Iraq is next



  • Reply 41 of 157
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    [quote]Originally posted by macoracle:

    <strong>I would love to hear who I am prejudice against though?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Those who disagree with you or dare to support the president being deemed "redneck" or "republican" indicates a quite healthy prejudice.
  • Reply 43 of 157
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Hey Doctor Gonzo, since you hate the USA so much, I think we can all manage to chip in $1 to buy you a plane ticket to Iraq or Iran if you prefer.
  • Reply 44 of 157
    Tornados flatten the Midwest

    Hurricanes ravage our coasts

    Earthquakes kill hundreds

    Who comes to the aid of the US? - nobody

    Hurricanes, Earthquakes, and other natural disasters

    wreck havoc in foreign countries, countries were there are NO

    U.S. interests and who are the first to respond? - The U.S.

    Germany and Japan owed billions in war debts to the U.S. What did

    we do? We forgave the debts

    Railways in India, Germany and France were falling apart

    and who rebuilt them? - the U.S.

    NY Central and PA Railroad went broke, who helped them out? - nobody

    What about the Marshall Plan? Was that selfish?

    How about the Truman Plan?

    5,000 civilians are slaughtered in less than 2 hours on TV as the entire nation watches. What are we supposed to do? Nothing?

    I don't think so.

    Iraq refuses to let inspectors into facilities where we suspect chemical, biological and/or nuclear weapons are being produced. What are we supposed to do? Nothing? I don't think so.

    Sure, we may look like a big bully for allowing sanctions on Iraq but those sanctions would be lifted if the Iraqi government would comply. Their people are suffering because the Iraqi government will not allow UN inspectors into those facilities. Yeah and the US is the bully.

    I'm neither a republican nor a redneck and I support the effort.

    I'm tired of everyone complaining about our actions when they have no response for what we SHOULD do.

    People hate America and always will. Nothing will change that. It is totally impossible to please everyone. End the conflict in the Middle East and drill for oil in Alaska...the environmentalists will hate America. Make abortion illegal, the pro-choicers will hate America. Keep abortion legal and you'll have PRO-LIFERS bombing clinics (talk about ironic!)

    If you think America is wrong for the response to September 11th, then tell me what we SHOULD do. No, you can't go back and change the past mistakes of old administrations. You're the Administration that is currently in power...what do YOU DO?
  • Reply 45 of 157
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Word UP! I'll tell you what I'M going to do. Next car purchase I make will be an electric vehicle. It will take an effort and extra cash from my pocket but as an AMERICAN, I have the RIGHT to do this and support my own right to choose. This is what I'm talking about a non-violent method of fighting the terrorists. If our dependence on oil is so low to a point where we have no more interests in the Middle east the former terrorists will be BEGGING us to buy their now worthless oil. I know Exxon and Mobil will not like this one bit but tough! the government can put the smackdown on MS so why not Big Oil? Support alternative energy!
  • Reply 46 of 157
    sinewavesinewave Posts: 1,074member
    It's just not oil either. A lot of the US believes in Zionism. And before I get called a racist or whatever I am not saying the Jews are controlling the country. Take oil out of the picture and it will have some effect. But it wont get rid of the problem.
  • Reply 47 of 157
    [quote]Originally posted by Outsider:

    <strong>Word UP! I'll tell you what I'M going to do. Next car purchase I make will be an electric vehicle. It will take an effort and extra cash from my pocket but as an AMERICAN, I have the RIGHT to do this and support my own right to choose... I know Exxon and Mobil will not like this one bit but tough! the government can put the smackdown on MS so why not Big Oil? Support alternative energy!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Most new power plants (where the electricity for your car will come from) these days are natural gas plants. You think that maybe Exxon has a finger in that pie too? I don't mean to discourage you but I've never considered electric cars to be all that green. And if you live in a colder climate they are probably not a good idea at all.
  • Reply 48 of 157
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Maybe fuel cells will be available by then. A lot of attention has been paid to them lately.
  • Reply 49 of 157
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    To add a bit more fuel to the fire.

    <a href=",6903,610461,00.html"; target="_blank">,6903,610461,00.html</a>;

    If they are not blowing smoke Iraq is next.
  • Reply 50 of 157
    Yaser Arafat should be next.
  • Reply 51 of 157
    artman @_@artman @_@ Posts: 2,546member
    [quote]Originally posted by Scott H.:

    <strong>Yaser Arafat should be next.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Thank you Scott H for stating the obvious. Who is the original Bin Laden?

    O'l Diaperhead.

    He's also way out of his league now. Most of the Hamas and other Palestinian factions are tired of this old man.

    What Israel did today is the start of their new war on the Palestinian terrorists. I'm all for it. Kick the whole population out of there as far as I'm concerned. But primarily go after Diaperhead, the offshoot factions and his kindergarten terrorist camps....

    Oil? Maybe...Zionism? So what? Terrorists that kill innocent people and themselves? Dust 'em.
  • Reply 52 of 157
    newnew Posts: 3,244member
    Arafat should be next?

    God, what ignorance, the palestinians are beeing bombed as we speak, and I believe that is part of the problem...

    Now bombing the palestinian police is certainly gonna improve the situation... Sure, Arafat is not perfect, and certainly no democrat, but have you considered the alternatives?
  • Reply 53 of 157
    [quote]Originally posted by New:

    <strong>Arafat should be next?

    God, what ignorance, the palestinians are beeing bombed as we speak, and I believe that is part of the problem...

    Now bombing the palestinian police is certainly gonna improve the situation... Sure, Arafat is not perfect, and certainly no democrat, but have you considered the alternatives?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Let see. The Palestinian murder a bunch kids this weekend and you focus on the Israeli military attack on known terrorist. Who's the ignorant one? Not me.

    Palestinian terrorist bomb children.

    Israeli military bombs Palestinian terrorist.

    Besides Arafat is the biggest obstacle to peace in that area. He does not want peace. He only wants more terror. There is no hope of a solution as long as he is in charge.
  • Reply 54 of 157
    artman @_@artman @_@ Posts: 2,546member
    [quote]Originally posted by New:

    <strong>Arafat should be next?

    God, what ignorance, the palestinians are beeing bombed as we speak, and I believe that is part of the problem...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    No, the problem has been the ignorance of the past political leaders in Israel and the U.S.A. believing in this liar and in not blowing Arrafatass and his stooges to their pre-ordained paradise years ago.

    In the past 11 months in Israel there have been 2,600 terrorist attacks, 500 were bombings and 50 were suicide bombings!

    Now that Sharon is in the seat things will change. Sharon and Arrafatass have been bitter enemies for decades. It's time to settle the score! Talk didn't work and so the ineviteble is here.
  • Reply 55 of 157
    I bet no one can tell me how many Palestinians have been killed in Israel by Palestinian terrorist. I know I can't. I read that there were 7 (?) Palestinians on one of the busses that was bombed. I bet Arafat kills more of his own people in his terrorist attackes than Israel as in trying to stop the terrorist.

    You wont find a report on that in the NYT.

    [ 12-03-2001: Message edited by: Scott H. ]</p>
  • Reply 56 of 157
    newnew Posts: 3,244member
    If you look at the statistics there are by the 23rd of november a death count of 772 palestinians and 189 israelis. This is BEFORE this weeks tragic events.

    Now most of the palestinian casualties are teenagers. There are also a lot of children in these numbers.

    Arafat has never been weaker as the leader of the palestines. I for one fear the consequenses of removing him from power. The alternatives here are not promissing.

    One more thing: These attacks were responses to the israeli killing of a Hamas leader. Doesn't this show how efficient Sharons leadership has changed thing from bad to worse. Man, this guy, (a former war criminal) is a walking disaster. He promised the people of israel security. The last half year has been the least secure period in a long time.
  • Reply 57 of 157
    beerbeer Posts: 58member
    There is a significant difference between a Palestinian killed while hurling rocks and/or shooting at an Israeli soldier, and an Israeli killed while sipping his morning coffee in a local cafe. Do you have the statistics on that, perchance?

    Either way, I'm not all that concerned about Israel/Palestine. For better or worse, Sharon is going to settle things now.

    The next target for the US - the head of he serpant, if you will - should be Iran, not Iraq. "Moderate" government or not, there is your prototypical terrorist state.
  • Reply 58 of 157
    ac2cac2c Posts: 60member
    Well we could always hope that Iran and Iraq would go at each other again with maybe a little nudgeing from us. I was also thinking that there are going to be a whole lot of out of work Afghan soldiers at the end of this war. Rather than leaving them to their own devices, which would lead to more problems in Afghanistan, why not give them modern weapons, some training and point them in the direction of Iraq. Of course we would give them a whole lot of moral support. :cool:

    [ 12-04-2001: Message edited by: ac2c ]</p>
  • Reply 59 of 157
    newnew Posts: 3,244member
    so the hundreds of palestinian schoolchildren who got in the middle of israeli f16 rocketing gaza this morning are terrorist? why the whole damn part of the world is terrorist right? The world would probably be better of looking like the apple logo?
  • Reply 60 of 157
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Where do you get your news? <a href=""; target="_blank"></a> <a href=""; target="_blank"></a> Was this recent or is this one of those made up statistics people sometimes pull out of their ass when they don't know what else to say.
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