Apple's Schiller to angry developer: "We hear you"



  • Reply 41 of 56
    mac voyermac voyer Posts: 1,295member
    Originally Posted by tiroger View Post

    Yeah, they may not go anywhere, but so will their apps.

    You say they can corner the fart, porn and general crap app market, huh? Well do a quick search for fart apps in the app store, and you'll be amazed how many hits you get. Better yet, look at your iphone and tell me how many apps you have and how many of them you use and consider great apps.

    That's my point. I would love to see a much smaller app store that is more manageable and more useful. The low quality apps filling the app store are an embarrassment.

    Originally Posted by tiroger View Post

    Google voice, Spotify (likely to be rejected), SlingMedia (wifi only), skype (wifi only)... should I go on? All of these apps are available on other phones, on AT&T network nonetheless.

    This is the real issue for you and your kind. You want something other than the iPhone. You want all the coolness and beauty, and functionality of the iPhone that is not the iPhone. You want GV but not AT&T. You want media services that are free from iTunes restrictions. You want Apple and their partners to give up the goose that laid the golden egg. If Google wants to change the world like Apple has, (and I wish them luck) they will have to make the same kinds of investments and take the same kinds of risks as Apple has. Google has not phone, no partnership with a carrier, and no cellular network. They and others like them are going to have to put a little more skin in the game if they want to change the world.

    Originally Posted by tiroger View Post

    You're free to keep your blinders on and defend Apple for whatever they do, and blame developers, but if Apple doesn't rectify this soon, the backlash will not be pretty.

    Me thinks you are the one with blinders on. I do not defend Apple mindlessly. In this case, Apple has done nothing illegal or immoral. Their biggest crime in this case is that they have been more successful than anyone could have imagined. If you think Apple and AT&T should make it easy for their competitors to gain marketshare, you are the one wearing blinders. I am not blaming developers, I am blaming stupid developers. 98% of all apps are approved within two weeks. Obviously, developers can figure it out. If you pet app doesn't make the cut, feel free to follow it to another platform. That is how the market works. I do not believe Apple has anything to worry about from good developers who are very happy and successful making good iPhone apps.
  • Reply 42 of 56
    nizynizy Posts: 24member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Here's the reality, very well put:

    Let's keep this all in perspective.

    Yeah he makes some good points, and a little perspecive is required. Like he says MOST users will never know about any rejections. Also consider this: there are about 50m devices running iPhone OS, about 70,000 apps on the store, 1000s of devs...How many apps have been rejected? I can remember about 20-30. Max. 50. Thats like 0.07%! Its hardly a large scale issue and most developers work within the bounds of the store with ease.

    Yes, they should have some better guidelines and the approval process could be quicker, but most of the rejections have been for pretty obvious reasons: offensvie stuff like the baby shaker, AT&Ts (and other worldwide carriers) business interests such as the 1st tethering app and GV, a C64 emulator that runs full BASIC code etc. Its pretty obvious these would have been borderline projects from the start.
  • Reply 43 of 56
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    do they have pictures? a lot of the book apps are comic books or other specially made apps with pictures.

    Comes with cover art. Pictures may not be optimal in a normal ebook reader but these are typically novels.
  • Reply 44 of 56
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Here's the reality, very well put:

    Excellent article - thanks for sharing!
  • Reply 45 of 56
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by John.B View Post

    While we're keep this all in perspective, let's remember that Michael Arrington (of TechCrunch) isn't exactly the world's most highly regarded blogger.

    As the saying goes, "Ideas are not responsible for the people who hold them." However, people will still automatically put anything coming from Arrington or TechCrunch through their BS filter, and many will never get past that URL.

    It would be their loss. He's spot on for the most part and does an excellent job of addressing JC's bombastic blog entry.
  • Reply 46 of 56
    Hey Schiller, I want an iPhone with a 12 megapixel camera with optical zoom, 120GB memory, 4" OLED screen, new UI and a processor that is 10 times faster than the 3GS. Wait. I guess we'll see this in 10 more years..
  • Reply 47 of 56
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    Excellent article - thanks for sharing!

    +1! Thank you, Quadra 610!
  • Reply 48 of 56
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    So is the bottom lie here ?

    "if I can't become a multi-millionaire with an app., for the iPhone / iPod, then Apple sucks"!

    "So what if they have or are coming out with an application, that is much like mine" "just put yours out there, and let the best program win"

    "it's not like you (Apple) needs the money", "and if it's not your application I'd hurt, but someone who your like more or have a relationship with, then I'll say the same thing" "put both of our applications out there for folks to chose from, and let the applications do the talking, not management" "Hell if one application kicks ass, don't you think, the other one will see that, and make theirs better, or least try and fix it"? "If not, then they will have no one but themselves to blame for poor sales".

    One of the bottom lines is:

    It is Apples store, and we all have to play by their rules. Now the rules might suck, but they are the rules.

    YES, I'm a BIG fan of breaking rules, so break them - start your own application store, sell or give your app's away for less then Apple, put a HURT into Apple. What's the worst thing that can happen?

    Steve calls to say "Hey, I'd like to buy your company, what's the price?!

  • Reply 49 of 56
    mac voyermac voyer Posts: 1,295member
    Originally Posted by ncee View Post

    One of the bottom lines is:

    It is Apples store, and we all have to play by their rules. Now the rules might suck, but they are the rules.

    YES, I'm a BIG fan of breaking rules, so break them - start your own application store, sell or give your app's away for less then Apple, put a HURT into Apple. What's the worst thing that can happen?


    Correct! It is Apple's house and Apple's party. They paid for the space, they bought the food and drinks, they paid for the entertainment. They negotiated with the police department and the neighborhood association for permits. They carry the insurance and the liability. Now the guests who were once blown away by the great party, are now demanding real fireworks instead of a laser show. They are demanding kegs of hard liquor instead of root beer. They are demanding the music be turned up to eleven. They want the ladies to strip down and security to look the other way. The invited guests are tired of the restrictions and are convinced that they can throw a better party. Problem is they do not want to get their own space, buy their own food and drinks, pay for their own entertainment, or negotiate with the police or neighborhood associations for their own permits, or get their own insurance and become liable themselves. Well those guests can go to hell! The rest of us just want to enjoy the party, at least, until there is a better one to join.
  • Reply 50 of 56
    To those saying that developers are b!tching to much - as a current iPhone developer I say this - screw you.

    Why should I as a developer waste my precious time on building a 'real' iPhone application that can take anywhere from 6 months to a year, and then not know if Apple will even approve the application for sale?

    And then people wonder why there are not very many 'good' applications out there. How long do you think it takes to make an 'iFart' quality type of application versus a feature rich, bug free, USEFUL iPhone app?

    If Apple doesn't fix this, and I mean soon - you will start to see developers moving to other platforms where this is not an issue. Apple knows this, which is good, and it seems like they are making an attempt to make the whole process better. Jury's out.
  • Reply 51 of 56
    mac voyermac voyer Posts: 1,295member
    Originally Posted by CrownSeven View Post

    Why should I as a developer waste my precious time on building a 'real' iPhone application that can take anywhere from 6 months to a year, and then not know if Apple will even approve the application for sale?

    Why are you focusing on the miniscule percentage of apps that do not get rejected instead of the 98% that are accepted right away? This is all about the fringe, not the mainstream. There is a huge fat middle for app development. The rejection scare has been blown completely out of proportion. If good and smart developers were being turned away in droves, I would be waiving the banner right alongside you. But it is just not true.

    We have the hysteria of the very noisy minority. There are many who would rather take their disputes public and tell one side of the story for publicity purposes. I am sure you are not such a developer.

    As for leaving the platform, that would be stupid. By all means, develop for the other platforms. Bring your ideas to life and make lots of money. Make us beg Apple to allow you're creative genius into the store. If Apple rejects you offerings while others accept it, our loss, your gain. It is not Apple who is keeping you down; it is the fact that you don't have a better platform to develop for. Like everyone else complaining about Apple, some of which is justified, you do not need Apple to make a better app store; you need Apple to have better competition. Good luck with your apps. What category of app do you develop that you are worried about being rejected if you don't mind my asking?
  • Reply 52 of 56
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Originally Posted by CrownSeven View Post

    To those saying that developers are b!tching to much - as a current iPhone developer I say this - screw you.

    Why should I as a developer waste my precious time on building a 'real' iPhone application that can take anywhere from 6 months to a year, and then not know if Apple will even approve the application for sale?

    So don't.

    There are no guarantees in this world; life is not fair.

    Do what's right for you because it's right for you; anything else leads to disappointment, regret, and bitterness.
  • Reply 53 of 56
    I agree with this developer's original blog post. Apple's "App Store" approval process has been fumbled terribly and remains highly flawed, inconsistent, and illogical. At this point in the game, It is pathetic for a large company like Apple to have such a chaotic, disjointed approval process for the platform that is becoming the future of their company.

    This is unacceptable, and SOMEONE needs to be canned. Today. The ultimate responsibility lays with Shiller, and coupled with the handful of other major idiotic marketing/product decisions in the past year or two, his time is long past due. Steve needs to crack the whip and get someone with a functioning brain in Shiller's position.
  • Reply 54 of 56
    Originally Posted by winterspan View Post

    canned. .

    Caned or canned up in a can?
  • Reply 55 of 56
    Originally Posted by Mac Voyer View Post

    Correct! It is Apple's house and Apple's party. They paid for the space, they bought the food and drinks, they paid for the entertainment. They negotiated with the police department and the neighborhood association for permits. They carry the insurance and the liability. Now the guests who were once blown away by the great party, are now demanding real fireworks instead of a laser show. They are demanding kegs of hard liquor instead of root beer. They are demanding the music be turned up to eleven. They want the ladies to strip down and security to look the other way. The invited guests are tired of the restrictions and are convinced that they can throw a better party. Problem is they do not want to get their own space, buy their own food and drinks, pay for their own entertainment, or negotiate with the police or neighborhood associations for their own permits, or get their own insurance and become liable themselves. Well those guests can go to hell! The rest of us just want to enjoy the party, at least, until there is a better one to join.

    I simply love your illustration! Hats up to you, sir!
  • Reply 56 of 56
    Originally Posted by ncee View Post

    So is the bottom lie here ?

    "if I can't become a multi-millionaire with an app., for the iPhone / iPod, then Apple sucks"!

    "So what if they have or are coming out with an application, that is much like mine" "just put yours out there, and let the best program win"

    "it's not like you (Apple) needs the money", "and if it's not your application I'd hurt, but someone who your like more or have a relationship with, then I'll say the same thing" "put both of our applications out there for folks to chose from, and let the applications do the talking, not management" "Hell if one application kicks ass, don't you think, the other one will see that, and make theirs better, or least try and fix it"? "If not, then they will have no one but themselves to blame for poor sales".

    One of the bottom lines is:

    It is Apples store, and we all have to play by their rules. Now the rules might suck, but they are the rules.

    YES, I'm a BIG fan of breaking rules, so break them - start your own application store, sell or give your app's away for less then Apple, put a HURT into Apple. What's the worst thing that can happen?

    Steve calls to say "Hey, I'd like to buy your company, what's the price?!


    Developers who think that way ought to be shot!
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