Apple extends 27-in. iMac shipment delay to 3 weeks



  • Reply 61 of 75
    mj webmj web Posts: 918member
    I decided to by a new i7 iMac the day it was released but I resolved to wait to buy it until the Q2-3 refresh. Apple should iron out the wrinkles by then and I might just get a free CPU and disk bump to boot.
  • Reply 62 of 75
    Originally Posted by MJ Web View Post

    I decided to by a new i7 iMac the day it was released but I resolved to wait to buy it until the Q2-3 refresh. Apple should iron out the wrinkles by then and I might just get a free CPU and disk bump to boot.

    Same here!
  • Reply 63 of 75
    Originally Posted by MJ Web View Post

    I decided to by a new i7 iMac the day it was released but I resolved to wait to buy it until the Q2-3 refresh. Apple should iron out the wrinkles by then and I might just get a free CPU and disk bump to boot.

    Maybe you'll be able to play a blu-ray on it by then and get a matte screen.
  • Reply 64 of 75
    Originally Posted by DeputyRob View Post

    Yet another thread that's gone to hell on the account of the incessant whiners who can't have a matte screen. Enough, already. Let's focus Apple's efforts on fixing the product that actually exists.

    OK- Did they fix being able to connect a blu-ray player to it yet? Or was that omitted intentionally?
  • Reply 65 of 75
    ouraganouragan Posts: 437member
    When a retailer cannot keep up with demand, it's a sure indication that the computer is a HUGE hit.

    As a proud owner of Apple's first quad-core desktop computer, I can assure you that this is a great computer with quad-core power and space for all your music on its optional 2 TB hard disk.

    Congratulations, Apple.

    What could have been improved: A more recent graphic card (not 18 month old as the computer was launched), preferably with support for TV display on the iMac monitor (as is common on high end Windows computers) and support for USB 3.0.

  • Reply 66 of 75
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    First off, the problem is glare and reflections on the glass screens, which can be solved if Apple chooses and enough people complain, which they do, I'm not alone.

    It is on topic because the 27" iMac has the largest glare prone screen of any Apple product.

    I doubt you can go to any computer post site and avoid the issue, it's that widespread.

    So learn to deal with others problems with not being able to see the screen due to reflections, grow a heart and show some empathy.

    And if you notice, it's you that jumped all over rebelmusik with your anti-rant, so what bug has crawled up your ass that your taking it out on the poor people who can't see their computer screens anymore huh?

    On the ignore list you go. Bye.

    I have a 27" i5 and have no issues with reflection whatsoever. My colleagues are using 24" imacs with the glass display and they have no issues either. If you work with large displays you should have the appropriate office conditions where the lighting is diffused. Many of our customers work with both video and print and video game design. They too have offices designed to remove any glare and the lighting is diffused. These conditions reduce eyestrain for those working at VDU's all day long.
  • Reply 67 of 75
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by DJRumpy View Post

    Ugh. Give it a rest. If you want to whine about it, start a thread about it so at least the rest of the folks who are interested can go be on-topic in that thread instead of polluting this one.

    May I suggest you take a long hard look in the mirror? The OP was not whining, but offered a very respectful opinion and hope that Apple may yet see the error or its ways.

    You, on the other hand...

    Spontaneous responses always have the ability to take a thread "off course." Many of us scan, review, then post to areas that concern, amuse, or annoy us. Many of us do not take such a anal approach to our responses. All threads are intertwined in one way or another, but bringing up the topic of matte, especially when Apple may if fact be making modest design changes in its iMac line up or design paradigms, should not be considered "off topic" IMHO. VMMV.

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled responses and opinions.
  • Reply 68 of 75
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by CIM View Post

    If you were an actual design professional, you'd have your working environment set up so that it wouldn't matter if the screen was matte or glossy.

    Horse hockey. Pure and simple. You are asking someone to potentially spend a lot of money to redesign their workspace when Apple already has the technology in place to produce both matte and glossy options.
  • Reply 69 of 75
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    Here's one solution (horror of horrors!) . . .
  • Reply 70 of 75
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by Kibitzer View Post

    Here's one solution (horror of horrors!) . . .

    I personally like the "attached hood" option. Very classy look in a high end office environment. Provided your client goes by the call sign "Ghost Rider".
  • Reply 71 of 75
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    First let me say I am a big fan of the Mac. I switched to Mac in 2002 when OS X 10.1 came out and have bought a Mac about every six months since then. I have owned nearly every iMac as well as 2 laptops and 3 Mac Pros.

    The worse problem I have ever had is a few dead pixels, until now. The 27" iMac has some real problems.

    Inexplicable levels of heat coming off it (and since I have owned nearly all previous Alu iMacs I know hot is normal, but I'm talking about significantly more than that) and frequent beach balls for no obviously common reason. I will be installing an app and the installer estimate will start out sensible (e.g. 2 minutes remaining) and then will balloon out to 12 hours and the whole computer will start to slow down then each app will crash one after the other (I know, not like any crash I've seen before either) and then I finally restart and the restart locks up. I hope they can fix this computer because conceptually it is great: an i7 + 8GB in an all-in-one? Sounds great.

    I will buy plenty more Macs in my life, but for now this one might have to go back in it's box until there is a firmware update or something because I am beginning to worry about my data.
  • Reply 72 of 75
    I ordered my i7 in early January and just got an email pushing the delivery date back 3 weeks from next wednesday, not my original order date. What's going on? Is my case typical? Because it seems like I could cancel my original order, resubmit it today and have it arrive several days sooner.

    Here's my status (custom configuration is due to ordering the i7? everything else is stock)

  • Reply 73 of 75
    dualdual Posts: 1member
    Originally Posted by thunderclap View Post

    I ordered my i7 in early January and just got an email pushing the delivery date back 3 weeks from next wednesday, not my original order date. What's going on? Is my case typical? Because it seems like I could cancel my original order, resubmit it today and have it arrive several days sooner.

    Here's my status (custom configuration is due to ordering the i7? everything else is stock) [IMG]

    Please don't derail this thread. We're discussing matte displays here.
  • Reply 74 of 75
    can't imagine that apple would upgrade the specs so soon - but - ATI did release the Mobility 5000 parts earlier this month.

    it may be that the 4850s were stopgaps to get the product out the door.

    personally, a quad-core i7 based imac with a 5000-series graphics option would allow me to ditch my PC that i use almost solely for gaming.
  • Reply 75 of 75
    I ordered my iMac i7 (everything else stock), on Dec 26t, and it's delivery date has been pushed back twice. Now, Apple says I can expect it first week of February.
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