Calm down. Obviously there is more too it



  • Reply 61 of 75
    icruiseicruise Posts: 127member
    But front mounted ports means that you will have wires sprawling out over your desk. I don't know, but people had this complaint about the cube (which admittedly had an...interesting design with regard to the placement of its ports) but if you just leave cable plugged in and out of the way there is no problem.

    Maybe side-mounted ports as are on the current imacs is a good compromise.
  • Reply 62 of 75
    [quote]Originally posted by icruise:

    <strong>But front mounted ports means that you will have wires sprawling out over your desk. I don't know, but people had this complaint about the cube (which admittedly had an...interesting design with regard to the placement of its ports) but if you just leave cable plugged in and out of the way there is no problem.

    Maybe side-mounted ports as are on the current imacs is a good compromise.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    As long as they're easily accessible (ie not in a well near the back) that'd be great, look cool with easy access.
  • Reply 63 of 75
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by tonton:


    No, but just because it is the worst currently on the market does. One might argue that the 604e doesn't suck, but if Apple used it in a current Mac it would.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Well, unfortunately I disagree. My wife has one and my dad has one and they have no complaints. if you are looking for more then maybe the iMac does suck.

    Following your "compared to market" theory, the entire mac line sucks.
  • Reply 64 of 75
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    I never could stand my iMacs at 800x600. I was quite happy with 1024x768.

    One thing, as the owner of 3 different iMacs, I have noticed with the CRTs that it's a bit of a crap shoot what kind of quality you are going to get. I had one 600 MHz iMac with a GREAT display. Totally straight horizontal lines, just a gem to look at. I also had one that had some pretty wicked horizontal bowing, especially in the corners.

    That's one reason I'm going to love my new LCD iMac.
  • Reply 65 of 75
    myahmacmyahmac Posts: 222member
    i personally have developed a twitch from looking at 1024 on my imac, i love the way it looks in x and x is all that i use. but the flicker drives me mad, and my left has a twitch now. and you know what eric its all your fault. you got me addicted to this board, well you and fran back in the mercury rising thread. did i mention that i have a twitch now from reading too long at 1024. javascript: x()
  • Reply 66 of 75
    [quote] JYD always goes with the popular vote. If it has become obvious that something positive is going to happen he will second the motion ( I found this out last January ) but, if things start sounding like the negative he panics and starts bad mouthing apple. Pretty strange huh?


    What's even more strange is that you're so obsessed with me.

    And obviously, if something is clearly going to happen, I'm going to to believe it.

    We'll see who's right and my 1 GHz Powermac or you and your 1.4 GHz dual G5 thunder of the Gawds Ultra-Mac.

    LOL...Apple will be stuck at 1/2 the MHz of Wintels for an eternity.
  • Reply 67 of 75
    [quote]Jobs' knows very well he'd be castrated by investors and users if he hyped something this much and had nothing. In fact, he'd stand more to lose if he did this.

    Mac loyalist would never again take his word and may just jump ship.


    This didn't stop him from releasing a ridiculously overpriced cube. From day one every rational motherfu[ker at these boards knew the cube was doomed to failure, that it was a bad product.

    And yes, Jobs would hype this just because Apple is breaking the 1 GHz barrier. To Jobs this is a big deal. He doesn't "get it" that it would make Apple look like a company full of jackasses to have a GHz party several years after Wintels hit 1 GHz. Jobs is going to make Apple look like a lot of losers in a few days.

    I bet the hype is centered around some lame-ass digital device. Some gee-whiz hand-held that nobody needs, that's overpriced, and that is designed to draw attention away from the crapola Apple ships as POWERmacs. Jobs will just hand-pick his Photoshop filters as usual and have another rigged bake-off.
  • Reply 68 of 75
    agent302agent302 Posts: 974member
    Well, I was just rereading the Think Secret article, when I realized that Nick DePlume is an incoherent idiot. My case in point:

    "Speed-bumped iMacs. The current iMac in its original design will not die that quickly. We will see speed-bumped iMacs at new price points to make the flat-panel iMac more attractive. Look for new colors."

    WTF? How in hell would a speed-bumped CRT iMac at a lower price than current make the LCD at $1800 more attractive? Has logic disappeared from the MacWeb of late? Damn, I feel like Obvious Man sometimes.
  • Reply 69 of 75
    zoranszorans Posts: 187member
    Hehehehe, it would make the LCD iMac more attractive if they bumped the prices UP on the CRT iMacs!

    <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
  • Reply 70 of 75
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:


    This didn't stop him from releasing a ridiculously overpriced cube. From day one every rational motherfu[ker at these boards knew the cube was doomed to failure, that it was a bad product.

    And yes, Jobs would hype this just because Apple is breaking the 1 GHz barrier. To Jobs this is a big deal. He doesn't "get it" that it would make Apple look like a company full of jackasses to have a GHz party several years after Wintels hit 1 GHz. Jobs is going to make Apple look like a lot of losers in a few days.

    I bet the hype is centered around some lame-ass digital device. Some gee-whiz hand-held that nobody needs, that's overpriced, and that is designed to draw attention away from the crapola Apple ships as POWERmacs. Jobs will just hand-pick his Photoshop filters as usual and have another rigged bake-off.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I dunno.

    I think Jobs learns from his mistakes. He's tried a cube a couple of times (including NeXT), and he's slowly learning his lesson (bang head. ouch. bang head. ouch... or any Homerian anecdote will suffice). The cube was a cool computer (see: design awards). It was just over-priced.

    He also admitted to screwing up with the CD-RWs thing.

    Of course, this doesn't mean that he can fix the problem instantly.

    I do agree that the hype is about a new digital device. However, we should just relax for a while, and see what Apple has up its sleeve. It's already a wild ride, and we still have 3 days to go. The boards have gone from UP to DOWN to HUH? It's like Willy Wonka in here.
  • Reply 71 of 75
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:

    <strong>Just because Apple can do better doesn't mean the CRT iMac sucks.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You're right, but compare the quality of it to most CRTs out now, and you'll see that it does suck.
  • Reply 72 of 75
    mmicistmmicist Posts: 214member
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:


    This didn't stop him from releasing a ridiculously overpriced cube. From day one every rational motherfu[ker at these boards knew the cube was doomed to failure, that it was a bad product.


    I can't agree with this, the cube was a beatiful product, the engineering was outstanding, the design remarkable. The fault with the cube was in thinking that it was a mass market item. It sold well, but not at the levels that Apple was expecting. The price was not unreasonable for the engineering, and I personally would pay quite a bit extra to have a silent computer, just at the time, I had no spare money.

    If someone like Linn (Audio products) were to design a nice new, say compact CD/DVD, player, priced at $5000 (not much by their standards) and sold 1000 of them, would this be a success or a failure? It depends on how many they were expecting to sell.


    [Edit: And I pride myself on my spelling too!]

    [ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: mmicist ]

    [ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: mmicist ]</p>
  • Reply 73 of 75
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    I'm not obsessed with you, nor am I the only one that finds your extreme reversals of opinion on the the same subject odd. I don't know what's coming but whatever it is the next day people will still buy Macs and business will continue like usual.
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