Apple nears wireless license for iPhone in China



  • Reply 41 of 69
    virgil-tb2virgil-tb2 Posts: 1,416member
    Originally Posted by photoshop59 View Post

    It is pretty obvious that everyone wants freedom, free speech, the right to have a say in one's goverment, and the right to self defense. So I would say that in that context, I DO think that everyone wants what we here in America have. ...

    I am not Chinese in nationality or Asian in race, but even I know this to be untrue.

    I can't point to "examples" of course, but in many many conversations with Asian and Chinese friends who have actually lived there or grown up there I can tell you that the American view of individual inalienable human rights is not necessarily shared by all cultures, China being one of them. It's not a given that "everyone aspires to be American" at all. This is just the view of Americans.

    I'm not saying I agree with some of my Chinese friends points of view on this because I don't. However, the idea that intelligent people from China might disagree with the idea of inalienable *individual* human rights is a simple fact. It's not because they are dumb, or mislead or misinformed or any of the above. I've had some very spirited arguments with some very intelligent and learned people from that part of the world over this very topic.

    Americans don't have the market cornered on all truth, knowledge, liberty and justice as you may believe.
  • Reply 42 of 69
    taurontauron Posts: 911member
    Who fucking cares about china?? Are you chinese? If you are go get a penis enlargement device.
  • Reply 43 of 69
    Originally Posted by RealityCheck View Post

    You are right that the Chinese are very insular and nationalist. And they are also racist. Chinese constantly make racist comments about almost every other race. I have had numerous Chinese tell me that the Chinese are racist.

    I think they, for the most part, are referring to people from their parents' generation, which has grew up in a very interesting time, shall we say...

    Originally Posted by RealityCheck View Post

    China wants "preeminence", but they don't understand that the preeminent countries of the world don't tolerate excessive nationalism, xenophobia, and racism, that are so characteristic of the Chinese (and were characteristic of Europe 100 years ago, but not now). This is the biggest stumbling block to China becoming "preeminent", which it can't do entirely through it's military and economic power.

    Europe is still very xenophobic and racist, it's just people won't express those ideas anymore because they have become politically incorrect and frowned upon by the general public. It's easy to fear the unknown and ignorance is often the root of racism and bigotry.

    Originally Posted by RealityCheck View Post

    Chinese culture and norms are no older nor better than those of the West. America's democratic government goes back to ancient Greece, 4000 years, and has been influenced continuously by history since then. And which "Western social norms and trends" are supposedly inferior to those of the Chinese? Respect for minority rights? Rule of law and legal transparency? Freedom to elect our own government representatives and hold them accountable? Not spitting on the street, and lining up in an orderly fashion on trains? (Have you ever taken a Chinese train?? Unreal!)

    I don't see Chinese culture or history as being superior to those of the West.

    America is mostly influence by Christianity, not the ancient Greek culture, which is for the most part lost during the Middle ages. Shall I start by mentioning the Salem witch trials?

    Originally Posted by RealityCheck View Post

    As for the Chinese communist government blocking Wi-fi on the iPhone, this is clearly nothing but an attempt at information control, as other posters have already stated. Let's see if Apple bucks.

    We will see whether this is true when the Chinese government starts banning/crippling the new iPod touch (also rumoured to have a camera) when it ships in September.
  • Reply 44 of 69
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    Alot of people here know shit about china . First off the chinese govt is a repressive regime.You can be shot for being a Falung Gong member and have your wife sent an invoice for the bullet

    READ UP hundreds of articles on chinese repression. .

    The fact that yahoo and google and almost all internet power houses have helped the red chinese spy on there people sucks. Our silence is deaferning

    Apple by taking off features MAY OR MAY NOT be guilty of aiding an communist govt in hurting its people. The chinese people and history are wonderful in many respects . And we have our own faults .

    But we enjoy freedoms in the west that some risk there lives to obtain. And the red chinese govt. restricts those very same freedoms we take for granted .

    Like this debate right now .



    May I ask in what ways are you qualified to speak on this matter?
  • Reply 45 of 69
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by someone00 View Post

    May I ask in what ways are you qualified to speak on this matter?

    He seems to be equating the Chinese government with regimes like Norh Korea or the Taliban.

    There is hardly any comparison.
  • Reply 46 of 69
    Originally Posted by someone00 View Post

    America is mostly influence by Christianity, not the ancient Greek culture, which is for the most part lost during the Middle ages. Shall I start by mentioning the Salem witch trials?

    Not true. The US system of government is heavily influenced by ancient Greece, the first democracy, and the place where democracy was born. As well as ancient Rome, where the very idea of a "Senate" came from. Don't forget about the Magna Carta either.

    America, like China, has a variety of influences going back thousands of years, much more than simply "Christianity". (I know that Chinese communist propaganda equates Christianity and the US government as being one in the same, which is dead wrong)

    BTW, ancient Greece died out long before "the middle ages" as you stated, but her ideas still live on today, just like ancient Chinese ideas like those of Sun Tzu live on even though the Chinese government of that time is long gone.
  • Reply 47 of 69
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    What you find repressive and backward, others might not.

    When there is a revolution in China and the current regime is replaced by a Western-style democracy, let us know. America, Canada, Great Britain, etc., are not China.

    Democracy is not compatible across the globe. Our ideas of "freedom" are a Western, Judaeo-Christian construction, and in fact don't bear much resemblance to ancient Hellenistic ideals.

    And your use of "red China" and "red Chinese" seems more of a pejorative than an accurate label.

    Again we have proof of horrible crimes committed by the past and current chinese leaders . The CHINESE from china do not have freedom of thought or expression .

    I am not saying anything else my friend .

    Get a map of china .Throw a dart. Tell me the city you chose and i will send you a list of people killed or jailed by the red communist gov't.

    China is not a lot of fun for most of them .

    And for the googles of the world to help them is criminal .


  • Reply 48 of 69
    Originally Posted by RealityCheck View Post

    Not true. The US system of government is heavily influenced by ancient Greece, the first democracy, and the place where democracy was born. As well as ancient Rome, where the very idea of a "Senate" came from. Don't forget about the Magna Carta either. . America, like China, has a variety of influences going back thousands of years, much more than simply "Christianity". (I know that Chinese communist propaganda equates Christianity and the US government as being one in the same, which is dead wrong)

    I would argue that Christianity has influenced the whole Western civilization from many more centuries, the influence of which can be found in the opening of the Declaration of Independance of 1776.

    Also, where did you learn that about that particular piece of Chinese propaganda?

    Originally Posted by RealityCheck View Post

    BTW, ancient Greece died out long before "the middle ages" as you stated, but her ideas still live on today, just like ancient Chinese ideas like those of Sun Tzu live on even though the Chinese government of that time is long gone.

    Well, we have today constitutes only a small percentage of the many ideas proposed by the ancient Greeks. However, from what we can see from Plato's Republic, many ancient Greeks did not view democracy with favour.
  • Reply 49 of 69
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by someone00 View Post

    America is mostly influence by Christianity, not the ancient Greek culture, which is for the most part lost during the Middle ages. Shall I start by mentioning the Salem witch trials?

    W r.

    I regret to say America is 100 percent based on Greece and greek ideals

    WE don't always achieve those lofty Athenian visions but we do strive for that.

    You sound so stupid bringing up witch trials . It means nothing to our topic or where the topic is going. You only show us that you have a rock solid picture of america and will bring up a million things to prove your point .

    So what ? You truly don't know a thing about us do you ???

    America has many faults. Too many to count, Yet we just had another election and democracy grinds slowly on.

    Americans enjoy many freedoms that the chinese don't.

    And that fact is solid .
  • Reply 50 of 69
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    I regret to say America is 100 percent based on Greece and greek ideals

    WE don't always achieve those lofty Athenian visions but we do strive for that.

    You sound so stupid bringing up witch trials . It means nothing to our topic or where the topic is going. You only show us that you have a rock solid picture of america and will bring up a million things to prove your point .

    Please don't feel so insecure about your roots. Christianity actually provided a lot of positive influence on America, the value expressed at the beginning of the Declaration of independence being a prime example. I brought up the witch trials because a lot of people here appear to be in denial about the darker part of their history.

    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    You only show us that you have a rock solid picture of america and will bring up a million things to prove your point .

    So what ? You truly don't know a thing about us do you ???

    It's true that I don't live in American (but not very far away from it) and enjoy watching Talking to Americans as light entertainment.
  • Reply 51 of 69
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by someone00 View Post

    May I ask in what ways are you qualified to speak on this matter?

    What do i need to say for you to address my post and my thoughts ??
  • Reply 52 of 69
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by someone00 View Post

    Please don't feel so insecure about your roots. Christianity actually provided a lot of positive influence on America, the value expressed at the beginning of the Declaration of independence being a prime example. I brought up the witch trials because a lot of people here appear to be in denial about the darker part of their history.

    It's true that I don't live in American and enjoy watching Talking to Americans as light entertainment.

    Very light i would say .

    insecure ? Nah america has some very very dark shit that we don't speak about. Its only the fact that the rest if the world did much worse shit than us that gives us a free pass to tell others what to do . kidding .

    The witch trials were sadly imported from torture prone europe. Yet at that time in world history there was people who walked this earth who believed that dancing was the devils blackest art . And a girl strolling and skipping along one fine Salem day got burned for her spring is here dance .



  • Reply 53 of 69
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    What do i need to say for you to address my post and my thoughts ??

    Academic qualifications? Personal experiences while living in China? Critical thinking skills perhaps?
  • Reply 54 of 69
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    He seems to be equating the Chinese government with regimes like Norh Korea or the Taliban.

    There is hardly any comparison.

    I am so sorry. Please read up on china.

    My wife is chinese. i love the culture. Iread every and anything i can about the middle kingdom.

    I do not equate anything, i am only stating facts accepted by dozens of peace groups world wide

    Google >>>human rights china <<< and read up my buddy .


  • Reply 55 of 69
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by someone00 View Post

    Academic qualifications? Personal experiences while living in China? Critical thinking skills perhaps?

    Ha HA

    No sorry dude I have studied informally all the great civilizations of the world thru out history, For decades,

    I watched south Korea from when I was 13 yrs old <1970 > And I hated park for his brutal ways and I hated America for sleeping with him. And one day democracy came to south Korea and I went out alone that night and had a single malt scotch to celebrate that in my lifetime i saw millions of oppressed people freed.

    But of course I try keep my posts simple because even thou I am very well read I am no scholar so I, strive to understate the true horror of what a fascist like gov't can be like .

    My simple point is that major american companies who thrive under our freedoms have cut deals with china that help china to spy on its people .

    And I hope apple is not doing the same .

    I hope my poor writing skills have not affected my humble meager point .


  • Reply 56 of 69
    ajitmdajitmd Posts: 365member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple may have finally cleared a hurdle in bringing the iPhone to China as it has reportedly applied for a Network Access License in the Asian country, putting a release just a few months away -- albeit without Wi-Fi.

    Although he doesn't say how he obtained the information, Wedge Partners analyst Matt Mathison claims that the application was filed today but doesn't make any mention of onboard Wi-Fi. Rumors have repeatedly hinted that Apple may be forced to remove Wi-Fi to appease the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which would prefer that iPhone owners use local networks.

    Apple has supposedly been "hellbent" on shipping the iPhone to China with Wi-Fi but appears to have relented in order to get the phone into the populous nation.

    If the process moves along as usual, this special iPhone would take between four to six months to receive the green light and go on sale. This would put a launch no later than January, and Mathison is confident the device would arrive before the Chinese New Year, which in 2010 will start in mid-February. He views the licensing as partly a negotiation tactic that would help bring Apple closer to a deal with China Unicom, the carrier recently pegged as the most likely candidate for an iPhone due to its inherent compatibility with the iPhone's existing 3G standards.

    While it's rare to have an estimate that narrows the release window for an iPhone in China, whether or not this latest prediction is accurate is still debatable. Local carriers have been in talks with Apple since at least late 2007, and one-time favorite China Mobile has often tried making multiple special requests that have likely stalled hopes for a quick agreement, such as demanding that the American company either use the government-backed TD-SCDMA standard for 3G or cede control of the App Store.

    Apple has so far only said that it wants to have the iPhone in China within the next year and has been silent on its progress.

    I think the reason the China carrier wants to disable WiFi is so they can rip the customer with data charges. There are WiFi phones available in China and many more can be smuggled like anything else. Anyway, the way to play this game is for Apple to disable WiFi via software that is easily jail broken... like everything else.

    Anyway, the challenges to these regimes like China and Iran are not the US armadas. It is the spread of ideas via the internet. The government needs to focus on the internet to make it easier for the people in these countries to access remote sites, proxies. After all we designed the internet. Time to bring these regimes down from within.
  • Reply 57 of 69
    Originally Posted by AjitMD View Post

    Anyway, the challenges to these regimes like China and Iran are not the US armadas. It is the spread of ideas via the internet. The government needs to focus on the internet to make it easier for the people in these countries to access remote sites, proxies. After all we designed the internet. Time to bring these regimes down from within.

    What a great suggestion.
  • Reply 58 of 69
    mac voyermac voyer Posts: 1,295member
    Here's a thought, how about Apple just not sell the iPhone in China. In fact, I think all American companies should just pull all their products from Chinese shelves and let China enjoy its socialist paradise unmolested or influenced by the culture and products of democratic society. Let them continue the believe they are the center of the world. I'm also in favor of leaving the flat earth folks in peace as well. It may not be true, but it seems that China's biggest industry is manufacturing or ripping off what free people produce. If China wants our products, they should have to play ball by our rules, not the other way around. I suspect after a few years of total cultural, economic, and technological isolation, the problem will correct itself.
  • Reply 59 of 69
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by ajitmd View Post

    i think the reason the china carrier wants to disable wifi is so they can rip the customer with data charges. There are wifi phones available in china and many more can be smuggled like anything else. Anyway, the way to play this game is for apple to disable wifi via software that is easily jail broken... Like everything else.

    Anyway, the challenges to these regimes like china and iran are not the us armadas. It is the spread of ideas via the internet. The government needs to focus on the internet to make it easier for the people in these countries to access remote sites, proxies. After all we designed the internet. Time to bring these regimes down from within.

    Originally Posted by mac voyer View Post

    here's a thought, how about apple just not sell the iphone in china. In fact, i think all american companies should just pull all their products from chinese shelves and let china enjoy its socialist paradise unmolested or influenced by the culture and products of democratic society. Let them continue the believe they are the center of the world. I'm also in favor of leaving the flat earth folks in peace as well. It may not be true, but it seems that china's biggest industry is manufacturing or ripping off what free people produce. If china wants our products, they should have to play ball by our rules, not the other way around. I suspect after a few years of total cultural, economic, and technological isolation, the problem will correct itself.

  • Reply 60 of 69
    ajitmdajitmd Posts: 365member
    Originally Posted by Mac Voyer View Post

    Here's a thought, how about Apple just not sell the iPhone in China. In fact, I think all American companies should just pull all their products from Chinese shelves and let China enjoy its socialist paradise unmolested or influenced by the culture and products of democratic society. Let them continue the believe they are the center of the world. I'm also in favor of leaving the flat earth folks in peace as well. It may not be true, but it seems that China's biggest industry is manufacturing or ripping off what free people produce. If China wants our products, they should have to play ball by our rules, not the other way around. I suspect after a few years of total cultural, economic, and technological isolation, the problem will correct itself.

    I have always wondered if companies like MSFT, INTC, CSCO, IBM, EMC, QCOM, or even the EU companies when they sell products to China, if they leave software and hardware trap doors that would allow the respective governments to hack the systems and do surveillance. Does not have to be something active... just subtle security flaws.

    Countries like Iran should be particularly vulnerable... since they import most if not all their IT stuff. I would hope our government and the EU sponsors software, websites, proxies, etc that allow the public to stay informed of the really corrupt regime. With all their wealth in oil, gas, the Iranians live in dirt poor conditions, with hi inflation, hardly any sewage systems, water distribution, decent health care, etc. Meanwhile the power nuts want to build nukes... as if it would make them safe! Look what happened to the Soviet Union and their 20,000 thermonuclear devices... like Rome, they fell from within.
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