Pictures of Mac setups



  • Reply 101 of 197
    My little corner of the world...

  • Reply 102 of 197
    Here is my iMac...I actually have a full L shaped glass desk. I just have it split currently without the middle section as the PowerMac G4 is setup on the other half in another room. I need to get an updated photo with my new aluminum MacBook in the pic with the PowerMac G4 as well as the Logitech surround sound system that I now have. Missing from the photo is also my iPhone, but we of course know what they all look like.

    I see a lot of 24" Aluminum iMacs! They must be pretty popular....

  • Reply 103 of 197
    Originally Posted by imacmadman22 View Post

    OKAY, what I'd really like to know is, where do all of you get the money to pay for this stuff or do you just steal it? (Just kidding about stealing...)

    I can't buy half of the cool stuff some of you have...\

    I work, save up and buy what I want. Isn't that what you work for after all?
  • Reply 104 of 197
    Originally Posted by imacmadman22 View Post

    OKAY, what I'd really like to know is, where do all of you get the money to pay for this stuff or do you just steal it? (Just kidding about stealing...)

    I can't buy half of the cool stuff some of you have...\

    My home setup is mostly fifty percent off and a degree that got me a really good job and a big paycheck every couple of weeks.
  • Reply 105 of 197
    Originally Posted by brax.j View Post

    My home setup is mostly fifty percent off and a degree that got me a really good job and a big paycheck every couple of weeks.

    Let me in on that secret ... I have a nice degree but a lame job. I live in the same town as you, so if there are connections to be had ...
  • Reply 106 of 197
    winterwinter Posts: 1,238member
    Really nice pictures everyone.

    I noticed wireless keyboards and mighty mice in many of the pictures. Can someone tell me if they are battery efficient?
  • Reply 107 of 197
    Depending on your definition. I used to use a mighty mouse at my office and it would go through cheap batteries about once everything 6 weeks and good ones about every 3 months. That is with being at the computer 10 hours a day less meetings and lunch .... so three months is pretty good. I have had a logitech MX1100 four about 3 months now and went through one set of cheap batteries already.
  • Reply 108 of 197
    Originally Posted by Splinemodel View Post

    Let me in on that secret ... I have a nice degree but a lame job. I live in the same town as you, so if there are connections to be had ...

    For me it was:

    1. Masters from Stanford

    2. Bachelors from USC

    3. Internship at Google

    4. Internship at Apple whom is my current employer

    The degrees from big name schools really help, but I believe the internships help the most because when I was called in for my interview at Google in knew one of the ladies asking the questions. When I quit after three months my "mentor" for the internship at Apple gave me a call and asked if I needed a job. Now nearly two years later here I am with good job that is better than the Google job. Another big factor is what type of degree you have. I don't have many connections that can get you a job that pays Über well though sorry.
  • Reply 109 of 197
    Originally Posted by brax.j View Post

    The degrees from big name schools really help, but I believe the internships help the most because when I was called in for my interview at Google in knew one of the ladies asking the questions. ... .

    I guess I was just curious what you were doing. I have a pretty similar story to yours, to be honest, but I have a very frustrating job at the moment. For the last nine months I've been trying to spin-out a department from the mothership, observing a lot of trials and tribulations along the way. It's all good experience, but it's frustrating as all hell.

    I also need to move out of Palo ... boring town.
  • Reply 110 of 197
    Currently waiting on a new screen to replace the 17" samsung but you get the idea

    Seems we all like the G-Drives it seems
  • Reply 111 of 197
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,910member
    Originally Posted by MuffinDCC View Post

    Currently waiting on a new screen to replace the 17" samsung but you get the idea

    Seems we all like the G-Drives it seems

    There's like no picture!
  • Reply 112 of 197
    Hmmm, moved image to another location.
  • Reply 113 of 197
    My updated setup with the desk fully attached....

  • Reply 114 of 197
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    My updated setup with the desk fully attached....

    Another unrealistic setup. Too neat. Where do you keep the 'mess'? Or did you clean up just for the photo op?
  • Reply 115 of 197
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,910member
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    Another unrealistic setup. Too neat. Where do you keep the 'mess'? Or did you clean up just for the photo op?

    Its always that clean....

    Everything I own is this way. I could show you pics of the insides of my car and it looks like it just picked it up from the dealer and its over a year old.

    I do have things in the closet, but they're there for a reason...because it doesn't need to be on my desk as its not being used.
  • Reply 116 of 197
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    Another unrealistic setup. Too neat. Where do you keep the 'mess'? Or did you clean up just for the photo op?

    Can't speak for MacExpress. but for me, the mess is in the other room by the iBook. It gets used.
  • Reply 117 of 197
    nice setups to everyone
  • Reply 118 of 197
    imickimick Posts: 351member
    Notice the Windows netbook. That's only here until Apple releases one. For now, I love the netbook!

  • Reply 119 of 197
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    A little off topic, but how are you liking the Samsung Laser?
  • Reply 120 of 197
    imickimick Posts: 351member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    A little off topic, but how are you liking the Samsung Laser?

    So far, no problems. Prints pretty good, fast and quiet.

    I don't print a lot, but when I do, it's good.
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