  • Reply 197 of 240
    phongphong Posts: 219member
    Originally Posted by azurehi View Post

    After joining this forum to see if new iMacs might be announced soon, I see only that No One Knows. Yesterday I visited the Apple store and three re-sellers in Colorado Springs and concluded that no one know or can/is willing to say. I received no pressure to purchase Anything, which is refreshing. The Apples re-sellers were sensitive to my plight on Not knowing whether to buy an iMac Now or wait - the "specialists" at the Apple store seemed rather indifferent. I'll wait...

    I don't think there's any reason to expect an iMac update soon. The models that are out now are decent. If they sold one without the monitor, I'd buy it.
  • Reply 198 of 240
    Originally Posted by Phong View Post

    I don't think there's any reason to expect an iMac update soon. The models that are out now are decent. If they sold one without the monitor, I'd buy it.

    Well then, it wouldn't be called an "iMac" now would it? I tend to agree; however, the pressure that PC makers are putting on the market with their "loaded" quad-core boxes makes a quad-core iMac, seemingly imminent.
  • Reply 199 of 240
    expatexpat Posts: 110member
    Yeah, I think its safe to say that no one knows. All the rumors hinted at the iMac and Mini being updated by now. Maybe we'll get something the first Tuesday of February, but there hasn't any sort of hint or rumor of any type of announcement. Its been very quiet on that front.

    I think we all agree that Apple needs to get something out ASAP, since the iMac has passed its average age before a speed bump, and the Mini has gone 18 months since one, which should be seen as a huge embarrassment by everyone at Apple. iLife and iWork have been updated, so they can put out machines with the software on them now instead of dealing with upgrade gripes. Unless they are waiting for Snow Leopard so the machines can ship with it as the OS, or they are waiting for newer chips (stupid, as there will always be better chips coming in the future, so just buck up and buy some), there isn't a good excuse why we shouldn't see them soon.

    Does this mean that the updates will come shortly? Who knows, as Apple has drug their feet here a lot, so who knows what their stubbornness will allow.
  • Reply 200 of 240
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Apple updates (unexpectedly) the white MacBook to Nvidia graphics, more RAM, and more and yet the mini remains untouched. To me this means the mini will either be

    1. discontinued

    2. discontinued and replaced by a new form factor Mac

    If it was only going to make a spec bump, Apple would have done it by now. No, something completely new is in the works.
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