AT&T drops iPhone 3G S prices for early iPhone 3G adopters



  • Reply 21 of 206
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    And who's fault is that?

  • Reply 22 of 206
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by aplnub View Post

    Works for me. Off to place my order with Apple.

    I can't order online for some reason so I have to go into the store Friday morning. What a pity. Sounds like a great excuse to miss work.
  • Reply 23 of 206
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post


  • Reply 24 of 206
    code4funcode4fun Posts: 13member
    That's a step in the right direction. Since I don't use my iPhone data network all that much, I would like a reduced rate. Give me that and you can be my new best friend.
  • Reply 25 of 206
    macchadmacchad Posts: 13member
    The article is unclear and frankly I agree with several other posters here - how does this help anyone who purchased a subsidized (i.e. contracted phone on release date of last year or frankly, anytime after) iphone 3g? There are NO iPhone 3G owners (unless they paid $500/$600 for a non-contract phone, in which case this doesn't matter to them either) out there who are eligible for upgrade in the next couple of months! The soonest is March.

    Thank you AT&T for trying, please come again. Now why don't you go work on something useful like MMS or tethering!
  • Reply 26 of 206
    echosonicechosonic Posts: 462member
    Never thought I'd say this:

    I won't upgrade, and when my contract expires, if not sooner, I will leave the iPhone until such time as I have a choice other than ATT. This is entirely ATT's fault. This pricing debacle is just the icing on the cake for me.

    While traveling between Burbank, CA and Pasadena, on the 134/210 freeways last Sunday, I received a call that a friend had taken seriously ill.

    that call, between my iPhone and a land lione, was dropped 14 times in 6 miles.

    f--k you, AT&T.
  • Reply 27 of 206
    Originally Posted by echosonic View Post

    Never thought I'd say this:

    that call, between my iPhone and a land lione, was dropped 14 times in 6 miles.

    Is a land lione the opposite of a sea lion?
  • Reply 28 of 206
    al_bundyal_bundy Posts: 1,525member
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    Love Apple, but it seems like they are heavily losing iPhone market share to RIM, thus the deep discounts.

    Of course it could very well be the huge amount of people waiting for the new iPhone 3Gs...

    So much for that article right? Hehehehe

    We will see of course if this course of action by Apple/ATT works.

    Opening up the iPhone to other network carriers has helped RIM considerably, Apple should do the same.

    See this article:;...PCKH0CJUNN2JVN

    someone at Apple or AT&T probably ran some financial modeling and figured out that letting people upgrade early and having people buy up 3G iphones on Craigslist is a cheap way to get new customers. cheaper than selling them new 3GS's
  • Reply 29 of 206
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by DHKOsta View Post

    And what about those of us that are eligible in MARCH!?

    Uh, wait!

    What about us in Canada on Rogers? Who gives a crap, I will wait until July 11th because that's when my year is up. It isn't Rogers fault I bought a phone less than a year ago. I would love to get it on Friday but ces la vie!
  • Reply 30 of 206
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by sdeetz View Post

    This does not help 3G owners at all.

    I bought my 3G the very first day it went on sale, and AT&T just told

    me that I'm still not eligible until March 2010. So apparrently the

    only people elibigle are ones that bought an original iphone before

    spring 2008, and did not extend their contract to get a 3G.

    Sounds nice for PR purposes, but a useless gesture for most of us.

    "AT&T on Wednesday published an open letter to customers on its iPhone 3G S upgrade eligibility program in which it announced that, for a limited time, it will offer early iPhone 3G adopters the opportunity to purchase an iPhone 3G S at the same $199 and $299 price points as new customers."

    Now, it has extended the offer to anybody who bought their iPhone 3G as late as the end of September.
  • Reply 31 of 206
    ghostface147ghostface147 Posts: 1,629member
    I bought my 3G on launch day 08 and after the 3G s announcement, I wasn't eligible until 7/11. I spoke with AT&T, and I am now eligible to get the new 3G s Friday.
  • Reply 32 of 206
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Who cares about RIM? Are they the new flavour in town after the Pre hype died down.
  • Reply 33 of 206
    macchadmacchad Posts: 13member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    "AT&T on Wednesday published an open letter to customers on its iPhone 3G S upgrade eligibility program in which it announced that, for a limited time, it will offer early iPhone 3G adopters the opportunity to purchase an iPhone 3G S at the same $199 and $299 price points as new customers."

    Now, it has extended the offer to anybody who bought their iPhone 3G as late as the end of September.

    Um, no. Apparently not according to the records of AT&T and Apple - when I go through the process to order, it shows the higher prices, and states that I'm not eligible until 03/2010.

    CORRECTION - I see now that their upgrade tools will be reflecting this change tomorrow. Sorry for my snarkiness. :-)
  • Reply 34 of 206
    macchadmacchad Posts: 13member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    I bought my 3G on launch day 08 and after the 3G s announcement, I wasn't eligible until 7/11. I spoke with AT&T, and I am now eligible to get the new 3G s Friday.

    Oh so wait, you have to talk to AT&T to get this deal? How come it's not reflected when ordering from Apple or through the AT&T website?

    I understand now that it will be reflected on June 18th. I probably won't be eligible anyway because I don't spend $99/line with AT&T! Oh well...
  • Reply 35 of 206
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Nice gesture, but it didn't really address the bulk of the complaints, not that I expected them to do so. The article's caveat to this news was half way to two thirds of the way into the text. I wonder how what proportion of people are on plans expensive enough to earn a new phone subsidy within 12 months.
  • Reply 36 of 206
    adamiigsadamiigs Posts: 355member
    Originally Posted by MacChad View Post

    Oh so wait, you have to talk to AT&T to get this deal? How come it's not reflected when ordering from Apple or through the AT&T website?

    I don't want to have to talk with any AT&T reps. That's worse that crawling on my stomach through broken glass with my fly...well, you get the idea...

    {Nonsense removed}
  • Reply 37 of 206
    macchadmacchad Posts: 13member
    Originally Posted by AdamIIGS View Post

    Wow then don't get a new phone

    You know what? You're right. And I apologize for my whining.
  • Reply 38 of 206
    My wife and I are on a family plan and we pay about 170/month for 2 iphone 3Gs. I'm not eligible until 3/11/10 and I got mine on day one. She got her 3G in august but because she is the primary they are giving her a break and letting her upgrade in August as well. This will affect us and we will be upgrading now. Or at least one of us will.

    And for all those wondering if they will be eligible, you need to wait until tomorrow to check AT&T's site to see if you'll be eligible or not. It won't update until the 18th it says.
  • Reply 39 of 206
    Originally Posted by sdeetz View Post

    This does not help 3G owners at all.

    I bought my 3G the very first day it went on sale, and AT&T just told

    me that I'm still not eligible until March 2010. So apparrently the

    only people elibigle are ones that bought an original iphone before

    spring 2008, and did not extend their contract to get a 3G.

    Sounds nice for PR purposes, but a useless gesture for most of us.

    Same here, when I log in to and click upgrade I get a message saying it will be before March 2010 before I am allowed to upgrade...

    I'm not pleased with that at all, so what exactly is AT&T doing for us 'early iPhone 3G adopters'?

    I might just pay $399 for the phone and then I'll have the freedom of leaving when a new iPhone comes out on a different network (When is Verizon's 4G GSM network going up??)
  • Reply 40 of 206
    mrjoec123mrjoec123 Posts: 223member
    Specifically, AT&T said it will offer iPhone 3G customers who are upgrade eligible in July, August or September 2009 its best upgrade pricing, beginning Thursday, June 18.

    Guys, it says the lower prices will be available starting June 18th. That's tomorrow. If you try now, it'll still have the old price listed. I just tried it.
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