Apple unveils new iMacs with 21.5 and 27-inch displays



  • Reply 601 of 853
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by howaa View Post

    i was confused, there is no "video in" port, it's all about the mDP...

    According to the Tech Specs, the DisplayPort port on the back of the 27” iMac is the video in.

    Mini-DisplayPort and DisplayPort are both digital interfaces using the exactly same specs. The only difference is that one is smaller than the other in physical size.
  • Reply 602 of 853
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    If you want a real keyboard with a number or decent sized arrow keys, looks like you're SOL from here on out.

    How many people reading this forum don't have AT LEAST one extra keyboard floating about? What a silly thing t grumble about. I've never liked the wireless keyboards because of the missing USB, so I understand, but then I've already got both types-- in English & Japanese!
  • Reply 603 of 853
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Backed yourself into a corner did we? Time for you to throw insults like anxiety ridden monkeys sling pooh.

    What's the point of trying to point out 2 + 2 to this fool? I've just added him to my growing ignore list.
  • Reply 604 of 853
    Originally Posted by ChristophB View Post

    I love film and I love to collect. If I add up all the sets it's probably closer to 600 than 550. I did the same with VHS and DVD.

    And I don't watch BDs on my Mac. I don't want to but that's my choice and it doesn't mean there isn't a customer base out there. I also won't support arguments supported by BS.

    Edit: I reckon you should take me seriously because I do understand Blu-ray.

    Ok, I'm sorry to bash you for this. I just can't imagine having that kind of disposable income. Maybe some day, after grad school is over...
  • Reply 605 of 853
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Ok ..

    First and only warning. Chill with the personal attacks or a time out is coming. No one wants to read personal attacks. Let's debate in a civil manner....please.

    I'm reading good points that would be fine without the nasty personal stuff.
  • Reply 606 of 853
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    What's the equivalent rez/bpp/Hz matrix for DisplayPort? I'm not seeing anything that suggests that DisplayPort can do anything better right now. HDMI and DisplayPort have very similar bandwidth right now, don't they? I don't know how DisplayPort can magically do much better with (almost) the same bandwidth.

    DP ver 1.2 should be ratified by now or soon bumping the bandwdith to 5.4Gbps per lane. This delivers 3840x2160 at 30bpp at 60hz or enough for stereoscopic 1080 display.

    DP can't do better but the difference is HDMI is running out of ways to increase bandwidth and DP is just getting started.

    I have no problems with HDMI, it's a good connector for many devices, I just think that Apple made the right decision to go with DP for their computers.
  • Reply 607 of 853
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by elroth View Post

    Don't be so pompous. Be happy that you don't have vision or perceptual problems, where a big glossy screen gives you headaches after 30 minutes.

    Many people also prefer to not live or work in a cave.

    Don't talk about vision problems, and you're as pompous as you think I am.

    I don't have the best vision either. It has nothing to do with reflections.
  • Reply 608 of 853
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Rob55 View Post

    I'm not sure if I'm missing something or if I read something out of context, but if you were referring to the screen of the iMac beneath the glossy outer cover, it is in fact matte. I just upgraded the HDD in my late '07 24" iMac and once you remove the glossy outer screen, the surface of the monitor itself is matte. If that's not what you were saying was glossy, then disregard my post. Also, I can't vouch for what the current or new models are using, but the aluminum iMacs, like mine, had matte inner screens.

    Well that's really odd then, because all the laptops with glossy glass have glossy panels below. I can't understand why the iMac would be any different.
  • Reply 609 of 853
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    The part that bewildered me was the fact that there is a matte surface behind a glossy screen. So you should be seeing the speculative glare as well as the diffuse glare. Maybe our brains just learn to ignore the diffuse panel glare when you have the specular glare.

    Why would Apple use matte screens for the iMacs when they use glossy ones for the MBPs? That makes no sense.
  • Reply 610 of 853
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Love it all ... but they need a full keyboard for the iMac with numeric key pad as a BTO ... maybe they do?

    I was worried about the trend until I realized the bluetooth numeric keypad I originally bought for my MBP works fine with the desktop machines as well

    In fact, even better then attached to a keyboard since I can position it better as it's much smaller.
  • Reply 611 of 853
    I'm not sure that Apple are going down the right road here with the increased disk sizes (1TB standard, 2TB upgrade). I guess that we should now expect to see a corresponding upgrade to Time Capsule to move to a 4TB to allow backups. 1TB or 2TB on board represents a huge amount of data that I guess most people won't fill in a hurry but more importantly it encourages an 'all eggs in one basket' mentality that will be a huge problem if a) it falls over and has to be recovered or b) when you come to migrate. Surely as market innovators we should be expecting Apple to push for an affordable (to us!) lifetime off machine storage - such as cloud - with guarantees of privacy and security.
  • Reply 612 of 853
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by rangerdavid View Post

    Wait, let me get this straight - you have purchased $11,000 in Blu-Ray disks? (550 x $20 each)?

    I'm sorry. I don't think I can consider a single comment you make seriously. Wow.

    I know people who have thousands of LPs, CD, and DVDs.

    I have over 1,500 CDs, and almost 1,400 LPs. Also about 250 DVDs, and possibly 70 B-R.

    I don't think it impossible that someone would have 500 B-R disks.

    Most don't cost as much as you think they do.
  • Reply 613 of 853
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by spiffydave View Post

    So it looks like the i5 might be just fine, especially if Snow Leopard isn't recognizing the hyper-threading.

    Leopard and Snow Leopard both "see" hyperthreading. My dual Quad core Nehalam Mac Pro shows 16 cpu's in Activity monitor

    With Apple's new focus on optimizing for threads with Snow Leopard, I would expect things like hyperthreading to be a bigger deal in OSX then in Windows, esp. as we move foreword.
  • Reply 614 of 853
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Wow - they are beautiful IMO. Dream Machines. Core i7, lots of RAM expansion, Alu all over, 27" LED screen. I will be ordering one in the next few days.
  • Reply 615 of 853
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Dueces View Post

    Actually I am absolutely sure, even if monitor prices turned out to be even. As the upgrade price from the low-end 27" to the i7 27" is $600, yes I realize you get a small bump in video cards also, but the street price between those 2 processors according to an earlier post in this thread is only a $150 difference.

    What matters is the price from the i5 to the i7, not the price from the cheapest to the i5. That more than just a processor upgrade. It's irrelevant.

    The other machine offers a different upgrade path. It's likely there's an entirely different power supply, mobo and cooling system.
  • Reply 616 of 853
    ckh1272ckh1272 Posts: 107member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    If you want a real keyboard with a number or decent sized arrow keys, looks like you're SOL from here on out.

    There is a no extra cost option for a full keyboard w/numeric keypad. No biggie.
  • Reply 617 of 853
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Dueces View Post

    Yes eventually DVD will be phased out, but not before Blu-ray is phased out.

    Not even close. B-R players will supplant DVD players. DVD players are as cheap as they can possibly get. I remember when they were as expensive as B-R is. I don't recommend people going out and buying $25 players, or even $50 ones, but they do exist.

    We'll see B-R players drop to that level, and then what will be the purpose of DVD players? There won't be any.
  • Reply 618 of 853
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Guys if you provide the link or links to backup your statement it prevents the "no it isn't, yes it is" responses.

    With rational posters, perhaps. With ones like you quoted you or your source will be called into question
  • Reply 619 of 853
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Ok- I'm back. Just watched Jony(?) Ive's video re the new iMac. LAME.

    The new iMac needs a Blu-ray and I don't give a crap what anybody on here says.

    2 years into DVD and Apple was THERE. Apple is not cutting edge anymore with this almost HD ready iMac.

    Apple is doing what I don't like to see them do with something like this. They're trying to steer people to their own download service.

    I don't mind what they do with the iPhone, but this is different.
  • Reply 620 of 853
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by spiffydave View Post

    It appears Snow Leopard does use the hyper-threading, but will only show the additional cores when the CPU(s) are being taxed (HandBrake encode, etc.).

    Actually, Activity monitor shows all the "cores" - when I open the CPU History window on my dual quad Mac Pro there are 16 CPU bars present. What the people in that thread are discussing is that SL appears to prioritize threads on the real cores first, and doesn't utilize the HT "cores" unless absolutely necessary - which makes sense since there is a slight penalty for HT due to context switching, although it's much better in Nehalem then previous implementations.
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