10.2 Sherlock outside the US...

in macOS edited January 2014
The updated Sherlock in 10.2 seems to be waste of time for people outside the USA...In the UK it would seem that there is very little extra functionality if any at all...

Yellow pages is USA only, Movies is USA only, Ebay is USA only, Flights are USA only, Stocks are USA only Dictionary is USA not 'proper' english ...I think you get the point...

Wonder if they'll release some European plugins? doubt it somehow...or will they account for the lack of functionality in a reduction of the purchase price?! hmmm.




  • Reply 1 of 12
    [quote]Originally posted by Marcus:

    <strong>or will they account for the lack of functionality in a reduction of the purchase price?!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yeah, I hear there's going to be a 40p discount in the UK. Lord knows Sherlock is the whole reason to upgrade to 10.2.
  • Reply 2 of 12
    I've posted this elsewhere before. Maybe this is a sign of better things to come for other countries. Maybe not?

  • Reply 3 of 12
    cliveclive Posts: 720member
    It has been said that Apple will customise the interface for different countries/markets (given that we don't warrant a british OS any more, what that means for the UK I don't know).

    If Apple did this anything like right the whole channels thing should be pretty modular. In older versions of Sherlock web site owners were able to distribute their own plug-ins to have Sherlock search them directly.

    Sherlock in 10.2 is only a "grown up" version of this. As long as Apple hasn't sold us down the river with marketing deals to selected portals then I'd expect Sherlock to be highly customisable (after all Apple can't really have hard coded all the variations in, there must be an input/interpretation layer somewhere).
  • Reply 4 of 12
    columbuscolumbus Posts: 282member
    I remember reading this a while back on Macworld Uk.

    <a href="http://www.macworld.co.uk/news/main_news.cfm?NewsID=5039"; target="_blank">http://www.macworld.co.uk/news/main_news.cfm?NewsID=5039</a>;

    Apple promises UK Sherlock slant

    By Macworld staff

    Apple UK sources have confirmed the company is working on local content for UK users of Sherlock 3, the new version of the application included in Mac OS X 10.2.

    Sherlock 3 was demonstrated by Apple CEO Steve Jobs during his keynote speech at Macworld Expo, July 17.

    Introducing the application, he revealed: ?We've rewritten Sherlock. This version is all about Internet services.?

    Sherlock 3 uses a browser to fetch Web pages. Channels, such as listings information, are displayed in column and pane arrangements. Apple has also separated local file searches from the application.

    Macworld Expo attendees were impressed with the application's boosted Web-service features, which included local maps, entertainment listings and telephone directories. However, Apple's international user base are concerned these features betrayed a US slant.

    Some non-US Mac users fear that Sherlock 3 may reflect the experience of iPhoto users outside of North America. Such users don't yet benefit from iPhoto's online image-printing services, though this is being ?worked on?, and has been for some time.

    There are no details available yet as to when UK content will be made available for this component of Apple's operating system.
  • Reply 5 of 12
    marcusmarcus Posts: 227member
    [quote]Originally posted by ColorClassicG4:


    Yeah, I hear there's going to be a 40p discount in the UK. Lord knows Sherlock is the whole reason to upgrade to 10.2. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Not the whole reason... However it is a significant 'value' feature...

    In fact, it was deemed important enough by Apple to be given a 10-15 minute slot in the Macworld keynote...call me pedantic, it looks very useful indeed, and is sold as part of the OS. It has been widely promoted in the marketing campaign. Customers should expect it to work no matter where they live.

    If it is not working when 10.2 hits the streets, which is unlikely if c115 is the GM... it is effectively misrepresentation, pure and simple.



    [ 08-11-2002: Message edited by: Marcus ]</p>
  • Reply 6 of 12
    marcusmarcus Posts: 227member
    [quote]Originally posted by Brad:

    <strong>I've posted this elsewhere before. Maybe this is a sign of better things to come for other countries. Maybe not?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Cheers for the heads up...I have had a browse in the prefs and turned on the UK settings. However, as yet, it is still all US centric...

    Fingers crosssed for 10.2.1 fixing it! Although after the iPhoto debacle I'm not holding my breath



    [ 08-11-2002: Message edited by: Marcus ]</p>
  • Reply 7 of 12
    curmicurmi Posts: 70member
    [quote]Originally posted by Marcus:


    Cheers for the heads up...I have had a browse in the prefs and turned on the UK settings. However, as yet, it is still all US centric...

    Fingers crosssed for 10.2.1 fixing it! Although after the iPhoto debacle I'm not holding my breath



    [ 08-11-2002: Message edited by: Marcus ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Ha! We waited over a year for them to fix OSX to give us non-US-english spellings in the UK/Australia/NewZealand. We finally hear that this will be fixed in 10.2... Maybe at least a year for non-US content?
  • Reply 8 of 12
    woozlewoozle Posts: 64member
    Im moving to the states next year.

    Having a useful sherlock is one of the few highlights
  • Reply 9 of 12
    pyr3pyr3 Posts: 946member
    [quote]Originally posted by curmi:


    Ha! We waited over a year for them to fix OSX to give us non-US-english spellings in the UK/Australia/NewZealand. We finally hear that this will be fixed in 10.2... Maybe at least a year for non-US content?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    If they make Sherlock programmable through modules, then you could program parts for your own area.
  • Reply 10 of 12
    cliveclive Posts: 720member
    [quote]Originally posted by pyr3:

    <strong>If they make Sherlock programmable through modules, then you could program parts for your own area.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    This shouldn't me an end-user thing, Apple should provide for this in all countries they distibute in.

    It may be that information providers, like scoot.co.uk, yell.com and newspapers provide their own modules (if Apple tells them what to do and somehow evangelises the concept).
  • Reply 11 of 12
    mediamanmediaman Posts: 169member
    I've just got a 'release date of this software has been delayed' e-mail from Amazon.

    I wonder if this is for the implementation of UK plugins for Sherlock?

    I can live in hope at least.

    [ 08-13-2002: Message edited by: Mediaman ]</p>
  • Reply 12 of 12
    frykefryke Posts: 217member
    Btw. InkWell doesn't seem to understand German input very well, but it takes the words I'm writing right now almost without a problem. But really, I think it's only useful for a tablet-style Mac, as I'm _always_ going to be faster typing on the keyboard than with an indirect hand-input-device like a pen. This _is_ like taken from Newton directly to the Mac OS, but you _don't_ write onto the screen right now.

    Sherlock has just lost my interest... Didn't think about it much before, think less of it after reading this thread. Maybe someday...
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