Microsoft to open new retail stores like Apple



  • Reply 41 of 130
    Originally Posted by BuffyzDead View Post

    "transform the PC and Microsoft buying experience at retail by improving the articulation and demonstration of the Microsoft innovation and value proposition so that it's clear, simple and straightforward for consumers everywhere."

    Ha ha ha ha ...Ha hahahaha .....oHoHoHoHoho....oooo....ha Ha Ha Ha ...He HE Eh HEhehe..aghhhh. ....Ha Ha Ha HA god...hoo hoo hoo...ahghhghh. .....oh god, oh god.... Ha ha ha ha ...Ha hahahaha ..:lo l:

    in true M$ copying fashion



    at a time of economic failures, this will waste MILLIONS, if not BILLIONS, which, to be honest, is great news.
  • Reply 42 of 130
    Originally Posted by MH01 View Post

    Keep laughing but it might actually be a success.

    Also who knows what products they might have up thier sleeve for these stores.

    Apples behavior around the Iphone is pure old Microsoft.

    You're an idiot. Above my words are your misspelled statements of idiotic absurdity.

    (pause, to give MH01 a chance to reflect....)

    Now, quit wasting electricity- and go back to bed.
  • Reply 43 of 130
    More Microsoft epic failz for the lulz.

    Originally Posted by BuffyzDead View Post

    "transform the PC and Microsoft buying experience at retail by improving the articulation and demonstration of the Microsoft innovation and value proposition so that it's clear, simple and straightforward for consumers everywhere."

    Ha ha ha ha ...Ha hahahaha .....oHoHoHoHoho....oooo....ha Ha Ha Ha ...He HE Eh HEhehe..aghhhh. ....Ha Ha Ha HA god...hoo hoo hoo...ahghhghh. .....oh god, oh god.... Ha ha ha ha ...Ha hahahaha ..:l

  • Reply 44 of 130
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    at a time of economic failures, this will waste MILLIONS, if not BILLIONS, which, to be honest, is great news.

    It will be a few hundred million USD at least down the drain for Microsoft. Well, the good news is for all the jobs it will create in these times. For at least a few years before Microsoft starts realising their Retail push is so-so and they then start subleasing/ partnering with a hardware provider to use their Retail space.

    I'd say it opens with crazy big fanfare, then after a year, it will all be converted into Dell/Microsoft stores.
  • Reply 45 of 130
    Originally Posted by garyindenver View Post


    Can I just add a precursor to that - EPIC

  • Reply 46 of 130
    This is simply a part of MS's ongoing latency to dilute and devalue Apple's brand. I doubt very seriously MS will ever open these stores. If they did, these stores would be a miserable failure and become another focal point of derision and ridicule.

    MS found incredible success in a feat of thievery at just the right moment in time. Such an opportunity will never present itself in just such a way again. Let me elaborate. At a point in time few had ever seen the Apple OS. MS stole the look and feel in what we now know was a shoddy product, but the consumer had no point of reference, so it seemed fresh, new and intuitive.

    Apple continues to innovate while MS attempts to imitate.
  • Reply 47 of 130
    I don't get what the big deal is or why people are convinced its Apple there copying. For years the likes of Sony, Panasonic etc all sold their products through other retailers, then they all started to figure why not open our own stores. Then Apple did the same, then Dell decided why not have stores as well. Now Microsoft are going to do it to, why not? Why not have a store that sells the hardware that runs Windows best and at the same time make a cut on the hardware as well as just software. Sure they may piss of a few other manufacturers but what are they going to do? Apple don't license OS X and linux isn't about to take over the world.

    Also when people say what are MS going to put in the store, well they sell a lot more software than Apple, probably some PCs, Keybords etc that they sell, Zune, Xbox, Xbox games alone could probably fill half an average Apple store, support services. Lets face it the only thing they don't do that Apple do is make PCs, but there's nothing stopping them selling someone else's in the same way a lot of the stuff in the Apple store isn't made by Apple.
  • Reply 48 of 130
    Originally Posted by gabberattack View Post

    ...T-shirt saying "I love Steve Ballmer?"...

    and with $5 extra, you'll be able to add Sweat Stains
  • Reply 49 of 130
    Flail. Flail. Fail.

    This does not appear to be well-considered. I guess if they did a Genius bar then the lines would stretch out the door and look like those at Apple store openings.

    The comment about smaller "kiosk" style stores focussed on gaming sounds better, but that's not what is proposed.

    Microsoft really does seem to have lost its way
  • Reply 50 of 130
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Aside from all the sarcasm expressed over this it appears that Ballmer really doesn't know where to steer the Microsoft ship next. He seems to be bouncing from one scheme to another. While the trolls here are always castigating Apple for not becoming a software-only company Ballmer seems to be headed in opposite direction. Microsoft is completely rudderless under his reign so far.
  • Reply 51 of 130
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Will these stores have a 'genius bar' or tech support area?

    I doubt it and I suspect there will be some disappointment over this. The genius bar and one to one teaching are among the best features at an Apple store IMO.

    It'll be difficult if not impossible for MS to duplicate that.
  • Reply 52 of 130
    pxtpxt Posts: 683member
    I can see games, xbox being one side of the store; and 3rd party software on the other side. They would try to cross-sell customers of those two onto Zunes which they would have on demo. And they may even have a phone section with various WinMo phones out there.

    I think they will stay away from selling PCs as they take up a lot of space and are complicated and there are the issues with which brands to support.

    I also think they will stay well away from PC support. They know that the hardware landscape makes it really hard to support anything that is hardware-specific. And even microsoft must be aware of what a mess it is maintaining Windows. If they had a Windows Genius, like the IT folk in every enterprise I visit, they would be stumped half the time and that would just underline that fact that PCs are harder to own than Macs etc.

    My guess is that Microsoft are aiming for mindshare of their lesser brands such as zune/WinMo, and want to underline their strength in gaming and 3rd party apps, but would not realistically expect sales to have much impact on their profit margins.
  • Reply 53 of 130
    pxtpxt Posts: 683member
    Next time I'm in the market for a mouse, I'll know where to go.
  • Reply 54 of 130
    ktappektappe Posts: 824member
    Originally Posted by PXT View Post

    I also think they will stay well away from PC support. They know that the hardware landscape makes it really hard to support anything that is hardware-specific. And even microsoft must be aware of what a mess it is maintaining Windows. If they had a Windows Genius, like the IT folk in every enterprise I visit, they would be stumped half the time and that would just underline that fact that PCs are harder to own than Macs etc.

    Indeed. At least half the time the Microsoft expert wouldd conclude the problem before them was a hardware fault. They'd send the user carrying away their still non-functional PC to contact Dell or HP, leaving them unsatisfied. That's not how you want a customer leaving a store, and the Microsoft shoppe would get a horrid reputation rather quickly. Uber-fail.
  • Reply 55 of 130
    So Microsoft cut 5,000 jobs but somehow they figure it's a great time to get into retail store???

  • Reply 56 of 130
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    You all have brought out the funny for this thread.

    Originally Posted by cristgarage View Post

    You're an idiot. Above my words are your misspelled statements of idiotic absurdity.

    (pause, to give MH01 a chance to reflect....)

    Now, quit wasting electricity- and go back to bed.

    No personal attacks. You can comment that the idea is idiotic, but don't direct the insult at the poster.
  • Reply 57 of 130
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    Aside from all the sarcasm expressed over this it appears that Ballmer really doesn't know where to steer the Microsoft ship next. He seems to be bouncing from one scheme to another. While the trolls here are always castigating Apple for not becoming a software-only company Ballmer seems to be headed in opposite direction. Microsoft is completely rudderless under his reign so far.

    I think Bill Gates would've run into the same problems and that this is one of his reasons for retiring. Windows became popular because it received overwhelming support from computer manufacturers. Although this is still the case, people have become more computer literate and can see through the hype to make better decisions. I also believe that many who used Windows feel that there should be something better out there, which makes them look at the alternative.

    I'm not implying that Windows is useless, many successful businesses run it and their servers aren't that bad, but the average user does run into viruses, spyware, and those continually annoying pop-up messages.
  • Reply 58 of 130
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by cmason View Post

    I can see it now, big giant rectangular beige buildings.

    And a sign in the corner saying "Ask our MIT department a question"
  • Reply 59 of 130
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by Techboy View Post

    So Microsoft cut 5,000 jobs but somehow they figure it's a great time to get into retail store???

    Apple have stores so of course they have too! Come on, you think they have their own ideas section?
  • Reply 60 of 130
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by cristgarage View Post

    You're an idiot. Above my words are your misspelled statements of idiotic absurdity.

    (pause, to give MH01 a chance to reflect....)

    Now, quit wasting electricity- and go back to bed.

    Hey don't pick on a guy for a typo for heaven's sake! I tpyo all the tmie, it's due to fingers losing the connection to the brain for a brief moment and the error correction failing ....
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