AT&T halts online iPhone sales to New York City residents



  • Reply 41 of 73
    "Fine theory, except for the fact that the iPhone isn't the only phone AT&T carries."

    WHo wants to have other so called smart phones? The value of unlocked iphone is far greater than any other phones out there. your counter argument does not hold water!

    "Fraudulent behavior also has occurred long before and steps taken to combat it, also the fact is that this restriction is only in a select area of the country. Why not Philadelphia, Washington DC or Detroit or all the other crime prone cities too?"

    most international visitors who buy iphones to unlock them come to NYC. NYC is unique as an international destination
  • Reply 42 of 73
    Wrong!!! I read another article this morning where an ATT spokesman said there were "not enough towers".
  • Reply 43 of 73
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Verizon may have even had more troubles than AT&T in some areas since a CDMA towers are more spread out than AT&T towers thus more iPhones per tower may have caused even more problems making the big city issues with AT&T occur over larger areas and faster.

    FALSE. Verizon has a far higher densisty of towers with closer spacing than ATT.
  • Reply 44 of 73
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    No. way. (uhh maybe)

    This thing (since there so many indications there will be "a thing") will be all over ubiquitous connectivity. If it's only fully useable at a hot spot, it's at least half useless anywhere else unless you fancy a really bulky iPod and have all your reading already downloaded.

    And look, here's this guy surfing on his crappy HP/Verizon netbook and here's the guy with the cool Slate who can't do email, facebook, tweet, download new content (e.g., the projected use as the first d. device that will do justice to newspapers and magazines), make or receive calls (by cell network or Skype), etc.

    At four times the size of the iPhone and half the capability for three times the price. And with Chrome cloud only computers waiting to burst out of the wings.

    Something sure as hell seems wrong with that picture.

    Originally Posted by Rob55 View Post

    I seriously doubt they would make the tablet exclusive to Verizon. That would be a big F/U to all the iPhone subscribers, essentially forcing them to have dual carriers if they want to have the tablet. Truth is, I'm not even convinced that the tablet will have 3G capability, probably just Wi-Fi. At 10", it may be "portable", but nowhere near as portable as the iPhone.

    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Maybe the iSlate, when unable to use Wi-Fi, tethers to an iPhone for 3G ... ??? just a wild off the wall comment with no basis whatsoever to be taken seriously

  • Reply 45 of 73
    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    I don't think that Apple will stick a CDMA chip in their new iTablet.....not when they want to create another global product.

    Amazon (Kindle) doing just fine with Sprint and AT&Ts 3G network.

    Amazon does not use ATT. Their people were technically competent.
  • Reply 46 of 73
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by johnwhite1000 View Post

    Amazon does not use ATT. Their people were technically competent.

    Kindle 2 International version uses AT&T.
  • Reply 47 of 73
    Originally Posted by johnwhite1000 View Post

    Amazon does not use ATT. Their people were technically competent.

    Yes they do. They sell 2 types. On for US (Sprint) one for Everywhere (AT&T).
  • Reply 48 of 73
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    The US version of the Kindle and Kindle 2 is squarely using Sprint?s EVDO and 1xRTT but that wouldn?t work for the rest of the world so the international version of the Kindle 2 has GSM/3GSM, which also is sold in the US and also works with AT&T. Since Amazon is the only seller and they are completely a warehouse store it?s not quite the same as other retailers having to stock multiple items, but most importantly there is no contract so choosing the HW based on the carrier is not quite the same as a mobile or a data card.

    That rings quite hollow. Retailers don't seem to have any trouble offering a different phone for each carrier.

    Originally Posted by zmac View Post

    "Fine theory, except for the fact that the iPhone isn't the only phone AT&T carries."

    WHo wants to have other so called smart phones? The value of unlocked iphone is far greater than any other phones out there. your counter argument does not hold water!

    "Fraudulent behavior also has occurred long before and steps taken to combat it, also the fact is that this restriction is only in a select area of the country. Why not Philadelphia, Washington DC or Detroit or all the other crime prone cities too?"

    most international visitors who buy iphones to unlock them come to NYC. NYC is unique as an international destination

    I really don't understand how preventing online sales would change that. Wouldn't you have to sign up for a plan either way? What specific "fraud" prevention method would be used to prevent non-US users from buying using the Apple store?
  • Reply 49 of 73
    zepzep Posts: 130member
    Originally Posted by kellya74u View Post

    :A brick & mortar store has the capability of photocopying the ID that is presented & videotaping the transaction. This way, if they get a charge-back that the phone was fraudulently obtained, they can turn that info over to the police. Of course, the kdcreeminals don't want that, so they would choose the internet so, like the cockroaches they are, they can run along the baseboards & hide from the light of day.

    due to privacy and security reasons, no photo ID is copied at the stores (or shouldnt be) when you sign up for service. looking at the ID and asking for the social is how its done.
  • Reply 50 of 73
    -ag--ag- Posts: 123member
    *** Edited for political correctness reasons ***

    The fact of the matter is there is a simple solution to all these arguments.

    Have your government/a court come in and remove exclusivity rights to companies for things like phones etc. Or at least limit it to say 3 months like how they do it here is Australia.

    This way sure ATT would have the iPhone first. and for that 3 month period they can also have bragging rights. But after that point everyone else can have access to the phones.

    All these Verizon/ATT/Sprint/Nextel/Carrier Pigeon arguments can finally be laid to rest.

    If you think about it it would make more sense in this case. Because no one network would be solely bogged down (they all would :P), it would mean that people can pick and choose as they please, and it would mean that when the tablet finally arrives it would not have to worry about all these network issues the iphone has.

    Dont like your coverage? pay out your contract and change carrier (apple unlocks phones after contract period over here, not sure about the rest of the world).
  • Reply 51 of 73
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    That rings quite hollow. Retailers don't seem to have any trouble offering a different phone for each carrier.

    So far, Apple does. They have yet to produce a non-GSM/3GSM iPhone. The closest we?ve seen to a HW variation is the removing of the WiFi antenna, drivers and OS elements for China Unicom. Apple still seems to want to operate like a boutique shop with limited products for most of their items. It wasn?t well after the iPod was a run away success that we started seeing a wide variance of model types and then colours. It?s a common complaint that they don?t offer enough Mac models and HW options within each model.

    Eventually they?ll have to expand in different ways but we surely haven?t seen it yet. We?ve seen no TD-CDMA iPhone despite China Unicom not having a strict contract. We?ve seen no CDMA iPhone despite there being many countries that don?t use GSM/3GSM, even if they still are under contract in the US with AT&T. History doesn?t support Apple having a device in each of their stores for each capacity and each carrier.
  • Reply 52 of 73
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by -AG- View Post

    Um by any chance is ATT ran by this man???

    The little mexican that could but instead decided to cheapen out and kill a once great network.

    Are you trying to be flagrantly racist or something? How does the race or nationality have anything to do with it? And how is it that racists these days also tend to be semi literate at best? You said Mexican, the linked article says he's a US citizen.
  • Reply 53 of 73

    AT&T resumes online sales of iPhone for NYC residents.

    Per me, per CNBC, per the Wall Street Journal.

    Just came over the TV just now. Watch the web for updates.

    your welcome...
  • Reply 54 of 73
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post


    AT&T resumes online sales of iPhone for NYC residents.

    Per me, per CNBC, per the Wall Street Journal.

    Just came over the TV just now. Watch the web for updates.

    your welcome...
  • Reply 55 of 73
    zmaczmac Posts: 15member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    That rings quite hollow. Retailers don't seem to have any trouble offering a different phone for each carrier.

    I really don't understand how preventing online sales would change that. Wouldn't you have to sign up for a plan either way? What specific "fraud" prevention method would be used to prevent non-US users from buying using the Apple store?

    Have you heard about the crime called credit card fraud? It's a lot easier to commit credit card fraud online than in person with photo ID.
  • Reply 56 of 73
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by zmac View Post

    Have you heard about the crime called credit card fraud? It's a lot easier to commit credit card fraud online than in person with photo ID.

    OK, fair enough, but is NYC really a hotbed for that in ways and degrees that doesn't happen in other major cities?
  • Reply 57 of 73
    I remember when I was a kid being told not to talk for too long on long distance calls because they were so expensive. Then the phone company was broken up and we had competition and flat rate calling across the USA.

    Some day we will look back on these days of exclusive phone contracts and shake our heads in disbelief that we ever put up with such a thing. The iPhone will be opened up to other carriers next year because people will demand it. They will demand choice.

    To all of you who defend AT&T, you seem to fall into two camps:

    Those who have never dropped a call. To you I say be thankful. I hope you never know that frustration.

    Those who have stock in AT&T and don't want the iPhone to get away. To you I say sell. Immediately. It's coming to an end. Soon.

    I was in New York yesterday and how many calls did I drop? Every single one I made.
  • Reply 58 of 73
    zmaczmac Posts: 15member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    OK, fair enough, but is NYC really a hotbed for that in ways and degrees that doesn't happen in other major cities?

    Most unlocked iphones goes to Russia and China (my guess). The Russians and the Chinese prefer New York as the place to buy iphones for gray markets back home.
  • Reply 59 of 73

  • Reply 60 of 73
    [QUOTE=-AG-;1540240]Um by any chance is ATT ran by this man???

    The little .... that could but instead decided to cheapen out and kill a once great network.

    Uh, not a good statement there in your link and off topic as well.

    Remember, xenophobia is a fear, which leads to anger which leads to attitude and ill comments and behavior. It can even make you physically sick and shorten your life.

    As you get older, you mellow out, you realize the only thing to fear is fear itself.

    Don't let others manipulate you and that fear with propaganda, later on to forever regret those actions you took when you were younger while you rot in a prison cell for life.

    Practice love, giving and caring, less upon feeling the world is a conspiracy out to destroy your kind, because that road leads to destruction of the very thing your hoping to preserve.

    Have lots of kids, be a good person and time with experience will shed a new light on things, that's it's really not that bad.
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