Apple reveals long-awaited multi-touch 'iPad'



  • Reply 381 of 785
    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    On the official web site - most of people's complaints written above are unfounded. This thing works on all mobile networks, has bluetooth and EDR, N networking and will support the current range of bluetooth keyboards from Apple, so your desktop keyboard will work just fine with the iPad (Hate the name btw)

    Ah, thanks, didn't see it.

    One point: pretty sure it won't work on Verizon, no CDMA.
  • Reply 382 of 785
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by cmf2 View Post

    To the people complaining about the $500 price and an apparent lack of features, I present you with a reality check in the joojoo. Controversy aside, it is a $500 internet device witha whole 4GB of storage.

    Have they sold any so far?
  • Reply 383 of 785
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    What we got here is enlarged evolved iPod touch. More than a little disappointed. I expected something revolutionary, not evolutionary, especially with all the hype.

    None of the hype was generated by Apple.
  • Reply 384 of 785
    Gotta love Steve's spiel: "way better than a laptop, way better than a phone,"

    Except it accomplishes neither and will replace neither, but then again, Apple does not WANT to replace any of its existing products. It makes no sense for the company to do so.

    This is a nice glorified iTouch for some folks, but with good Android Tablets coming out soon, Apple will have stiff competition from the get-go and will not have the dominance that it did with the iPhone.

    Snapdragon or even faster Android Tablets with high res screens and better specs will likely undercut the iPad. There will be an initial rush of buyers, but Apple needs to up the specs soon, or this thing will die out quickly.

    The IPS screen is really nice and unexpected though.
  • Reply 385 of 785
    Originally Posted by tipoo View Post

    Thats all cool and all...But no new MBP's? COME ON! Lame Apple, real lame.

    Ah well, at least this'll make me own a *current* MBP for a few more months...
  • Reply 386 of 785
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by garyindenver View Post

    When it has a built in camera for video conferencing, a CF flash card slot, and 2048 levels of pressure sensitivity for drawing and manipulating photos (of course that also requires Photoshop support), I'm in. Next up for me though looks like a 17' MBPro. Still, many will find this meets all their needs and then some. Beautiful device for a 1st round offering. Name sux though

    I COMPLETELY agree with the built in camera - this is the one downer for me. HOWEVER - to compare this device with a 17" MBP? I think you're missing the point. Also, CF is dumped - canon now use SD, Nikon use SD - this is a niche market, but I'm pretty sure you'll see a CF adapter to accompany the SD and USB adapters already available.

    The device you're after is a cross between a cintiq tablet and a mac pro - so go buy them - what serious graphic designer (I am one) is going to use a 10" screen to run Adobe CS4, or Quark?. This device is $499, not $4990. I do see a use for this as a presentation and communications tool when out on the road or on a photoshoot, or presenting design work to clients via a projector.

    It's a home/consumer device not a pro/pro-sumer work horse, and never will be.
  • Reply 387 of 785
    A nice peace and design object. But I am disappointed to see nothing about i5 updated MBPs. Apple's priorities are increasingly towards the home & entertainment segment, professional users increasingly find themselves to be also-rans.
  • Reply 388 of 785
    Originally Posted by masternav View Post

    Nope, gonna wait until I can play with one of these little buggers for myself before passing judgement. Yeah - like a smart, educated consumer would do. Yep.

    I don't need to play with anthrax to predetermine that it probably is no good.
  • Reply 389 of 785
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    Yeah, put me in the extremely underwhelmed category as well.

    All that talk about futuristic devices and how Apple was going to "solve" the tablet problem were misplaced it seems. I think this thing will sell like hotcakes at the price they are giving, but technologically speaking there is literally nothing new in this at all.

    The bezel is just a joke. If they couldn't produce a device with a smaller bezel, then what's the point at all? They haven't "solved the tablet input problem" if you have to lay this silly thing down on an table top and peer into it like a wishing well to type.

    The bezel makes the device just barely wide enough so that thumb typing is not an option. It's awkward keyboard typing on your lap or nothing. Notice how Jobs needed to be on the couch for it to work? Notice how they didn't even mention the portrait mode keyboard because if they did, you'd want to type on it and you'd immediately see the device is too wide for that.

    It's literally a way to "couch surf" and not useable at all as a computer without the combo keyboard/dock.† You can't effectively type on the thing standing up. You can't reasonably use it on a bus or a train. What's the friggin point of that?

    Giant. iPod. Touch.

    (with better apps).


    Have you watched the videos and viewed the specs?



    There are lots of great accessories that have been specifically designed for iPad. The Keyboard Dock, for instance, is a dock with a full-size keyboard. There’s also a standalone Dock. And because iPad has built-in Bluetooth 2.1, it’ll work with an Apple Wireless Keyboard, too. There’s also a Camera Connection Kit that lets you import photos from a camera or SD card. There’s even an iPad Case that not only protects it, it also allows you to use iPad in various positions, to make it easy to type, look at photos, or watch movies. And through a range of accessories, iPad can output to TVs, projectors and displays. Learn more about iPad accessories in Tech Specs*

    Lots of stuff if only people could take the time and read.


    [B]Keyboard/iPad dock
  • Reply 390 of 785
    Originally Posted by zindako View Post

    Then you should ignore the product and don't buy it, easy right?

    So constructive criticism is completely verboten now? In other words, for web forums, as in real life, if you have nothing positive to say, then say nothing at all?
  • Reply 391 of 785
    Well if you are really having a hard time dealing with the lack of un-dying support for anything that is Apple branded, maybe you should try starting your own website. Then you could apply your fascist ideals all you want.

    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Believe me I have tried. But this is getting ridiculous.

    Why is it that every article AI posts the same bunch of ah's spew their garbage every time?

    Right now their a more trollers here than ever before. This site is going to go the way of Macworld unless somebody puts there foot down and starts weeding out the shit.

    Perhaps they should rename this site to AppleOutsider. It would be more appropriately named for the audience that most frequently comes here.

  • Reply 392 of 785
    motleemotlee Posts: 122member
    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    .. but with N networking built in

    I just saw this on the specs page. Nice catch. That is huge! Hope it is a sign of things to come for the iPhone, Im due for un upgrade in June!!

    I do realize that for almost every device, someone is going to need something it doesnt have. iSight may be a big letdown for some, but I suspect Apple is looking at usability and necessity in these devices in order to reach the price-point that the majority want and would buy at.

    Its a lose-lose. If 2 cameras, USB, SD, fresh OS, toaster and car wash were all included and the price was $1500, this would be a different forum altogether.
  • Reply 393 of 785
    zindakozindako Posts: 468member
    Originally Posted by applebook View Post

    So constructive criticism is completely verboten now? In other words, for web forums, as in real life, if you have nothing positive to say, then say nothing at all?

    The numbers will work themselves out, all the other products on the market, your Archos, Joojoo's, we'll see which product takes off and moves the market, will it be the iPad? only time will tell. If there is any multimedia device I purchase, it will be the iPad. Nothing else compares.
  • Reply 394 of 785
    This looks like it could be a VERY interesting consumer device.

    Sure, tablets in one form or another have been around for ages, but they were the kind of thing spotty faced geeks might play with for a bit and soon get bored with because they couldn't do anything useful with them, not the sort of thing your wife or g/f or kids or mom will be lusting after and putting top of their Christmas lists for the next few years, and trust me, they WILL lust after the iPad. Big time. Minimalist styling and a silky smooth design that fits smoothly in the hand is EXACTLY what they want. Better start saving now...

    "Only a big iPod Touch"... right. So what from a marketing perspective is wrong with that? Any idea exactly how many iPods are out there, and how many millions and millions of people are already familiar with the interface? Not to mention 100,000 apps available for it from day one.

    No camera and video iChat? This is the 1st gen device, they're here for the long haul. And that's before you factor in things like eBooks and micropayments for magazine subscriptions.

    I too was a bit underwhelmed when I first saw the specs, but the more I think about it the more convinced I am this will be HUGE and that in 3 or 4 years the iPad will be as ubiquitous as iPods are today.
  • Reply 395 of 785
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by applebook View Post

    Gotta love Steve's spiel: "way better than a laptop, way better than a phone,"

    Except it accomplishes neither and will replace neither, but then again, Apple does not WANT to replace any of its existing products. It makes no sense for the company to do so.

    The IPS screen is really nice and unexpected though.

    It's not set out to replace anything, it's a new level of device.

    Think of it this way. A majority of home computer users browse the web, email, play music and video and might want to read magazines/books. It does this better and faster than the iPhone or a laptop/netbook - it's focussed on these functions alone and this will make an easier to use device for the average computer user who doesn't want to learn to operate a computer (there are lots of them about). It's focussed, it doesn't have the full OS, it doesn't run every work application that a professional needs, nor should it ever try to.

    Serious gamers have X-BOX and PS-3 - so this is a fun gaming device, but it's not designed to replace HD connected super powered games consoles, it's for the casual gamer, it's for the casual user.

    I've been waiting for a device like this for ages - i don't like laptops, my desktop does the real work. If this thing connects to airport express and streams my music to a decent sound system while i check my emails or read a book/article on the screen, then that's all I want at home - I'll leave the working day at the desk. It's also perfect for people like my (not quite so young anymore) parents who are scared by difficult to operate computers. Turn it on - press a button, do what you want. It will just work.
  • Reply 396 of 785
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    That is probably the last we'll see of Steve. I can't believe he actually thinks this is the best thing Apple has ever created. What a lame product. Maybe some people need this, not me. The functionality is pretty weak in my opinion.

    The functionality is pretty weak, but for the price, its very cool.
  • Reply 397 of 785
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by macshark View Post

    MS Office support, coupled with some kind of a physical interface to display presentations on a projector would make it possible for me to travel w/o my notebook, which would translate to an instant purchase. Yes, some LCD/DLP projectors have WiFi interface, but I haven't run into anyone who has actually used this, yet.

    I don't see MS Office for this coming any time soon.

    Only if Apple manages to sell huge number of them and make creating iPad Office profitable... but until then, MS will ignore it. They still have (high?) hopes for Win 7 tablets, Courier is not officially dead, and no one knows if MS is also not lingering with ideas to expand Zune into tablet form... so helping competition in this early stage would not be smart move.
  • Reply 398 of 785
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by brit120666 View Post

    You probably think the Google Nexus One is cool...

    Doesn't everybody?
  • Reply 399 of 785
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Have you watched the videos and viewed the specs?...

    This is not a helpful response. What do you mean? Of course I have seen the specs.
  • Reply 400 of 785
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by walshbj View Post

    No multi-tasking would be so disappointing.

    Yep. IMO, that relegates it to toy status. But for $499, it looks like a fun toy.
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