Apple to pay $22.5M in suit over scratched iPod nanos



  • Reply 21 of 49
    bigmikebigmike Posts: 266member
    Originally Posted by parky View Post

    Only in America!

    Millions of people are starving around the world and the wealthy waste their time suing for $25.

    SHame on all those people who raised this law suit, you should be focusing your effort in doing something good in the world.

    Exactly! The lawyers win in the end - NOT Apple or customers. We have way too many issues to fix on this planet and people have unfortunately come to worrying about some scratches on plastic. It doesn't even affect the music!! We should have a "you-can't-sue-over-stupid-shit" law. Those millions of dollars could help a lot of people who need it.
  • Reply 22 of 49
    Okay, so I went online just to try it to see if my iPod would be eligible (not that I would actually send it in to get the money) but I typed in my serial number, and it said my iPod was not a 1st generation... I know its a 1st gen, so I'm kinda confused... heres a pic of it to prove its a 1st gen.

  • Reply 23 of 49
    areseearesee Posts: 776member
    For those of you who think that this scratching problem is bullshit - PULL YOUR HEADS OUT YOUR ASS.

    15 minutes in my shirt pocket - by itself - was enough to put a scratch on mine that I couldn't see through. Fortunately I found it very quickly and got a case for my nano before I had more than the one scratch. If I hadn't reacted so quickly I would have had several scratches that could have prevented me from reading the screen. As it was that one scratch was big enough to cover a significant portion of the lettering but small enough that I could see "around" the scratch and read the letters.
  • Reply 24 of 49
    Wow, the back of my iphone scratched in 10 mins after taking off the plastic. The thing that really really p****s me off about this whole case is the $4.5M in legal fees. That is what drives these drivel court cases, its the money that flows in torrents to the lawyers. There is no defense or excuse here, is it so mercenary, I could not give a frack about getting $25 for my scratched ipod, it wont make it unscratched, but hey the lawyers got $4.5 MILLLION.....I Wonder what it cost them to run this case, I'd bet not anywhere near that amount.
  • Reply 25 of 49
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    Originally Posted by aresee View Post

    For those of you who think that this scratching problem is bullshit - PULL YOUR HEADS OUT YOUR ASS.

    15 minutes in my shirt pocket - by itself - was enough to put a scratch on mine that I couldn't see through. Fortunately I found it very quickly and got a case for my nano before I had more than the one scratch. If I hadn't reacted so quickly I would have had several scratches that could have prevented me from reading the screen. As it was that one scratch was big enough to cover a significant portion of the lettering but small enough that I could see "around" the scratch and read the letters.

    Stop wearing a wool shirt! I think your claim is full of BS. What else was in your shirt to scratch it? Take better care of your iPod!
  • Reply 26 of 49
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    "Nano owner Jason Tomczak said even the act of rubbing a paper towel on the face of the nano left "significant scratches."

    What a fucking retard! Hey dumbass, why don't you use the same paper towel to clean a pair of eyeglasses with plastic lenses? That's right, you wouldn't think to do that because you should already know that a paper towel will scratch plastic, rather easily! The photo shown above was obviously abuse with the select button damaged and the circular scratches all over the iPod.

    At least all these losers get is either a $25 or $15 award. Take better care of your purchased items! I have owned multiple iPods and none of them are scratched.
  • Reply 27 of 49
    drowdrow Posts: 126member
    Originally Posted by aresee View Post

    15 minutes in my shirt pocket - by itself - was enough to put a scratch on mine that I couldn't see through.

    i've worn shirts that put scratches in me in 15 minutes. who do i sue? god?
  • Reply 28 of 49
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member
    I figure a well scratched iPod is one that has been well loved.

    Upon unwrapping, one should take pause to savour the pristine design then move on and worry about other things. It's the difference between enjoying a particularly good fuck or ruining it for everyone by stopping every 2 minutes to make sure no-one is creasing the handwoven, milato, 1000-count percale bedlinen.
  • Reply 29 of 49
    A perfect example of a lack of personal responsibility in this country. People fail to protect the product they purchase, and so they blame the manufacturer for faulty materials. Furthermore, owners everywhere get only $15-$25 out of it? Hardly worth the waste of time it took to get this accomplished. It seems Americans want to be handed everything on a silver platter. The government takes care of us from cradle to grave and we have the "right" to sue anyone over anything. Perhaps it will end when Obamunism fully takes over and we're all equally broke. Perhaps then our worthless paper money won't even be able to afford nice little nanos in the first place.
  • Reply 30 of 49
    areseearesee Posts: 776member
    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    Stop wearing a wool shirt! I think your claim is full of BS. What else was in your shirt to scratch it? Take better care of your iPod!

    The one who is bullshitting is you. It was not a wool shirt. There was nothing else in the pocket. And I immediately put it in a case. If the scratch was on the back or near the click wheel I would not have made a point of it. But it was on the screen making it hard to read. That interrupted the functionality of the unit.

    That first batch of Nanos was bad. It's like they forgot the hardener in the epoxy or otherwise messed up the cure. The surface is very soft. By contrast, I got the latest nano when it first came out and I have nary a scratch. In spite of having no case and down right abused it compared to the way I treated my first nano.
  • Reply 31 of 49
    From a lot of the comments, it seems that the majority of the users here are teens, maybe even tweens!

    I am not a fan of people talking about things they clearly have no idea about. By all means, before you post another comment about this, READ THE WEBSITE.

    Once you have done that, you will realize regardless if you think the lawsuit was a bad idea or not, that 1/2 of the comments related to this post are ignorant.
  • Reply 32 of 49
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    Yet another crappy way for people to get some of Apple's money. I guess I should find something dumb to sue Apple over and get paid.

    I believe that you'd be able to find something dumb, but if it were unjustified, why did Apple "agree" to pay the settlement?

    By the way, your site sucks.
  • Reply 33 of 49
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by MuncyWeb View Post

    A perfect example of a lack of personal responsibility in this country. People fail to protect the product they purchase, and so they blame the manufacturer for faulty materials. Furthermore, owners everywhere get only $15-$25 out of it? Hardly worth the waste of time it took to get this accomplished. It seems Americans want to be handed everything on a silver platter. The government takes care of us from cradle to grave and we have the "right" to sue anyone over anything. Perhaps it will end when Obamunism fully takes over and we're all equally broke. Perhaps then our worthless paper money won't even be able to afford nice little nanos in the first place.

    Tell us more about your Christian reactionary views.

    By the way, your site sucks.
  • Reply 34 of 49
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by parky View Post

    Only in America!

    Millions of people are starving around the world and the wealthy waste their time suing for $25.

    SHame on all those people who raised this law suit, you should be focusing your effort in doing something good in the world.

    It's called punitive damages, Einstein.

    The purpose is to punish Apple, and hopefully make them think twice before releasing another sub-par gadget.

    By the way, if you had a site, it would suck.
  • Reply 35 of 49
    msnlymsnly Posts: 378member
    I had one of those Nanos but not long after I got it I stopped using it.

    Now I am I happy owner of the 4G Nano, its almost unscratchable.
  • Reply 36 of 49
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by wilco View Post

    By the way, if you had a site, it would suck.

    If you have one, it too must suck, so would you let it go? You're only making things worse.
  • Reply 37 of 49
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    The problem with AppleInsider's forums from reading this thread (and from reading most threads here in general) is that this place is filled with a bunch of Apple shareholders who bitch about anything that puts Apple in a negative light b/c it hurts their stock value.

    On the other hand, with most of the other product-related forums I visit, it's all about the product and the consumer. If Apple screws up and makes a subpar product, what's wrong with calling them on it (as in this lawsuit)?
  • Reply 38 of 49
    kestralkestral Posts: 311member
    Wow, lots of blind Apple Apologists and Fanboys here.

    The picture is exactly what my 1st gen black iPod nano looked like, after about a month of light use.

    And you think I was rough on it? My next generation iPod nano red I still own to this day and it's scratch free, and I treated them both exactly the same.

    I wonder for the people who call BS, how many of them actually owned one of these iPod nanos in question. Unless you have actual experience with the specific product, your opinion is just that, an opinion, and an uninformed opinion in a paper bag is worth the paper bag.
  • Reply 39 of 49
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Kestral View Post

    Wow, lots of blind Apple Apologists and Fanboys here.

    The picture is exactly what my 1st gen black iPod nano looked like, after about a month of light use.

    And you think I was rough on it? My next generation iPod nano red I still own to this day and it's scratch free, and I treated them both exactly the same.

    I wonder for the people who call BS, how many of them actually owned one of these iPod nanos in question. Unless you have actual experience with the specific product, your opinion is just that, an opinion, and an uninformed opinion in a paper bag is worth the paper bag.

    I have two of the first generation nanos, 4GB and 1GB.

    I have no problem going along with the idea that they're easy to scratch, I've seen this myself, my nanos look a lot like the picture shown when photographed under similar circumstances.

    What I'm not going along with is that they are easy to scratch to the point that the screen is harder to read, much less obscured by the scuffing. If you look at the example photo, the nano's screen is perfectly easy to read, the scratches don't noticeably reduce the image quality.
  • Reply 40 of 49
    kestralkestral Posts: 311member
    It's certainly easy to scratch enough that imo it should be considered a poorly implemented product. Props to the great design but the materials used were obviously not good enough, especially when you compare it to the subsequent generations of the iPod nano.

    Even a Zune doesn't scratch like that.

    The fact is, Apple made a mistake, and is paying for it, fair is fair.

    Listen, I bleed Apple just as much as the staunchest fanboy here, I have owned Macs since 1987, have never owned a Windows or PC machine, EVER, have only had Macs since 1987 (before that Amiga and Commodore 64), and will never own a Windows machine and am gladly willing to pay Apple the premium because they deserve it. I have owned more AAPL stock than most people here (I bought it 3 splits ago at ~$33 before the 3 splits so do the math) and then for various reasons, ended up with more shares. I personally have a vested interest in Apple doing well.

    But fact is, they screwed up with the materials selection with the 1st gen nano, it was imo shoddy for a high end company and not up to the usual standards of Apple. How about showing some objectivity? Apple is not perfect (it's about as close to it as a company has ever gotten) but call it like it is. Fair is fair. Be objective or lose credibility.
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