Apple quietly unveils new hardware remote



  • Reply 21 of 27
    this has to be the least inspired of the updates. there's something amiss here: inspiration. it's not too bad but it's just average, not great as per apples standards. from the stupid unintuitive position of play button, to that man hole at the back. very average.
  • Reply 22 of 27
    Originally Posted by huntercr View Post

    But is it a clickwheel? I've been begging Apple of this for years now. Please be a clickwheel.

    Yes, that's the first thing I wondered about. Why not use the iPod successes to design a remote?

    Originally Posted by ranum View Post

    Interesting that there is no mention of the AppleTV in Apple's blurb of compatible hardware, though I'm sure the new remote is fully compatible with the AppleTV.

    I just find it interesting that Apple chose to highlight Front Row compatibility and not highlight AppleTV compatibility. I think this says something about Apple's attitude toward the AppleTV, especially since they go out of their way to cite compatibility with iPod Docks and iMacs, etc. The absence of AppleTV I think is telling.

    2nd thing I wondered

    Hey when you use the remote via the Universal Dock to control an iPod, there's no menu on the TV. When's Apple going to make the iPod Touch or iPhone provide an AppleTV/FrontRow menu?


    Click menu on the remote and it opens FrontRow on the TV (from the iPod in the dock) ... so you virtually have an AppleTV ready to go.
  • Reply 23 of 27
    Please say its a click wheel
  • Reply 24 of 27
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    I was just thinking about funny it would be if the remote had been the ONLY new piece of hardware introduced yesterday. APL would have taken a hit, but it would have been hilarious.
  • Reply 25 of 27
    Originally Posted by jowie74 View Post

    On mine, the dimple at the bottom doesn't work properly so I've never been able to get the tray out. Luckily the battery is still okay but I have no idea what I'll do when the battery runs out. Get a new remote?

    Maybe the reason they changed the back was because the tray was less reliable? But I was surprised they moved the play button. Why did they not add a select button in its place?

    I bet your tray works fine. Try taking the micro jack connector from a pair of head phones so you can press down on the dimple ONLY (It's a button -- a separate piece of plastic); I bet your tray will pop out.
  • Reply 26 of 27
    jowie74jowie74 Posts: 540member
    Originally Posted by kindwarrior View Post

    I bet your tray works fine. Try taking the micro jack connector from a pair of head phones so you can press down on the dimple ONLY (It's a button -- a separate piece of plastic); I bet your tray will pop out.

    I bet it doesn't I can press the dimple and the tray loosens itself, the clicking bit works. Unfortunately it doesn't pop out though and there's not even enough room down the crack for tweezers to pull it out.

    Any other ideas?
  • Reply 27 of 27
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Nice visual update, but it still needs an express button to bring up front row and go back to your desktop. Too much clicking involved currently.
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