Cheaper iPhone may show as early as Monday



  • Reply 41 of 207
    gtl215gtl215 Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    I'vebeen saying for the last 2 years that there needs to be more than 1 version. And now we will finally get it.

    Thank god Apple finally listened to Teckstud from the appleinsider forums. This company is now ready to take off. Thanks, Teckdud.

    Regarding hackish iTunes-Palm Pre syncing, i'll give you the link and the headline, since you're probably too lazy to read the article -

    "Confirmed: Palm Pre's iTunes support is very, very hacky"
  • Reply 42 of 207
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by akhomerun View Post

    apple owes it to themselves to get out of the at&t exclusive deal as soon as they possibly can.

    how else do you think the razr sold so well? (speaking of that, where the hell is motorola? haven't seen a smartphone from them since the Q that i've heard of)

    That is not likely to happen. Apple is making exclusive deals with a single carrier in every country that allows it. It has nothing to do with radio type since most countries are completely they enter are completely GSM-based. Part of Apple?s plan requires some control over the carrier.

    Motorola is a perfect example as to how marketshare and free for all in sales can destroy your product. Motorola hasn?t been doing very well as of late and there appears to be no recovery in sight.
  • Reply 43 of 207
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by GTL215 View Post

    Thank god Apple finally listened to Teckstud from the appleinsider forums. This company is now ready to take off. Thanks, Teckdud.

    Regarding hackish iTunes-Palm Pre syncing, i'll give you the link and the headline, since you're probably too lazy to read the article -

    "Confirmed: Palm Pre's iTunes support is very, very hacky"

    And here is the NY TImes link which says it works just fine.

    Besides as long as it works who cares?

    And how does engadget's article summ up:

    "you've got to give a tip of the ol' hacker hat to Palm for its wild ways on this one."
  • Reply 44 of 207
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by GTL215 View Post

    Thank god Apple finally listened to Teckstud from the appleinsider forums. This company is now ready to take off. Thanks, Teckdud.

    While humourous, he will think that they either listened to him or that he called despite everyone here stating for 2.5 years that more models and cheaper devices will come once the current market segment gets saturated. Is there anything less than Business 101 he could take?

    edit: Nope, no business pop-up books on Amazon.
  • Reply 45 of 207
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Suspiciously random figures pulled out of thin air.

    I think there will be 16GB and 32GB, with some modest "re-pricing", if at all.

    I think all this iPhone Nano stuff is nonsense, there's no need to and it will dilute out the goodness of Apps and stuff and make things confusing.

    If anything maybe there will be a 8GB for catering to "the depressed economic conditions etc. etc."

    So we have 8GB, 16GB and 32GB, with iPod Touches bumped to 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB when the iPhones start shipping sometime in July.

    I predict definitely an announcement about the new hardware of iPhone on Monday.

    Well, even if there is no hardware, I'm getting my 3.0 software yay yay yayyyy........ Not that I am a heavy phone user, but new software, in this case an entirely new OS version, can't wait......

    I don't think that 3.0 will be released to the public at WWDC.
  • Reply 46 of 207
    patsfan83patsfan83 Posts: 156member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    The is not a grammar blog. We know what he means. You are just fro m a diff generation.

    I'm not that old, but poor grammar, IM abbreviations, and typos are seen way too often in the workplace. It's most likely all due to instant messaging and texting. People are talking in acronyms. wtf?
  • Reply 47 of 207
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    I don't think that 3.0 will be released to the public at WWDC.

    They haven’t released any new betas for 3 weeks. Same goes for Snow Leopard. I find this suspicious since neither are ready yet for a release. v3.0 is stable but there are quirks that would keep it from going Gold, IMO. I would imagine this could be some proof that Apple is including them in the keynote next week.
  • Reply 48 of 207
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    While humourous, he will think that they either listened to him or that he called despite everyone here stating for 2.5 years that more models and cheaper devices will come once the current market segment gets saturated. Is there anything less than Business 101 he could take?

    I think neither. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that you need more than one version. But all you and GTL215 do is listen to whatever Apples tells you - nothing more. Quite pathetic actually. Just look at the RAZR for your example..

    Learn to think for yourself-. It's quite refreshing.
  • Reply 49 of 207
    gtl215gtl215 Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    And here is the NY TImes link which says it works just fine.

    Besides as long as it works who cares?

    And how does engadget's article summ up:

    "you've got to give a tip of the ol' hacker hat to Palm for its wild ways on this one."


    The point is this: Palm is playing dirty and has launched a direct assault on Apple. It's now up to Apple to decide if they want to close this loophole. The syncing may work, but it's not guaranteed to work forever.

    Change that last sentence to, "tip of the 'ol hacker hat to a bunch of former iPod engineers for its wild ways on this one."

    That's a bit more accurate.
  • Reply 50 of 207
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by PatsFan83 View Post

    I'm not that old, but poor grammar, IM abbreviations, and typos are seen way too often in the workplace. It's most likely all due to instant messaging and texting. People are talking in acronyms. wtf?

    Well iPhone folk haven't been allowed to text for 2 years so I can accept that- I think. \
  • Reply 51 of 207
    gtl215gtl215 Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    I think neither. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that you need more than one version. But all you and GTL215 do is listen to whatever Apples tells you - nothing more. Quite pathetic actually. Just look at the RAZR for your example..

    Learn to think for yourself-. It's quite refreshing.

    teckdud needs another time out.
  • Reply 52 of 207
    jpellinojpellino Posts: 706member
    I use a plain old cell phone and an iPod Touch. If I could get an iPhone that kept my monthly cost the same as my plain old phone *and* did what the iPod Touch does via WiFi, I'd bite. Until then IMHO it's not worth doubling my monthly cell bill just to get a few more bells and whistles. I wonder how many are in this same place?

    Originally Posted by bungamunji View Post

    No data plan? How do you plan on using iChat? Wifi? Then why do you need an iPhone?

    You think at&t is a monopoly? Why don't you use that anger to fuel your buying decisions and get an iPod touch instead. Or go with Verizon, T-mobile or Sprint. You have options. Don't yell because you can't get what you want. Join the club. And please. Calm down.

  • Reply 53 of 207
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by GTL215 View Post

    teckdud needs another time out.

    Do me a favor, don't read my posts or respond if it brings you to such a angry, hostile, condescending place. You obviously feel a need to try to compete with me but your points are really lame or not even thread related like the above post.
  • Reply 54 of 207
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by mark2005 View Post

    From this and other posts, you seem to be missing the fact that WWDC starts on Monday. And the keynote is on Monday at 10am PST.

    I know that the WWDC started on Monday but thought the keynote was on Tuesday, like every other year. It seems like an odd change up. Thanks for the info.
  • Reply 55 of 207
    gtl215gtl215 Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    your points are really lame or not even thread related like above.

    I will gladly put my track record against yours. You NEVER provide any meaningful analysis or discussion. Never. You always drop in with one-liners which invariably bash apple products and highlight their shortcomings. Always. You are a useless troll who gets the respect of nobody around here. What is your paypal account? I'm willing to start a fund so we can pay you to never come back here again.
  • Reply 56 of 207
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by GTL215 View Post

    I will gladly put my track record against yours. You NEVER provide any meaningful analysis or discussion. Never. You always drop in with one-liners which invariably bash apple products and highlight their shortcomings. Always. You are a useless troll who gets the respect of nobody around here. What is your paypal account? I'm willing to start a fund so we can pay you to never come back here again.

    Got issues?
  • Reply 57 of 207
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    They haven?t released any new betas for 3 weeks. Same goes for Snow Leopard. I find this suspicious since neither are ready yet for a release. v3.0 is stable but there are quirks that would keep it from going Gold, IMO. I would imagine this could be some proof that Apple is including them in the keynote next week.

    That is valid logic.

    Another take is that there are new hardware features and external interfaces (think MobileMe, iLife, iWork) that will be supported on the new iPhone. The APIs for these features have not been announced yet, or exposed to developers. Announce these at WWDC, provide developers with a new beta, and ship the new platform with 3.0 release at the end of July.
  • Reply 58 of 207
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by bungamunji View Post

    No data plan? How do you plan on using iChat? Wifi? Then why do you need an iPhone?

    WiFi only or pay as you go probably. I can't think of another phone that requires a data plan.
  • Reply 59 of 207
    mark2005mark2005 Posts: 1,158member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I can’t think of a good reason for Apple to release a cheap iPhone or announce a reduced rate for the current iPhone a day before the official announcement.

    I'm inclined to believe the price drop rumor is real. Possibly 4GB for $99, and 8GB for $149. And these cheaper models use the current model's 3G UMTS (3.6Mbps theoretical max) chips (or worst case, use the EDGE-only chips, but I hope not). Why would they do it?

    1. Apple can do it. They've got the best pricing on flash RAM. They have huge volume, as iPhone sells more units than almost all other phones, so they reap economies of scale. They have a great supply chain. And they still keep reporting incredible margins (36%!!!) for a hardware company - margins that they are willing to bring down to just 30%. And they have $30B in cash - they don't need the pile to keep growing.

    2. Apple wants to claim this pricing range first for a smartphone. They were first with the technical stuff (multi-touch GUI/screen, "full" web access, etc) and still have a technical lead (but it's closing). They were first to the App Store and have that platform-stickiness and developer advantage. All that's left is price (since by principle, they will not put in a physical keyboard or removable battery.) It's on their minds as they've consistently talked over the last year about pricing umbrellas and not letting anyone in below them. By pricing even lower, and with the advantages iPhone already has, it really squeezes their competitors.

    3. Apple wants volume. It makes the App Store incredibly attractive, and keeps developers away from other emerging platforms. And gives them even more economies-of-scale, more pricing power with suppliers, etc.

    4. Apple wants to entice cell users to switch to a smartphone in GSM countries like India, Russia, Indonesia, Philippines, Eastern Europe, etc., even during these recessionary times. Especially if those countries don't have 3G everywhere yet (that's why I think there's a possibility that the $99 phone could be EDGE). A cheap phone with a cheap limited data plan will help to slowly move those who don't think they even need data. Why does Apple want to do this now? They want to speed the process of moving people to a smartphone, and really smack Nokia in these countries before Nokia gets a real touch-screen phone and a well-run, quality Ovi Store to market. (Since Apple is already where the puck is coming to, they want to move the puck faster to where they're at so others will get there way too late.) They've mentioned this on conference calls that they were looking into other business models and pricing for such countries. (I'm already assuming they will have separate models for China Mobile's TD-SCDMA standard.)

    Apple is both ambitious and ruthless (like Jobs. eh?). Conservatively, they have one year before the big boys - MSFT, NOK, and GOOG, RIMM - have OSes, devices, and App Stores that might even be considered to be on the same playing field in terms of establishing a platform. (WebOS and Pre might be there already but it's small-fry Palm.) And they are going to take advantage of this window with everything they have.

    And even though it's crazy to us here on the forum, the price of the phone has a tremendous psychological effect on purchasing a plan. I've seen similar studies (for phones, PCs, cars, etc) to the one Huberty purports to have done, and though it's stupid, it's true. Most people just don't look that far ahead.

    With all that, I could still be wrong...

    Added a fifth reason:

    5. Even in the US, AT&T needs a new way to entice hesitant cell users to switch to a smartphone and data plan. The easy pickings - data junkies - have mostly happened (though many are still on the other carriers, but that's another story). Apple is now moving deeper into AT&T's subscriber base, and during this recession, it's not as easy to move them.
  • Reply 60 of 207
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by GTL215 View Post

    I will gladly put my track record against yours. You NEVER provide any meaningful analysis or discussion. Never. You always drop in with one-liners which invariably bash apple products and highlight their shortcomings. Always. You are a useless troll who gets the respect of nobody around here. What is your paypal account? I'm willing to start a fund so we can pay you to never come back here again.

    I'll gladly contribute!
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