Apple looks to take tablet beyond bathroom Web browsing



  • Reply 21 of 113
    Originally Posted by Aizmov View Post

    One more thing: I'd rather it not have a glass screen, it'll be heavy, easy to break and costly to repair!

    I can see Apple seliing it with a carry case to protect said screen, much like they did in the past with the original Mac.
  • Reply 22 of 113
    How does Steve know that I browse the web in my bathroom?

    ...Steve... what am I doing... RIGHT NOW?

  • Reply 23 of 113
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    I wonder if they surveyed that most iPhone web browsing is done in the bathroom?

    or did they figure it out with an advanced GPS using floor plans?
  • Reply 24 of 113
    shadowshadow Posts: 373member
    As I mentioned before, the question whether the Tablet (if real) is using desktop OS-es or iPhone OS is stupid. Both OS use the same foundation and different UI layer. Apparently, the tablet will have specific UI needs to be addressed because:
    • the iPhone screen is too small, the tablet would allow more flexibility

    • the desktop OS relies on the mouse precision as a pointing device. It will not work for finger/multitouch.

    The tablet, however, could perfectly run iPhone app either in a widget-style window, or fullscreen. There should be an option for tablet-specific apps.

    My guess:
    • the apps purchased for iPhone will run on the tablet. There will be no need to purchase them again.

    • there will be a tablet section on the AppStore for specific apps.

    • the AppStore will add more flexibility for end users and developers and it will be possible to purchase e.g. the tablet version for a discount if you already have the phone only version. Especially important for the expensive stuff like navigation apps.

  • Reply 25 of 113
    allblueallblue Posts: 393member
    Assuming this is going to happen... a tablet optimised version of iWork could be the killer app. If the device gets traction and becomes popular, how would MS respond? Try to produce a tablet version of Office? If they do, it would be an additional plus point for a direct tablet competitor's product, if they don't many people would discover that a lean, stripped down and elegant WP app is all they need for nearly all their day-to-day office-type stuff. A bit of a rock and a hard place for Redmond methinks.
  • Reply 26 of 113
    Originally Posted by lord anubis View Post

    My guess is that the tablet will get their own app store.

    Apple will use their experience to create a new store as it should be.

    The development of an iPhone/Tablet app will be almost the same, but the layout and the final touches will be different. There is a lot more real estate.

    Imaging how it will look like if you have an iPhone app just in a bigger size. Yek.

    Yep good for typing some text, or longer lists. Landscape 7" wide buttons doesn't work well. Not that much needs to be adjusted, but have to be done right.

    Then a mixed shop will do no good. iPhone developers and mac developers will come closer.

    I hope that the developers get more reasonable prices, and no free apps. Free updates and trials are ok. Also without the install hazzle currently needed on the iPhone.

    I hope they give handwriting to. And self adjustable keyboards. And more main RAM ( 500mb-1Gb ), and...

    I can't wait.

    why does everyone assume all iPhone apps have to take up the whole relestare of a bigger device? It'd be much nicer to have as an option, for some apps it'd work great, but most would fare better in a window the size of an iPhone screen. Even if the tablet only ran a version of iPhone os, it should still be allowed background tasks. The bigger specs and larger battery gotta be good for something.
  • Reply 27 of 113
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by lord anubis View Post

    Imaging how it will look like if you have an iPhone app just in a bigger size. Yek.

    I hope that the developers get more reasonable prices, and no free apps. Free updates and trials are ok. Also without the install hazzle currently needed on the iPhone.

    I agree that iPhone apps simply scaled up to a larger size would not make for a high quality user experience. In fact the whole iPhone UI paradigm might break down on a tablet sized screen. Obviously, a WIMP interface would have issues too. Assuming that Apple actually releases a tablet, it will be very interesting to see how they resolve the UI issues.

    However, I don't think there will be an environment where there are no free apps. There have always been free apps on any platform I've ever been on. (Even on big iron.) And, in an App Store type of environment free apps work well by promoting downloads. Also, developers are not being hurt by app store pricing. They are selling far more copies of software than they would with higher prices, and many of them are making as much or more than developers operating in a traditional market. Yes, some developers aren't making a lot of money, but no model of selling apps ensures that everyone who sells software will get rich.
  • Reply 28 of 113
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Johnny Mozzarella View Post

    I am certain Apple would simply add Tablet apps to the app store and label them as Tablet-only.

    I'm not as "certain" as you, but I think you're wrong.
  • Reply 29 of 113
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by sapridyne View Post

    How does Steve know that I browse the web in my bathroom?

    ...Steve... what am I doing... RIGHT NOW?


    I got it. Apple is going to revive not the cube or Newton but the good old toilet seat iBook as the new tablet.
  • Reply 30 of 113
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by allblue View Post

    Assuming this is going to happen... a tablet optimised version of iWork could be the killer app. If the device gets traction and becomes popular, how would MS respond?

    Let's try keep Microsoft out of at least one thread, shall we.
  • Reply 31 of 113
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Let's try keep Microsoft out of at least one thread, shall we.

    Is that possible? If so I've never seen it. \
  • Reply 32 of 113
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by bigdaddyguido View Post

    why does everyone assume all iPhone apps have to take up the whole relestare of a bigger device? It'd be much nicer to have as an option, for some apps it'd work great, but most would fare better in a window the size of an iPhone screen.

    If this were the only way you could run apps on a tablet, I think it would be a huge failure.
  • Reply 33 of 113
    Is anyone else sick of all these wishlists people post every time the tablet gets mentioned?

    No one cares what you want.
  • Reply 34 of 113
    allblueallblue Posts: 393member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    F*** M********

    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Let's try keep Microsoft out of at least one thread, shall we.

  • Reply 35 of 113
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by allblue View Post


    Responding to something is not the same as bringing it up.

    I noticed you are cheery-picking specific things to make your point, don't go all politician on us.
  • Reply 36 of 113
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by star-fish View Post

    Is anyone else sick of all these wishlists people post every time the tablet gets mentioned?

    No one cares what you want.

    I care to be honest. I'm always quite interested to see how people want this product to be.
  • Reply 37 of 113
    palegolaspalegolas Posts: 1,361member
    Low battery consuming touch tablet.

    What it could be used for:

    Somewhat covered:

    - Bathroom web surfing and communication (Already covered by iPhone)

    - Magazines, news, books. (Partly covered by iPhone. Room for improvement.)

    - Mobile Movie playback (Covered by iPhone and notebooks)

    - Notes (Covered by notebooks, but could be sleeker.)

    Not covered wide spread:

    - Art sketching.

    - Innovative live music apps.

    - Innovative live animation apps.

    - Phat input source for a main computer.

    - Medical use.

    - No buttons could mean weather proof... if they wanna go down that line.


    Maybe a new multi use Mac input device IS the new tablet? That would be a spectacular move.
  • Reply 38 of 113
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by palegolas View Post

    Low battery consuming touch tablet.

    What it could be used for:

    Somewhat covered:

    - Bathroom web surfing and communication (Already covered by iPhone)

    - Magazines, news, books. (Partly covered by iPhone. Room for improvement.)

    - Mobile Movie playback (Covered by iPhone and notebooks)

    - Notes (Covered by notebooks, but could be sleeker.)

    Not covered wide spread:

    - Art sketching.

    - Innovative live music apps.

    - Innovative live animation apps.

    - Phat input source for a main computer.

    - Medical use.

    - No buttons could mean weather proof... if they wanna go down that line.


    Maybe a new multi use Mac input device IS the new tablet? That would be a spectacular move.

    I love the way your first point is "bathroom web surfing". The reason Steve is against the product, LOL.

    You forgot digital board games. I think that market could be huge. Imagine putting down the tablet on the table and saying: "right so, what game do you want to play". Scrabble, chess+checkers (draughts), Trivial Pursuit, Monopoly, Air hockey etc. This stuff would be phenomenal. Endless selection too! Not to mention you'd never lose pieces, and putting the game away would be one-tap. The board games would be interactive too, and have in-game sounds.

    And my personal fave - couch surfing & school books (specifically).
  • Reply 39 of 113
    doxxicdoxxic Posts: 100member
    Originally Posted by bigdaddyguido View Post

    why does everyone assume all iPhone apps have to take up the whole relestare of a bigger device? It'd be much nicer to have as an option, for some apps it'd work great, but most would fare better in a window the size of an iPhone screen. Even if the tablet only ran a version of iPhone os, it should still be allowed background tasks. The bigger specs and larger battery gotta be good for something.

    Oh yes, I can definitely imagine iPhone/iPod Touch apps running inside a window on a tablet.

    Especially when they are games.

    And maybe Apple will provide some programming environment that makes it easy for developers to let their apps automatically adjust their screen lay-out to the size of the window they're running in, where the window = the screen when ran on an iPhone.
  • Reply 40 of 113
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Doxxic View Post

    Oh yes, I can definitely imagine iPhone/iPod Touch apps running inside a window on a tablet.

    Especially when they are games.

    And maybe Apple will provide some programming environment that makes it easy for developers to let their apps automatically adjust their screen lay-out to the size of the window they're running in, where the window = the screen when ran on an iPhone.

    God this sounds very messy, and completely un-Apple.
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