Google outlines Chrome OS plans for netbooks



  • Reply 81 of 119
    bertpbertp Posts: 274member
    Originally Posted by camroidv27 View Post

    So Chrome OS isn't for you. That's okay

    Privacy would be a concern for me too. I would make sure it couldn't see any of my files on my computer. But what would concern me more would be directed advertising. I doubt we could install pop-up blockers and such, and most of the Ads we would get on the OS would be dictated by our browsing history. You make a very valid concern!

    I share these two concerns about privacy and being bombarded by ads. I admit being prejudiced. I usually opt-out in many situations that build a profile of your habits. I always say ? "who owns that data collected about you?" The other entity, not you, and they decide how to use it, and you have few, if any, legal remedies if that data is used in a manner you don't like.

    I do favor greater competition, and the Chrome OS may provide that; it is an interesting idea. Some people may like or appreciate a machine that is just a web-browser, and don't care about the terms of use. I wouldn't accept those terms.
  • Reply 82 of 119
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by camroidv27 View Post

    Glad you tried out Linux variants! I meant using the linux os to build a Google OS, as stated in the document that tells you how to build ChromiumOS.

    No need. As expected, though perhaps not this fast, it?s up on The PirateBay. Since it?s an open source OS it?s completely legal to torrent this file.
  • Reply 83 of 119
    If I can't run Logic, Shake, Final Cut, Acid, Nuendo, Cubase, Photoshop, illustrator, Pages, Numbers, Rapid Weaver, a better file attributes, After Effects.... I think you get the drift, then it's no OS.

    Now, give me a way to fast switch 100% off the computers resources ( you can't due to the other os running, you would need a large swap file), but if it could be done for those times when I just want to do the web stuff, I'm sold but what's the difference between that and the Chrome browser which fir some uncanny reason, I see more mac users going to it then windows. Maybe not.

    Anyone have a link to a live demo? not the cartoon drawing dude talking about the web.

    I would apprecuatw that. Thanks.
  • Reply 84 of 119
    mctmct Posts: 4member
    Originally Posted by OC4Theo View Post

    This will definitely catch on. Google is a big name company. Google is now, both a verb and a noun. And that makes it popular and powerful.

    Microsoft is about to be cut into size for the first time. How this is going to work on Apple computers is anybody's guess. Come to think of it, Apple computers are meant for more than web browsing. Should Apple worry about Chrome OS? Not at all...

    Oh, and PCs (only >80% of market share) are only used for websurfing??!!!


    Much as I wish for higher market shares for anyone besides the demonic MS&Intel alliance, it´s all been there before (Sun - where are they now??).

    I don´t think Apple has to worry, but I don´t think it´s going to be easy for ChromeOS either...
  • Reply 85 of 119
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by hiimamac View Post

    If I can't run Logic, Shake, Final Cut, Acid, Nuendo, Cubase, Photoshop, illustrator, Pages, Numbers, Rapid Weaver, a better file attributes, After Effects.... I think you get the drift, then it's no OS.

    You're missing the point. If you're the kind of person who doesn't need these apps you longer need a Windows box or a Mac after this OS hits the market, and it's free, so it makes the product even cheaper, and much faster for the things that person does. If you fail to see this then I'm glad you don't work under Steve Jobs. You can say it's not an OS all day long, but you're only fooling number 1.

    It's not an OS in the way you understand the word, but it is a computer operating system, well it will be. That and the web is only going to improve.

    Would I rather a Mac? Probably yeah, but I'm not everyone. Google just potentially grabbed 200 million users. The future computer world has Google in it whether you like it or not.
  • Reply 86 of 119
    istudistud Posts: 193member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Like the AppleTVs?

    Is that all you could come up with? AppleTV! Your standards are getting lower every day. Put your back into it. AppleTV... that was lame. Try again. But this time with style!
  • Reply 87 of 119
    Apple already effectively tried this with the iPhone. Initially all apps were to be Net 2.0 apps - that model failed, thus the release of Cocoa Touch based development and the App store. That model has had explosive growth.

    On an airplane with no internet, you can use your iPhone for many things, you can use your MacBook for many things. You'll be able to use your iTablet for many things. But what will a ChromeOS based NetBook be able to do?

    The focus on fast boot times is nice, but I don't recall the last time I actually turned a computer off.

    And the javascript/remote storage of data model limits the kinds of apps you can have. One issue is you expose all of your source code that way (unless you stick to flash - which is okay for games, but isn't practical for rich applications). Another issue is the speed of both code execution and data retrieval. iPhoto isn't going to work well, photoshop isn't going to work well, illustrator isn't going to work well, HD video playback isn't going to work well, etc.

    There certainly seems to be a market here for simple/cheap internet access machines, I'm just not sure how broad it is beyond that.
  • Reply 88 of 119
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    No, most people do not.

    Sorry, but yes they do?
  • Reply 89 of 119
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    No, most people do not.

    In terms of computing, notebooks are most popular. Over 50% in general and 74% from Apple, if I recall the last numbers correctly. Most auto sleep when you close the lid or go idle for to long on battery, by default. I only restart when instructed to have some issue, closing my lid pretty much every time to store my machine. I thought this was the common thing to do.
  • Reply 90 of 119

    Web tablet: 10" OLED screen, ARM processor, 24-hour battery. Chrome OS.

    Price: $200

    Available: Holiday season 2010
  • Reply 91 of 119
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    In terms of computing, notebooks are most popular. Over 50% in general and 74% from Apple, if I recall the last numbers correctly. Most auto sleep when you close the lid or go idle for to long on battery, by default. I only restart when instructed to have some issue, closing my lid pretty much every time to store my machine. I thought this was the common thing to do.

    it is, and typically on the mac the machine is ready to go by the time the lid opens. Why turn it off? I haven't found a reason in years.
  • Reply 92 of 119
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    THANK YOU. Finally someone mentioned it. I think definitely Google has to rethink local machine caching of data and resync when connected to the cloud.

    I mean, unless I'm reading the article wrong, basically your laptop is a BRICK if you are not in 3G/ WiFi coverage. Like if you are in a taxi or airplane or wifi-locked-down corporate building, and you desperately need that word document... your FKed, basically.

    Overall good idea, this Chrome OS, overall good to nibble off Microsoft's feet. However, without LOCAL CACHING, outside the US and Europe (which is what could really, really matter for netbooks and cheap laptops ~ ie. the developing world) ... I don't know how successful this Chrome OS is going to be in 2011 and 2012. By 2011 and 2012 the most basic netbooks will run Windows 7 *fast* without worry.

    Never heard of Google Gears? Try googling it.
  • Reply 93 of 119
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Oddly, as both dev and user I'd prefer Android on a netbook. This is despite Google's large and growing infrastructure for easy web app development (GWT, Gears, App Engine, etc).

    Being able to sell an app on an app store as opposed to needing to deal with deployment on App Engine and local storing to gears etc is just easier for a small dev IMHO. I can do it, it's just additional hassle.
  • Reply 94 of 119
    "This is key, we want all of personal computing to work this way."

    Yeah, of course Google wants the all the world's private data stored and indexed on their cloud. Good luck with that.
  • Reply 95 of 119
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Live Chrome OS Video stream.

    Be sure to have Flip4Mac installed.

    Thanks but was looking for something I could watch on iPhone. Ironic eh?

    Apple TV, no dvr, iPhone, no flash. All these free shows yet apple wants us to buy the at iTunes. Hmmmm

    have a link for the iPhone. Lol. Normally someone converts to YouTube.

    Even here I've seen those little blue boxes when using the iPhone. Let's get real. Google "the truth behind why there is no flash on the iPhone"' it's all about adobes interface and control.

    Edit: cool found it.

    It wasn't here earlier but it's on YouTube now.

    Peace. Just did share video and copied the email that was never meant to be sent. Grin

    Edit: Just finished watching it. To me, this is what I thought Linux should have been years ago. The thing is, everyone knows google, it opens xls excel files without excel, it opens PDF files, it opens movie and jpegs with ease and GV Mobile rocks. Someone is going to take a hit. Should be very interesting esoecially since in the audio community, they already have sites where you can share or join in a session, for recording then you have applications like pixelmator that is cheap and does a lot of things Photoshop does.

    I remember all the mocking I got when I predicted apple going to intel. Everyone said no way, wasn't going to happen.

    I think the next bug thing will be companies like steinberg/avid/digidesign all having cloud computing. Some will be free. Others will just require a USB dongle with the proper licenses. Wow. Think about it. You do a rough mix at home, land in the Netherlands 13 hours later, open up your netbook, insert dingle and poof, your music project, plug INS and all are ready for you to go to work.

    I see this a lot bigger then just some who want to browse the web really fast and this is just the TIP of things to come.

    Use music for example. From a terminal mode, POV, there is no reason you can't have access via rental time, for your music project and access 4 16 core mac pros that you don't even own, the possibilities are endless. Video, same thing.

    Next big thing will be server, rendering, cloud rentals as we push for taking as little as needed when going mobile.


    Check out this video on YouTube:

    Sent from iPhone*
  • Reply 96 of 119
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    You're missing the point. If you're the kind of person who doesn't need these apps you longer need a Windows box or a Mac after this OS hits the market, and it's free, so it makes the product even cheaper, and much faster for the things that person does. If you fail to see this then I'm glad you don't work under Steve Jobs. You can say it's not an OS all day long, but you're only fooling number 1.

    It's not an OS in the way you understand the word, but it is a computer operating system, well it will be. That and the web is only going to improve.

    Would I rather a Mac? Probably yeah, but I'm not everyone. Google just potentially grabbed 200 million users. The future computer world has Google in it whether you like it or not.

    A litte further down after watching the full demo, I've changed my mind a bit.

    If this plays out right, as in, terminal mode, I don't see any reason you could work on a full music project with samples, virtual instruments, audioe files, FX and so on, hope on a plane, fly somewhere, then RENT 4 mac pros, insert a dongle, and poof, your terminal now has 64 cores to work with, plug-ins and all, at your command. And that's just one example.

  • Reply 97 of 119
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    In terms of computing, notebooks are most popular. Over 50% in general and 74% from Apple, if I recall the last numbers correctly. Most auto sleep when you close the lid or go idle for to long on battery, by default. I only restart when instructed to have some issue, closing my lid pretty much every time to store my machine. I thought this was the common thing to do.

    As a rule for lAptops you are supposed to calibrate the battery but most don't. I might do it maybe 3,4 time a year and once in a while your supposed to let it go somlowtbat it goes to sleep, you go to bed and it trickles every last watt from the green led. That said, keeping the computer on runs the daily, monthly etc scripts for windows it defrags but keeping it on is a good thing. Every time you turn it off and then on, you intoducing it to shock, a small power surge, that's why most companies tell you to log off, they do their back ups and the machine stays on. If you go to move it, another rule of thumb is wait to see the green light flashing off and on, this means the hard drive stopped and it's safe to move, saddly a lot of people don't do that either.

  • Reply 98 of 119
    A bit of a stretch I know but what if they made it si when you went to, in the background it's caching every link going deeper and deeper. Example it first caches evey link on the main page, then it goes through the Boston Red Sox, New York Yankees and caches everything it can, all in the background then the user goes to yahoo, same thing, like a web that goes deeper and deeper so a 10 minute online experience just caches 10 hours worth of reading so you can take long flights and use the laptop like it's connected via the web?

    If I'm not mistaken, I think there is a program made specifically for doing just that. Would make sense plus it would help with things like your music, photos etc. I think this might be bigger then we think. Google already has a name. Everyone that works in pro audio and video wished Linux would catch on due to it's light footprint, maybe this is it, the Linux, if you will, for our generation.

    Peace. 啊里我啊里面也素
  • Reply 99 of 119
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Originally Posted by theveeb View Post

    The bigger roadblock is that the OS is not designed to have local storage for the media files that iTunes depends on, therefore no iTunes on Chrome OS.

    That's exactly what i was thinking. But, I do remember reading an AI article a few months ago saying that Apple is greatly expanding it's own "Cloud" network in the Eastern US. So if Apple doing more Cloud computing, and so is Google. Perhaps a Cloud form of iTunes may be in the works. Consider this...iPods and the iPhone would be half the price if you didn't need all the storage for music and videos.

    There are potential problems with a "Cloud" iTunes as well, of course. One being how would you keep all that music secure, and how would you transfer existing purchases and downloads in this Cloud? Plus if it's an Apple Cloud, it means Mobile Me and that means you pay.

    I'm just waiting for Google to come up with a web-based music player that plays everything (even apple format) from the Cloud and can recognize your library, which will probably not happen, but they did it with Google Docs as well.
  • Reply 100 of 119
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by DdubRes79 View Post

    Sorry, but yes they do?

    Don't be sorry, you're wrong.
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