Steve Jobs talks iPod nano with camera, iPod touch without



  • Reply 41 of 92
    I think it's a mistake to start pitching iPod Touch as a gaming machine. It's certainly waaay more than that. Why intentionally limit the market scope of your product?

    I hope it's really just spin to paper over the technical issues they had with putting a camera in the Touch.
  • Reply 42 of 92
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    I am thinking some case manufactures might have jumped the gun or speculated a camera was coming to the itouch and figure it was be located at the same spot as the iphone.


    Except that the lens on the iPhone is NW of the Apple Logo, while the cases showed the opening as being directly centered.

    In any event, I'm still kicking myself for selling my 16G 2nd Gen touch in anticipation of a 16G with camera. No way I buy a 32GB touch without a camera (the point would have been storage for the vids and pics), and the 8GB is only 2nd Gen technology.

    I'm hoping this is just a way of clearing out the old 8GBs and that they'll release (soon!) a 16GB as the bottom rung.

    Still haven't figure out how to tell my daughter that her dad's brilliant move to sell her about-to-be-inherited 16 GB touch blew up in his face.

  • Reply 43 of 92
    Originally Posted by gmcalpin View Post

    When they call AppleTV a "hobby," it's not like they're pretending it's some huge seller?

    Again- it wasn't called a "hobby" until after it wasn't selling. Doesn't Bezos call the Kindle a "hobby" for Amazon as well?
  • Reply 44 of 92
    Originally Posted by tundraboy View Post

    I think it's a mistake to start pitching iPod Touch as a gaming machine. It's certainly waaay more than that. Why intentionally limit the market scope of your product?

    I hope it's really just spin to paper over the technical issues they had with putting a camera in the Touch.

    I think AT&T got pisst with it getting a mic. God only knows what they have in their iPhone contract.
  • Reply 45 of 92
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    I'll go out on a limb here and say that the vast majority of iPod touch users do NOT consider it to be primarily a 'gaming machine'.

    Actual users use it as an iPhone without the phone, and real gamers consider it to be underpowered/underfeatured.

    This is really lame spin to either mask a FU, or continue the artificial differentiation between touch and iPhone for margin reasons.
  • Reply 46 of 92
    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    I'll go out on a limb here and say that the vast majority of iPod touch users do NOT consider it to be primarily a 'gaming machine'.

    Actual users use it as an iPhone without the phone, and real gamers consider it to be underpowered/underfeatured.This is really lame spin to either mask a FU, or continue the artificial differentiation between touch and iPhone for margin reasons.

    Agree 100%.
  • Reply 47 of 92
    Originally Posted by hdasmith View Post

    So why was the original iPod such a success? Oh, I forgot, it was also an address book and calendar.

    Was your post serious? You are trying to compare a music player to an ebook reader?

    As far as the QuickTake, oh yes the first digital camera for the consumer, no matter the cost it was still cool as hell and groundbreaking, you could say that the eMate was one of the first netbooks as well and hell it had a touch screen, those were cool things, no matter if they misread the market, the kindle on the other hand .. meh.
  • Reply 48 of 92
    Originally Posted by cnocbui View Post

    "What customers told us"

    They obviously aren't the same customers who contribute to these forums who have overwhelmingly expressed disappointment at the lack of a camera.

    Tech-heads and fanboys on Apple fansites on the ass-end of the net comprise a tiny fraction of Apple's customer base.
  • Reply 49 of 92
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Really- check eBay or Craigslist the last 10 years?

    Also methinks swine flu will damper the used book market.

    Yes, I have, and at least on Craigslist, its largely given away at ridiculously low prices or for free. The issue is you can't know the condition of a DVD/tape on sight, whereas you can know the condition of a book. eBay/Craigslist is just not like a good brick-and-mortar used book store.

    In any case, the electronic revolution is making resales much more difficult. Not because of technology but because of sales policies. In time, this will change.
  • Reply 50 of 92
    elrothelroth Posts: 1,201member
    Originally Posted by Takeo View Post

    I'm guessing the ice cream thing was just a joke. I made the same joke on these forums before the event!. LOL. That said, if he is/was vegan and is eating dairy now... no disrespect to my vegan friends... but my guess is that almost dying might change one's perspective on a few things.

    I doubt that he's really eating a lot of ice cream to gain weight - at least I hope he isn't. That would just be empty calories, and all the sugar would tax his pancreas to produce the insulin to deal with it.

    There are several vegan alternatives to dairy-based ice cream, including coconut based ones that use agave for sweetening (that will still give you too much of a glycemic hit, but it's better than sugar).
  • Reply 51 of 92
    Originally Posted by AdamIIGS View Post

    Was your post serious? You are trying to compare a music player to an ebook reader?

    I thought he was being sarcastic. But what was wrong with comparing the music player to an ebook reader at least insofar as they are both dedicated devices?
  • Reply 52 of 92
    Originally Posted by elroth View Post

    I doubt that he's really eating a lot of ice cream to gain weight - at least I hope he isn't. All the calories in ice cream are from sugar, which would tax his pancreas in dealing with it.

    Not to mention the fat intake alone from all the butterfat in ice cream which would tax his heart and girth.
  • Reply 53 of 92
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by camroidv27 View Post

    At least its doing better than the iPod HiFi. And better than the Apple eMate, or QuickTake.

    massive success is the side effect of repeated failures...if you are not willing to fail a few times along the way, you will never be great, Micheal Jordan lost a lot of games, and missed a lot of shots.

    Every tech company has had massive failures and flops

    IBM PC Jr

    Microsoft Bob

    Sony minidisc

    Nintendo game cube

    if you never fail, you will never succeed because you dont care enough to try...

    Hmmm...maybe I should be a motivational speaker...
  • Reply 54 of 92
    Originally Posted by mark2005 View Post

    I thought he was being sarcastic. But what was wrong with comparing the music player to an ebook reader at least insofar as they are both dedicated devices?

    Well one is for the ears, the other for the eyes.
  • Reply 55 of 92
    Originally Posted by gmcalpin View Post

    When they call AppleTV a "hobby," it's not like they're pretending it's some huge seller…

    I don't think Amazon has ever said that the Kindle is a "huge seller", although it sells well enough to stay at the top end of their bestseller lists.

    I don't even think they care that it is or not, as evidenced by the Kindle app for iPhone. They just want people to buy lots of Kindle e-books - just like Steve said, no warehouse, no UPS truck, high margin.
  • Reply 56 of 92
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Well one is for the ears, the other for the eyes.

  • Reply 57 of 92
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Well one is for the ears, the other for the eyes.

    another marvelous display of wit.

    What is interesting is with text-talk and iPod videos the eyes/ears have merged in our new multimedia world.
  • Reply 58 of 92
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    Also Apple gets a kickback from the carriers monthly charging for the iPhone, not with the iPod Touch so that has it's influence on features for the device.

    Just want to point out that Apple no longer gets a monthly kickback for its iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS. That only applied to the original unsubsidized iPhone with the $20 data plan, and it was possibly only for up to two years of service charges. Apple/AT&T never clarified if it was life-of-phone, or no more than two years (which Apple uses as the expected life of phone in its accounting).
  • Reply 59 of 92
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Exactly. I never would have bought it in June 2007 if it had been thought of and discussed as a "hobby".

    So now the "hobby" is in its 3rd year- what a joke! When was it's last major update?

    I wonder what the average ATV owner has spent, in addition to the jukebox unit itself, on rentals and sales to iTunes?

    What is your problem exactly?

    Did the Apple TV do what it was supposed to do when you decided to buy it?

    Does the Apple TV still do the things it is supposed to do?

    Does the Apple TV do way more things than it did when you bought it, all for free I might add?

    Did Apple ever promise you that it would ever do more than it is doing now?

    So based on the fact that it does what it said it would when you bought it plus lots more things that Apple have given you for free - you still feel you made a bad choice when you bought it.

    Now who's fault is that exactly? Yours?

    I am more than happy with my Apple TV, I bought one as soon as they came out and I have loved each every free update I have been given, which adds value to the device every time.

    Some people are just never happy. If you spent money it is because you decide to do so, not because Apple forced you or misled you.

    Accept some responsibility for your actions, don't blame others. A rare thing nowadays,
  • Reply 60 of 92
    Originally Posted by parky View Post

    Did the Apple TV do what it was supposed to dow when you decided to buy it?

    Does the Apple TV still do the things it is supposed to do?

    Does the Apple TV do way more things than it did when you bought it, all for free I might add?

    Did Apple ever promise you that it would ever do more than it is doing now?

    So based on the fact that it does what it said it would when you bought it plus lots more things that Apple have given you for free - you still feel you made a bad choice when you bought it.

    Now who's fault is that exactly? Yours?

    I am more than happy with my Apple TV, I bought one as soon as they came out and I have loved each every free update I have been given, which adds value to the device every time.

    Some people are just never happy.

    Did I know the AppleTV was going to morph into basically an iTunes Digital jukebox when I bought it only asking for more and more $$?- NO.

    Did I know that my music and video files would be thought of as secondary on the AppleTV when I bought it?- NO.

    Did I know that Apple would consider it a mere "hobby" and not a full fledged product when I bought it? NO.

    Did Apple ever promise you that it would ever do more than it is doing now? YES- except I took that to mean pertaining to my files - how stupid of me!

    I'm very happy - especially with all my Apple products, just not the AppleTV.
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