Microsoft, HP introduce touchscreen 'slate PC' at CES



  • Reply 41 of 243
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    Originally Posted by Mobius View Post

    Does anyone know how or where I can watch this impressive keynote?

    I have a PPC Mac and you need the latest cruddy Silverlight plugin to watch it on their site, but it won't install on a PPC.

    It doesn't seem to be available on Youtube either.

  • Reply 42 of 243
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    Originally Posted by icyfog View Post

    Nope. Microsoft has been on that slide since April 4, 1975.

  • Reply 43 of 243
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    If you guys all want some fun head over to PCWorld's blog, link below. The PC fanboys are defending Ballmer's screw up and claiming the Apple Tablet is vaporware, it is hilarious. I have never trolled before but could not resist stoking the fire there. It's a good and well balanced article actually.

    This comment pretty much summed it up:

    cameljockey says:

    Thu Jan 07 06:24:00 PST 2010

    Anything involving windows or Microsoft is poison. This company is for losers only.

    Originally Posted by icyfog View Post

    Nope. Microsoft has been on that slide since April 4, 1975.

    I stand corrected!
  • Reply 44 of 243
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    Originally Posted by Zendolphyn View Post

    D'oh!... of all the possible covers to showcase they chose one with a big Apple on it? Lots of forehead smacking going on in Redmond this morning...

    I have to think the person responsible knew exactly what they were doing selecting this image and set Ballmer up. Being the astute genius he is he didn't notice.
  • Reply 45 of 243
    mactrippermactripper Posts: 1,328member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    If you guys all want some fun head over to PCWorld's blog, link below. The PC fanboys are defending Ballmer's screw up and claiming the Apple Tablet is vaporware, it is hilarious. I have never trolled before but could not resist stoking the fire there. It's a good and well balanced article actually.


    Overall, the three slate devices presented by Ballmer are basically just regular Windows 7 PCs, but in a smaller form factor and lacking a keyboard. Despite an attractive design, there is nothing particularly special about them.

    The smart (and really only possible) move by Microsoft and HP, they introduced hardware with Windows 7 a present OS and release date of 2010. Nobody in their right mind is going to buy a laptop minus the keyboard using a complicated keyboard/trackpad based OS UI like Windows 7.

    What they are waiting for IS WHAT UI APPLE IS GOING TO RELEASE and then copy it, like always. Since that will take some time, thus the year wait for release.

    Thing is they will play catch up and follow the leader Apple, because they can't innovate correctly.

    HP tried to introduce a new touch screen UI running Linux or some sort of front hack on Windows, but it failed.
  • Reply 46 of 243
    Originally Posted by palex9 View Post

    Once again Balmer + Microsoft prove that they know as much about being innovative as i know about weaving baskets. They had THE chance to up the ante by showing off the 'courier' device but no, window 7 (yawn!) on some clunky tablet hardware by HP and Archos. Who know, they are probably incapable of actually producing a device like that. And I wonder if Bill is kicking himself in the butt for having left the store with a nutjob like Balmer in charge. Probably not....

    The Courier is a CGI rendering, there's nothing to show. Just like that Pink phone thing.
  • Reply 47 of 243
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    The smart (and really only possible) move by Microsoft and HP, they introduced hardware with Windows 7 a present OS and release date of 2010. Nobody in their right mind is going to buy a laptop minus the keyboard using a complicated keyboard/trackpad based OS UI like Windows 7.

    What they are waiting for IS WHAT UI APPLE IS GOING TO RELEASE and then copy it, like always. Since that will take some time, thus the year wait for release.

    Thing is they will play catch up and follow the leader Apple, because they can't innovate correctly.

    HP tried to introduce a new touch screen UI running Linux or some sort of front hack on Windows, but it failed.

    I agree with what you say except that it was smart. They would have been better avoiding tablets IMHO so as to avoid exactly what has happened - really bad press and stocks tumbling. Regarding the copying of Apple's UI you are 100% correct but M$ will have a fun time trying based on the lousy underpinning they have to start with ... Google and Palm have a better chance. Also I think you need to remove the 'correctly' ... they simply 'can't innovate'. LOL
  • Reply 48 of 243
    I think the slate PC idea is interesting, but the thing looks like a large iPhone running Windows XP.

    Apple is sure to trump this device in the near future, but Apple's device will cost 2x as much and have at least one gotcha. Apple has had a number of "ugh" moments over the years. The MacBook Air is the most recent one that comes to mind. Amazing piece of hardware, but the price really hurt it in the beginning.

    Perhaps I'm getting cheap as the years pass, but some days, I feel like Apple left me in the dust. Is it too much to ask for a headless iMac i7 that is under $1500? I'm happy paying the Apple tax, but you continue to miss the mark for some of us.
  • Reply 49 of 243
    the courier?

    that's hilarious, where are the microsoft fanboys today? taking the day off...
  • Reply 50 of 243
    Originally Posted by JTBLQ View Post

    You don't demo/debut a product like that... if it's not ready to buy today or next month don't show it.

    Don't even acknowledge it's you see where I'm coming from here? Anyone notice how he conscientiously said 'PC' ninety nine times?

    A vile Harkkonen in a red sweater showed us a damn Walgreens digital photo frame. You as a fan of technology should be offended...I know I am.

    No demo of how you'd use it or why as a consumer would you really want it and have to have it.

    Just held it, clumsily tapped at it and put it away.

    It will fail.

    I CANT WAIT to see what Apple has planned.

    This. He even LOOKED embarassed, and rightly so. The cutting edge of Windows technology.
  • Reply 51 of 243
    Originally Posted by zindako View Post

    So is it official that Courier is truly Vaporware?

  • Reply 52 of 243
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    If you guys all want some fun head over to PCWorld's blog, link below. The PC fanboys are defending Ballmer's screw up and claiming the Apple Tablet is vaporware, it is hilarious. I have never trolled before but could not resist stoking the fire there. It's a good and well balanced article actually.

    Actually, I found that the article was rather weak as to why the author thought the slates were not that great. If he had mentioned anything about the specs, or the input, or anything like that it may have helped his argument.

    That said, a lot of the comments on there were downright hysterical. Some of my favorites include:


    halofaller says:

    Overhyped tablets? can you say Apple? Apple is overhype epitomized.

    Hey guys, there are already Apple magazines out there, yours is called PC World.

    Forget your roots AND readers?


    strider53 says:

    From this article, I fail to understand the writers "disappointment" aside from an apparent bias against Microsoft."...almost as portable as a phone and that's as powerful as a PC running Windows 7..." sounds about as good as any smoke and mirrors product from Apple.

    This one sums it all up:


    frequenci says:

    so all you PC obsessed people came here expecting the usual Microsoft slob job when actual open minded people can see through their bullshit. and I'm not even anti-Microsoft, I just call it like I see it, instead of the way I want to see it.

  • Reply 53 of 243
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    Originally Posted by mitchell_pgh View Post

    I think the slate PC idea is interesting, but the thing looks like a large iPhone running Windows XP.


    It is such a rip off of the iPhone design Ive's should sue HP.
  • Reply 54 of 243
    ezduzitezduzit Posts: 158member
    Originally Posted by Mobius View Post

    Does anyone know how or where I can watch this impressive keynote?

    I have a PPC Mac and you need the latest cruddy Silverlight plugin to watch it on their site, but it won't install on a PPC.

    It doesn't seem to be available on Youtube either.

    i have silver light installed on my ppc imac g5, running osx 10.4.11.

    i think if you google silver light with the request that you are looking to install silverlight on a ppc running osx 10.4.11 you will find it after a little search.
  • Reply 55 of 243
    So where's that guy that was on here yesterday with the centered text saying how impressive a product he hoped this would be?
  • Reply 56 of 243
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    This says it all. As in "subliminal." ...


    I think this picture shows something else too which is how hideously *bad* MS is at designing anything.

    Here we have a device for reading books, but it has a frame, around a frame, around a frame, around a frame, around a book. Simply by means of the crappy architecture of the GUI, it loses about 40-50% of the screen real estate to the UI and the controls.

    If you have an electronic book, the ideal is to have the book itself appear edge to edge. Some frames are unavoidable (the device itself, the borders of the screen), but this GUI is just ridiculous and unnecessary.

    This is just Windows' desktop on a small device running full screen apps. Big deal.

    Try clicking the tiny "x" on the stupid yellow balloons that appear on a Windows task bar every few minutes with your big fat finger on that thing. It won't work. Try adjusting the volume on the task bar volume slider, and see it FAIL. It's hard enough adjusting the iPhone's software volume control which is literally twice the size.

    You *will* need a capacitive stylus to operate this thing.
  • Reply 57 of 243
    Originally Posted by Santoanderson View Post

    Apple = Company that has spent years, nay, decades funneling money and resources into a secret slate project with a perfectionist mind set, unwilling to release any information regarding the mystery product until it's absolutely perfect.

    Microsoft = Company that reads rumors that Apple will release a mysterious slate device some time next year. Puts less time, and less resources into their product, steals the name of Apple's product, and jumps out of the gates early, displaying a shoddy prototype in apparent hope to steal Apple's thunder, or make the claim that "theirs was first."

    Steve Jobs = Turtle Neck

    Steve Ballmer = Turtle Head

    Exactly! They STILL don't get it. I want to hit Ballmer in the head like they do on those V8 commercials. They seriously need some new leadership. I'm rooting for Microsoft because more competition is better for the consumer. They are currently providing NO COMPETITION to Apple. Wake up idiots!
  • Reply 58 of 243
    icyfogicyfog Posts: 338member
    Originally Posted by mitchell_pgh View Post

    I think the slate PC idea is interesting, but the thing looks like a large iPhone running Windows XP.

    Apple is sure to trump this device in the near future, but Apple's device will cost 2x as much and have at least one gotcha. Apple has had a number of "ugh" moments over the years. The MacBook Air is the most recent one that comes to mind. Amazing piece of hardware, but the price really hurt it in the beginning.

    Perhaps I'm getting cheap as the years pass, but some days, I feel like Apple left me in the dust. Is it too much to ask for a headless iMac i7 that is under $1500? I'm happy paying the Apple tax, but you continue to miss the mark for some of us.

    A headless iMac is a contradiction of terms, and the Apple tax is Microsoft FUD.
  • Reply 59 of 243
    ronboronbo Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by Chintan100 View Post

    I agree. You know what? This was the dullest keynote i have ever seen. It showed that they are out of steam.

    On the other hand, look how many pots they've got their hands in. It's astonishing. How can any company do good work when they're spread so far and wide?
  • Reply 60 of 243
    jasenj1jasenj1 Posts: 923member
    I tend to like reading the live blogs from places like Engadget and Gizmodo.

    First, there was some kind of power outage just before the keynote started. Not good. What happens when all your carefully pepped demo machines reboot?

    Second, MS is much bigger than Apple and has it's hands in a lot more things. Ballmer showed off Bing, XBox (a decent sized ecosystem of its own), several in car products, mentioned Zune, and pushed WinMobile info off to Mobile World Congress. Apple doesn't have near the scope of products and markets that MS does.

    Ballmer spent a LONG time talking about Windows 7. And in there he briefly showed off the HP slate. The keynote was a broad overview of several MS products and markets. The slate product didn't warrant a big introduction; it was obviously a bit player in MS's overall product space.

    I can criticize Ballmer in that when he did talk about the slate he used an image with an apple prominently displayed on it, but I can't feel too bad that slate computers are a small niche in MS scope of offerings.

    Here's the penultimate line from Engadget's live blog: "And... that's it? Wow. Incredibly boring. Incredibly incredibly boring. Really."

    - Jasen.
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