I use YUM! and like it a lot. One of the main things I like about it is that I can copy and paste into it. Let's say I get an email with a recipe, or I see one in an online newspaper, I can copy the ingredients into it, and then copy the directions into it (2 steps, I know, but better than re-typing everything). It also has an iPhone/iPod app, so when someone likes something I made, I can give them the recipe. Worth the few bucks I paid for it.
I love MacGourmet. And their iPhone version is great for when I'm at the grocery store and need to know what ingredients to buy. All my recipes are there in my iPhone and I can look up what I need.
Serious programs for serious applications.
Because you get what you pay for.
If you had PM enabled I could have helped you out with SousChef.
You could find a Freeware Windows app and run it under Crossover (without Windows) on your Mac (assuming you have one).
The legendary HyperCard would be the perfect solution.