Bench Your New Mac With Factorial Bench



  • Reply 61 of 78
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Originally Posted by Footloose301 View Post

    Hey, $20 paypal if you can figure it out. haha

    I have no idea why its moving so slow and its bothering the crap out of me.

    The bars are supposed to go completely solid - that is what the benchmark is doing - maxing out the CPUs.

    Since both cores are working, it's a background process. Or maybe Time Machine was backing up while you ran the test.

    Both bars should not be at 3 bars when typing, so I think something is running in the background. Spotlight is another possibility.

    As noted, check "All Processes."
  • Reply 62 of 78
    Originally Posted by lundy View Post

    Since both cores are working, it's a background process. Or maybe Time Machine was backing up while you ran the test.

    Both bars should not be at 3 bars when typing, so I think something is running in the background. Spotlight is another possibility.

    As noted, check "All Processes."

    Well I'm not using Time Machine.

    I keep trying to upload a pic of the "All Processes" and photobucket won't upload it, Takes forever.

    Also, in the other pic it shows that the CPU idles around 90-98% most of the time.
  • Reply 63 of 78
    robmrobm Posts: 1,068member
    Originally Posted by lundy View Post

    Amazing. NetBarrier taking almost 50% CPU, or stomping on the L1 cache every time it gets the CPU for its 10 milliseconds.

    Ya lives and learns !

    Thanks for the test, lundy.

    No mo Intego in these here parts.
  • Reply 64 of 78
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member
    ("MacBookAir1,1") with 2 cores, running at 1.60 gHz.

    Frontside bus: 800.00 mHz

    Installed memory: 2.00 GB

    200,000,000 factorials will be calculated by creating 2 threads.

    Thread # 1 created.

    Thread # 2 created.

    Waiting for threads to finish...

    Thread # 2: 100,000,000 factorials calculated in 11.578892 seconds at 8,636,405 factorials per second.

    Thread # 1: 100,000,000 factorials calculated in 11.669031 seconds at 8,569,692 factorials per second.
  • Reply 65 of 78
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    SuperDuper was running in the background while this was going on. Not sure what that matters but here it is.

    (null) ("iMac11,1") with 8 cores, running at 2.80 gHz.

    Frontside bus: 4.29 gHz

    Installed memory: 4.00 GB

    200,000,000 factorials will be calculated by creating 8 threads.

    Thread # 1 created.

    Thread # 2 created.

    Thread # 3 created.

    Thread # 4 created.

    Thread # 5 created.

    Thread # 6 created.

    Thread # 7 created.

    Thread # 8 created.

    Waiting for threads to finish...

    Thread # 4: 25,000,000 factorials calculated in 2.342400 seconds at 10,672,814 factorials per second.

    Thread # 7: 25,000,000 factorials calculated in 2.352761 seconds at 10,625,814 factorials per second.

    Thread # 2: 25,000,000 factorials calculated in 2.361095 seconds at 10,588,308 factorials per second.

    Thread # 3: 25,000,000 factorials calculated in 2.362580 seconds at 10,581,652 factorials per second.

    Thread # 1: 25,000,000 factorials calculated in 2.364567 seconds at 10,572,760 factorials per second.

    Thread # 8: 25,000,000 factorials calculated in 2.357341 seconds at 10,605,169 factorials per second.

    Thread # 5: 25,000,000 factorials calculated in 2.367399 seconds at 10,560,113 factorials per second.

    Thread # 6: 25,000,000 factorials calculated in 2.372122 seconds at 10,539,087 factorials per second.
  • Reply 66 of 78
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by aplnub View Post

    SuperDuper was running in the background while this was going on. Not sure what that matters but here it is.

    (null) ("iMac11,1") with 8 cores, running at 2.80 gHz.

    Frontside bus: 4.29 gHz

    Installed memory: 4.00 GB

    200,000,000 factorials will be calculated by creating 8 threads.

    Thread # 1 created.

    Thread # 2 created.

    Thread # 3 created.

    Thread # 4 created.

    Thread # 5 created.

    Thread # 6 created.

    Thread # 7 created.

    Thread # 8 created.

    Waiting for threads to finish...

    Thread # 4: 25,000,000 factorials calculated in 2.342400 seconds at 10,672,814 factorials per second.

    Thread # 7: 25,000,000 factorials calculated in 2.352761 seconds at 10,625,814 factorials per second.

    Thread # 2: 25,000,000 factorials calculated in 2.361095 seconds at 10,588,308 factorials per second.

    Thread # 3: 25,000,000 factorials calculated in 2.362580 seconds at 10,581,652 factorials per second.

    Thread # 1: 25,000,000 factorials calculated in 2.364567 seconds at 10,572,760 factorials per second.

    Thread # 8: 25,000,000 factorials calculated in 2.357341 seconds at 10,605,169 factorials per second.

    Thread # 5: 25,000,000 factorials calculated in 2.367399 seconds at 10,560,113 factorials per second.

    Thread # 6: 25,000,000 factorials calculated in 2.372122 seconds at 10,539,087 factorials per second.

    Run it without SD in the background.

    Someone with a 3 ghz dual quad has the 'best' score. That's from 2008. You should be able to beat that.
  • Reply 67 of 78
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Logged out and back in.

    For the record, it seems this doesn't even max out my processor according to my dock icon. Not sure why not. Maybe because it is so quick?

    (null) ("iMac11,1") with 8 cores, running at 2.80 gHz.

    Frontside bus: 4.29 gHz

    Installed memory: 4.00 GB

    200,000,000 factorials will be calculated by creating 8 threads.

    Thread # 1 created.

    Thread # 2 created.

    Thread # 3 created.

    Thread # 4 created.

    Thread # 5 created.

    Thread # 6 created.

    Thread # 7 created.

    Thread # 8 created.

    Waiting for threads to finish...

    Thread # 4: 25,000,000 factorials calculated in 2.288634 seconds at 10,923,546 factorials per second.

    Thread # 7: 25,000,000 factorials calculated in 2.297217 seconds at 10,882,734 factorials per second.

    Thread # 2: 25,000,000 factorials calculated in 2.308406 seconds at 10,829,985 factorials per second.

    Thread # 1: 25,000,000 factorials calculated in 2.309185 seconds at 10,826,330 factorials per second.

    Thread # 6: 25,000,000 factorials calculated in 2.309673 seconds at 10,824,043 factorials per second.

    Thread # 3: 25,000,000 factorials calculated in 2.312440 seconds at 10,811,092 factorials per second.

    Thread # 5: 25,000,000 factorials calculated in 2.320036 seconds at 10,775,694 factorials per second.

    Thread # 8: 25,000,000 factorials calculated in 2.312718 seconds at 10,809,792 factorials per second.
  • Reply 68 of 78
    My top of the line maxed out Mac Mini (Late 2009)

    ("Macmini3,1") with 2 cores, running at 2.66 gHz.

    Frontside bus: 1.06 gHz

    Installed memory: 4.00 GB

    200,000,000 factorials will be calculated by creating 2 threads.

    Thread # 1 created.

    Thread # 2 created.

    Waiting for threads to finish...

    Thread # 1: 100,000,000 factorials calculated in 6.669110 seconds at 14,994,504 factorials per second.

    Thread # 2: 100,000,000 factorials calculated in 6.766785 seconds at 14,778,067 factorials per second.

    Pretty impressive! I love my Mac Mini!
  • Reply 69 of 78
    And a not quite top-of-the-line Mac mini but maxed out:

    (null) ("Macmini3,1") with 2 cores, running at 2.00 gHz.

    Frontside bus: 1.06 gHz

    Installed memory: 4.00 GB

    200,000,000 factorials will be calculated by creating 2 threads.

    Thread # 1 created.

    Thread # 2 created.

    Waiting for threads to finish...

    Thread # 1: 100,000,000 factorials calculated in 8.732085 seconds at 11,452,019 factorials per second.

    Thread # 2: 100,000,000 factorials calculated in 8.779958 seconds at 11,389,576 factorials per second.

    edit: comparing the results to Mr. Smith's directly above, the ratio of times is essentially identical to the ratio of CPU clock speeds. I guess this means this is, for the most part, a CPU power test.
  • Reply 70 of 78
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Lundy, want to redo the script so my processor will go to all out full power to see what this thing can really do?
  • Reply 71 of 78
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Originally Posted by aplnub View Post

    Lundy, want to redo the script so my processor will go to all out full power to see what this thing can really do?

    It's written in pure C, with some objective-C for one or two things. There's nothing that could cause wait states, so I'm not sure what's causing the bars not to go full throttle. Maybe the OS or other background processes are thrashing or entering wait states.

    If anything on your machine is causing disk access during the test, that could slow it down.

    If there's a Mach command to set yourself to real-time priority, I'm not aware of how to do it.
  • Reply 72 of 78
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by lundy View Post

    It's written in pure C, with some objective-C for one or two things. There's nothing that could cause wait states, so I'm not sure what's causing the bars not to go full throttle. Maybe the OS or other background processes are thrashing or entering wait states.

    If anything on your machine is causing disk access during the test, that could slow it down.

    If there's a Mach command to set yourself to real-time priority, I'm not aware of how to do it.

    It is now filling the bar up. No change in time though. Kinda surprised it was not faster but I guess 2.8 GHz is 2.8 Ghz sometimes.
  • Reply 73 of 78
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Originally Posted by aplnub View Post

    It is now filling the bar up. No change in time though. Kinda surprised it was not faster but I guess 2.8 GHz is 2.8 Ghz sometimes.

    It could be made faster - for example it uses recursion to calculate the factorial of 16. I could do that without recursion.

    Sometimes the problem you run into with these raw CPU benchmarks is that the compiler tries to "help" you by optimizing away all of your code if it doesn't really do anything except loop. Even if it loops adding to a counter, the compiler will just compute the answer ahead of time and remove the loop. For example, if you try and add all the numbers from 1 to 100, the compiler will recognize what you are doing and just assign 5050 to the result.
  • Reply 74 of 78
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    What about upping the number of fractuals since the time it takes to 200M on some of these machines is only 2 secs. How about 1B (5x) or 2B (10x) as many.
  • Reply 75 of 78
    PowerBook G4 (15-inch 1.67/1.5 GHz) ("PowerBook5,6") with 1 cores, running at 1.50 gHz.

    Frontside bus: 166.40 mHz

    Installed memory: 1.00 GB

    200,000,000 factorials will be calculated by creating 1 threads.

    Thread # 1 created.

    Waiting for threads to finish...

    Thread # 1: 200,000,000 factorials calculated in 44.098306 seconds at 4,535,322 factorials per second.
  • Reply 76 of 78
    (null) ("iMac7,1") with 2 cores, running at 2.40 gHz.

    Frontside bus: 800.00 mHz

    Installed memory: 2.00 GB

    200,000,000 factorials will be calculated by creating 2 threads.

    Thread # 1 created.

    Thread # 2 created.

    Waiting for threads to finish...

    Thread # 2: 100,000,000 factorials calculated in 7.216119 seconds at 13,857,864 factorials per second.

    Thread # 1: 100,000,000 factorials calculated in 7.240518 seconds at 13,811,166 factorials per second.
  • Reply 77 of 78
    iMac 2.6 ghz with 1 ghz fsb, 4gbs RAM:

    Thread # 1 created.

    Thread # 2 created.

    Waiting for threads to finish...

    Thread # 1: 100,000,000 factorials calculated in 6.611974 seconds at 15,124,076 factorials per second.

    Thread # 2: 100,000,000 factorials calculated in 6.652347 seconds at 15,032,288 factorials per second.
  • Reply 78 of 78
    Just got the logic board replaced for the 2nd time thanks to NVIDIA's faulty video controllers. Apple silently made all Santa Rosa 15" and 17" 2.4's with the NVIDIA 8600M GT cards a 3 year free logic board replacement!!!

    Happy! This notebook has never run this cool or this fast!!!!

    (null) ("MacBookPro3,1") with 2 cores, running at 2.40 gHz.

    Frontside bus: 800.00 mHz

    Installed memory: 4.00 GB

    200,000,000 factorials will be calculated by creating 2 threads.

    Thread # 1 created.

    Thread # 2 created.

    Waiting for threads to finish...

    Thread # 2: 100,000,000 factorials calculated in 7.273503 seconds at 13,748,534 factorials per second.

    Thread # 1: 100,000,000 factorials calculated in 7.334293 seconds at 13,634,579 factorials per second.
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