Apple looks to take tablet beyond bathroom Web browsing
With its development reset by co-founder Steve Jobs numerous times, Apple's forthcoming tablet is a device that has been through many internal revisions that look to offer more than "surfing the Web in the bathroom."
In a report that seeks to find the future of the tablet PC, The New York Times has offered some insight into Apple's tablet dreams, which the company has been working to bring to reality for years. The story cited numerous ex-employees of the company, including one who said Jobs kept scrapping prototypes because they weren't good for anything except browsing the Web from the bathroom.
Apple allegedly developed one tablet prototype in 2003 using a PowerPC chip from IBM. But Joshua A. Strickland, a former Apple engineer who worked on the company's patented multi-touch technology, said the hardware was too expensive, it didn't perform well, and it had poor battery life.
An unnamed former Apple executive is also quoted -- one who believes that the company will release a tablet next year. Sources have told AppleInsider that a 10-inch, 3G-connected device will debut in early 2010.
"I can imagine something like the iPhone with a much bigger screen being a gorgeous device with great capacity, but I don?t know where I would fit that into my life," the anonymous executive reportedly told the Times. "Those are the debates that have been happening inside Apple for quite some time."
Speculated to be Apple's breakthrough is the App Store, which last month crossed the 2 billion threshold in downloaded applications, and has more than 85,000 total options available. The report cited analysts who believe a tablet would have access to that library of applications.
With information on Microsoft's own touchscreen device, code-named Courier, leaked weeks ago, and numerous Windows 7-based touchscreen devices coming this fall, tablets look to be coming to the market in full force, despite their lack of commercial success in the past.
In a report that seeks to find the future of the tablet PC, The New York Times has offered some insight into Apple's tablet dreams, which the company has been working to bring to reality for years. The story cited numerous ex-employees of the company, including one who said Jobs kept scrapping prototypes because they weren't good for anything except browsing the Web from the bathroom.
Apple allegedly developed one tablet prototype in 2003 using a PowerPC chip from IBM. But Joshua A. Strickland, a former Apple engineer who worked on the company's patented multi-touch technology, said the hardware was too expensive, it didn't perform well, and it had poor battery life.
An unnamed former Apple executive is also quoted -- one who believes that the company will release a tablet next year. Sources have told AppleInsider that a 10-inch, 3G-connected device will debut in early 2010.
"I can imagine something like the iPhone with a much bigger screen being a gorgeous device with great capacity, but I don?t know where I would fit that into my life," the anonymous executive reportedly told the Times. "Those are the debates that have been happening inside Apple for quite some time."
Speculated to be Apple's breakthrough is the App Store, which last month crossed the 2 billion threshold in downloaded applications, and has more than 85,000 total options available. The report cited analysts who believe a tablet would have access to that library of applications.
With information on Microsoft's own touchscreen device, code-named Courier, leaked weeks ago, and numerous Windows 7-based touchscreen devices coming this fall, tablets look to be coming to the market in full force, despite their lack of commercial success in the past.
Please let it be ARM! It can really use the batter life and Mac OS X. I want Mac OS X on it!
I for one want the competition between MS and Apple, since we had no direct competition for long time and this would show, who is an innovator and who is duplicator!
In end the consumer wins (me and millions others).
Speculated to be Apple's breakthrough is the App Store, which last month crossed the 2 billion threshold in downloaded applications, and has more than 85,000 total options available. The report cited analysts who believe a tablet would have access to that library of applications.
I'm not buying this part. Meaning: "The report cited analysts who believe a tablet would have access to that library of applications." Just because the iPhone App Store might have been an inspiration, doesn't mean they have to use "it".
I like the App Store idea, but it will be a new store specifically designed for the tablet with its 10" screen. The Tablet App Store, if you will.
So the tablet is real?
Please let it be ARM! It can really use the batter life and Mac OS X. I want Mac OS X on it!
Out of curiosity, why don't you want the tablet to sync with your Mac. I for one would use it as mini computer/netbook on trips and when I come back, can sync all my work on my mac. It would be less heavy and easier to carry with (I hope) similar functionality as netbook.
Document to go or some similar app would allow me to continue to work providing a nice size screen. I love iPhone, but I do not edit docs/spreadsheets on my phone (ever though I can), just read them.
Until I see/read mock drawing or something that tells me Apple is developing a tablet, I will not hold my breath. Not that I do not believe, Apple are developing a tablet, but I wait until Apple or a leak shows me it is for real.
I for one want the competition between MS and Apple, since we had no direct competition for long time and this would show, who is an innovator and who is duplicator!
In end the consumer wins (me and millions others).
F*** M********
I don't care for the competition between the two, I just rather Apple get on with it.
Plus, for whatever reason (that is not important) the quality of the apps will go up and the price will go down on them with an App Store.
I'm not buying this part. Meaning: "The report cited analysts who believe a tablet would have access to that library of applications." Just because the iPhone App Store might have been an inspiration, doesn't mean they have to use "it".
I like the App Store idea, but it will be a new store specifically designed for the tablet with its 10" screen. The Tablet App Store, if you will.
Yeah but it will defo run iPhone apps, apple would be dumb to not. Alongside tablet specific apps that is.
Out of curiosity, why don't you want the tablet to sync with your Mac. I for one would use it as mini computer/netbook on trips and when I come back, can sync all my work on my mac. It would be less heavy and easier to carry with (I hope) similar functionality as netbook.
Document to go or some similar app would allow me to continue to work providing a nice size screen. I love iPhone, but I do not edit docs/spreadsheets on my phone (ever though I can), just read them.
Maybe I worded it wrongly, but I obviously meant that I want to be able to use it without a Mac, nothing wrong with keeping data in sync between different computers, I just don't want to have to have a Mac to use it; say on a long trip away from home.
was this sentence really necessary? is this apple news or microsoft news??
Yeah but it will defo run iPhone apps, apple would be dumb to not. Alongside tablet specific apps that is.
No way. If for no other than reason than for Apple and the devs to make more money. But having said that I think there are better reasons, one being the app wasn't designed for the tablet. It will be a new App Store "only" or no App Store.
With information on Microsoft's own touchscreen device, code-named Courier, leaked weeks ago, and numerous Windows 7-based touchscreen devices coming this fall, tablets look to be coming to the market in full force, despite their lack of commercial success in the past.
was this sentence really necessary? is this apple news or microsoft news??
They like to paint Apple and MS and the Simpsons verus the Flanders here. I does nothing for me personally, and I agree. They are probably making a good point on this occasion however - the idea that tablets are being heavily researched right now, and the Microsoft example was relevant, even if they only made an "animation"
One more thing: I'd rather it not have a glass screen, it'll be heavy, easy to break and costly to repair!
You'll get your glass screen and shut up about it.
You'll get your glass screen and shut up about it.
I agree not bloody glass screen please, it is tablet so make it light and durable!
No way. If for no other than reason than for Apple and the devs to make more money. But having said that I think there are better reasons, one being the app wasn't designed for the tablet. It will be a new App Store "only" or no App Store.
Well no app store is out of the question!
With information on Microsoft's own touchscreen device, code-named Courier, leaked weeks ago, and numerous Windows 7-based touchscreen devices coming this fall, tablets look to be coming to the market in full force, despite their lack of commercial success in the past.
was this sentence really necessary? is this apple news or microsoft news??
the price is down
in the days of the $1500 laptop Microsoft's XP Tablet Edition laptops cost $3000. same exact laptop with a screen that could turn around
I'm not buying this part. Meaning: "The report cited analysts who believe a tablet would have access to that library of applications." Just because the iPhone App Store might have been an inspiration, doesn't mean they have to use "it".
I like the App Store idea, but it will be a new store specifically designed for the tablet with its 10" screen. The Tablet App Store, if you will.
The current AppStore has software for both the iPod touch and the iPhone.
Some of the apps are iPhone-only.
I am certain Apple would simply add Tablet apps to the app store and label them as Tablet-only.
I hope to see iWork X in the App Store for $40 or less.
One more thing: I'd rather it not have a glass screen, it'll be heavy, easy to break and costly to repair!
I'm sure Otterbox will make an indestructible case for it.
Apple will use their experience to create a new store as it should be.
The development of an iPhone/Tablet app will be almost the same, but the layout and the final touches will be different. There is a lot more real estate.
Imaging how it will look like if you have an iPhone app just in a bigger size. Yek.
Yep good for typing some text, or longer lists. Landscape 7" wide buttons doesn't work well. Not that much needs to be adjusted, but have to be done right.
Then a mixed shop will do no good. iPhone developers and mac developers will come closer.
I hope that the developers get more reasonable prices, and no free apps. Free updates and trials are ok. Also without the install hazzle currently needed on the iPhone.
I hope they give handwriting to. And self adjustable keyboards. And more main RAM ( 500mb-1Gb ), and...
I can't wait.
I would think that this device, if real, and if running the phone os, would have a beefed up set of applications available though the store.
It could run all the games and fart applications presently available, plus, at a premium, a version of iworks, to allow greater sophistication. Or that the apps could come in another flavor, besides free and paid versions. There could be an itablet version also.
Isn't there high priced apps available on the store? They could be the stepping stone to such more expensive, therefor greater profit margin suite of products for the tablet.
I, for one, must carry a laptop with a wealth of technical information. I would relish a small tablet that could sort information and read pdfs.
The itablet would lend itself to some business applications, that would be useful, particularly as an interface to test equipment, or affixed to a bar scanner.