Another report claims Jan. debut, Mar. sale for Apple tablet

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
More evidence surfaced this week to suggest that Apple will introduce its touchscreen tablet this month and make it available for sale in March.

The Bloomberg report reiterates what has been rumored for some time: the touchscreen device will offer multimedia functionality, allowing users to surf the Web, play movies and music, and read e-books. It would reportedly compete with both Amazon's Kindle as well as the growing netbook market.

"Apple Inc. (AAPL), seeking to win a larger share of the market for handheld computers, is planning to unveil a tablet computer this month, according to a person familiar with the matter," the report said. "The mobile device is scheduled to go on sale in March, said the person, who declined to be identified because details of the product are private."

Additional details at this point are slim, though there is plenty of speculation. The Bloomberg report corroborates what was stated Monday by The Wall Street Journal: Apple will introduce the tablet this month, and sell it in March.

The Journal also noted that Apple has been experimenting with "two different material finishes" for the hardware, though sources were unable to confirm whether it meant two versions of the tablet were to arrive, or if the Cupertino, Calif., company was just testing options. The device is said to have a screen size between 10 and 11 inches.

Last July, AppleInsider first reported that Apple would introduce its long-rumored multi-touch tablet in early 2010. The 3G-enabled device has been compared to a jumbo iPod touch.

In other tablet news, analyst Brian Marshall with Broadpoint.AmTech said this week that the tablet will support multiple carriers for its 3G connectivity. Among those supported will be the largest wireless provider in the U.S., Verizon. Marshall reportedly said that the option to access Verizon's network was "a certainty."

All of the speculation is expected to end on Jan. 27, when Apple has allegedly scheduled an event at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco to introduce new hardware. Recent rumors have said a new iPhone 4.0 beta SDK includes a tablet "simulator" that aims to make it easy for developers to adapt to different screen resolutions.

Some exclusive developers allegedly already have access to the new development kit, and have been asked to create "full screen resolution" demos for an event this month. Developers were supposedly asked to make sure their applications could run beyond the 320x480 pixel screen size of the iPhone and iPod touch. Software that can accommodate the larger screen size was said to run "just fine" on the new hardware.


  • Reply 1 of 41
    monstrositymonstrosity Posts: 2,234member
    I have a sneaky suspicion the tablet will be announced in january, possibly released for sale in...hmm.. march...

    Just a wild stab.
  • Reply 2 of 41
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    This is just repetition. Some pundit just blurting stuff out. They are probably right though, unbeknownst to themselves.
  • Reply 3 of 41
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    I have a sneaky suspicion the tablet will be announced in january, possibly released for sale in...hmm.. march...

    Just a wild stab.

    That's not what my sources are saying. They told me to look for a March release, but introduction in January. You have it all backward.

  • Reply 4 of 41
    So is this really news worthy at this point?
  • Reply 5 of 41
    My impeccable sources say to watch for a March announcement with a January release. Weird.
  • Reply 6 of 41
    Originally Posted by cabassi View Post

    My impeccable sources say to watch for a March announcement with a January release. Weird.

    That's after the announcement of the iDeLorean.
  • Reply 7 of 41
    *yawn* Someone wake me up when this thing is actually announced.
  • Reply 8 of 41
    mactrippermactripper Posts: 1,328member
    The iTablet from Apple is going to introduce a new way of computing to the masses.

    It will have a closed UI and depend upon the AppStore for approval just like iPhone Apps.

    Content creators will rejoice as this is a form of piracy control, only those smart enough and resourceful enough can jailbreak their iTablets can run pirated software, instead of everyone having the ability to run pirated software like on normal computers.

    Those who do jailbreak their iTablets will be shut out of the AppStore, out of their warranties and their credit card based account tagged for future reference, a risk few will take.

    I also expect the iTablet to have some sort of strong web controls to filter sites, so children don't access adult content or malicious sites.

    I suspect the iTablet will interact with hand gestures, swipes and finger taps using on screen pointer tracked via the iSight camera, without touching the screen.

    Games on the iTablet will be very popular.

    Typing will still require touching the screen, however one could use the pointer and click letters too. This would make it easier for children who don't know how to type yet, for people with big fingers, handicapped etc.

    The device will come out a few months later after announcement so developers can get their act together. They will get early models to code on.

    Apple will announce further features when the operation in NC is built and running. So the stronger apps not able to run on the iTablet alone will utilize Apple's "cloud", a extra service fee. Also iTablet Pro's might make a appearance next year, replacing MacBook Pro's.

    As you might have noticed, there is only one MacBook version in Apple's lineup. Even the MacBook webpage has a link to the MacBookPro's for more selection.

    So the iTablet is going to replace the MacBook line. Apple will give educational discounts to schools.

    The computer as we know it is going to change.
  • Reply 9 of 41
    jarmanjarman Posts: 29member
    Originally Posted by iphonedeveloperthailand View Post

    So is this really news worthy at this point?

    Yes, every single day until Apple officially announces it.

    Until that magic moment, you will still find people who don't believe the beans are spilled.
  • Reply 10 of 41
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    The iTablet from Apple is going to introduce a new way of computing to the masses.

    It will have a closed UI and depend upon the AppStore for approval just like iPhone Apps.

    Content creators will rejoice as this is a form of piracy control, only those smart enough and resourceful enough can jailbreak their iTablets can run pirated software, instead of everyone having the ability to run pirated software like on normal computers.

    I also expect the iTablet to have some sort of web controls to filter sites, so children don't access adult content or malicious sites.

    I suspect the iTablet will interact with hand gestures, swipes and finger taps using on screen pointer tracked via the iSight camera, without touching the screen.

    Games on the iTablet will be very popular.

    Typing will still require touching the screen, however one could use the pointer and click letters too. This would make it easier for children who don't know how to type yet, for people with big fingers, handicapped etc.

    As you might have noticed, there is only one MacBook version in Apple's lineup. Even the MacBook webpage has a link to the MacBookPro's for more selection.

    So the iTablet is going to replace the MacBook line. Apple will give educational discounts to schools.

    The computer as we know it is going to change.

    Don't expect it to be like anything you're already familiar with. Keep in mind, the iPhone was a product of the tablet project. If the iPhone wasn't good enough to be the tablet, I'm sure the real thing is going to blow everyone away.
  • Reply 11 of 41
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The Journal also noted that Apple has been experimenting with "two different material finishes" for the hardware....

    Please let it be 'glossy' and 'matte'!!!

    (typed on my MBP with the glorious MATTE screen )
  • Reply 12 of 41
    mactrippermactripper Posts: 1,328member
    Originally Posted by frugality View Post

    Please let it be 'glossy' and 'matte'!!!

    (typed on my MBP with the glorious MATTE screen )

    Apple could use a better quality glass with <1% surface reflection rate.

    Gives a really nice sharp and clear image with little reflections or glare.

    But I doubt it.
  • Reply 13 of 41
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    It better fucking have copy/paste.
  • Reply 14 of 41
    I'm looking forward to the release of this iTablet/iSlate/iChalkboard gizmo just so I can find out why I would want one. I guess it's because I'm not into games (which I do recognize a lot of people are) and that I'm happy enough with my Kindle for iPhone that I don't see the need to lug around another, larger devise. I have a 13 inch MacBook Pro for bigger projects. So, at this point, I can't imagine why I would need this thing. I'll admit, if any company could create a product that gives me the impression that I do need it, Apple's the one.

    But I really am curious. Why do those of you who want this thing want it so desperately?

    And do any of you feel you need it? If yes, why?
  • Reply 15 of 41
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Well... What went differently back in 2007? No one believed Apple was capable of making a phone. SJ got 6 months to prepare the Big Launch in peace.

    Times change. Leo being announced on 27th, LG's 8,25" Lgo at $250 hits the market on 29th.
  • Reply 16 of 41
    mactrippermactripper Posts: 1,328member
    Originally Posted by success View Post

    It better fucking have copy/paste.

    Not only that, but drag and drop of type to a notepad.

    Double tap finger point and it highlights it for moving.
  • Reply 17 of 41
    mactrippermactripper Posts: 1,328member
    Originally Posted by iluomo View Post

    But I really am curious. Why do those of you who want this thing want it so desperately?

    And do any of you feel you need it? If yes, why?

    Because we are geeks and we lust over new technology.

    Some of us invest in Apple stock, so a new device and it's interest is appealing.

    Because it might be the new wave of the future of computing.

    Because some of us want to be the first to one to own one, be cutting edge and trendy.
  • Reply 18 of 41
    MacTripper says:

    "iTablet Pro's might make a appearance next year, replacing MacBook Pro's.

    "As you might have noticed, there is only one MacBook version in Apple's lineup. Even the MacBook webpage has a link to the MacBookPro's for more selection.

    "So the iTablet is going to replace the MacBook line. Apple will give educational discounts to schools."


    I really hope you're wrong about that. The MacBook Pro is, as the name says, a machine intended for professional use. Many media professionals use it instead of a desktop model both at home and on the road. There's no way a tablet is going to be as efficient for home-office or field-office use as a MBP; no way would I load a tablet, no matter how souped-up, with 60 video clips in Final Cut Pro, color-correct them all on a tablet touch-screen and leave it to render the clips, on its own, overnight (as I did on my MBP last night). No way will anyone interested in efficiency use a touch-screen keypad to write long articles, letters, etc., or manipulate complex spreadsheets, or for fine-tuned photo retouching or web-site design, all of which an ordinary MBP does masterfully. I love my iPhone's touch-screen keypad for quick messages, reading quick articles, rendering crude drawings, reviewing crudely-rendered photos & videos, and just because it's larger, typing on a tablet touch-screen keypad is not going to work anywhere as efficiently as an ordinary keyboard, and complex, detailed rendering cannot be done on the same screen as one's typing/mousing on. Maybe if it seamlessly talks to a nice external monitor (and a normal keyboard & mouse), that might be possible, but that requires purchasing/maintaining/storing more equipment (which having a MBP makes unnecessary) and negates the portability advantage. Even for presentation, a tablet configuration is inferior to a laptop - you can type on a laptop at the same time that 5 people behind you are viewing your screen; difficult to imagine that on a tablet. The tablet will be genius for _individual_ use of _consuming_ media (and here's to hoping it will reinvigorate the magazine publishing industry, as is being hyped right now!), but not nearly so genius at _creating_ media as any laptop.
  • Reply 19 of 41
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by iphonedeveloperthailand View Post

    So is this really news worthy at this point?

  • Reply 20 of 41
    mactrippermactripper Posts: 1,328member
    Originally Posted by resnyc View Post

    I really hope you're wrong about that. The MacBook Pro is, as the name says, a machine intended for professional use. Many media professionals use it instead of a desktop model both at home and on the road. There's no way a tablet is going to be as efficient for home-office or field-office use as a MBP;...

    It could be more efficient with a newer UI.

    Quote: way would I load a tablet, no matter how souped-up, with 60 video clips in Final Cut Pro, color-correct them all on a tablet touch-screen and leave it to render the clips, on its own, overnight (as I did on my MBP last night).

    Intel has introduced prototype 80 core processors that use less power and generate less heat than current duo cores.

    I think rendering would take minutes instead of all night with that sort of horsepower.

    Not saying the new iTablets will have that sort of power right off, but eventually the iTablet Pro's will have more cores, as that's Intel's roadmap.

    If one needs more horsepower, but doesn't need it enough to justify the cost of more cores, the "cloud" and or processing the work on one's home machine could be done via the internet.


    No way will anyone interested in efficiency use a touch-screen keypad to write long articles, letters, etc., or manipulate complex spreadsheets, or for fine-tuned photo retouching or web-site design, all of which an ordinary MBP does masterfully. I love my iPhone's touch-screen keypad for quick messages, reading quick articles, rendering crude drawings, reviewing crudely-rendered photos & videos, and just because it's larger, typing on a tablet touch-screen keypad is not going to work anywhere as efficiently as an ordinary keyboard,...

    Optional wireless keyboard of course. Just like standard issue in all new iMac's now.


    ... and complex, detailed rendering cannot be done on the same screen as one's typing/mousing on. Maybe if it seamlessly talks to a nice external monitor (and a normal keyboard & mouse), that might be possible, but that requires purchasing/maintaining/storing more equipment (which having a MBP makes unnecessary) and negates the portability advantage. Even for presentation, a tablet configuration is inferior to a laptop - you can type on a laptop at the same time that 5 people behind you are viewing your screen; difficult to imagine that on a tablet. The tablet will be genius for _individual_ use of _consuming_ media (and here's to hoping it will reinvigorate the magazine publishing industry, as is being hyped right now!), but not nearly so genius at _creating_ media as any laptop.

    If the new UI is anything I have been following, it will be motion activated. Your finger will be the mouse and stylus and it won't even touch the screen.

    No touching of the screen needed except for typing on the screen, which many people would rather bust out the optional wireless keyboard first.
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