Microsoft ups cash limit, takes aim at MacBook Pros in new ad



  • Reply 361 of 505
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by iStink View Post

    I gotta admit, I see better looking girls with macs normally

    But they can't beat girls hanging out with people owning Ferraris, Porsches... no way
  • Reply 362 of 505
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Don't be so obtuse.

    Marketing is all about IMAGE.

    What image are the MS ads communicating? Would YOU want to be associated with that image?


    A lot of people don't want to be associated with smug Mac guy in Apple commercials, too.

    That dude is completely artificial. People in MS commercial, like them or not, do represent normal, everyday people much better.
  • Reply 363 of 505
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Makes no difference, really.

    Blu ray physical media is a dying technology. It was intrduced too late. The future (and ever-growing in the present) will be AppleTV-like devices that access online HD content. Wetstern Digital and Popcorn Hour already provide some of these solutions, though not every one includes wireless.

    Blu ray players and Blu ray physical, movable media will soon be obsolete. It will go the way of physical sofware media. We get everything online now, donwnloaded. Just look at the App Store. That's the future, and it's already happening.

    By the time majority will be able to DL high definition program, BR will be obsolete and something new will replace it - or not. But we are talking about years... downloading video for iPod is a bit different matter...
  • Reply 364 of 505
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    If she's a filmmaker, she shouldn't even be going anywhere near PC junk boxes.

    Sh should be lookng at a Mac. The tools for the Mac in this area are positively unmatched. By far.

    MS will do and say anything to pawn their garbage off on people.

    Of course, for users such as her, the usual Mac-envy will inevitably ensue in due course, as it has historically for so many other users, and continues.

    OK so I'm not much in video; Pinnacle Studio is munching my home videos, but that is about it.

    What tools on Mac are unmatched? Serious question. I have no idea.
  • Reply 365 of 505
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by psxndc View Post

    I registered just to respond to this. Are you serious?? NO ONE knows the difference between DDR2 and DDR3, except MAYBE people that post on boards like this.

    Nope. Many people here don't know the difference between DDR2 and DDR3 either.
  • Reply 366 of 505
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Matt1974 View Post

    The commercial, which can be seen below, ends before Sheila can begin her search for a viable video editing application to cut her video.

    Yeah! Good luck with your budget!

    Wise decision Sheila!


    On the other hand, here we have typical Mac user

    Just kiddin'
  • Reply 367 of 505
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by cooleye View Post

    Depends what you need it for, I'm still very happy with my $699 PC laptop, no complaints. I use it for work on a daily basis. Using it right now.

    Yes, but you are using it without experience. ()
  • Reply 368 of 505
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Matt1974 View Post

    Sure, but when you add to the equation that you have to use a PC and run Windows instead of OSX, then the results point back to going for a Mac.

    And that would be because..?
  • Reply 369 of 505
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post


    if it ran os x duh

    thats the whole point

    the hp may seem ok .. >

    until you spend days getting rid of the bloat ware and un-installing vista or installing vista

    more days getting some odd movie software getting up and running

    all the while fighting off cold's viruses

    you then wonder why nothing seems to work . the printer doesn't print

    on and on

    cool .. you finally make a movie . looks so good . and then crash .. all you data

    is gone . you then make you 5 th tech support call in a week ...welcome to the 20 yr old wintel world .

    by the way my movie i made on my newly opened mac book 13 in was done in 3 hrs from scratch including .

    song clips from my music itunes file

    photo's from my iphoto files

    all of these things and more synced from the start

    yes yes you may be a computer geek dude who can get a wintel box to work fast . sadly ypu are only one out of 99 who is not screwed badly by the windows world

    my first fraking post


    First post? You shouldn't have bothered at all.

    It is really amazing how much Mac users know about Windows crashing, viruses, printers not printing... they obviously know much more than us poor Windows users, because most things they "know" about Windows, we have never seen or experienced. I'm guessing most of that vast knowledge is coming from "Get a Mac" commercials. Maybe that is reason why Mac is considered strong with education..?
  • Reply 370 of 505
    hiimamachiimamac Posts: 584member
    With regard to track pinch an apple website said that at first many users used thing like pinch but after 2 weeks 80% andnhigh said they never used it INS regular basis.

    Just saying.

    Originally Posted by mosx View Post

    Hey, it happens. Don't forget that Asus manufactured the iBooks.

    Apple also swapped out 2 of my plastic MacBooks due to build quality failures before switching me to the unibody MacBook.

    Apple controls the prices of Macs. You're extremely unlikely to find a current generation Mac being sold for more than $50 less than MSRP.

    Better quality? Yeah, thats why the plastic MacBooks were known for build quality failures. The previous generation MBPs were known for denting, scratching, and warping due to heat.

    Better support? Hmm. If something goes wrong with my Mac at this very moment I'm typing this, I can't call Apple. AppleCare is closed! I have to wait until Monday to set up a shipment. But before they do that, since I'm passed the 90 day support period, I have to provide a credit card which they'll auto-charge $60 and then refund if my problem is determined to be hardware.

    OS X? Thats a down point for me. Leopard is not as good as Windows.

    Interesting how you missed the part of my post where I said I like Vista over Leopard and Tiger.

    Oh and about 10x as many people are using Vista as there are Mac users total

    Would you like a picture? How about a scan of the receipt?

    I hate touch pads. All of them. Multi-touch is a gimmick. Ooooh I can zoom in and out in Preview and flip pictures in iPhoto. I don't use Safari and I alt-tab/command-tab through windows because its faster than Expose, so its basically useless to me. Oh and Windows setup of zooming in and out of pictures in the preview app is better. Use the scroll wheel/bar/whatever to zoom in and out. Much faster than pinching or unpinching and doesn't require multiple attempts to get what you want.

    Actually, you'd have to buy the mini DisplayPort to HDMI adapter and then the HDMI cable. So you'd still need 2 cables. Plus the mini DisplayPort on Macs isn't capable of passing audio, so you'd still need an audio cable. On top of that, if you're running blu-ray (not possible in OS X but is in Windows), since you're stuck with optical audio, you can't pass the higher quality higher resolution formats, like Dolby TrueHD, DTS Master HD, or 8 channel uncompressed LPCM.

    And who uses HDMI? Everyone. Starting in 2006, HDMI started to become a standard. By the end of 2007, it was difficult to find a notebook without HDMI out. Now its near impossible unless you look at Netbooks.

    Every respectable LCD display out there has had HDMI for several years now. GPU manufacturers have been dropping DVI to HDMI adapters in boxes for just as long, plus many GPUs ship with HDMI as standard, as well as the ability to pass the higher resolution audio formats and 8 channel uncompressed LPCM.

    Because you know what I said is true. Show me a Mac with HDMI, card readers built-in, quad-core CPUs in notebooks, better than low mid-range GPUs, blu-ray, etc.

    They don't? Hmm. My UniBody MacBook has an LG screen, LG optical drive, Intel processor, nvidia chipset and GPU, some "Apple" branded RAM that is usually Samsung RAM rebranded, and a Hitachi HDD. My friend's MacBook Pro has an Intel processor, LG screen, LG optical drive, Intel chipset, nvidia GPU, Samsung RAM, you get the idea. My HP has an LG optical drive, LG screen, Intel processor, Intel chipset, nvidia GPU, Hitachi HDD, you get the idea The Dell Studio XPS 13 ships with an Intel processor, nvidia chipset + GPU, RAM from Samsung or other manufacturers, LG screens (or those from the same manufacturers Apple chooses), Hitachi, Seagate, etc HDDs, etc. You get the idea.

    Apple's components are EXACTLY the same as PCs. The only difference is the casing, which is aluminum or a very low quality plastic.

    Again, would you like to see my receipt? How about the receipt on the system in a picture?

    I could have gotten the MacBook Pro the day I made the original purchase. Even though I was a blind Apple fanboy at that point, I wasn't that stupid.

    Are you serious? Do some googling. Despite the bad economy, Blu-ray's market share is DOUBLE what DVDs market share was at the same point in its life. When DVD was 2.5 years old, it had 4% market share. Blu-ray is currently at 8%. Blu-ray's market share doubled in 2008. The format IS taking off.

    Blu-rays quality can't be seen on smaller screens? That too, is an outrageous statement that couldn't be any more wrong. To put it simply, even 720p screen is still pushing nearly 1,000,000 pixels. Standard definition DVD has a resolution 345,600. So even at 720p, blu-ray is pushing 2.6x the resolution of DVD. You also have to consider the fact that H.264 and VC-1 blu-ray discs are running at bitrate of anywhere from 20Mbps to 45Mbps. DVDs tend to run around 4.5Mbps encoded using MPEG-2. Even the old blu-ray MPEG-2 discs have a bitrate of around 20Mbps.

    So, you're just flat out wrong in this case. Even on the small 720p screens, blu-ray will push that display to its full potential while DVD has to be upscaled over 2.5 times to reach native resolution.

    And video on demand? Nah. Cable and satellite video services do reasonably well. But theres far too many problems with downloadable movies for them to ever challenge blu-ray.

    One being is that the standard definition movies aren't even DVD quality. Sure they have the same resolution, but theres no hardware upscaling for the video codecs they use. So on high def displays, the video gets stretched and pixelized. Very few of them offer 5.1 surround sound as well. And those few that do have a lower bitrate Dolby Digital track than the DVD. Then theres the 720p "HD" version that Apple/iTunes and others try to pass off as HD. Those are all encoded at about 4.5Mbps. Excuse me? 4.5Mbps for 720p video? iTunes HD videos have so much compression artifacting that they don't even beat a good upscaled DVD. Sure they have more native pixels, but the compression artifacts are worse than cable. And, again, the issue of hardware upscaling. There is none. So on a 1080p display, you have to double the resolution in software which results in the image just being blown up and those compression artifacts being exaggerated. Not to mention the fact that iTunes HD movie purchases cost just as much as or sometimes more than the blu-ray disc.

    And whats this about convenience? iTunes "HD" movies come in at around 4.5GB on average. I have a 10Mbps connection. Most people have less than half of that. If I want to download an iTunes HD movie, its going to take me more than an hour, assuming their servers feed me the movie at full speed. I can drive to the video store and get the blu-ray disc and be back before the movies even 10% downloaded. That leads me to the next problem with "On Demand" services like iTunes.

    The DRM. If I buy an HD movie from iTunes, I can ONLY watch it on my computer or on an Apple TV. The SD version it comes with will play on my iPod and iPhone. If I want to play the HD movie on a display other than the built-in display on my MacBook, I need an entirely new cable set up to be HDCP compliant, since the MDP to HDMI cable didn't exist when I got my adapter and I didn't want to spend $50 on a MDP to DVI adapter plus DVI to HDMI setup.

    WIth blu-ray and a PC, all it takes is one cable, no adapters and you're all set and compliant.

    And what if I rent the SD version? It'll play on my Mac, PC, iPhone, or an Apple TV is I had one. Oh but guess what? It won't play on my 80GB 5.5G iPod that is newer than blu-ray and cost nearly twice as much as my Profile 2.0 blu-ray player did. Why won't it play movie rentals? Because that would be a "new feature" and Apple claims that SOX tells them they can't add "new features" without charging, which is complete and utter BS.

    So again, the DRM. I have to have specific adapters and cables to play the HD movies, spend hours downloading, and spend MORE money renting or buying them than I would on blu-ray discs. On top of that, SD movies aren't guaranteed to play on all of my hardware, despite the fact that one of my pieces of hardware is not even 2 years old and cost more than my blu-ray player did.

    Let's look at what else Apple did as far as DRM goes. Starting in 2007 with the iPhone, iPod classic, iPod nano 3G, and iPod touch, Apple locked out all 3rd party video accessories that don't include an Apple authentication chip. So on top of all of the other nonsense I mentioned, your movies aren't guaranteed to always be playable because Apple might decide to switch standards again and lock out everything you own forcing you to either give up everything or buy all new hardware again.

    No, they don't. Apple uses the same nvidia chipset that Dell, HP, and others use. It's also the same chipset found in many desktop motherboards and upcoming "Ion" based netbooks. Theres absolutely NOTHING special about a Mac motherboard.

    Before the 9400M, Apple used Intel Santa Rosa and Napa chipsets, the same exact chipsets you'd find in every other Intel based notebook PC.

  • Reply 371 of 505
    hiimamachiimamac Posts: 584member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    By the time majority will be able to DL high definition program, BR will be obsolete and something new will replace it - or not. But we are talking about years... downloading video for iPod is a bit different matter...

    Obama has a federal broadband intiative. Blue ray looks awesome. The only reason apple doesn't have it is due to apple tv looking very subpar in comparison.
  • Reply 372 of 505
    At the end of the commercial she has a Laptop in the box and a carrier bag. What's in the carrier bag? My guess would be:
    • The Virus Software she needs for the PC

    • The £800 video editing software she'll need

    • A manual of Windows Error codes

    • And a large stick to beat some Sanity back into her

    Really folks does Microsoft really expect us to buy the fact that any "Video Artist" would rather be using a PC than a MacBook Pro?

    Another example that proves these are (poor) actors and not "real" people!
  • Reply 373 of 505
    hiimamachiimamac Posts: 584member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    First post? You shouldn't have bothered at all.

    It is really amazing how much Mac users know about Windows crashing, viruses, printers not printing... they obviously know much more than us poor Windows users, because most things they "know" about Windows, we have never seen or experienced. I'm guessing most of that vast knowledge is coming from "Get a Mac" commercials. Maybe that is reason why Mac is considered strong with education..?

    It's oleo funny that many don't know apple back of house have virus protection inthe reatail stores, graphic issues and daily airport stops working, beach ball spins all the time even with load of ram, bootup can take 2 minutes or more on a laptop, and has it's own sharenof issues and thsinis after running all he scripts and oyns to cleanrepair.
  • Reply 374 of 505
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    First post? You shouldn't have bothered at all.

    It is really amazing how much Mac users know about Windows crashing, viruses, printers not printing... they obviously know much more than us poor Windows users, because most things they "know" about Windows, we have never seen or experienced. I'm guessing most of that vast knowledge is coming from "Get a Mac" commercials. Maybe that is reason why Mac is considered strong with education..?

    That's why we are Mac Users you moron! We've seen how the other side of things works and don't like what we see. I switched 12 years ago and since then have never had to reinstall a system, deal with virus, sort out corrupt drivers or wait 5 minutes before my computer boots up and is ready to use. My wife on the other hand is still a PC user and in the 7 years we have been together we have had 3 PC's all of which have fallen over at least 3 times are year!

    The funniest thing about your post is you choose to right an anti-mac comment on a Mac website? What were you doing here in the first place?

    Now go back to Scandisking, Defragging and Virus Checking your beloved PC you retard!
  • Reply 375 of 505
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by hucom View Post

    If she's a serious video artist, what the heck is she going to do with a PC??

    If you are a pro, and you want to be taken seriously, there's no way around Final Cut Studio.

    Avid..? Adobe Premiere/After Effects/..?

    Again, out of my ignorance on this matter. Is Final Cut really that much (or at all) better than above mentioned titles? All I know is they all are considered pro solutions.
  • Reply 376 of 505
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    hey hey i only state what i hear and see . i am happy for you and any one who has a great time using any computer . the fact that apple makes the machine and the software makes for a better computer . as opposed to windows bloated virus attacked software being put on one of a dozen or 2 different machines all fighting each other for the lowest possible priced machine to bring to market . NOT ALL WINTEL MACHINES ARE SHODDY made .. but my dear mac friend many many are !

    it is a world of lowest common denominator . no offence intended


    And Macs never-ever had problems with freezing graphics, bad soldiering, vertical/horizontal/whatever lines over the screen, cracking cases..?

    I really don't get all those theories about Macs general build quality supremacy, when even obviously biased site like AI keeps posting articles about various Mac problems with alarming frequency...
  • Reply 377 of 505
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by BeyondYourFrontDoor View Post

    Premier Elements will get you a similar end result, but no where near as fast and fun... it doesn't do real-time previews for example. It's about $100. I've used it plenty on a PC, and it is the best of the consumer-end apps on a PC. That said, I couldn't stand it any more and it was the compelling reason I went to a Mac.

    As I said, I'm not expert - or even "expert" in video editing - but googling for video editing comparisons on Windows platform, I came to conclusion that Premiere Elements is very unpopular on PC. It seems to me that titles like Pinnacle Studio 12, Sony Vegas and Corel Video Studio are better designed and better performing than Premiere Elements, for the same money...
  • Reply 378 of 505
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by echosonic View Post

    What "premium" are you willing to pay then? 50 bucks? 100?

    One thing I've learned after ten years of being a Mac Fanboy and spending the 10 previous that as a windows tech support specialist is that a lot of people are just cheap.

    I always drove Dodge trucks, and Ford Cars. Then I got a Benz. I paid a premium for it, and it was used, but you know what? It smokes everything else I've ever driven. There simply is no comparison to brilliant, precision engineering. I WANT that in my life. I want the reliability, I want the peace of mind, I want the unparalleled aesthetic.

    You do too, so stop complaining, because you're clearly willing to pay whatever premium you paid for your mac, and the only thing you have to gripe about is a few dollars more you spent on it?

    And how many viruses have you had? How many times has your mac BSOD'd?

    Its all perspective. You don't think about the stress you've missed until its right up in your face asking "Cancel or Allow?"

    But if your Benz happened to have, say, same engine, gearbox, shock absorbers, tires as your Ford car... only in better looking body and (arguably) better dashboard... would you still feel the same.

    This BWM/Merc vs. Fors is the second most common stereotype I keep hearing here. Has Apple managed to have exotic, Apple-exclusive guts with performance killing anything Intel/AMD has, it would make sense.

    But it does not. Processors, chipsets, graphics, HDDs... are exactly the same. I've heard stories about better quality parts in Macs than in PCs, but no one provided evidence to that, so until that happens - no matter how much repeated they are - they are still just stories.

    And I have never-ever seen white BMW cracking all over the body... \

    And I have never-ever had BSOD on any of my 4 Vista computers. Maybe it is just my good luck, but my "Audis" work for me just fine.
  • Reply 379 of 505
    wyomacwyomac Posts: 3member
    Many people say that Apple is a hardware company who produces software in order to sell their hardware. Microsoft is definitely a software company. It's interesting that Apple's ads focus on software and Microsoft focuses totally on hardware.
  • Reply 380 of 505
    hiimamachiimamac Posts: 584member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Nope. Many people here don't know the difference between DDR2 and DDR3 either.

    every year, switchers and hack builders come to mac, if you mean 100% brain washed, jobs can do no wrong, you are correct, otherwise the mac pro user who in the studio had pcs for prgrams like Higa studio in multi million dollar studios and aforementioned swithchers, you are wrong, they all know about FSB, bios, oveclock, gigabertz whichnmatters again as a2.2 is slower than a 2.8 duo core, psu, and much more. The mac users and I know mac genius ( who are nothing other than procedure dudes that run a cd program to see if there's abproblem and wouldn't know an oso scopenif it hit them in the eye, to the more common and slowly dying, "oh I don't know that, I just use it, followed by sweety and beings guy, well yeah, they are clueless. Andbyour a dying bread. Today new user is a mac pro MacBook air macbook pro user that loves the is and software, the eye candy, hates vista but loves windows 7, but thinks apple is over prices and gets some macs for free, one studio I know received 5 free mac pros and fcp suites, today new users are the ones complaining. The other .01.5 percent non pro, consumer, iPod must have everything jobs is ckuess. Yeah you're right. In fact, google how to overclock a mac and see all the returns you get, all of them will be since intel transition and not rromthe over hyper lied by jobs g4 is faster than athlon crowd.
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