Steve Jobs talks iPod nano with camera, iPod touch without



  • Reply 21 of 92
    Originally Posted by hdasmith View Post

    So why was the original iPod such a success? Oh, I forgot, it was also an address book and calendar.

    A lot has changed in the past 8 years.
  • Reply 22 of 92
    mark2005mark2005 Posts: 1,158member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    I'll bet your parents have more incidences against you than you have on Steve.

    Good thing my parents don't ask me about much these days ... \
  • Reply 23 of 92
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    I am thinking some case manufactures might have jumped the gun or speculated a camera was coming to the itouch and figure it was be located at the same spot as the iphone.

    There is no way that Apple would have ramped up the itouch with camera then pulled it back in the last few weeks, that would have cost them millions since you know those product are already in the pipeline. If anything if it did have a camera at one time it was pulled months ago before they even ramp the product. Also, I do not believe the bad hardware thing, since you can guess the itouch camera CCD was either the one from the iphone or the nano, they would not want to source a 3rd CCD, that too would be too costly.

    I agree with you, perhaps Apple was just trying to smoke out the moles or the rumor makers have gotten very good lately.
  • Reply 24 of 92
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    The Kindle does one thing, it's a book reader. Book readers (people who read books) use the Kindle, if they buy one, cause all the want to do is read books on it. That said, I can see a lot of book readers (people who read books) preferring the tangible quality of a real book.

    There'll come a time in the future when a Book Reader will come along that will become far more widely used than the Kindle I think, but that point is a few years away yet. Perhaps Apple will make it, and perhaps someone else will - who knows? It won't be the Apple tablet though, that's for sure. The Apple tablet will be a computer, not a Book Reader.

    One thing I didn't see mentioned in this article, was the reason I think there's no video-camera in the touch. Apple want to keep the iPhone out on its own for longer, as I think they make more money from it. Giving the touch a video camera is one more reason to avoid going for an iPhone. I believe that's the real reason.

    I use the term "touch" and not iPod touch only to annoy people
  • Reply 25 of 92
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    That's funny- that sounds like every movie I've ever bought from iTunes for the AppleTV.

    I guess the used book market is more substantial and popular than the used DVD/VHS market. In other words, very few people think about selling their used DVDs or used videotapes or buying such.
  • Reply 26 of 92
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    JThe executive told Pogue that he's eating "a lot of ice cream" to put on weight, and he probably needs to gain about 30 pounds.

    Interesting, I am pretty sure he used to be a vegan. Maybe his doctors told him he had to at least eat dairy?
  • Reply 27 of 92
    Originally Posted by mark2005 View Post

    I guess the used book market is more substantial and popular than the used DVD/VHS market. In other words, very few people think to sell their used DVDs or used videotapes.

    Really- check eBay or Craigslist the last 10 years?

    Also methinks swine flu will damper the used book market.
  • Reply 28 of 92
    Originally Posted by Zweben View Post

    Interesting, I am pretty sure he used to be a vegan. Maybe his doctors told him he had to at least eat dairy?

    What - no Tofutti?
  • Reply 29 of 92
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    Thanks because apple said it a hobby business for them and said right up front they will not disclose the sales. They are testing the waters and market to understand what the product need to be to get it just right.

    No, the hobby comment was more Jobs spin just like the quotes in this article. It wasn't described as a hobby until it was released to the market and had less than stellar sales.
  • Reply 30 of 92
    Originally Posted by hdasmith View Post

    So why was the original iPod such a success? Oh, I forgot, it was also an address book and calendar.

    No the iPod was a success because one can store all their music on it, iTMS made it even better and the address book and calender was just extras and software based, which is a lot cheaper than adding new hardware features to a device.

    Trust me, if we got a "iPhone without the 'phone' " it would be priced near $600 and people would scream, sales would drop.

    Also Apple gets a kickback from the carriers monthly charging for the iPhone, not with the iPod Touch so that has it's influence on features for the device.

    The iPod Touch is a gaming device and gaming devices are for kids and the cheaper the better.

    Does the iPhone work without a carrier? That's the answer.
  • Reply 31 of 92
    Originally Posted by Zweben View Post

    Interesting, I am pretty sure he used to be a vegan. Maybe his doctors told him he had to at least eat dairy?

    I'm guessing the ice cream thing was just a joke. I made the same joke on these forums before the event!. LOL. That said, if he is/was vegan and is eating dairy now... no disrespect to my vegan friends... but my guess is that almost dying might change one's perspective on a few things.
  • Reply 32 of 92
    "What customers told us" == Sales figures
  • Reply 33 of 92
    8gb 199 32gb for 299 and 54gb for 399. How much can 8gb extra gb cost to make the 199 price point 16gb. The number just seems lopsided. And 8gb is not that much now especially when apple wants to highlight the touch as a game machine. I do agree with some of the other post on the iphone price as well. how are the touches so different in price from the no contract prices of the ipones.

    mac book 2.0ghz 4gb ram and 120gb hard drive

    32gb ipod touch

    airport extreme dual band
  • Reply 34 of 92
    I think the eBook reader market might get some legs once Asus jumps into the fray:
  • Reply 35 of 92
    WARNING! iTunes 9

    Those who are used to using iTMS "shopping cart" and click "Buy" in iTunes 9 actually starts the purchase instead of placing the item in the shopping cart.

    The shopping cart is replaced with the "Wish List" accessed from the menu next to "Buy" button.

    Apple will fool a few million with that trick easy.
  • Reply 36 of 92
    Originally Posted by Takeo View Post

    I'm guessing the ice cream thing was just a joke. I made the same joke on these forums before the event!. LOL. That said, if he is/was vegan and is eating dairy now... no disrespect to my vegan friends... but my guess is that almost dying might change one's perspective on a few things.

    Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches will put weight on him in a hurry.

    And Steve has been photographed eating ice cream long before his surgery or health issues. (and I know where he goes too *smug*)

    I assume Steve "starves" himself to keep himself motivated, if he was fat he would become a lazy, stupid idiot, like Steve Balmer.

    (Just take your abuse Stevie B, don't throw a chair at me now lol)
  • Reply 37 of 92
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    No, the hobby comment was more Jobs spin just like the quotes in this article. It wasn't described as a hobby until it was released to the market and had less than stellar sales.

    Exactly. I never would have bought it in June 2007 if it had been thought of and discussed as a "hobby".

    So now the "hobby" is in its 3rd year- what a joke! When was it's last major update?

    I wonder what the average ATV owner has spent, in addition to the jukebox unit itself, on rentals and sales to iTunes?
  • Reply 38 of 92
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    So tells us Steve- How many AppleTV's has Apple sold?

    When they call AppleTV a "hobby," it's not like they're pretending it's some huge seller?
  • Reply 39 of 92
    ".02-inch thick" - wow, that really is "wafer thin"!
  • Reply 40 of 92
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    So tells us Steve- How many AppleTV's has Apple sold?

    They sold one to me
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