Microsoft's latest ad attacks Mac aesthetics, computing power



  • Reply 481 of 520
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by s.ballmer View Post

    Well, you see, there's the thing, mitz: On a Mac, you actually can boot and run your OS off an external FireWire drive. Cool, eh?

    You can even boot off USB drives now. Not sure when they added this feature. Just hold down the option key to see boot drives when your machine boots up. This is what Apple Store techs use. I find this to be a much simpler solution to resolve issues than having a 6-pin x 6-pin FW cable and another Mac to use Target Disc Mode.

    I made a small partition on my USB2.0 Time Machine drive with Leopard on it in case I need to get into my Mac from a HDD or local OS X issue.
  • Reply 482 of 520
    mitzmitz Posts: 44member
    Originally Posted by s.ballmer View Post

    OMG, WTF? He's an idiot.

    There was no lie involved. I miss spoke and admitted it right after I realized I did. But seriously the only thing you can hit me over the head with is throughput on external cords? Seriously? I'm an idiot for that? Looks like I got under someones skin with the other stuff I was saying....back up your claims that it's not a mobile processor or that you see real difference with ddr2 1066 vs ddr3 1066. Or howabout the throttling issue. When I make a mistake I admit to it buddy. I've also defended everything I've said with facts. I'll tell you what though....I fell into the trap of trying to build a mac piece by piece(which I did) for less than what you can buy it for. I can certainly build a computer with no limits put on me that would bury a mac for a grand less.

    You keep comming up with stuff to try to pen me in. Yeah you got me on 1 thing, "F"ing cords.

    Good job. They are worth atleast 600 bucks.

  • Reply 483 of 520
    mitzmitz Posts: 44member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    You can even boot off USB drives now. Not sure when they added this feature. Just hold down the option key to see boot drives when your machine boots up. This is what Apple Store techs use. I find this to be a much simpler solution to resolve issues than having a 6-pin x 6-pin FW cable and another Mac to use Target Disc Mode.

    I made a small partition on my USB2.0 Time Machine drive with Leopard on it in case I need to get into my Mac from a HDD or local OS X issue.

    Last time I tried booting off an external drive I couldnt on 2.0. But it was vista (or long horn at the time) I'm assuming it has to be a smaller OS? Or maybe you just can now...I havent tried in years as there hasn't been much reason to. Also for balmer. Thats what I assumed it was but didn't know. Nothing special about 7200. You can certainly do better.
  • Reply 484 of 520
    mitzmitz Posts: 44member
    have you ever built Ballmer? Just curious as you seem to know alot of stuff about cords. Man, honestly if I have any other questions about cords in the near future I will completly ask you. Seeing how your obviously the authority on cords. You collect cords? I bet you plug stuff in better than anyone I know.
  • Reply 485 of 520
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by mitz View Post

    have you ever built Ballmer? Just curious as you seem to know alot of stuff about cords. Man, honestly if I have any other questions about cords in the near future I will completly ask you. Seeing how your obviously the authority on cords. You collect cords? I bet you plug stuff in better than anyone I know.

    Problem: You didn't get a response for an entire hour so you decided to troll for an argument by patronizing a forum member.

    Resolution: User CP => Edit Ignore List => Add mitz
  • Reply 486 of 520
    mitzmitz Posts: 44member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Problem: You didn't get a response for an entire hour so you decided to troll for an argument by patronizing a forum member.

    Resolution: User CP => Edit Ignore List => Add mitz

    He called me an idiot. Whats that all about. Wow way open minded here in the mac world.
  • Reply 487 of 520
    mitzmitz Posts: 44member
    Billy Gates would be proud of you boys. Silence the opposition so you can have a love fest with eachother.
  • Reply 488 of 520
    gmhutgmhut Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by jazzguru View Post

    Why does it have to be about who is right or wrong, or who is better? If your computer helps you accomplish whatever you need/want to accomplish, who's to tell you you're "wrong"?

    Because . . .

    Then all of us internet-computer nerds would have nothing to argue about and we'd have to, egads, form relationships in the real world with real people
  • Reply 489 of 520
    jazzgurujazzguru Posts: 6,435member
    Originally Posted by GMHut View Post

    Because . . .

    Then all of us internet-computer nerds would have nothing to argue about and we'd have to, egads, form relationships in the real world with real people

  • Reply 490 of 520
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Hands Sandon View Post

    At least with a Mac, your fully covered. Apple take responsibility for everything in that computer. So when something goes wrong you know exactly who your dealing with, Apple. Because of Apple carefully integrating it's software and making design specifications directly to it's external hardware suppliers, redesigned to work exclusively with Apple's other hardware and OS X, it goes wrong far less often. No other PC maker can integrate their parts with their OS like that.

    OK, now we are talking.

    There is a point, but not much different than other manufacturers. Working in IT, for example, I had perfectly decent experience with Lenovo and HP warranty/support issues.

    Even my custom built box has 3 year warranty on pretty much everything - motherboard, CPU, graphics, HDD, PSU. Ram comes with lifetime warranty. And so on. and since I've got everything from the same shop, anything goes wrong - I'll take it back to the shop and leave it with their techies to sort it out.

    Acer, on the other hand, has absolutely useless support - to that level that we gave up on selling Acer machines, even if we had really good pricing from them.

    But it is not like Apple will jump to sort out every problem that appears, much as I recall. Didn't see them offering replacements for recent graphics related problems on Macbooks. Is that new firmware really helping..? \
  • Reply 491 of 520
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by zindako View Post

    Have you ever thought maybe I like the way apple hardware is designed and can last for several years before even thinking about upgrades? seriously, there is nothing these netbooks have that I would desire, they are running extremely low level machines, that lack the finish and aesthetics of apple hardware, sorry but the price of a normal macbook is worth paying over that of a $600 netbook. Besides apple hardware has such tight integration with its various products available, ie ipods, iphones, itunes software etc. The way I see things now, if you are happy with using windows on slower or faster hardware, that is your business.

    Folks that are happy purchasing and using apple hardware/software will always see the value in sticking with their associated vendor. Do not get it twisted, I have used windoze in the past, but after having to reformat and reinstall windoze due to malware and viruses, it gets old really fast. My 3 year old macpro workstation is still kicking with 8Gigs of ram and is more than ready to tackle an upgrade to snow leopard when it debuts.

    ... and my good old office single core P4, more than 4 years old, is running Vista Business at least as well as it was running XP, with only a few dollars invested in additional RAM. Considering that, I'm sure it will run Windows 7 even better.

    One of my home computers is P3 based Toshiba Satellite 1000 laptop, now more than 8 years old. In that time, RAM was upgraded from 128 to 512MB and OS was reinstalled once; I didn't have to, but I wanted to remove all the data and apps my wife was using on it, once she moved to new machine, and I decided it is easier to reimage it than to uninstall apps and delete her data - regarding her chaotic way to organize it across the HDD. It is still as reliable as it was, and performing as well - better, actually - than it was when brand new, due to much more RAM.

    So... what is your point? Another myth that PCs don't last? The major reason to push for new hardware is if you want to play games, and want to play them as they were meant to be played - on high resolutions and full details. If you are using it for casual stuff - internet, emails, organizing music, doing assignments and other light work, you can drag same hardware for ages... contrary to opinion here that you must change your PC every 2 - 3 years. \
  • Reply 492 of 520
    hands sandonhands sandon Posts: 5,270member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    OK, now we are talking.

    There is a point, but not much different than other manufacturers. Working in IT, for example, I had perfectly decent experience with Lenovo and HP warranty/support issues.

    Even my custom built box has 3 year warranty on pretty much everything - motherboard, CPU, graphics, HDD, PSU. Ram comes with lifetime warranty. And so on. and since I've got everything from the same shop, anything goes wrong - I'll take it back to the shop and leave it with their techies to sort it out.

    Acer, on the other hand, has absolutely useless support - to that level that we gave up on selling Acer machines, even if we had really good pricing from them.

    But it is not like Apple will jump to sort out every problem that appears, much as I recall. Didn't see them offering replacements for recent graphics related problems on Macbooks. Is that new firmware really helping..? \

    Just worry about M$.
  • Reply 493 of 520
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by s.ballmer View Post

    That is in no way comparable to Migration Assistant:

    Windows Easy Transfer

    Step One: "Install the small software application that was included with your cable..."

    Good one, Microsoft.

    Yes, you need to install a small program on your old PC if it is Windows 2000. Oh, what a shame - 10 years old OS don't support Vista's native Easy Transfer! Ah, the blasphemy!!!

    Cable-schmable. If you bothered to read more, you'd see you can transfer over network, USB HDD, DVD... but out of all that article, you found 1 sentence that you liked, you pulled it out of content and used it exclusively. Bra-vo.

    That Mac guy is relative of your, maybe?


    Microsoft has some of your details right here:

    Plug-ins for Windows Media Player

    Again, nonsense. Vista Home Premium and Ultimate - the one flavour Mac people keep comparing OSX to - come with mentioned codecs, or will DL them automatically for free when Media Player encounters file it does not already understand. Additionally, every DVD burner comes with DVD player software. Additionally, free players like VLC will play DVDs and almost every other imaginable format.

    Additionally, I can make my PC play BR movies with just a small extra investment. Can you..?


    "Some burning capabilities?" That's comforting...

    It is so nice to see you comforted...


    Yeah, but that pesky "initial setup" gets you every time.

    Every time I set new computer, yes. 5 minutes to install Comodo Security.

    Man, what could I have achieved if I had all that time at my disposal...


    I assume he's talking about Time Machine. You don't need a special version of Mac OS X to get it. And by the way, Time Machine provides hardware independent restore--at no extra cost.

    Vista Business, Home Premium and Ultimate are not special versions of Vista. In fact, they are all very common


    No, Macs are at least price-competitive with PCs. On the other hand, Apple does not cater to the bottom feeder market. Incidentally, there is no "iLife grade software" available for Windows.

    Sure, Apple cater for "Legally Blond" market. But SJ said he'd like to have a bit bigger market share, and since there is only that much Legally Blondes around, Apple should reconsider their pricing policy. Or give up on having more than 7% of market share.

    iLife grade software, as in simple, colourful home user software? Oh, I think we could scrap some...
  • Reply 494 of 520
    hands sandonhands sandon Posts: 5,270member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Yes, you need to install a small program on your old PC if it is Windows 2000. Oh, what a shame - 10 years old OS don't support Vista's native Easy Transfer! Ah, the blasphemy!!!

    Cable-schmable. If you bothered to read more, you'd see you can transfer over network, USB HDD, DVD... but out of all that article, you found 1 sentence that you liked, you pulled it out of content and used it exclusively. Bra-vo.

    That Mac guy is relative of your, maybe?

    Again, nonsense. Vista Home Premium and Ultimate - the one flavour Mac people keep comparing OSX to - come with mentioned codecs, or will DL them automatically for free when Media Player encounters file it does not already understand. Additionally, every DVD burner comes with DVD player software. Additionally, free players like VLC will play DVDs and almost every other imaginable format.

    Additionally, I can make my PC play BR movies with just a small extra investment. Can you..?

    It is so nice to see you comforted...

    Every time I set new computer, yes. 5 minutes to install Comodo Security.

    Man, what could I have achieved if I had all that time at my disposal...

    Vista Business, Home Premium and Ultimate are not special versions of Vista. In fact, they are all very common

    Sure, Apple cater for "Legally Blond" market. But SJ said he'd like to have a bit bigger market share, and since there is only that much Legally Blondes around, Apple should reconsider their pricing policy. Or give up on having more than 7% of market share.

    iLife grade software, as in simple, colourful home user software? Oh, I think we could scrap some...

    I, like most of the people here, think it's great you love all the ins and outs of what politely is called Windows and feel like you saved some money at the same time. But we don't want it. We know what we want and we have it. It all works, as Apple says "seamlessly" and it goes on working, without ever getting tiresome or error ridden.
  • Reply 495 of 520
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I find it ironic that the three things he wants are not found in the HP he chose when compared to a Mac. However, it is a notebook so it's therefore portable, and has a battery so it does have battery life and it obviously powers on after several minutes of booting up so it does meet his criteria if not compared to other machines.

    Seriously though, is MS just not hiring the right people or is it really hard to find a reason to buy a non-Mac notebook. For starters, instead of focusing on reasons to choose Windows they are focusing on Macs so much that it may do more for selling more Macs than other vendor's PCs. Then there is the major issue of "preaching to the choir" in these ads. In other words, the people that these ads relate to aren't teetering being Mac and non-Mac for their next PC purchase. It's simply a waste of an advertising budget.

    I suppose this marketing is intended for someone like me. My four year old HP is notebook is finally falling apart, and my desktop runs ancient Xenon processors with legacy peripherals that fell from favor long ago. I didn't even want to spend the cash on a new computer, but once my HP started crashing to desktop while running Lightroom 1.4 and the desktop started showing a BSD on most boots-ups, I decided to buy a new computer.

    I spent a lot of time researching, actually looking for an excuse not to buy the Macbook Pro. They're expensive, bottom line, so looking at and comparing base models did make me lean towards going with another HP. But once I started comparing specs like FSB speed, L2 cache size, RAM specification and speed, hard drive size, and GPU, the PC notebooks were just a couple hundred less than the MBP. And so I sat on the fence while waiting on my edu check from the VA.

    The funny thing is that I saw the "slot machine" ad on the New York Times webpage, and it completely turned me off. How can Microsoft compare a base HP or Dell to a Mac with a faster FSB, larger L2 cache, faster RAM? The marketing is completely dishonest and assumes that computer buyers are idiots. And why not compare models with as near to identical specifications as possible when, in such a comparison, the PC would still come out a couple hundred cheaper than the Mac?

    So basically, to bring this back to the point solipsism made, Microsoft's ad campaign sold me on a MacBook Pro. What it all came down to were these four points: 1) Microsoft insulted me by assuming that I am an idiot. 2) I'll be learning a new OS in a few months anyway when Microsoft abandons Vista and turns to Windows 7. 3) I'm not going to fret over $200-$300 price difference between a MBP and an equally spec'ed PC when I'm prepared to drop >$2k on a computer. 4) Microsoft insulted me by assuming that I am an idiot.

    I look forward to enjoying my MBP when it gets here Friday. Hopefully this board will be a great resource for me in the years ahead.
  • Reply 496 of 520
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by ls1z28chris View Post


    So basically, to bring this back to the point solipsism made, Microsoft's ad campaign sold me on a MacBook Pro.


    Welcome to AI. Obviously you aren't an idiot as you saw the genius of my post.

    Seriously though, I think the commercial has a point, albeit lost and clouded, that the much cheaper machine is sufficient or good enough to satisfy the average person computing needs. Is there a simpler way they can portray that simple fact? Car companies push their economical cars all the time and fast food companies push their economical meals all the time without making me think they are trying to portray a sub-compact as a luxury automobile and cheeseburger as a steak.
  • Reply 497 of 520
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Welcome to AI. Obviously you aren't an idiot as you saw the genius of my post.

    Seriously though, I think the commercial has a point, albeit lost and clouded, that the much cheaper machine is sufficient or good enough to satisfy the average person computing needs. Is there a simpler way they can portray that simple fact? Car companies push their economical cars all the time and fast food companies push their economical meals all the time without making me think they are trying to portray a sub-compact as a luxury automobile and cheeseburger as a steak.

    Thanks for the welcome.

    Most people use computers for internet, email, and porn. Netbooks are so popular because those tiny things can accomplish those rudimentary tasks (although I wouldn't wnat to watch porn on such a small screen ) Apple obviously targets a different demographic. Just look at the pictures and the design of their website. Nearly every picture highlights video or photo editing.

    In the other thread a lot has been made of Microsoft's dominant market share, and how this ad campaign does not make sense if they think that Apple is not a threat. My opinion is that Microsoft is afraid of the fact that Macs are so popular among young people, especially college students. MS is afraid afraid that these young people are going to start off with a positive Mac experience and become loyal to Apple for the rest of their lives. Just look at who the Windows ads feature: pre-teens and young adults. You can't tell me that MS is not afraid to their core of the prospect of loosing an entire generation of tech savvy kids who are coming of age in an interconnected digital media and social networking world. MS' own market research probably shows that they are loosing the media battle over this generation of young Americans, so they are deliberately trying to make the case that a cheeseburger is a steak, or that a sub-compact is a luxury automobile. They don't care that they are alienating people who know better, because they're probably aware they've already lost those folks.
  • Reply 498 of 520
    john e cjohn e c Posts: 17member
    I'm not sure why I read 13 pages of posts. Maybe it was simply a curious fascination with the repetitive arguments and opinions.

    The tip about hiding unwanted posters was very useful until I realized that responders tend to quote them anyway.

    Phoenix Rising to rule the World! Mitz can not be mitztaken in his opinions. And so on.

    But the Mac guys and gals are usually more moderate in their views.
  • Reply 499 of 520
    Someone needs to explain to the author how memory/CPU FSB speeds work as it's pretty clear he doesn't understand them.

    That 'cheap' 533MHz (effective) RAM on the HP runs at 266 MHz which happens to be the same speed that the CPU FSB runs at (it's 266*4=1066MHz effective quad-pumped).

    If you didn't know you generally want the RAM speed to 1:1 to the CPU speed, but and you will won't get any better performance if the RAM is faster than the FSB speed as the CPU won't be able to take advantage of it.

    So in other words, putting faster or more expensive RAM (even if it was DDR3), wouldn't make the slightest noticeable difference as you are already getting the best you can with that CPU.
  • Reply 500 of 520
    allblueallblue Posts: 393member
    Originally Posted by John E C View Post

    I'm not sure why I read 13 pages of posts. Maybe it was simply a curious fascination with the repetitive arguments and opinions.


    But the Mac guys and gals are usually more moderate in their views.

    That's because, unlike Lauren, we're all cool don't ya know! I too have read through all 13 pages (d'oh!) and have learned two things 1) Firewire is absolute junk 2) BMWs are unreliable! So, not a complete waste of time after all!
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