'Unreal' 3D game engine demonstrated on Apple's iPhone



  • Reply 21 of 87
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    Impressive. With Rein and Carmack aboard the iPhone platform, it can only lead to good things.

    If Carmack says he's aboard, then it's only a day or two away from the time he makes a big public announcement of how iPhone sucks and Apple hates gamers. Usually, a few months after that ... he's onboard again.

    I don't know why anyone cares about Carmack, (or first person shooters for that matter). He's the most overrated gas-bag in the industry.
  • Reply 22 of 87
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    I commented on a 16 year old game because someone else brought up Carmack. Had nothing to do with UE3. Two different subjects.


    Only problem is games like this and Doom Classic which I have played on the Touch are 16 year old technology. The touch controls these games are also pretty poor.

    Either you change your story a lot or your grasp on the English language isn't that great. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess both. You specifically said "games like this are 16 year old technology."
  • Reply 23 of 87
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    I don't know why anyone cares about Carmack, (or first person shooters for that matter). He's the most overrated gas-bag in the industry.

    LOLWUT? You don't understand the appeal of FPSs? One of the most popular genres in computer gaming, and you don't understand why people care?

    Lemme guess, you also don't understand the appeal of the Honda Accord or Toyota Camry either?
  • Reply 24 of 87
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    Well, the "games like this and Doom Classic" while quoting Rein and Carmack in your post sure did make it seem that way. Maybe you should have been clearer \

    Well while the engine is new the article sites that this game is a modified level of UT. Which is going on 11 years old. Also if you look at how the game is played its a poor concept because you need to have both thumbs on the screen at the same time, that takes up a good part of the screen. Which is why touch only is never going to be the future of handheld gaming.

    If the iPod Touch is going have more complex games ported to it then it would need to look more like the PSP Go.
  • Reply 25 of 87
    Originally Posted by cmf2 View Post

    Either you change your story a lot or your grasp on the English language isn't that great. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess both. You specifically said "games like this are 16 year old technology."

    I didn't change anything. Look at the first post in the thread. Carmack is mentioned. Its not like I can change what someone else said. Maybe you need to brush up on your English.
  • Reply 26 of 87
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    I didn't change anything. Look at the first post in the thread. Carmack is mentioned. Its not like I can change what someone else said. Maybe you need to brush up on your English.

    No, your first post still clearly states that "games like this are 16 year old technology". You changed your story in subsequent posts, claiming to not say that, despite it being clearly visible in your first post.

    The person you quoted did mention Carmack, but your words never implied that you were replying to that part of the statement at all. We can only read what you write (actually I have to click "view post" to read what you write), and your words (intended or not) were very clear. I'd give you more leeway if you did more than troll every thread you are involved in.
  • Reply 27 of 87
    Originally Posted by cmf2 View Post

    No, your first post still clearly states that "games like this are 16 year old technology". You changed your story in subsequent posts, claiming to not say that, despite it being clearly visible in your first post.

    The person you quoted did mention Carmack, but your words never implied that you were replying to that part of the statement at all. We can only read what you write (actually I have to click "view post" to read what you write), and your words (intended or not) were very clear. I'd give you more leeway if you did more than troll every thread you are involved in.

    Okay so now you are clear. Having a differnce of opinion isn't trolling I know thats a hard concept for some to grasp. Also games like Doom Classic are 16 years old and UT is 11 years old. So there wasn't anything incorrect about my statement.

    Also if you have attempted to play any of these games on your Touch or iPhone you would see the controls sucks. These games were never ment to be played on a touch screen. Look at the YouTube video on this, half the screen is covered with the guys thumbs. Its a joke.
  • Reply 28 of 87
    You people are so fkng stupid it's incredible.

    This will end up being another 200+ post thread, and the vast majority of it (as always) will be comments from people who are too retarded to add just a couple of names to their "ignore" list.

    The only thing worse than a troll are the people who feed the troll. They are the ones who ruin intelligent dialog for the rest of us. They make the ignore lists, for those of us who actually use them, completely pointless.
  • Reply 29 of 87
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    "NEW Version/release: Unreal Development Kit (UDK)

    Because of the new trend in the engine market of removing the barrier between the masses and the utilization of expensive technology by distributing it for free, or for small licensing costs, Epic Games released the Unreal Engine 3 in a binary only form, naming it The Unreal Development Kit (UDK), on November 5 2009."



    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    ...UT is 11 years old.

  • Reply 30 of 87
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    "NEW Version/release: Unreal Development Kit (UDK)

    Because of the new trend in the engine market of removing the barrier between the masses and the utilization of expensive technology by distributing it for free, or for small licensing costs, Epic Games released the Unreal Engine 3 in a binary only form, naming it The Unreal Development Kit (UDK), on November 5 2009."



    No one said UE3 is not new. However the game that was being played is a modified level of UT which was introduced in 1999. Also the UDK that you site shows it has very little to do with the actual UE3 engine which was designed for the Xbox 360, PS3 and Direct X 9 and 10 GPU's. Not the iPhone or Touch.
  • Reply 31 of 87
    The same engine that never showed up on the Mac because Apple won't bother to fix a few major issues until snow leopard came out?
  • Reply 32 of 87
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by isaidso View Post

    You people are so fkng stupid it's incredible.

    This will end up being another 200+ post thread, and the vast majority of it (as always) will be comments from people who are too retarded to add just a couple of names to their "ignore" list.

    The only thing worse than a troll are the people who feed the troll. They are the ones who ruin intelligent dialog for the rest of us. They make the ignore lists, for those of us who actually use them, completely pointless.

    He's on my ignore list. Sometimes feeding the troll is fun, but don't worry, I'm done. Of course others will carry on.

    I'm secretly (I guess it isn't secret now) hoping that someone at macworld will have a surprise gamepad announcement. It looks like graphics advancements are moving along smoothly, but some games need buttons to work best. I don't need a dedicated portable gaming device, but if I could add a game pad to my iPhone, I would definitely play more games on it. I've already said that I don't expect the icontrolpad to come out anytime soon \
  • Reply 33 of 87
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    The future of handheld gaming.

    You have to feel sorry for their fragmented user base though, all those people that have the older devices which can't use things like this.

    It is like Apple doesn't understand handheld gaming, or gaming in general.
  • Reply 34 of 87
    Originally Posted by cmf2 View Post

    He's on my ignore list. Sometimes feeding the troll is fun, but don't worry, I'm done. Of course others will carry on.

    I'm secretly (I guess it isn't secret now) hoping that someone at macworld will have a surprise gamepad announcement. It looks like graphics advancements are moving along smoothly, but some games need buttons to work best. I don't need a dedicated portable gaming device, but if I could add a game pad to my iPhone, I would definitely play more games on it. I've already said that I don't expect the icontrolpad to come out anytime soon \

    Thats kind of funny. You have me on ignore yet we agree on this subject.
  • Reply 35 of 87
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Yeah it's not like a PS1 can't play PS3 titles or anything...

    ...hang on.

    As hardware advances the software that takes advantage of that hardware also advances.








    Why would you expect Apple to be any different?

    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    You have to feel sorry for their fragmented user base though, all those people that have the older devices which can't use things like this.

    It is like Apple doesn't understand handheld gaming, or gaming in general.

  • Reply 36 of 87
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Yeah it's not like a PS1 can't play PS3 titles or anything...

    ...hang on.

    As hardware advances the software that takes advantage of that hardware also advances.








    Why would you expect Apple to be any different?

    Let's see, how long was it between the the Nintendo DS coming out, and it's replacement that meant the DS couldn't play new games. That's right, it hasn't happened yet.

    Now, how long has it been between the Sony PSP it's replacement that meant the original PSP couldn't play new games. That's right, it hasn't happened yet.

    All models of the PS1 can play all PS1 games

    All models of the PS2 can play all PS2 games

    All models of the PS3 can play all PS3 games

    Can we say the same with iPhone, no. Apple is happy about this as people have to purchase new hardware, Apple does not understand gaming at all. Especially from a consumer point of view.
  • Reply 37 of 87
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,368moderator
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    No one said UE3 is not new. However the game that was being played is a modified level of UT which was introduced in 1999. Also the UDK that you site shows it has very little to do with the actual UE3 engine which was designed for the Xbox 360, PS3 and Direct X 9 and 10 GPU's. Not the iPhone or Touch.

    The map/geometry is irrelevant, the engine dealing with physics, IK, lighting, shading, texture filtering is the important part. Modern engines are built to be scalable so nobody expects the same level of detail but what it means is that large franchises already built on that engine can be ported over with much less effort and scale down. That is hugely significant as a lot of games use the UT 3 engine. There was a rumor a while back about Bioshock being ported to the iphone and now it makes a whole lot of sense.

    Judging by how that demo played, it would be ideal for Bioshock because it mainly consists of small rooms like that with just a handful of characters. The water effects would be a challenge on the older phones but should be fine on the 3GS. They would of course downsample the textures and reduce the overall bulk of the game from the 8GB install size on the PC. The touch controls would be great for switching plasmids etc.

    The game is very long too; so long, they could even split it into 4 episodic games at say, 200MB each. This way, they don't have to worry about charging a small amount for such a large franchise e.g 4 x $2.99 is better than 1 x $11.99.

    If Valve would get moving on this on port their Source engine, we could even get the Orange Box on the iphone and people playing Counterstrike or Team Fortress from anywhere in the world. 3G is probably too laggy but in a wifi hotspot it should be ok.

    With games like Need for Speed Shift and Gameloft's Nova:



    the quality of the graphics is clear. It borders on PS2 quality and although it's an old standard, the PS2 was still one of the most popular consoles of all time and that quality is now in your pocket and it looks even better on a small screen. The controls aren't perfect but as you can see in the NOVA FPS, it's still accurate enough and controllable enough to be enjoyable.
  • Reply 38 of 87
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    The iPhone 3GS can play all iPhone OS games unlike the two earlier models the 3G and the 2G.

    The situation is exactly the same, no doubt when a new model comes out in the middle of next year (assuming Apple continues it's annual release cycle), it will introduce new features and developers will take advantage of them.

    Can a Gameboy Advance play Gameboy DS titles?

    Can a PS1 play PS3 titles?

    Can an X-Box play X-Box 360 titles?

    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    Let's see, how long was it between the the Nintendo DS coming out, and it's replacement that meant the DS couldn't play new games. That's right, it hasn't happened yet.

    Now, how long has it been between the Sony PSP it's replacement that meant the original PSP couldn't play new games. That's right, it hasn't happened yet.

    All models of the PS1 can play all PS1 games

    All models of the PS2 can play all PS2 games

    All models of the PS3 can play all PS3 games

    Can we say the same with iPhone, no. Apple is happy about this as people have to purchase new hardware, Apple does not understand gaming at all. Especially from a consumer point of view.

  • Reply 39 of 87
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    If Carmack says he's aboard, then it's only a day or two away from the time he makes a big public announcement of how iPhone sucks and Apple hates gamers. Usually, a few months after that ... he's onboard again.

    I don't know why anyone cares about Carmack, (or first person shooters for that matter). He's the most overrated gas-bag in the industry.

    And you have just proven yourself to be a load of hot air. Good luck with that.
  • Reply 40 of 87
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    The iPhone 3GS can play all iPhone OS games unlike the two earlier models the 3G and the 2G.

    The situation is exactly the same, no doubt when a new model comes out in the middle of next year (assuming Apple continues it's annual release cycle), it will introduce new features and developers will take advantage of them.

    Can a Gameboy Advance play Gameboy DS titles?

    Can a PS1 play PS3 titles?

    Can an X-Box play X-Box 360 titles?

    Do you have trouble with reading etc?

    The PS1 was released in 1994, the replacement was released in 2000.. Six years later, the PS3 was released in 2006, another six years later. The PSP was released in 2004, five years ago. They all play the same games released within their generation. When they are advertised to people (including their games) you can spot the difference, and tell which games run on which console.

    The iPhone 3G, the iPod touch 8GB, the iPod touch 32Gb are still on sale now, and will be the models that sell the most, when the consumer is purchasing them, there is nothing stated other than storage space which says, this device will not play the same games as the 3GS, or the iPod touch 64GB version.

    The advantage that console (including portable) gaming had is the hardware was consistent, they all played the games within their generation.

    If Apple things they can change the generation every year, they are very misguided.
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