Apple reveals long-awaited multi-touch 'iPad'



  • Reply 401 of 785
    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    I COMPLETELY agree with the built in camera - this is the one downer for me. HOWEVER - to compare this device with a 17" MBP? I think you're missing the point. Also, CF is dumped - canon now use SD, Nikon use SD - this is a niche market, but I'm pretty sure you'll see a CF adapter to accompany the SD and USB adapters already available.

    The device you're after is a cross between a cintiq tablet and a mac pro - so go buy them - what serious graphic designer (I am one) is going to use a 10" screen to run Adobe CS4, or Quark?. This device is $499, not $4990. I do see a use for this as a presentation and communications tool when out on the road or on a photoshoot, or presenting design work to clients via a projector.

    It's a home/consumer device not a pro/pro-sumer work horse, and never will be.

    I wasn't comparing it with a MBPro 17". Simply saying that, for my needs, this falls short that's all. I own a MBPro and an Intuos tablet. It would be nice to have one device to take the place of those 2, and the iPad won't (at least yet) do that. If I'm traveling and want to do some quick photo editing on the plane or in the field, do you think I'm going to hook up my Intuos to a MacBook? Hell no. The iPad *could* have allowed me to do this on one, slick compact device. It will come, but we're not there yet. So until then, I'm going to invest in a a more capable device. The iPad will close the gap and become more appealing (and capable) to me I'm guessing on it's 2nd or 3rd rev, just like the iPhone did. But for now, it really doesn't add anything for me I can't already do on my Mac or my iPhone. It's got to be able to replace something to make it worthwhile, not just be yet another device in my possession that doesn't do anything more than what I already own.
  • Reply 402 of 785
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    No camera?

    Can you imagine how much better this would have been as a Video Conference Tool.

    I'm pretty sure, the lack of a camera, is because of the cost, and this gives them at least one nice up-grade.

    Not sure if this is what "Steve will be remembered for"? Its a good start, but it's lacking so many things that folks wanted.

    Speaking of Steve, he looked pretty good?

    So a late summer early fall model: ($800.00 price range)

    - Camera

    - iChat (or something a bit more professional sounding)

    - fill in the blanks?




  • Reply 403 of 785
    Originally Posted by Patranus View Post

    Just turn your iPhone into a WiFi hot spot using commonly available tools.

    That's the second time (at least) that you've posted it. Can you explain how?
  • Reply 404 of 785
    MS Office is going web-based for Office 2010 and its supposed to work with any web browser:

    Functionality wise it should be on par with iWork for iPad with the bonus of MS Office document compatibility.

    I wouldn't expect an offline version to be available for the iPad.

    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    I don't see MS Office for this coming any time soon.

    Only if Apple manages to sell huge number of them and make creating iPad Office profitable... but until then, MS will ignore it. They still have (high?) hopes for Win 7 tablets, Courier is not officially dead, and no one knows if MS is also not lingering with ideas to expand Zune into tablet form... so helping competition in this early stage would not be smart move.

  • Reply 405 of 785
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    [CENTER]Here We Go... iPad's 'Killer App' - iBooks![/CENTER]

    The app looks pretty much like existing apps, right down to the stolen faux bookshelf motif.

    Why would I want to use it in preference to the ebook readers I already have?
  • Reply 406 of 785
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by SheldonJohnScott View Post

    This thing is OK. For the first time I feel overhype from jobs. Nothing ground breaking here. Cool name and processor. It looks ugly - oversized iphone. super wide bezel and rounded corners.. NO USB. they wont fly off the shelves-

    I think that it will sell well given the price. But it is nothing insanely great. It is just an iTouch on steroids.
  • Reply 407 of 785
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post


    And the price is right, too.

    You seem to be the only one on the boards who blindly wants the iPad... Though I shouldn't be surprised. At least the others who want it acknowledge the iPad's shortcomings as a "1st gen" device.

    I was really hoping to see Steve unveil something sleek and sexy looking. Eventually pushing the rest of the emerging tablet market to create something similar to those pads they used in Avatar or Star Trek. Definitely fell short of all the concept pictures that floated around. I know they are concept renders, but it's Apple! I expect something sleek from them.

    Probably reiterating for the billionth time, but I see this being of interest to anyone who doesn't either already have an iPod Touch or iPhone. It's just a bigger screened version of those devices. Functionality-wise, it doesn't have much over what the iPhone and iPod Touch already can do. At least not for the prices Apple's asking for.

    On a related, but interesting note. AT&T has those commericals where they poke fun at Verizon customers for needing 2 cell phones to be able to talk and use data at the same time. Through the iPad (data-only) into the mix and AT&T's now got a similar problem they make fun of Verizon for. Interesting, no?
  • Reply 408 of 785
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post


    And the price is right, too.

    So has Apple released the international pricing?
  • Reply 409 of 785
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by Capnbob View Post

    Think of a grid where on one axis is usage occasion/location (e.g. couch, kitchen, office desk, travel, vertical specific (hospital/warehouse etc.), school/college, etc.) and on the other axis, think use/application e.g. reading, viewing movies, email/chat, taking notes, creating content, productivity apps etc. Then start putting in where smartphones, netbooks and laptop do the best job in each cell of the grid. It is personal opinion of course but as I go through these, many are very poorly filled by these traditional appliances, and many are much better filled with an iPad.

    Most of the reading uses in most locations are better with an iPad - laptop/netbook too big and cumbersome or screen too rubbish, iPhone/touch too small

    Most of the uses at the couch or in the Kitchen or in hand at a business (not at a desk) will be delivered better with an iPad.

    an Ipad and keyboard dock will work well in school for note taking (like a laptop) but the iPad will be a vastly better reading/annotating device for text books etc.

    Travelling - for business, take a laptop, but for pleasure, the iPad may be all you need - reading/replying to email, updating social media, uploading photos etc (as long as you have the accessory for bringing photos across without iTunes), reading, surfing, light gaming etc.

    Bottom line - the iPad fills in many gaps in usage and location that are poorly served by existing devices. It will NEVER replace those devices where they are strong (e.g. the iPhone in your pocket, the laptop at your desk doing large spreadsheets or Video editing etc.) but it has a ton of good uses. I for one will stop using the iphone on the couch to surf/read/play/watch etc. and avoid the RSI and eyestrain I currently get. My mom will get one to use in the kitchen for media, recipes, music etc. NOTE: docks, stands and accessories will be vital to success in many of these use cases but the Apple ecosystem will be on that in a heartbeat.

    You won't buy it instead of a Macbook or an iPhone but as an addition to both - hence the 3rd category - Steve expects people/families to have all 3 - he hasn't been wrong so far

    PS I agree with all those complaining about the lack of camera(s), gps (though it probably has faux-gps like iPhone 2G) and multitasking. Multitasking will hopefully come in 4.0, cameras and gps in v2 one would hope...

    PPS The fat bezel is required to hold the damn thing - you can't hold it at the edges like an iPhone with one hand!!

    I agree with what you are saying and I think the device will be a big hit sales-wise.

    What I'm saying is that it's extremely underwhelming from a technical standpoint, and it appears to not be able to do most of what I expected it to do.

    I expected they would go some way towards solving the problems that have always plagued the tablet as a mobile computing device. Instead, Apple has cleverly switched the ground of the argument and solved the problems that have always plagued the tablet *selling* as a mobile computer device. All the input problems remain, but they have found a way to make people buy it by focussing on the media delivery part.

    My issue with the device is that I wanted a portable *computer* that I would be able to use to actively work on, to produce content or be productive in other ways. I referred to the device as a big iPod touch, because that's what it is, a *passive* media consumption device, as opposed to a truly *productive* device like a laptop.

    I think they will get there eventually, obviously this thing has *some* content creation capabilities. But I am disappointed that they didn't use *any* new technology in the thing and that they haven't done what everyone said they were going to do, which is solve the technology problems that plague tablets.

    There were tablets with attached keyboards years and years ago. There were tablets with virtual keyboards years and years ago. None of the technology is new in any sense of the word, and none of the existing technology has been used in any ways that haven't been tried before.

    So, yeah. Great product, probably sell rather well, but really, really, underwhelming from a technological standpoint. If this is Steve's greatest achievement maybe he should retire.

    Or maybe they should tone down the hype machine a bit because revolutionary, this thing is just not.
  • Reply 410 of 785
    It's kind of funny, when I saw the screenshots of iBooks I thought of the old Packard-Bell type virtual home applications that came on their early 90s era Windows 95 machines.

    Why on earth would you give up screen real estate to show the faux edges of an electronic book? It is probably the most gaudy thing I have ever seen from Apple and it detracts from the experience rather than enhances it.

    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    The app looks pretty much like existing apps, right down to the stolen faux bookshelf motif.

    Why would I want to use it in preference to the ebook readers I already have?

  • Reply 411 of 785
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    I have the same feelings about this device that i did for the ATV. Love it in concept, but just not enough features for me to buy.

    • love the form factor, weight, interface and design.

    • I'm so sick of these idiots out there trolling on the bezel. it's to keep your gorilla thumbs off the screen so you aren't constantly 2-fingering the touch screen. Gosh!

    • ibooks, but if it's only compatible with ibooks format, it's a fail. no iMagazine? I subscribe to lots of journals, would be nice to have them all on my iPad or my iPhone for that matter.

    • dock - i'm glad apple recognized the necessity of the phyical keyboard, but why no docking in landscape mode? seems stupid if you're watching a video/tv/movie in the dock and can't rotate it. I think the dock will evolve so it's more like a laptop design, maybe even an adjustible viewing position. basically a lap-top keyboard with a hinge for the iPad to dock with.

    • no multi tasking

    • no camera

    • no phone app - i mean, if you're going to make it 3G, why not include the phone

    • no handwriting recog. in the notes app. would be nice for taking notes for students.

    • no wireless sync with my PC. would be nice if i could just sync or stream content from my computer to the iPad, like the ATV does.

    • No file sharing with my PC or access.

    Overall i can't say i'm underwhelmed because i kind of figured this is what we'd get. However, i kind of hoped they would throw a couple curve balls at us. i think everyone predicted what we would be getting months ago.
  • Reply 412 of 785
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    The app looks pretty much like existing apps, right down to the stolen faux bookshelf motif.

    Why would I want to use it in preference to the ebook readers I already have?

    [CENTER]You probably don't, but those who find most ebook readers to be over-priced 'one trick ponies' will find the iPad quite compelling as an alternative device that offers the luxury of being a complete media device.

    Only Time Will Tell How This All Plays Out...[/CENTER]
  • Reply 413 of 785
    motleemotlee Posts: 122member
    " Through the iPad (data-only) into the mix and AT&T's now got a similar problem they make fun of Verizon for. Interesting, no?"

    No? the iPad isn't a phone. Right? Did I miss something?
  • Reply 414 of 785
    Originally Posted by AsianBob View Post

    You seem to be the only one on the boards who blindly wants the iPad... Though I shouldn't be surprised. At least the others who want it acknowledge the iPad's shortcomings as a "1st gen" device.

    I don't know if it's "blindly," but I want one too. I would get this instead of replacing my old PowerBook with another laptop, which I only use to make presentations and bring along to pick up e-mail and surf when traveling anyway.
  • Reply 415 of 785
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    Or maybe they should tone down the hype machine a bit because revolutionary, this thing is just not.

    In all fairness, Apple has barely contributed to the pre-release hype. Almost zero.

    However, at or close to a major product release, do you expect the head of a company to be enthusiastic (and a tad hyperbolic) about it? Unless you were emotion-dead as a CEO, you most certainly would sound excited about it. That's all Apple has done.
  • Reply 416 of 785
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    I agree with what you are saying and I think the device will be a big hit sales-wise.

    What I'm saying is that it's extremely underwhelming from a technical standpoint, and it appears to not be able to do most of what I expected it to do.

    I expected they would go some way towards solving the problems that have always plagued the tablet as a mobile computing device. Instead, Apple has cleverly switched the ground of the argument and solved the problems that have always plagued the tablet *selling* as a mobile computer device. All the input problems remain, but they have found a way to make people buy it by focussing on the media delivery part.

    My issue with the device is that I wanted a portable *computer* that I would be able to use to actively work on, to produce content or be productive in other ways. I referred to the device as a big iPod touch, because that's what it is, a *passive* media consumption device, as opposed to a truly *productive* device like a laptop.

    I think they will get there eventually, obviously this thing has *some* content creation capabilities. But I am disappointed that they didn't use *any* new technology in the thing and that they haven't done what everyone said they were going to do, which is solve the technology problems that plague tablets.

    There were tablets with attached keyboards years and years ago. There were tablets with virtual keyboards years and years ago. None of the technology is new in any sense of the word, and none of the existing technology has been used in any ways that haven't been tried before.

    So, yeah. Great product, probably sell rather well, but really, really, underwhelming from a technological standpoint. If this is Steve's greatest achievement maybe he should retire.

    Or maybe they should tone down the hype machine a bit because revolutionary, this thing is just not.

    For it to have been overwhelming after all that hype it would need to be able to make us dinner. I think it is pretty much what I expected. You guys have to come down to earth a little and see it for what it is. Apple has NEVER produced a piece of kit as wonderfully futuristic and innovative as everybody seems to imply.
  • Reply 417 of 785
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by applebook View Post

    Gotta love Steve's spiel: "way better than a laptop, way better than a phone,"

    Laptops went out in the mid 90's when they started calling them notebooks because they were too hot to use on your lap.

    What he didn't say is way better than a MacBook or way better than an iPhone just better than a dumb phone although he did not demonstrate any way to make phone calls on it.
  • Reply 418 of 785
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    In all fairness, Apple has barely contributed to the pre-release hype. Almost zero.

    However, at or close to a major product release, do you expect the head of a company to be enthusiastic (and a tad hyperbolic) about it? Unless you were emotion-dead as a CEO, you most certainly would sound excited about it. That's all Apple has done.

    An excellent point. I've always objected to the use of the word hype, when what was really meant was rumor.
  • Reply 419 of 785
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    I would LOVE one of these. If it was lying around the living room I guarantee it would be the most used computer in the house. I want the iPad version of NFS ASAP, PLS! I can see it sitting there on the keyboard dock. ready for action. Come to think of it, I can see that we'll need to get another pretty soon to keep the peace in the household.
  • Reply 420 of 785
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by trboyden View Post

    MS Office is going web-based for Office 2010 and its supposed to work with any web browser:

    Functionality wise it should be on par with iWork for iPad with the bonus of MS Office document compatibility.

    I wouldn't expect an offline version to be available for the iPad.


    I know about Web Office plans, but for everyone with no-3G version of iPad, it would be too limiting. Even for 3G-ers, roaming scenario might make excessive usage of Web Office too expensive... to the point where getting extra netbook can be better solution. \
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