From OLED to Tegra: Five Myths of the Zune HD



  • Reply 581 of 581
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Originally Posted by rankinaaron View Post

    I'm sorry if my posts seemed hostile. The stupid comment was never intended to offend anyone, and I suppose I shouldn't have said it. I was trying to make a point. Other than that I don't see how my posts were hostile...I am currently being met with exponentially greater hostility. Perhaps I was being emphatic and passionated but that's only because I feel strongly about this issue.

    I understand that people here are not Zune buyers. I don't want them to be Zune buyers. I want them to buy iPods if that's what they want. I've already stated that I think Apple makes gorgeous, beautiful, seamless products. They are *excellent*. And I say that to assure you that I'm not here to "persuade" buyers. I'm here to get the facts straight.

    I won't comment on marketshare and number of sales because I think those things should be irrelevant (concerning direct relations at least, and for the most part) to the consumer. Everyone knows the iPod is selling excellently, does that mean you should buy it? Everyone knows the Zune is utterly crap in sales, does that mean you should buy it?

    I am a stupid, dumb idiot. I am a 19 year old student working for a degree in Computer Engineering so hopefully I'll cure myself of that idiocy as soon as possible. Melgross you've insulted me pretty significantly (never before have I faced this much hostility on the internet) because I said a statement that you made was a stupid thing to say. I sincerely apologize for that. It was uncalled for.

    See here that we have digressed. I am here defending my intelligence. But let me stress the difference between me defending myself right now and me defending the Zune, which you say I'm doing. Tell me where I have said anything that is subjective favoritism toward Zune, and I will admit that you are right.

    Lastly I would like to sincerely apologize to everyone who I've offended in this forum, including and especially melgross.

    its not what you say, its how you say it.
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