Another report claims Jan. debut, Mar. sale for Apple tablet



  • Reply 21 of 41
    The iSlate, as it were, will dominate the market for a few months. The competition will then (sort of) catch up.


    Because Apple introduces advanced manufacturing and engineering techniques no other vendors adopt until, of course, they decide to try to catch Apple.

    The vendors Apple uses for contract manufacturing, after being schooled in the new manufacturing technologies learned from Apple, then apply their newfound knowledge to other vendors' products.

    Until that point, the methodologies are kept under wraps, after which Apple has built a healthy lead over its competition. This gap gives Apple the breathing room it needs to always stay ahead of the competition in both design and quality.

    Needless to say, not many companies go through the lengths Apple does to, for example, procure the screw that holds together a MacBook Pro even though that screw is hidden 99% of the time by the battery (older MBP).
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  • Reply 22 of 41
    desarcdesarc Posts: 642member
    i hope this thing comes in bondi-blue, strawberry, and tangerine at least.

    there, now that i've said it, rumor sites will copy and paste from one another.

    i heard the local FM radio's quick morning news rundown announcing the iSlate being "released Jan 27th" and will be "ten by 11 inches" and "run iStore apps at full size"

    it's funny when these rumors get to people who have no idea what they're reading, but they're announcing it to hundreds of thousands.
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  • Reply 23 of 41
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by macinthe408 View Post

    The iSlate, as it were, will dominate the market for a few months. The competition will then (sort of) catch up.


    Because Apple introduces advanced manufacturing and engineering techniques no other vendors adopt until, of course, they decide to try to catch Apple.

    For both the iPhone and any mooted tablet, hardware construction is largely irrelevant.

    It's trivially easy to clone the hardware features of a device.

    But Apple has two more strings to its bow.

    The second is software. And when NeXT was building NextStep (now cocoa) - they made something which other software vendors don't have. It's Apple's secret weapon and allows them to innovate in the user interface space faster than others.

    And the third is the content distribution infrastructure that underpins the App Store , iTunes and the Apple TV.

    You could have a device, and you could have the fancy software interface.

    But without the third part - you don't have a commercial product.

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  • Reply 24 of 41
    I envy all those app developers who not only know the specifications of the iSlate but are poised to make quite a lot of money from creating their first apps. Here's an article basically reiterating the same thought:
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  • Reply 25 of 41
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Last July, AppleInsider first reported that Apple would introduce its long-rumored multi-touch tablet in early 2010. The 3G-enabled device has been compared to a jumbo iPod touch.()

    All of the speculation is expected to end on Jan. 27, when Apple has allegedly scheduled an event at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco to introduce new hardware. Recent rumors have said a new iPhone 4.0 beta SDK includes a tablet "simulator" that aims to make it easy for developers to adapt to different screen resolutions.

    Some exclusive developers allegedly already have access to the new development kit, and have been asked to create "full screen resolution" demos for an event this month. Developers were supposedly asked to make sure their applications could run beyond the 320x480 pixel screen size of the iPhone and iPod touch. Software that can accommodate the larger screen size was said to run "just fine" on the new hardware.

    I think I'm going insane. Do these people never learn? They are doing the same stupid error they did in 2006: everyone thought that since the iPod's interface was so popular, iPhone's would be an upscaled iPod OS with a giant freaking number click wheel. Everyone, EVERYONE seems to forget Mac OS X's superiority just because it fuels a niche market (and that "niche" there is going to change. Soon), be it intentionally or not. Even Dilger assumed it would run iPhone OS, citing that there is no need for anything else, which is an incredibly dumb thing to say, since the better hardware of the tablet (larger screen and more powerful internals when compared to an iPhone) would make it suitable for full computer applications. It should also run a direct derivation of Snow Leopard with a different interface (a mix of iPhone's Marble with our well-known Menu Bar/Dock/Desktop/etc and, of course, an upgraded Cocoa Touch to make use of all of those innovations on gestures and intelligent gesture interpretation described in those patents ranging from 2007-now.

    Do you want iPhone OS to run your favorite apps? Fine! Devs already run them in Xcode, so it shouldn't be difficult to turn those apps in widgets for the tablet.).

    Being closer to OS X than iPhone OS, plus the hype, would drive developers to write full applications (not just iPhone widgets) for the tablet, bringing hordes of useful applications and games one step closer to the original Mac platform, since all you would have to do is adapt the interface to a keyboard and mouse; the basic code of what you want the app to do would already be written for Mac OS anyway. So, the tablet doesn't get dumbed down, and OS X gets more applications (invaluable to fight Windows, since larger program variety is its only attractive) as a bonus!

    iPod Touch on steroids or a compact, mobile full-blown Mac with an awesomely improved Multi-touch?

    Apps or Applications AND apps (in the form of widgets)?

    Not a tough decision at all. Not for me at least.
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  • Reply 26 of 41
    mac tripper your post ranges from the mundane

    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    Games on the iTablet will be very popular.

    to the absurd

    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    This would make it easier for children who don't know how to type yet, for people with big fingers, handicapped etc.

    however your notion that it will replace the entry-level macbook is intriguing.

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  • Reply 27 of 41
    zindakozindako Posts: 468member
    Computers are evolving, they are becoming more powerful and smaller in size, it is only natural for future mobile computing devices like the soon to be released iSlate to replace what we have been using for the past decade, ie notebooks. We should embrace this computing evolution and see where it takes us.
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  • Reply 28 of 41

    Originally Posted by MacTripper

    The iTablet from Apple is going to introduce a new way of computing to the masses.

    It will have a closed UI and depend upon the AppStore for approval just like iPhone Apps.

    Content creators will rejoice as this is a form of piracy control, only those smart enough and resourceful enough can jailbreak their iTablets can run pirated software, instead of everyone having the ability to run pirated software like on normal computers.

    I also expect the iTablet to have some sort of web controls to filter sites, so children don't access adult content or malicious sites.

    I suspect the iTablet will interact with hand gestures, swipes and finger taps using on screen pointer tracked via the iSight camera, without touching the screen.

    Games on the iTablet will be very popular.

    Typing will still require touching the screen, however one could use the pointer and click letters too. This would make it easier for children who don't know how to type yet, for people with big fingers, handicapped etc.

    As you might have noticed, there is only one MacBook version in Apple's lineup. Even the MacBook webpage has a link to the MacBookPro's for more selection.

    So the iTablet is going to replace the MacBook line. Apple will give educational discounts to schools.

    The computer as we know it is going to change.

    Forward looking and insightful. One of the more intriguing posters on these boards...who certainly is attuned to which way the wind is blowing for the Mac platform and OS X.

    I tend to agree. My initial thoughts are that the iSlate could replace the Macbook to a degree. The rather 'mute' update last time around seems to suggest this is a possibility. Not only that...remember the 'down grade' of the Macbook from Alu status back to plastic again? Clearly, something is afoot. Maybe the tablet wasn't ready to fully replace the plastic model last time around... I expect it to be priced just under the Macbook and substantially above rival netbooks. Laptops are clunky things. Portable? I never think of them as so. Wires everywhere...clunky screen and k/board combo. A tablet on the other hand...could be a killer edu machine. A killer couch computer machine.

    A new interface paradigm for a tablet? Sure. Why not? The original iPod interface didn't make the iPhone. Shrewd analysis. Expect something inbetween the iPhone touch and the Leopard desktop. It could easily be a 3D pie wheel with gestures.

    I think a tablet could replace the notebook in education. The 1984 desktop is old hat. A new simpler UI that focuses on what we, as media lovers, use most sounds on the money. Look at the soaring popularity of the 'simple' iPhone OS.

    I'd expect to get a bit more work done on an iSlate eg 'light' iWork suite connected to 'the cloud.'

    *Shrugs. If we're expecting it to be Mac Os Leopard or iPhone OS UI, we could be in line for a shock or major disappointment. I'm expecting something wonderfully new.

    The iPhone was like nothing I expected back in the day. iSlate? I think it's going to blow us away. Apple have clearly been working on this one for a very long time. Note that the 'tablet' research made it onto the iPhone. Ergo, iPhone is 'touch' junior.

    I can't wait to see 'the Daddy.'

    Lemon Bon Bon.
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  • Reply 29 of 41
    Like the iPhone or Leopard? I'd say, only 'more so.'

    I'm genuinely excited.

    Lemon Bon Bon.
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  • Reply 30 of 41
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by Lukeskymac View Post

    I think I'm going insane. Do these people never learn? They are doing the same stupid error they did in 2006: everyone thought that since the iPod's interface was so popular, iPhone's would be an upscaled iPod OS with a giant freaking number click wheel. Everyone, EVERYONE seems to forget Mac OS X's superiority just because it fuels a niche market (and that "niche" there is going to change. Soon), be it intentionally or not. Even Dilger assumed it would run iPhone OS, citing that there is no need for anything else, which is an incredibly dumb thing to say, since the better hardware of the tablet (larger screen and more powerful internals when compared to an iPhone) would make it suitable for full computer applications. It should also run a direct derivation of Snow Leopard with a different interface (a mix of iPhone's Marble with our well-known Menu Bar/Dock/Desktop/etc and, of course, an upgraded Cocoa Touch to make use of all of those innovations on gestures and intelligent gesture interpretation described in those patents ranging from 2007-now.

    Do you want iPhone OS to run your favorite apps? Fine! Devs already run them in Xcode, so it shouldn't be difficult to turn those apps in widgets for the tablet.).

    Being closer to OS X than iPhone OS, plus the hype, would drive developers to write full applications (not just iPhone widgets) for the tablet, bringing hordes of useful applications and games one step closer to the original Mac platform, since all you would have to do is adapt the interface to a keyboard and mouse; the basic code of what you want the app to do would already be written for Mac OS anyway. So, the tablet doesn't get dumbed down, and OS X gets more applications (invaluable to fight Windows, since larger program variety is its only attractive) as a bonus!

    iPod Touch on steroids or a compact, mobile full-blown Mac with an awesomely improved Multi-touch?

    Apps or Applications AND apps (in the form of widgets)?

    Not a tough decision at all. Not for me at least.

    iPhone OS is not stationary, it is continually being developed. iPhone OS has a greater installed user base than OSX and existing iPhone OS apps running on a tablet would work better than existing OSX programs due to lower processor expectations and a touch interface. Lastly, the internals of the tablet are likely to be a lot closer to the iPhone than macs (in fact the tablet could simply have internals that the iPhone would get 6 months or a year later). Obviously, the UI would have to be updated for iPhone OS or OSX, but I think it makes sense to use iPhone OS as your jumping off point instead of paring down OSX again, only to have the iPhone hit the same performance capabilities shortly thereafter and require OS updates of its own.

    Edit: Long term, I could see OSX and iPhone OS merging for OS XI or something. Each operating system is taking the best parts and lessons learned from the other one as they are developed, and if mainstream computers adopt touch interfaces as primary input devices, we will need an OS to match.
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  • Reply 31 of 41
    tofinotofino Posts: 697member
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    Not only that, but drag and drop of type to a notepad.

    Double tap finger point and it highlights it for moving.

    aaah... like the newton?
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  • Reply 32 of 41
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    If the new UI is anything I have been following, it will be motion activated. Your finger will be the mouse and stylus and it won't even touch the screen.

    No touching of the screen needed except for typing on the screen, which many people would rather bust out the optional wireless keyboard first.

    Hovering a finger over a screen to me woould be too tiresome and inexact. I don't think this will be a feature of any new tablet ui. A similar concept is used with my wacom and it's tiring.
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  • Reply 33 of 41
    MacBooks are too heavy to throw at your annoying bitch wife and the iPhone is worth more than she is. Bring on the tablet.
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  • Reply 34 of 41
    thrangthrang Posts: 1,051member
    Originally Posted by iluomo View Post

    I'm looking forward to the release of this iTablet/iSlate/iChalkboard gizmo just so I can find out why I would want one. I guess it's because I'm not into games (which I do recognize a lot of people are) and that I'm happy enough with my Kindle for iPhone that I don't see the need to lug around another, larger devise. I have a 13 inch MacBook Pro for bigger projects. So, at this point, I can't imagine why I would need this thing. I'll admit, if any company could create a product that gives me the impression that I do need it, Apple's the one.

    But I really am curious. Why do those of you who want this thing want it so desperately?

    And do any of you feel you need it? If yes, why?

    Even as a big Apple proponent, I've asked myself the same question.

    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    Because we are geeks and we lust over new technology.

    Some of us invest in Apple stock, so a new device and it's interest is appealing.

    Because it might be the new wave of the future of computing.

    Because some of us want to be the first to one to own one, be cutting edge and trendy.

    Nice, but if that's it, it would be a major failure in terms of mass adoption.

    My take (hope) is it will be the unifying device for all your iApp and Internet based media - a master control center to view or listen locally, or direct content to various computers, Airport Express', and ATV devices. Perhaps a mesh network with connected devices. including iPhones or Touches, to push/pull information, communicate, etc. Built in video cameras would mean easy inter-room or Internet based video chats from the comfort of your couch or kitchen.

    With additional accessory products, or third party support, there could be some very interesting home control/integration possibilities centered around a portable tablet - For example, I use Insteon products with Indigo software to control lights throughout my home, and it works well - but a tablet-based version of the control would be quite an improvement. The gating factor as to how much you can do with this will be Apple's desire to own the whole enchilada, critical for their user experience and support excellence. But it does mean I doubt Apple would ever directly offer control of third party lighting or climate control systems, as intriguing as it is.
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  • Reply 35 of 41
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    okay here's my take on all the rumors

    i like the idea of essentially a giant ipod touch with a built in ereader (hopefully with CBR so I can carry around my digital comics as well as books and magazines). If I wanted a portable to do ilife, iwork, photoshop etc I'd get a Macbook/pro.

    I suspect that this is the market they are looking to grab. in answer to Jobs netbook comments from a couple of years ago

    I hope that they use the same battery tech as the macbooks so we get a decent amount of time out of them

    I hope that video on it is at least 720 if not 1080.

    I hope that they put a front camera on so I can video chat on the road

    and I really really hope that any 3g is optional and unlocked. cause at the moment I don't want to have to get said service as a requirement to have a tablet, and if I decide later to get it I wanna be able to shop around and see who might give me the better deal on the monthly rate etc.

    i also hope that it might have some kind of built in Lala app to stream my music and that the whole tv subscription thing turns out to be real and in the near future.
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  • Reply 36 of 41
    Originally Posted by AppleBiter View Post

    MacBooks are too heavy to throw at your annoying bitch wife and the iPhone is worth more than she is. Bring on the tablet.

    The Bloomberg article mentions that the Apple tablet would be a competitor for Kindle, but I think that depends a lot on Apple's approach to e-books and other content.

    Will Apple hobble Amazon, B&N, etc., from selling e-books through an app that would compete with the e-books in the iTunes Store (or iGuide or whatever it's going to be called)? What about selling PDF e-books on the tablet's browser?

    Will Apple hobble hulu from showing free content on the tablet's browser that would compete with $1.99 downloads in iTS or a subscription TV package?

    Will the newspapers and magazines hobble their web sites from being viewed on the tablet's browser that you can still pull up on your Mac or PC? Will they take everything behind a pay wall when they introduce their tablet content?

    Will Apple or any of the content providers produce any content that will be available only on the tablet or that would debut on the tablet before moving to other media? (I have wondered whether Apple will ever hire an independent producer to make an exclusive series for Apple TV and iTS or even set up an HBO-style premium "channel" on Apple TV and iTS.)

    It will be interesting to watch how that all shakes out over the next few months.
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  • Reply 37 of 41
    801801 Posts: 271member
    This news is beginning to become a squealing feedback loop.

    Some source reports what they read here, and then AI reports it. This is what got us into Iran, the administration whispers something to someone, they report it, then it becomes the truth because the press reported it, and the administration uses it as proof.

    Enough, please, it is unprofessional and unbecoming to continue repeating the same stuff over and over. It ain"t news after the first 50 times. It is now free marketing.

    Why don't you report on the marketing angle instead. That would be inside Apple news.
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  • Reply 38 of 41
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by 801 View Post

    This news is beginning to become a squealing feedback loop.

    Some source reports what they read here, and then AI reports it. This is what got us into Iran, the administration whispers something to someone, they report it, then it becomes the truth because the press reported it, and the administration uses it as proof.

    Enough, please, it is unprofessional and unbecoming to continue repeating the same stuff over and over. It ain"t news after the first 50 times. It is now free marketing.

    Why don't you report on the marketing angle instead. That would be inside Apple news.

    The professional market for this new device is enormous

    from the on the spot connected all the time field workers >>like utility or telephone repairmen to doctors and lawyers and scientists >> to book reading high school/college kids to bored housewives wanting to chit chat . or watch hulu streamed movie , the list goes on and on .,

    Some touch sales will be lost but thats about it .

    this HYPE IS nothing compared to when people see this fantastic device , then the real hyper marketing will start .

    this is the perfect student homework book by the way

    and kids can email it right in and receive more assignments right after .

    it will be 10 x6.5" or 9x6" 9x5/5" lab coat sized

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  • Reply 39 of 41
    Originally Posted by Lukeskymac View Post

    I think I'm going insane. Do these people never learn? They are doing the same stupid error they did in 2006: everyone thought that since the iPod's interface was so popular, iPhone's would be an upscaled iPod OS with a giant freaking number click wheel.

    iPod OS was designed for a click wheel, not a touchscreen.
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  • Reply 40 of 41
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    This is just repetition. Some pundit just blurting stuff out. They are probably right though, unbeknownst to themselves.

    That's my take as well. This is just the news echo chamber at work. It is likely that Bloomberg had no new info and that the article is completely based upon all the other stories bouncing around the echo chamber.

    The story is likely correct, but it doesn't qualify as "more evidence" in my opinion.
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