From OLED to Tegra: Five Myths of the Zune HD



  • Reply 161 of 581
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    You really are just trying to cause trouble. In order to understand past postings, you have to read the entire thread in which the posts appear. It's easy to select posts that say something that you don't like, and try to present them as something which they may not be. By telling this other poster that you don't care about what they say is just being rude. Anyone can respond to anyone in a thread, that's true here, or just about anywhere else. You don't have to respond back. But if you do, then like it or not, you did care about what they posted.

    As most of your regulars RIP APART anything non Apple. I can give names but you already know the Apple Apologists.

    No I'm not trying to cause trouble. I'm pointing out that this article should be pulled because it is inaccurate and even the global moderator disagrees with the majority of the article.

    Calling BS where it's needed is not causing trouble. Otherwise I'd be a mindless Apple Sheep that buys anything they put out with a piece of fruit on it.

    Edit: As I've said I don't have to look up personal preferences on this forum. I read it every day and users Flip Flop on what they like or don't based on what is "rumored" to be coming out (or what Apple didn't come out with and MS did) or what an analyst said that they happen to agee with "Gene Munster" the biggest Apple stock hyper comes to mind.
  • Reply 162 of 581
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    iPod mindshare? Is that like a vulcan Mind Meld that only Steve Jobs can do? I have an iPhone with 3.1 on it and I've never even heard of it. I Googled it an the most recent article I could find was a year old and it goes all the way back to 2005 from there.

    iPod Mindshare. ROMLMAO (My kids tought me that one).

    "aspirin", "tupperware", "kleenex", and "bandaid".

    THAT is mind share. THINK about the implications of these brand names in relation to competing products.
  • Reply 163 of 581
    Originally Posted by agion1 View Post


    Question: Do you think that the game company that created the Xbox, the same company that is merging the Zune experience with its gaming platform...the same company that has given developers the tools to create games for both platforms is going to sit by and watch Apple take market share? No way.


    Answer: You mean the company that has lost BILLIONS on the Xbox? That has been utterly incapable of competing with ipods? The company that has been completely blown away by the iphone even though they've been in the mobile phone business for a decade?

    No, I don't think they're going to sit by, I think they're going to blow BILLIONS more trying to catch up and fail.
  • Reply 164 of 581
    I gave up trying to take pictures of the OLED screen compared to the iPhone. It's a no contest. It's like comparing the Pioneer Kuro to my old Vizio LCD.

    See it in person, since replicating it on a crappy PC monitor won't do it justice.

    It's wierd, when you turn it on, you don't see any changes in the screen (because it's obviously not backlit..)
  • Reply 165 of 581
    This is silly.

    Competition is good!!

    I hope the Zune is amazing since it will force Apple to make some new innovations which I will benefit from. If fact even if the Zune sucks I?m going to rave to Apple about how much I love then Zune and when are they going to improve the iPod line.

    All of this ?the Zune sucks? is sending a message to Apple, ?don?t bother improving anything since we will buy anything with an Apple logo good or bad?. I am concerned about how many people are bashing a product they know NOTHING about, it is sending the WRONG message to Apple. Please stop this.

    Wake up!! Tell Apple how much you like the new Zune features.
  • Reply 166 of 581
    Man, that was a class lecture. You should be nominated for a Pulitzer Award. It is really nice to read a thorough, knowledgeable report on a product. And this one is FIRST-CLASS report.

    Microsoft is MICRO when it comes to anything reliable; you always get less for more money. I saw the first Zune at Costco and I stood there and laughed so hard that some shoppers might have thought I was crazy. Needless to say, Costco removed them within 30days and never display them again. Because nobody was buying, and many who bought were returning in mass.

    I don't know any retailer that will carry Zune HD, except of course the coming Microsoft Windows Stores. This is another way for Microsoft shareholders to get shaved of some percentage of their investment value.

    Shame of Ballmer and his troop of idiots!
  • Reply 167 of 581
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    Your English here is, uh ... kind of "difficult" so I'm not sure what you're actually arguing.

    But if you're bringing out that old chestnut as to how Microsoft "saved" Apple with that investment or even that they invested in Apple because they thought it was a winning situation and that Apple would bounce back, you are 100% wrong.

    The investment and the Office contract were part and parcel of the same deal and the reasons behind it were settling a law suit over Microsoft's theft of Apple's IP (video for windows) and the long standing and famous "look and feel" lawsuit.

    Gazoobee, thank you for responding to my post. Yes, I see that I was not clear in what I wrote. I did not take the time to re-read. I apologize. In any case, I do not wish to divert attention from my main post. I was simply having fun with Melgross by bringing up that "old chestnut," as you call it. I thought his argument regarding the Xbox's success (namely, that it was a success because MS continued to take massive losses for a period of time) was not relevant to my point and I thought I'd use a little humor (very little, I know) to make my point.

    Your interpretation of the Apple/Microsoft deal is interested and may have merit. In the name of objectivity though, it would do you well not to pretend that what you are saying is indisputable [cold-hard fact]. It is easy enough to sift through the archives of various tech and news sites and see clearly that other interpretations existed then (and exist now). Objectively, no one can say whether MS "saved" Apple or not.

  • Reply 168 of 581
    Originally Posted by OC4Theo View Post

    Man, that was a class lecture. You should be nominated for a Pulitzer Award. It is really nice to read a thorough, knowledgeable report on a product. And this one is FIRST-CLASS report.

    Microsoft is MICRO when it comes to anything reliable; you always get less for more money. I saw the first Zune at Costco and I stood there and laughed so hard that some shoppers might have thought I was crazy. Needless to say, Costco removed them within 30days and never display them again. Because nobody was buying, and many who bought were returning in mass.

    I don't know any retailer that will carry Zune HD, except of course the coming Microsoft Windows Stores. This is another way for Microsoft shareholders to get shaved of some percentage of their investment value.

    Shame of Ballmer and his troop of idiots!

    Hmm.. Everyone carries the Zune HD. I went around and tried to buy one the 14th. All the Best Buy stores said I coulnd't have one since it wasn't "launched" yet. I went to walmart as a last desperate effort, and after I pointed out the box to the old man in the electronics department he gladedly handed it over to me.

    Just waiting for the dang zune store to open up again.. ugh..
  • Reply 169 of 581
    Originally Posted by OC4Theo View Post

    Man, that was a class lecture. You should be nominated for a Pulitzer Award. It is really nice to read a thorough, knowledgeable report on a product. And this one is FIRST-CLASS report.

    Microsoft is MICRO when it comes to anything reliable; you always get less for more money. I saw the first Zune at Costco and I stood there and laughed so hard that some shoppers might have thought I was crazy. Needless to say, Costco removed them within 30days and never display them again. Because nobody was buying, and many who bought were returning in mass.

    I don't know any retailer that will carry Zune HD, except of course the coming Microsoft Windows Stores. This is another way for Microsoft shareholders to get shaved of some percentage of their investment value.

    Shame of Ballmer and his troop of idiots!

    Apparently Best Buy will try their hand with the Zune. Again.
  • Reply 170 of 581
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    I didn't need to look them up I read this site daily.

    You're sure that MS's OLED is "good enough" &

    "At any rate, anyone who reads that post of mine that you quoted won't see me trashing the OLED in the Zune, because I didn't do that"

    You are a Global Moderator for a forum that did "Trash" OLED in the new Zune HD and everything about the Zune.

    That doesn't bother you that you disagree with the very article that you are are a Moderator For? Yes, this is an "Apple Forum" but this article is inexcusable for the blatant BS that it is spewing.

    I'm finding it difficult to follow your points here. First you accuse me of trashing the HD's screen. I didn't do that, so now you accuse me of not agreeing with the article.

    Which is it? Should I parrot the article because I'm a mod, or should I give my own opinions, because I'm also a person?

    I'm not a mod for the article. We don't mod articles, the admins do that. We mod the threads that spawn from those articles. We can take part in the thread if we wish.

    I just don't like seeing extreme statements.

    And sure, some people come on who are trolls, and who are fanboys trying to get a rise out of people here.

    If all you do is to look at my posting and make comments about it, you are doing that very thing.

    If you really want to stay here, it would be better to just give your own opinions about what the discussion is all about, rather thnt trying to comment on old posts from someone else.

    Being a mod doesn't (shouldn't) mean that you agree with everything in an article. We're here to check for spam, and keep things from going too far, which doesn't mean that we shut down lively arguments.
  • Reply 171 of 581
    Originally Posted by dominiej View Post

    You're right! Microsoft must be paying us to come onto AI and defend its player!

    Or can you wrap your head around some people who actually are Zune enthusiasts? Yeah, fit that into your iWorld, will ya..

    And you're one to talk about high post counts...

    I don't get people like you. What's the point of coming to an Apple info site just to start arguments? Don't you have anything better to do?
  • Reply 172 of 581
    Originally Posted by dominiej View Post

    You're right! Microsoft must be paying us to come onto AI and defend its player!

    Or can you wrap your head around some people who actually are Zune enthusiasts? Yeah, fit that into your iWorld, will ya..

    And you're one to talk about high post counts...

    well, true or not, i cant think of any other reason, besides being paid, why youd waste your time coming to an apple fansite to argue. i have no desire to visit zune websites and argue with you people. even if this article was complete bs and the zune hd isnt half bad, it still doesnt have a chance, and everyone knows it.
  • Reply 173 of 581
    Originally Posted by macnyc View Post

    I don't get people like you. What's the point of coming to an Apple info site just to start arguments? Don't you have anything better to do?

    A nine-post wonder playing up MS' latest me-too attempt on an Apple fansite.

    He's here to troll. And no, trolls have nothing better to do, sadly.
  • Reply 174 of 581
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    As most of your regulars RIP APART anything non Apple. I can give names but you already know the Apple Apologists.

    No I'm not trying to cause trouble. I'm pointing out that this article should be pulled because it is inaccurate and even the global moderator disagrees with the majority of the article.

    Calling BS where it's needed is not causing trouble. Otherwise I'd be a mindless Apple Sheep that buys anything they put out with a piece of fruit on it.

    Edit: As I've said I don't have to look up personal preferences on this forum. I read it every day and users Flip Flop on what they like or don't based on what is "rumored" to be coming out (or what Apple didn't come out with and MS did) or what an analyst said that they happen to agee with "Gene Munster" the biggest Apple stock hyper comes to mind.

    I didn't say that I disagreed with the majority of the article, just some of it. He's correct about the Tegra, for example. There are articles about that in ArsTechnica and Anandtech, both respected sites with excellent technology writers that say pretty much the same thing.

    I don't mind hype. I was in advertising for several years, and much of my business over the years dealt with that. But just as we have to separate out Apple's hype, we have to do it to others as well. I'm sure you agree with that. Certainly you won't argue that MS doesn't engage in hype.
  • Reply 175 of 581
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    Then there is person X "I kiss Apple's Ass" and let a Moderator stand on his or her own words both past and present. I don't think 1 month is that old to still support a "Feature".

    In other words. I wasn't referring to you or talking to you and don't require or want a response from you.

    I'm asking an AI Moderator to justify past "personal postings" to justify the BS that is being spewed in this article when a month ago he was all for OLED.

    Simple isn't is when you take out Person X.

    What an astonishing outburst. Well, at least I can see why ad hominem comes so easily to you. Popping you on my ignore list, with thanks for the verification!
  • Reply 176 of 581
    Originally Posted by Gboy99 View Post

    This is silly.

    Competition is good!!

    I hope the Zune is amazing since it will force Apple to make some new innovations which I will benefit from. If fact even if the Zune sucks I?m going to rave to Apple about how much I love then Zune and when are they going to improve the iPod line.

    All of this ?the Zune sucks? is sending a message to Apple, ?don?t bother improving anything since we will buy anything with an Apple logo good or bad?. I am concerned about how many people are bashing a product they know NOTHING about, it is sending the WRONG message to Apple. Please stop this.

    Wake up!! Tell Apple how much you like the new Zune features.

    That must be some pretty powerful weed! Nothing you say makes sense.

    Do you really think Apple cares about what you say? Of course not, they care about the numbers. If they sell a lot of ipods then obviously they're doing something right and they will continue doing it, and they have.

    Since when is lying the best way to get things done anyway?!
  • Reply 177 of 581
    Originally Posted by macnyc View Post

    That must be some pretty powerful weed! Nothing you say makes sense.

    Do you really think Apple cares about what you say? Of course not, they care about the numbers. If they sell a lot of ipods then obviously they're doing something right and they will continue doing it, and they have.

    Since when is lying the best way to get things done anyway?!

    Guess you fall into the "mindless Apple Sheep" comment above. Keep buying something for its logo and not its features. People on this forum want me to stop buying Apple products.
  • Reply 178 of 581

    I'm not trying to be antagonistic but as a moderator you can't pound someone for calling another an ifanbot and then in the very same response call him an msbot. What gives?
  • Reply 179 of 581
    Originally Posted by Gboy99 View Post

    Guess you fall into the "mindless Apple Sheep" comment above. Keep buying something for its logo and not its features. People on this forum want me to stop buying Apple products.

    Well, in all fairness, Apple do tend to ignore customer requests.

    I would have thought that the best way to get Apple to add features to the iPod line would be to vote with your feet and buy a Zune.
  • Reply 180 of 581
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by Gboy99 View Post

    This is silly.

    Competition is good!!

    I hope the Zune is amazing since it will force Apple to make some new innovations which I will benefit from. If fact even if the Zune sucks I’m going to rave to Apple about how much I love then Zune and when are they going to improve the iPod line.

    All of this “the Zune sucks” is sending a message to Apple, “don’t bother improving anything since we will buy anything with an Apple logo good or bad”. I am concerned about how many people are bashing a product they know NOTHING about, it is sending the WRONG message to Apple. Please stop this.

    Wake up!! Tell Apple how much you like the new Zune features.

    Actually Apple doesn't compete against the Zune, or the Sony, or the Samsung, or the Creative (where are they?).

    The only company they may compete against is the SanDisk, at least here in the States. But SanDisk doesn't really compete against Apple as they themselves have said. They compete against all the others.

    Apple competes with themselves. The come up with new models or revisions of older models to knock the older ones off.

    There is nothing MS can do with the Zune that will rile Apple, unless somehow, they manage to finally get some serious sales out of the thing. But that would mean possibly 5 million in the first year of the HD. Then Apple would at least look at it seriously.

    But Apple still has the advantage.

    What would happen if the OLED is really good. It's possible. Then next year, Apple takes a better OLED and uses it. MS loses that advantage.

    What if Apple does get the camera in the Touch? That would be a big advantage.

    With the Nano Apple has shown that they finally are willing to put an FM tuner in their stuff. While It's certainly not required for sales, they did it to sell music via iTunes. It also has features that so far, no one else has.

    If the Touch can shoot video, will MS feel as though they must add that too?

    And other than the OLED screen, what does the HD have that would make people buy it other than a Touch? We can argue subscriptions, but MS has had that, and sales last quarter actually dropped 43%, so that's not it.
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