Apple announces App Store downloads top 3 billion



  • Reply 41 of 52
    mark2005mark2005 Posts: 1,158member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    What brand of servers do you suppose that they use?


  • Reply 42 of 52
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by mark2005 View Post

    He's right that relative to the whole monetized telecom services industry, apps are a very small part. But he's looking backwards not forwards.

    No, not apps, App Stores, big difference
  • Reply 43 of 52
    esummersesummers Posts: 953member
    Originally Posted by Smiles77 View Post

    Apple has always only given quotes for first-time downloads. Updates have never counted. They make specific mention of that in keynotes.

    No misdirection here.

    It would be interesting to know the number of paid downloads. Duplicate downloads don't count, but free ones do.
  • Reply 44 of 52
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    Originally Posted by mark2005 View Post

    The last average rate of music downloads was 9.1m a day. This was for the period between 8B (7/16/09) and 8.5B (9/9/09) downloads. Music downloads usually get a boost right after Christmas, so it may be getting close to 10m a day. But my guess is the app download rate of 10.1m is likely to have passed the music download rate.

    Also, says it is tracking over 135500 apps in the App Store. I believe it is fairly accurate, as their counter was only a bit over 100K when Apple announced 100K.

    Thanks much appreciated. So 3,8645 million or 3.8 billion songs per year? If my math is right then apps are right there as a source of income as music for apple. I guess you can't download apps illigally, hence the popularity, cause I would have expected a lot more songs per year then apps.
  • Reply 45 of 52
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    Originally Posted by MobileMe View Post

    I'm not sure if you know how I view Apple/Steve but I'll break it down to you .


    • APPLE





    • WOMAN

    Yeah Steve could find a way to explain crossing the street sound so amazing that I want to do it just like he did.

    " Team we did it! We crossed over unto 5th Ave, NY. The traffic was amazing, but we managed to get across quicker then the competition, and now we're light years ahead of everyone else" - Steve

    More like: the holes in the traffic, through which we could pass were miniscule, and our engineers have spent two years researching and coming up with ways to get through the traffic. Finally we came up with a plan, and let me tell you it is absolutely brilliant. Let me show you some slides. [Shows Slides of walking across a green light] let me demo it for you now. [After the demo] Isn't this plan beautiful. Just amazing. Oh, and one more thing...
  • Reply 46 of 52
    Hi mark2005 and jfanning and all here at the Apple Insider forum

    Thanks for the link and mostly very kind words.

    A few more Apple-oriented thoughts here to add some food for thought.. First, I agree mark very much with what you write, almost all of it.

    So, if you have to 'design' an app that is 'clever' to utilize the power of mobile, ie it is not intended to stand alone on the phone, but rather to help the user connect to your service and get more of an interactive experience (and I agree this is the right direction) then why bother with designing some apps for any apps stores to do this, on only smartphones? In most cases - and yes, not all - but in most cases, you can achieve the equivalent experience for your users as a 'service' either via WAP or MMS or even basic SMS. Or if you're more ambitious, then why not Java and get half of America rather than just 4% who own an iPhone.

    That is part of my 'gist'. There is nothing wrong at all - in fact I encourage it - for any given developer to make an app and if so, to ALWAYS start with making an iPhone app, even in Europe and Asia - why - because a its easy, b its sexy and c its far more glorious to show on the big screen of an iPhone than say a Blackberry or some random N series...

    But that is almost 'criminal' haha to stop there. Always in every market there are far bigger audiences to be had with 'modest' further development. Assuming your app is a success, then gosh, in America the moment you know it 'works' and your audience likes it, then rush a Blackberry version. And before its even out, start to plan the Java and WAP variants to it.. No matter who you are, except explicitly Apple/Mac user groups haha, what other group can't reach far bigger audiences this way, for Disney or CNN or NY Times or eBay or Obama re-elect or elect Pallin or American Express or Ford or Pizza the Hutt or whatever you want to pitch or sell or offer...

    Ok, that is not exactly haha what you want to hear here haha. But yeah, the App story spin is brilliant media management by Apple currently. The media would be tiring of why Apple is so slow to 'win' in the world battles, and every spring quarter brings bad news as after Xmas the iPhone sales shrink and rivals seem to get ahead, until we get the new model iPhone in June again. By spinning the 'look, I have billions of apps' Apple is nicely keeping good growth news on itself and misdirecting the media.

    My big gripe is that I really feel Apple needs a 'line' of iPhones not just one, and to release preferrably 4 models per year, to grow into about double its current annual sales. One model in June per year is not enough to do it. This is something I am confident they will have to do sooner or later, as the natural growth will end and they are smart enough to spot it. But currently am devastated that they seem to refuse to see this 'obvious' point, they did have a series of Macs and series of iPods so its not like Apple hasn't done this before.

    The other thing I'd desperately want to see is the QWERTY slider keyboard but am resigned to it probably not appearing. I count the number of smartphones that have QWERTY's - did you spot that Nokia just announced they are rolling QWERTY keyboard down to the s40 series low cost handsets even - this year 2010 - that is how strong the Blackberry surprise has shaken Espoo Nokia HQ - in Nokia stronghold markets like Indonesia (developing world country) youth are now picking ridiculously expensive Blackberries rather than Nokia's youth phones - because of those QWERTY's. Same of UK, the university study out last week said UK teenagers rate Blackberry the 3rd most desirable phone in UK (Nokia was 1st, SonyEricsson 2nd).

    But yeah, Apps are a very good strategy for Apple and seriously, we've had totally stagnant boring almost-dead app stores all over - come on, Nokia's N-Gage was an app store - bypassing the carriers/operators and Nokia just shut the whole thing down. But like so many times before, Apple came in, looked at something which seemed dead and magically revised it. The numbers today, that 75% of App store apps are still in use 3 months after installation, gosh, this is HUGE and very very good news.....

    My only gripe - haha as I say in the blog - is the outrageous obsession by the random press on the apps stores. Like they'd be somehow the saviour of this industry haha...

    Hey, sorry about that old line about the video recording, but I couldn't resist.. :-) I know these are not even 1 percent of the 3 billion downloaded. It was a bit of a cheap shot, more my frustration with why can't Apple do a phone that is at least a bit 'normal' they are smart enough to do it haha...

    Tomi Ahonen :-)
  • Reply 47 of 52
    cubertcubert Posts: 728member
    2 years from now in January 2012 we'll be seeing 1 billion dowloads every 1.5 months and 500,000 apps in the store.
  • Reply 48 of 52
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    What brand of servers do you suppose that they use?

    windows servers for sure
  • Reply 49 of 52
    mark2005mark2005 Posts: 1,158member
    Originally Posted by Tomi T Ahonen View Post

    But that is almost 'criminal' haha to stop there. Always in every market there are far bigger audiences to be had with 'modest' further development. Assuming your app is a success, then gosh, in America the moment you know it 'works' and your audience likes it, then rush a Blackberry version. And before its even out, start to plan the Java and WAP variants to it..

    I would make a distinction between writing apps for those phones with touch gestures like iPhone and Pre, and those without it. There are some things that you can do with SMS, some more things you can do with WAP, and a bunch more things you can do with more processing power and touch gestures. Even with WAP, there are some things that become too difficult, i.e., rises beyond the threshold of easy usability. But yes, as you wrote on your CDB site, one can, like BMW, pump out an SMS to millions of people to sell winter tires.


    My big gripe is that I really feel Apple needs a 'line' of iPhones not just one, and to release preferrably 4 models per year, to grow into about double its current annual sales. One model in June per year is not enough to do it. ... The other thing I'd desperately want to see is the QWERTY slider keyboard but am resigned to it probably not appearing.

    What would be different for each model? Remember that an iPhone has to be a phone, iPod, and Internet communicator. If it doesn't have all 3, it's not an iPhone. An iPod was originally a music player - so even an iPod shuffle is a music player. So what it comes down to is how does one define an Internet communicator?

    Slider keyboard, as you said, it's not going to happen. It's interesting how QWERTY is growing due to SMS but Apple has already made a bet that multitouch gestures is the most natural interaction mechanism for mobile Internet communicators; as Gretzky said and pointed to by Jobs, Apple goes where the puck is going, and that's where Apple thinks the puck is going. As components become cheaper over the next 5-10 years, even original iPhone-level phones would cost no more than $100 unsubsidized. Apple seems to be happy to grow cautiously for now given the limitations of 3G networks; they may take a different tack once 4G networks start proliferating.

    Different screen sizes? Any smaller and it starts to suffer real usability problems, that is, as an Internet communicator. Any larger and it becomes hard to hold. (And I'm already assuming that Apple will make it so that apps scale appropriately to any resolution. If not, the app environment will suffer further fragmentation problems, and for what gain?) Apple can shrink the iPhone's outer dimensions a bit at the top and bottom, but I think 3.5" is the lower limit for actual usable display size. When voice tech gets better, then maybe one can shrink the screen to the minimum necessary to watch video (like on the iPod nano).

    Different CPU power and flash memory? That's already happened with iPhone 3G still being sold, and 3GS being sold with different memory levels. Apple doesn't use the latest tech even in the annual model, so getting a second refresh out a year doesn't seem a priority. Apple works on maintaining other types of buzz during the Jan-Mar time frame as their models start to look old against competitor's new releases - such as download announcements, SDK releases, etc.

    Actually, if you look at computers - Apple has just six models but each model fits the usability criteria for a segment of the population. And they refresh about once every 8-12 months (and sometimes even longer). For example, Apple refuses to make a standard netbook because it says usability sucks with cramped keyboards, too small screens. (An aside, my niece just got a Windows netbook, but she's unable to install a piece of software because the accept button for the terms and conditions page is off the screen and can't be scrolled and doesn't take a keyboard/mouse click as acceptance. The software just assumes the screen has a vertical dimension that it doesn't have. Hilarious yet sad.)


    Hey, sorry about that old line about the video recording, but I couldn't resist.. :-) I know these are not even 1 percent of the 3 billion downloaded. It was a bit of a cheap shot, more my frustration with why can't Apple do a phone that is at least a bit 'normal' they are smart enough to do it

    Yeah, I know it's your type of humor and I know you're often responding to a very simplistic, and thus foolish media. It just seemed that you could make a much better argument than that.

    Thanks again for writing there and here, mark
  • Reply 50 of 52
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by MobileMe View Post

    I'm going to do a complete overhaul with my mobile lifestyle.

    You have a "mobile lifestyle"? That's adorable.

    Are you "a Pepper" too?
  • Reply 51 of 52
    mark2005mark2005 Posts: 1,158member
    Originally Posted by sheff View Post

    Thanks much appreciated. So 3,8645 million or 3.8 billion songs per year? If my math is right then apps are right there as a source of income as music for apple. I guess you can't download apps illigally, hence the popularity, cause I would have expected a lot more songs per year then apps.

    Well, most of the apps downloaded are free, so they don't generate any income for Apple. Estimates have been as high as 9-to-1 ratio of free-to-paid. In my own experience, I've downloaded at an even higher free-to-paid ratio than that.

    On the other hand, among paid apps, the average price is higher than 99 cents, though it might not be much higher since I believe a majority of apps are priced at 99 cents. (It can't be lower since 99 cents is the lowest price allowed.) The average song price might also be a bit over 99 cents, given that many of the most popular songs sell for 1.29.
  • Reply 52 of 52

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