Apple seen in 'pole position' to control mobile Internet computing



  • Reply 61 of 70
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    Originally Posted by alansky View Post

    Actually, "pole position" suggests that Apple has the fastest car but all competitors are starting from scratch. This is clearly not the case. The race is already underway and Apple has opened up a big lead. Can anyone catch them? Not unless Apple spins out or runs into a wall.

    Or, if some company stops with the "technology in the lab will be ready for production in a decade or so" crap and come out with a truly revolutionary project that is way way wayyyyyyyyy ahead of what the competition has. Then suddenly Apple wouldn't be in the lead anymore despite having all those apps in the app store.

    But nobody seems to want to do what it takes.
  • Reply 62 of 70
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    From what I understand the point is to show the rise of mobile internet usage on the iPhone in comparison to the rise of the early desktop internet services.

    I don't understand how they could show that comparison with the Walkman, Gamboy, or iPod.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    That is exactly why I don?t think they may not be the best comparisons. The chart is measuring unique user growth, not company valuation growth.

    I?d like to see how other handheld electronic products fared in that same time period. Like the Sony Walkman, Nintendo Gameboy and even the iPod, in general.

  • Reply 63 of 70
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Well that isn't true either. There is pressure. If Apple had never improved anything since the original iPhone do you think its sales would be as good as they are today.

    Everyone has improved since the original iPhone, the iPhone has kept ahead of its competition. Why do you think Apple would suddenly stop?

    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    Hello? That's the freakin point. There IS NO outside pressure!

  • Reply 64 of 70
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    I don't think the problem is with desire or motivation. The problem is that Apple does not design its products within the same corporate structure that most companies design products.

    Most companies simply don't have Apple's talent and vision.

    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    Or, if some company stops with the "technology in the lab will be ready for production in a decade or so" crap and come out with a truly revolutionary project that is way way wayyyyyyyyy ahead of what the competition has. Then suddenly Apple wouldn't be in the lead anymore despite having all those apps in the app store.

    But nobody seems to want to do what it takes.

  • Reply 65 of 70
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    Hello? That's the freakin point. There IS NO outside pressure!

    OK, so how exactly does this report "take off the pressure" if you say there is no pressure?

    Clearly you didn't take your Ritalin today, because you don't even remember your main point in your original post.

    To paraphrase:

    This report is not good news because it will encourage Apple to NOT innovate.

    Apple has always innovated. Always. Nothing has ever encouraged them to inovate other than their own internal purpose, and certainly nothing has caused them not to innovate.

    (despite the many competitors who certainly wish they would stop.)
  • Reply 66 of 70
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    It is pretty amazing how far Apple has come, isn't it? A little over two years and Apple is defining the whole game and pushing everyone else ahead in the process.

    wait until call of duty hits the ipod touch
  • Reply 67 of 70
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    What have others been trying to do for years, attract social losers that have nothing better to do but stream music and check their facebook 3 million times a day? Thats about all this shows. There isn't anything in this article about innovation its about the surfing habits of the average iPhone/Touch user which we all know is obsessive.

    Maybe this article should read Apple in pole position of having the most losers checking their facebook at the same time while streaming Pandora and not getting any real work done.

    did n't they ban your aSS ??

    welcome back


    how long until you get the boot again


    most iphone users are not obsessvie

    we sit quiet in a dark corner

    and stream visit red tube all day

    silly boy

    now stop the mud slinging and play nice

  • Reply 68 of 70
    Originally Posted by AjitMD View Post

    Can Apple control the mobile web space $$$ within its devices? In other words, will Apple be to get the advertising dollars from its apps and mobile web... or will Google be able to freeload and suck the ad dollars? What about e-commerce dollars?

    This is just a question of time. Google's purchase of AdMob currently gives it the ability to freeload on the AppStore. I dont think people realize how much Google benefits from AdMob - the thing is, AdMob actually makes more money from the AppStore than Apple does!

    Apple makes zero money off the free apps, which constitute most of the apps and downloads. It also makes zilch out of all the upgrades to already paid apps - but still has to bear the download and other bills. Apple has to maintain infrastructure to verify the safety of all apps, whether paid or not. All this means that Apple actually makes insignificant money from the AppStore. AdMob on the other hand has no costs to bear, it is all gravy.

    But that being said, despite how things may look at the moment, it is actually easier for Apple to beat Google at Google's game, than for Google to beat Apple at Apple's game. This is a statement that a lot of people might not accept - but just stay with me for a bit longer.

    There is one major thing that connects and at the same time differentiates Apple and Google. Google operates from the stance that no one wants to pay for anything on the internet anyway, so might as well give it to them for free, and make money off the advertising revenues. Apple on the other hand operates that if there is a reasonably well priced offering, that offers significant value, then people will not mind paying for the service. They have used this model in iTunes and the AppStore. The only area where Apple seems to be having "premium" costs today, is MobileMe, and that is the possibly the only area that is not very successful for Apple. I expect MobileMe to get a lot cheaper, possibly that you get a 3Y membership for the current 1Y price. Google on the other hand has always found it tough to make money off anything but advertising. 97% of Google's revenues come from Advertising related to search. Even the Android Marketplace is structured in a way such that Google wont be able to make money off the apps.

    Over time, it is easier for companies like MS, Yahoo and even Apple to target Google, than for any company to replicate the entire ecosystem that Apple has built. As an example, lets take Mobile Advertising. Today, owning AdMob gives Google de-facto ownership of the entire segment. However, it is very easy for Apple to take the ownership from AdMob, atleast for the AppStore world. I expect Apple to announce a model where Apps that want to advertise can advertise using Apple, and will get the same 70-30 revenue split that the paid apps make. It is easy for them to change the rules of the game, to completely shut out third party advertisers like AdMob. Infact, the little known fact is that Apple first approached AdMob with a take over offer, and were quoted a price over $2B. Apple then walked away, confident that they could pull the rug from under AdMob anytime they wanted. When their bluff was called, AdMob got spooked and agreed to a $750M price from Google.

    A lot of companies are trying to beat Google, and no one has come close - but none of these companies have the advantages that Apple has. Apple has dominance of some very important industries, which would help it beat Google. The rationale behind purchase of Lala, is to offer iTunes TV content for free, supported by in-stream advertising. While Apple managed to lower prices for music tracks to an acceptable 99 cents, TV programs that are meant for one-time viewing have an unacceptably high cost of $1.99. Lala gives Apple the capablity of adding targeted Ads to the stream, and making the programs free. This is very similar to the Hulu model, except that it will be applicable to literally all video content in iTunes - not just TV shows.

    Apple is also looking to build a massive data center in North Carolina to address this market - and also another market currently owned by Google - YouTube. While Google has found it tough to make money off YouTube, and YouTube has been bogged by Piracy concerns, Apple's model is entirely different. iTunes will be the platform for personal videos as well, and the owner of the video will have the choice of whether the personal video is paid or ad-supported. In all cases, the owner of the video makes money from viewers. Secondly, because iTunes already hosts so much copyrighted content Apple can use software algorithms to ensure that only legit copies of videos get posted on iTunes, and the copyright owner benefits from this. Once this infrastructure is in place, the anti-piracy pressure on YouTube will intensify.

    In exactly the same way, Newspapers and Magazines are another segment where Google now dominates, but where the content owners are not very happy with Google. Apple's new initiative with iTunes LP is intended as a rich content distribution platform, where copyright owners get paid for the content. While some content owners might be shortsighted, and be afraid of Apple, significant number of content owners are working with Apple to embrace this format. The advantage for Apple, is that the 70-30 revenue share that it offers the content owners is non-threatening for the content owner - and while Apple makes very little money on the content itself, it makes tons of money selling devices to access the content. The reason Apple has delayed tablet launch, is not because the technology is not ready, but because the content is just falling into place.

    It is a lot easier for Apple to utilize ads to subsidize content that people are already willing to pay for, than for Google to start making money on devices, and to build the kind of ecosystem Apple has built to make all of this possible.

    Very soon, Apple will be the gatekeeper to all the media in the world, with total domination of mobile access, desktop access, and also living room access. This is the grand plan of Steve Jobs. While the whole world was focussing on Microsoft, and how Apple would beat Microsoft, Steve changed the equations to not be about ownership of the technology, but about control and ownership of media. Apple's technology edge is just the enabler in this master plan - not the reason for its success.
  • Reply 69 of 70
    Originally Posted by macarena View Post

    Very soon, Apple will be the gatekeeper to all the media in the world, with total domination of mobile access, desktop access, and also living room access. This is the grand plan of Steve Jobs. While the whole world was focussing on Microsoft, and how Apple would beat Microsoft, Steve changed the equations to not be about ownership of the technology, but about control and ownership of media. Apple's technology edge is just the enabler in this master plan - not the reason for its success.

  • Reply 70 of 70
    Originally Posted by macarena View Post

    Very soon, Apple will be the gatekeeper to all the media in the world, with total domination of mobile access, desktop access, and also living room access.

    This will never happen. See US v Microsoft or the EU Microsoft Competition case. Anti-trust and Competition law combined with India and China's desire to provide its people with its own homegrown solutions means that beng "the gatekeeper to all the media in the world" and "total domination" isn't really feasible in this day and age. Nor would Apple base its future on a supply of "media" that it has to negotiate for on a contract-by-contract basis, as well as agreements with various countries all of which could be renegotiated in the future to the detriment of Apple. I'm sure Comcast didn't just buy NBC-Universal just to become a media supplier for Apple.
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