Hands on with Apple's iPad (with videos and photos)



  • Reply 41 of 409
    ranumranum Posts: 43member
    In June of 2008, I posted this on AI:


    Now, for the more powerful, processor hungry apps, Apple could create a companion product that is essentially a desktop-class docking station for the Tablet. The docking station would have all the power of the current iMac desktop lines, and the Tablet could be docked, either horizontally or vertically on the top of this work station. A mouse and keyboard would be connected to the desktop/dock and would turn the Tablet into a monitor for a desktop workstation, and the multi-touch could continue to work or be turned off when in the dock by a user preference setting...

    ...the great thing about this setup, is that an infinite number of dock/desktop stations could be added as desired by the user: one at home, one at work, one wherever the user wants it.

    The full post is here. It got all of 586 views and no comments. Of course, what I wrote had no influence on the actual design and implementation of the iPad's dock with integrated keyboard accessory. I'm just glad to see that Apple pursued a similar idea for the iPad. And if you read my old post, you'll see that I was hoping for a desktop-class computer that would turn the iPad into basically a monitor for the desktop when docked, and I still think this would be a cool idea.

    Really looking forward to picking up one of these with the keyboard dock and cover later this year. I just have to start hiding money from the wife.
  • Reply 42 of 409
    Originally Posted by cycomiko View Post

    you ignoring the replies does not equate to nobody taking up that challange

    Go on then, I might have missed them, I have life you know, sorry for that, quote them then, quote the ten flash websites that apple is preventing you from viewing, that bad bad bad apple, go on, I am all ears.
  • Reply 43 of 409
    Originally Posted by ranum View Post

    In June of 2008, I posted this on AI:

    The full post is here. It got all of 586 views and no comments. Of course, what I wrote had no influence on the actual design and implementation of the iPad's dock with integrated keyboard accessory. I'm just glad to see that Apple pursued a similar idea for the iPad. And if you read my old post, you'll see that I was hoping for a desktop-class computer that would turn the iPad into basically a monitor for the desktop when docked, and I still think this would be a cool idea.

    Really looking forward to picking up one of these with the keyboard dock and cover later this year. I just have to start hiding money from the wife.

    Good call ranum.
  • Reply 44 of 409
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post

    Haha- see what it's like to be a pariah?

    There's a difference between being born one and asking for it.
  • Reply 45 of 409
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,686member
    Originally Posted by stevegmu View Post

    Yes. My 9.5 year old iBook 466 SE still outperforms them, for the most part. People buy netbooks because they want something cheap to browse the internet with, and send e-mail. They sold well because they were cheap.

    Exactly. I always tell people to just by an older used laptop instead of a new netbook, unless their main concern is size. Used PCs are extremely inexpensive and even a 3 year old PC laptop is going to be more powerful than a brand new netbook.
  • Reply 46 of 409
    mactrippermactripper Posts: 1,328member
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post

    Haha- see what it's like to be a pariah?

    Collateral damage is more like it.
  • Reply 47 of 409
    Originally Posted by ronn View Post

    I'm blown away by the pricing. Never in a million years did I think Apple would price this this low. While I'm anxious to buy one after the early adopters test them, I think I'll wait a bit for the 2nd version.

    Do you think this has anything to do with IDC & Gartner saying that the iPhone will be 3rd place possibly 4th place based on current Android growth.

    It's called sucking it up and taking the bitter pill of projections (and analysts) saying Apple iPhone will become the Motorola RAZR.

    Based on the knowledge that Apple had going into the presentation today was a pathetic performance for a new device that doesn't fit into any market and was released with an inferior OS than Android Mobile and should retire or trade in his dumbass black turtle neck for something from this era.

    If this is Steve's greatest product that he is most proud of then he's old (like me) but also out of touch with the market.

    Even Apple apologists are asking WHY? Except the diehard Apple Fanatics that are saying please give me another shot of Kool-Aid I love this product and don’t know why, here’s my credit card and social security number.

    Edit: Forgot the posting unlike most AppleInsider articles.


    For Apple to say "Oh by the way this is being driven by our new chip the A4" is an insult to anyone in the tech industry.

    They buy a chip manufacturer, build a product around it and mention it in passing in a presentation for a product like the Segway that is going to change our lives and one that Jobs is most proud of.

    Heck, the Apple TV POS is more innovative than this.
  • Reply 48 of 409
    Started the day like - hmm - don't know about this. Tonight - different story. Looking back on my day and thinking how the iPad would fit in. I kind of get sick & tired of carrying my Pro around to each room I'm in throughout the day in order to e-mail, twit and read the constant drivel that the Apple naysayers have continued to write since Steve came back. This will be so much better for the things I use my Pro for - I have an iMac for my computing needs & the iPhone - to friggin' small for my tired old eyes. Plus, I have the "cloud". Finally, a netbook-esque solution without Windows! Sure, maybe a little light on computing-style apps. However, I think we will see an entire new family of "super apps" - photoshop lite and the like making their entrance in the next few months. Remember when the nayasayers said that apps are a gimmick - now look. The iPad will, like the iPhone, change the way we do things. The iPad today - just the beginning - and I can't wait for what's next. On a different note - aapl closed at $207+. Not bad. Analysts are already upping their forecasts on units that will sell in '10. Me - just happy I got into appl in December '06 when everything changed for the better.
  • Reply 49 of 409
    jmmxjmmx Posts: 341member
    I wonder if that USB adaptor will work with other devices than cameras - such as hard drives. It seems like it would. In the end, doesn't a media card or camera just look like a hard drive to the computing device?
  • Reply 50 of 409
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    There are two docks designed for the iPad: one is a simple stand to allow recharging while playing videos or touching the screen at a near vertical position for $29, and a second dock option offers an integrated physical keyboard for $69

    Can the keyboard/dock be used with the iPad positioned in landscape mode?

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    And while your presentation progresses, you can not only control it, but also highlight using a virtual laser pointer you move with your finger. You can also paint on the screen John Madden style to emphasize things as you speak. This will sell iPads to every conference room in America.

    This is HUGE (for people like me). Can you tell us more: How does 'the laser pointer you move with your finger' work? How you do you 'paint on the screen' Madden-style? Are both these functionalities built in with this particular version of Keynote?
  • Reply 51 of 409
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    ★ The iPad Big Picture

    There was a meta-message in today?s Apple event, not about the iPad in particular, but rather about Apple as a whole. Jobs?s brief preamble included a bit of extra emphasis on the fact that the Apple now generates over $50 billion per year in revenue. (Apple also emphasized this $50 billion revenue thing in their PR two days ago announcing their Q1 2010 financial results.) He also said that when you consider MacBooks as ?mobile? devices, that Apple generates more revenue from mobile hardware than any other company in the world; the three competitors he singled out were Sony, Samsung, and Nokia. The adjective he used was ?bigger?.

    Lastly, there?s the fact that the iPad is using a new CPU designed and made by Apple itself: the Apple A4. This is a huge deal. I got about 20 blessed minutes of time using the iPad demo units Apple had at the event today, and if I had to sum up the device with one word, that word would be ?fast?.

    It is fast, fast, fast. The hardware really does feel like a big iPhone ? and a big original iPhone at that, with the aluminum back. (I have never liked the plastic 3G/S iPhones as much as the original in terms of how it feels in my hand.) I expected the screen size to be the biggest differentiating factor in how the iPad feels compared to an iPhone, but I think the speed difference is just as big a factor. Web pages render so fast it was hard to believe. After using the iPhone so much for two and a half years, I?ve become accustomed to web pages rendering (relative to the Mac) slowly. On the iPad, they seem to render nearly instantly. (802.11N Wi-Fi helps too.)

    The iPad hardware is exactly what you think. It looks great, it feels great. It?s very nice to hold. (People are complaining about the wide bezel around the display, but without that, where would your thumbs go? You don?t want your thumb that?s holding the device to cover on-screen content or register as a touch. Trust me, it?s just right.) Just like with the iPhone, it?s all in the software. And the software is obviously marvelous in many ways. It is clearly the result of deep thought and hard work.

    But: everyone I spoke to in the press room was raving first and foremost about the speed. None of us could shut up about it. It feels impossibly fast. (And our next thought: What happens if Apple has figured out a way to make a CPU like A4 that fits in an iPhone? If they pull that off for this year?s new iPhone, look out.)

    Apple doesn?t talk much about the technical details of the iPhone. They never talk about CPU speed or the name of the chip being used. They don?t tell you how much RAM is in there. Part of their vision for moving computers from technical culture to popular culture is about getting away from defining these things by their technical specs. So the prominent talk about A4 is telling. This is something they want us to notice.

    I mentioned this year-ago quote from Apple COO Tim Cook the other day, but it?s apt here, too. Cook told BusinessWeek, ?We believe in the simple, not the complex. We believe that we need to own and control the primary technologies behind the products we make, and participate only in markets where we can make a significant contribution.?

    Apple now owns and controls their own mobile CPUs. There aren?t many companies in the world that can say that. And from what I saw today, Apple doesn?t just own and control a mobile CPU, they own and control the hands-down best mobile CPU in the world. Software aside (which is a huge thing to put aside), it may well be that no other company could make a device today matching the price, size, and performance of the iPad. They?re not getting into the CPU business for kicks, they?re getting into it to kick ass.

    They?re Microsoft and Intel rolled into one when it comes to mobile computing. In the pre-taped video Apple showed, Bob Mansfield said of the iPad, ?No one else could do it.? Only Apple.

    And so my takeaway from this ? with the bragging about making their own CPUs and their annual revenue and their size compared to companies like Sony, Samsung, and Nokia ? is that this is Apple?s way of asserting that they?re taking over the penthouse suite as the strongest and best company in the whole ones-and-zeroes racket.

    Daring Fireball 10-01-27 10:40 PM John Gruber http://daringfireball.net/
  • Reply 52 of 409
    Originally Posted by myapplelove View Post

    Go on then, I might have missed them, I have life you know, sorry for that, quote them then, quote the ten flash websites that apple is preventing you from viewing, that bad bad bad apple, go on, I am all ears.


    my use a number of local streaming sites, local news sites, some of the local hardware sites. I just skip most of the surfing until I get to my pc or iMac.

    I cant even see all of youtube because the touch application doesnt have access to all of them, and not all are available under html5.

    I dislike flash but if you wanna see the 'whole internet' then there aint much hope of getting around it.
  • Reply 53 of 409
    Originally Posted by cycomiko View Post

    I know about me, but have you? vista?

    does everything thata net book does? lol

    I have a netbook, keys are perfectly fine. Of course easier than my touch. But with my netbook, I can load up itunes and sync to my ipod (or an iPad if I sprung for one), at the same time I can surf the web and look at some flash animated website, while bringing up my pidgin window and chat to my family and then bring up skype and video chat with them. I can install more RAM and update the HDD. I can install any program I want, or if I feel especially frisky, install OSX. Plus the battery allows me to stay online for nearly 10 hours.

    Two utterly seperate target markets, but making stupid comments doesnt help anything

    Yes, I've played with quite a few. You get what you pay for. Ugly, cheaply made, poor operating systems, poor performance. Basically for those with little money. Theoretically, netbooks are just small laptops, practically, however, they are limited to internet browsing and e-mail- both of which the iPad seems to do very well.
  • Reply 54 of 409
    Originally Posted by brit120666 View Post

    Started the day like - hmm - don't know about this. Tonight - different story. Looking back on my day and thinking how the iPad would fit in.

    I am feeling the same way! Must be the RDF at work......

    I will be ordering one, what the heck (64GB+3G). I have no self-control whatsoever.
  • Reply 55 of 409
    mactrippermactripper Posts: 1,328member
    Originally Posted by ranum View Post

    In June of 2008, I posted this on AI:

    The full post is here. It got all of 586 views and no comments. Of course, what I wrote had no influence on the actual design and implementation of the iPad's dock with integrated keyboard accessory. I'm just glad to see that Apple pursued a similar idea for the iPad. And if you read my old post, you'll see that I was hoping for a desktop-class computer that would turn the iPad into basically a monitor for the desktop when docked, and I still think this would be a cool idea.

    Really looking forward to picking up one of these with the keyboard dock and cover later this year. I just have to start hiding money from the wife.

    I read your post link and it's similar to something I posted here as well, but after yours apparently.

    It's been a idea that has been kicked around for quite some time, even back in the 80's actually with Apple's Bashful concept tablet.

    It's just taken some time to get the components down to reasonable size and heat levels.

    Flash memory is still astronomically high, why we have a very limited 64GB max.

    Sh*t that's my entire music collection right there, no room for anything else.
  • Reply 56 of 409
    Originally Posted by AngusYoung View Post

    Do you think this has anything to do with IDC & Gartner saying that the iPhone will be 3rd place possibly 4th place based on current Android growth.

    It's called sucking it up and taking the bitter pill of projections (and analysts) saying Apple iPhone will become the Motorola RAZR.

    Based on the knowledge that Apple had going into the presentation today was a pathetic performance for a new device that doesn't fit into any market and was released with an inferior OS than Android Mobile and should retire or trade in his dumbass black turtle neck for something from this era.

    If this is Steve's greatest product that he is most proud of then he's old (like me) but also out of touch with the market.

    Even Apple apologists are asking WHY? Except the diehard Apple Fanatics that are saying please give me another shot of Kool-Aid I love this product and don?t know why, here?s my credit card and social security number.

    Edit: Forgot the posting unlike most AppleInsider articles.


    hahaha, dumb ass turtleneck? Ask yourself why you are in so much pain that apple posted their best quarter ever? Doesn't that make you mad, huh? so out of touch with reality they are, aren't they?
  • Reply 57 of 409
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post

    Totally agree- this Apple blockage of flash is like what China does to Google. Enough!

    Well, Bundy and TEKSTUD. Take a gander at this little ditty. Firefox Mobile has just dropped Flash support too. So at least Mozilla and Apple, and certainly others, see the handwriting on the wall. Unlike your clueless selves. HTML 5 is a reality. YouTube is now on board. It will happen very quickly too.

  • Reply 58 of 409
    Originally Posted by polar315 View Post

    Can hardly wait to take a look at one close up. Wonder if the Apple stores will have them available in the stores for display models. I was expecting a camera on it. Never the less will still need to have one.

    i've never seen a demo model in the stores this far before the release. a week or two before perhaps but over a month away.

    so probably not .

    as for the camera, I expect that someone will come out with one that works with the dock connector, hopefully for still and web cam and out when the actual ipad comes out or very very shortly after.
  • Reply 59 of 409
    Originally Posted by cycomiko View Post


    my use a number of local streaming sites, local news sites, some of the local hardware sites. I just skip most of the surfing until I get to my pc or iMac.

    I cant even see all of youtube because the touch application doesnt have access to all of them, and not all are available under html5.

    I dislike flash but if you wanna see the 'whole internet' then there aint much hope of getting around it.

    "Hulu, NFL.com, Disney.com, foxsports.com, sportsillustrated.com, cnn.com, cnet.com, sports.yahoo.com, cbs.com, ufc.com. Have you used the web much?"

    Yeah I have, but I prefer less idiot sites than cnn or cbs, excuse me for that, if you love these sites, then apple is doing you a favour by not supporting them in flash, maybe then you might get a clue. In any case case keep your laptop and your crappy sites, but stop whining no one forced you to buy an ipad did they? Get an atom crapbook too so you can access the pinnacle of unbiased journalism that is cnn.

    Oh and cnet.com, another gem...

    Btw, none of these site really have flash all around, some of them have more so than others, but for most of them flash isn't even integral...
  • Reply 60 of 409
    Originally Posted by stevegmu View Post

    Yes, I've played with quite a few. You get what you pay for. Ugly, cheaply made, poor operating systems, poor performance. Basically for those with little money. Theoretically, netbooks are just small laptops, practically, however, they are limited to internet browsing and e-mail- both of which the iPad seems to do very well.

    played... lol

    I paid a lot for my imac, yet I have had more problems with it than my netbook. Must have gotten what I paid for.

    My touch cost as much as my netbook, yet it crashes routinely, it fails to surf the full web, doesnt allow me to install alternative programs or play alternative codex files and since 3.0, it performs rather poorly. Musta got what I paid for.

    A netbook is only limited by the user, and from your comments, I can only assume you are rather limited.
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