Apple stuns WWDC crowd with pulsating App Store hyperwall



  • Reply 81 of 86
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    As a database programmer by day, here's why I routinely export things in batch...

    Unless you can insert the export functionality into the transaction as it happens, the only way to capture the data is to look at the entire data set after the fact and select only those records within a time/date range. That select can be resource intensive so the solution is to do it periodically. Or actually, the only solution is to do it periodically if not triggered automatically with each transaction.

    To ensure not introducing bugs into the current transactions, it is far safer to simply insert a periodic export.
  • Reply 82 of 86
    voltaicvoltaic Posts: 13member
    Well thanks a lot guys, for ruining a perfectly good bit of corporate cynacism with reasonable arguments. I hope you're happy....

  • Reply 83 of 86
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member

    This is the internet. Don't you know that you aren't allowed to agree with our rebuttal of your cynicism? You're supposed to get all bet out of shape, start making personal attacks, and then get banned. Such a n00b.
  • Reply 84 of 86
    jowie74jowie74 Posts: 540member
    ooops yes sorry... Yeah the should've done it real-time! Actually the only reason they couldn't is because their e-commerce server is running .Net ...

  • Reply 85 of 86
    voltaicvoltaic Posts: 13member
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post


    This is the internet. Don't you know that you aren't allowed to agree with our rebuttal of your cynicism? You're supposed to get all bet out of shape, start making personal attacks, and then get banned. Such a n00b.

    I couldn't help it this time I'll make a jerk of myself, and then ban myself in embarrasment. Still have lots of other corporate paranoia and cynacism...

    But this time a memory was triggered of a friend who works for a big credit card transaction processing co, who similarly has to run huge batches everyday. I recall a similar discussion where he explained about periodic export requirements and all that stuff.

    A light bulb went off in my old brain...

  • Reply 86 of 86
    Originally Posted by PXT View Post

    Is this the new dock?

    You are very perceptive. I bet in 10 yrs our Macs will be dock-fulls of apps bought through the app store and no more US$2,000.- sw. Just cheap catalogues of tools. App store FTW!!1
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