The Official Tablet Bitter Disappointment Thread



  • Reply 21 of 72
    Originally Posted by ebaydan777 View Post

    i just wanted new MBP's to come out

    Me too. I really need one too but I don't know if I should wait or just get one now!
  • Reply 22 of 72
    multitask, that's the real weak point. no camera.. use a real camera. no keyboard. you have the embedded option.

    no mouse.. use your fingers! but not being able to crop info from the web and place it in a pages document sounds stupid. closing one app to do so, open the other, paste and save, close, open again..

    if its so impressing should be able to at least do that. Not asking for this gadget to handle AI or PS, but if i can use numbers and pages, at least to be able to have one doc of each app open at the same time.

    reading a book, and want to search for something online?

    close it.. and open safari. sucks!
  • Reply 23 of 72
  • Reply 24 of 72
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,366moderator
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    No mention of a camera during the hardware rundown! That's actually a bummer!

    Yeah, I was really expecting it to have a camera. ichats on the sofa seem like a good thing in theory. I don't know anyone who does webcam chats these days though and I get a bit tired of developers forcing camera use - like in Burnout Paradise where it takes your picture after every race.

    A number of good things came:

    iPad name, which I like

    10" IPS screen - good for photos

    iwork apps at just $10 each

    Apple controlled book store

    $499 price to start is not too bad for an IPS display

    The bad things are:

    no pressure sensitivity so won't replace a wacom

    no above-surface gestures - it's all smudgy screen time

    just iphone apps + Apple's apps - it's ok but it's not great when I have those apps on my iphone already and am not impressed with them

    just a single 1GHz CPU, no multitasking

    second data tariff - optional and no contract but still not that great when I'm already paying for one

    not a controlling device - you still have to sync it with a Mac so it is a secondary device unlike a netbook which can be a primary device

    Unlike the iphone, this isn't a device I already need so while I think it achieves what it sets out to do, I just don't really want one. It does browse photos on an IPS screen which is something I really wanted but I want it to manage my music/photo collection, not just have my Mac manage it with iphoto/itunes and sync a small subset of those images across for viewing. The reason being that this still forces me to sit at my computer (unless I VNC to it). If it syncs the changes back it's better but I still don't use iphoto because it wastes too much space by duplicating things and is not that stable.

    If it was x86 OS X, at least I could customize it to fit into my own way of working. The way it is now, I have to change my own habits to fit with what Apple decide and I don't need that. It'll make a cool second hand or refurb purchase as it's better value than an ebook reader and great for taking on holidays to watch movies and browse but it's not a compelling purchase.
  • Reply 25 of 72
    The inclusion of iWork is the deal-maker for me. This thing could be killer for presentations.
  • Reply 26 of 72
    Steve never said so... but... do you suppose it will sync via MobileMe ???
  • Reply 27 of 72
    Originally Posted by KingOfSomewhereHot View Post

    Steve never said so... but... do you suppose it will sync via MobileMe ???

    Another good question. I'd have to say yes, since there'd be no reason why it would not.
  • Reply 28 of 72
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,366moderator
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    The inclusion of iWork is the deal-maker for me. This thing could be killer for presentations.

    The VGA dock only has 1024 x 768 output, which I'm a bit disappointed by. This means no 720p on a HD projector and also carrying the adaptor and dock with you. Plus, you'll have to sync your photos via iphoto first before being able to put them into presentations. Same with movies I'd bet. A proper filesystem browser is easier for media handling IMO.

    The specs are here:

    No widescreen kinda sucks to be honest. I hate cropping movies or risk wasting screen space. 720p on this device would have been ideal.
  • Reply 29 of 72
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    The VGA dock only has 1024 x 768 output, which I'm a bit disappointed by. This means no 720p on a HD projector and also carrying the adaptor and dock with you. Plus, you'll have to sync your photos via iphoto first before being able to put them into presentations. Same with movies I'd bet. A proper filesystem browser is easier for media handling IMO.

    The specs are here:

    No widescreen kinda sucks to be honest. I hate cropping movies or risk wasting screen space. 720p on this device would have been ideal.

    I've seen the specs (and posted them to another thread). I guess I'm not bothered by XGA, since that's what I've been using with my projector anyway. As for syncing, I'm assuming that a document created by iWork on the Mac will sync to the iPad. Any reason to believe it won't?

    I copy you on carrying all those cables, etc. I hate that, but it's something I've got to do already with a laptop.
  • Reply 30 of 72
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,366moderator
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    As for syncing, I'm assuming that a document created by iWork on the Mac will sync to the iPad. Any reason to believe it won't?

    Yeah, I think you'll be able to do that but there's a keynote app for the iphone that Apple could modify to let you actually run the presentation on the phone:

    Then you'd just get a video output device like this idea:

    or better this idea even though it's a bit sluggish:

    I'd say pocket-based presentation beats tablet one.
  • Reply 31 of 72
    No Blu-ray = FAIL...
  • Reply 32 of 72
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Yeah, I think you'll be able to do that but there's a keynote app for the iphone that Apple could modify to let you actually run the presentation on the phone:

    Seems kind of kludgy to me, especially since Keynote Remote is only intended to remotely control your Mac in presentation mode. I'm still waiting to see how all these pieces fit together, but the clear advantage (of several) to having Keynote on an iPad is the ability to edit the presentation, not just run it. Now, if you can also control it with an iPhone or touch (and why not?), so much the better.
  • Reply 34 of 72
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    The VGA dock only has 1024 x 768 output, which I'm a bit disappointed by. This means no 720p on a HD projector and also carrying the adaptor and dock with you. Plus, you'll have to sync your photos via iphoto first before being able to put them into presentations. Same with movies I'd bet. A proper filesystem browser is easier for media handling IMO.

    The specs are here:

    No widescreen kinda sucks to be honest. I hate cropping movies or risk wasting screen space. 720p on this device would have been ideal.

    yah, it's a little odd they went with a 4:3 format. i'd have expected a 16:10 device that's close to the golden ratio but maybe that ended up too narrow in portrait mode.

    1024x768 is native to the panel so I'm guessing that rescaling all the images to 720p was a little beyond whatever they're using as the GPU on the A4. I'd expect 720p on the next rev.

    Which is kinda a dilemma. Do I go for rev 1 and then rev 3 or do what i did with the iPhone which is rev 2 (3G) and then rev 4 later this year?

    Being a tablet fiend I really want one but I can see a lot of rough edges being polished off on the next version. Maybe I'll get the cheaper WiFi one with less memory and replace more often.
  • Reply 35 of 72
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Just getting a head start.

    No matter what Apple releases tomorrow morning, there will be a sizable contingent that consider it a complete and utter failure. Most bitter of these will be the folks that perceive it as being "oh so close" to exactly what they wanted, but for some number of baffling Apple decisions to "cripple" it.

    So I reckon I'd get a thread started now, just to save time.

    By my figuring, the possible points of dismay will be:

    -- Doesn't run "full OS X" and is therefore "just a big iPod Touch"

    -- No OLED screen (we'll just call those first two "The Troubles" in honor of Ireland)

    -- Lack of this or that port, or any at all outside of a headphone jack and a dock connector

    -- Fails to deliver on various rumored subscription services

    -- Can't run Final Cut Pro, Aperture, Pro Tools, or various processor intensive Big Apps

    -- Exclusive cell service via AT&T, aka "Oh God I hate them so much my head just exploded"

    -- Doesn't do "video chat" out of the box

    -- And, of course, the perennial: the pricing is insane and relegates the thing to niche status

    I'd put money on the first two, wouldn't be at all surprised to see the next three, have no idea about the rest.

    However, none of that distresses me, particularly, because I expect the all-over experience of the thing to be pretty compelling, and for it to be really, really good at what it's designed to do. I'll be pleasantly surprised if its priced aggressively with an eye towards really shaking up the industry.

    Huh, I actually hit most of them, and the pricing does, in fact, pleasantly surprise me. I think I picked up no Flash in a subsequent post. I admit I'm surprised by no multitasking.

    But it does appear I have power of negative prognostication, wherein I can accurately predict what Apple's products won't do.
  • Reply 36 of 72
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    A number of good things came:


    The bad things are:

    no pressure sensitivity so won't replace a wacom

    Shame. But that's really in the stylus. Without wacom's patented passive stylus tech you'll have to use a bulkier active capacitance that does BT to boot. Possible but you sure wouldn't want to lose many.


    no above-surface gestures - it's all smudgy screen time

    that's still a tad error prone except for very coarse gestures.


    just iphone apps + Apple's apps - it's ok but it's not great when I have those apps on my iphone already and am not impressed with them

    The apps looked great actually. The extra screen real estate makes email on the iPad work even better than the iphone.


    just a single 1GHz CPU, no multitasking

    That 1Ghz CPU looks like it's working better than a reference 1Ghz A9 design based on the teh snappy of the apps. Should be interesting what PowerVR GPU is part of the SoC or perhaps something else. No one knows at the moment if the A4 is single or dual core.


    second data tariff - optional and no contract but still not that great when I'm already paying for one

    Not sure what they could have done different except maybe offered iPhone tethering. Oh wait.


    not a controlling device - you still have to sync it with a Mac so it is a secondary device unlike a netbook which can be a primary device would have been nice to sync the iphone to this but with only 64GB max it's really just a secondary device with some extra storage for photos. Still, the App/Music/Book store on this is much more usable than on the iPhone simply because of the extra screen real-estate. Good enough that you probably only need to sync to make sure you have everything backed up.


    If it was x86 OS X, at least I could customize it to fit into my own way of working. The way it is now, I have to change my own habits to fit with what Apple decide and I don't need that.

    I'm sure someone will jail break it.


    It'll make a cool second hand or refurb purchase as it's better value than an ebook reader and great for taking on holidays to watch movies and browse but it's not a compelling purchase.

    Whether it's compelling or not depends on how well it works. You're average smartphone prior to the iPhone wasn't all that compelling either and I can't remember if there were iPhone naysayers or not but that turned out better than expected.

    This merges several epic fail categories (MID, UMPC, Tablet, eBook reader) and spins a new take with aspects of all of them. Something Apple is very good at doing.
  • Reply 37 of 72
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,366moderator
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    That 1Ghz CPU looks like it's working better than a reference 1Ghz A9 design based on the teh snappy of the apps. Should be interesting what PowerVR GPU is part of the SoC or perhaps something else. No one knows at the moment if the A4 is single or dual core.

    It turns out it's a branded Cortex A9 SoC with a MALI GPU:!.aspx

    Don't know if it's dual or single core 1GHz though. I suspect single core for power consumption and heat.

    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Still, the App/Music/Book store on this is much more usable than on the iPhone simply because of the extra screen real-estate. Good enough that you probably only need to sync to make sure you have everything backed up.

    You can't manage your collection though. If you buy music from itunes on the iPad and then keep syncing to your main machine, sooner or later you will have to sort out your old music and apps and so be forced to sit at your main machine doing these tasks anyway.

    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Whether it's compelling or not depends on how well it works. You're average smartphone prior to the iPhone wasn't all that compelling either

    But the iphone itself was compelling from launch, the iPad isn't. The iphone showed manufacturers how a phone should work. The iPad doesn't show how a slate should work, it shows how an ipod touch works on a big screen.

    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    This merges several epic fail categories (MID, UMPC, Tablet, eBook reader) and spins a new take with aspects of all of them. Something Apple is very good at doing.

    The reason they failed was the UI and cost. MID computers cost as much as a full laptop but did touch interaction badly and ran unoptimized UIs.

    The tablets were heavy devices with poor quality touch screens and a stylus.

    eBook readers don't do enough tasks for what they cost.

    Apple had all the ingredients to make a great slate device even using the iphone OS - they just had to do one thing and that was make it a master device. If that meant using a 1.8" 160GB hard drive and adding two USB ports, that's what they should have done. As it stands, it's a third-level purchase like the Kindle, with the phone and computer taking spots one and two in varying order. Once people get to two, they generally have enough tech. Hence why 3 million people bought ebooks last year and 30 million people bought netbooks.

    Apple had the chance to destroy the netbook market but what they showed just isn't enough to do it. They may be able to turn it around as the dock accessory lets you use USB and iphone OS 4 could have multitasking and a filesystem browser but I doubt they can make it enough to dampen the popularity of the netbooks.
  • Reply 38 of 72
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Apple had the chance to destroy the netbook market but what they showed just isn't enough to do it. They may be able to turn it around as the dock accessory lets you use USB and iphone OS 4 could have multitasking and a filesystem browser but I doubt they can make it enough to dampen the popularity of the netbooks.

    What is the point of a file system browser on a device like this? Why is multitasking important? I keep hearing about the importance of both, but so far haven't seen the rationale explained for either one.
  • Reply 39 of 72
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,366moderator
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    What is the point of a file system browser on a device like this? Why is multitasking important? I keep hearing about the importance of both, but so far haven't seen the rationale explained for either one.

    The browser is important to be able to easily open PDFs without having to figure out which App Store app lets you wirelessly sync and open them and it lets you sort those miscellaneous files where you want. It's also important for uploading to websites - say you want to insert a .gif into a forum post but can't hotlink it from the site it's on, you download it, put it on and insert it in the forum post.

    Multitasking is so that if you have an ebook reader app and you buy ebooks from Amazon, you don't have to reinitialize the ebook reader every time you jump between it and the browser. Plus you can listen to Spotify in the background while you do it. It means that if you have waited for a minute for a large web page to load over Edge and switch to a few apps, it doesn't refresh the page and start loading all over again.

    It doesn't have to be major multitasking but the Palm Pre can run 50 active cards side by side and it's so cool to see it playing NFS Undercover, switch out to another app quickly and jump right back into the game without starting the level over again. It's not necessary but it can be done and Apple's competition is doing it fairly well with few adverse side effects.
  • Reply 40 of 72
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    The browser is important to be able to easily open PDFs without having to figure out which App Store app lets you wirelessly sync and open them and it lets you sort those miscellaneous files where you want. It's also important for uploading to websites - say you want to insert a .gif into a forum post but can't hotlink it from the site it's on, you download it, put it on and insert it in the forum post.

    It seems to me that for most users "putting files where you want" is just a hassle, especially if the relevant files are available to the relevant app. If all the PDFs I have on an iPad present themselves to whatever is being used as a PDF reader, why should I care where they "are"?

    As far as stuff like downloading/uploading, Apple is using typical user scenario hooks to get around exposing file system structure. In your case, Safari gives you the option to download an image, and the image view app gives you the option to "share" an image to a given URL, both via the agency of in place modal "popovers" of the sort Apple is using for the new form factor.

    Now, I'm not saying either of those strategies (app specific file database, modal in-app file moving) is ideal for every user. But it represents a new, appliance like way of making the vast majority of "computing" tasks dead simple for the average user, and I think it's a mistake to dismiss this strategy just because it fails to act like a hierarchical Finder. It's different, even radically different, and intended for a different relationship to computing-- not a broken version of anything.


    Multitasking is so that if you have an ebook reader app and you buy ebooks from Amazon, you don't have to reinitialize the ebook reader every time you jump between it and the browser. Plus you can listen to Spotify in the background while you do it. It means that if you have waited for a minute for a large web page to load over Edge and switch to a few apps, it doesn't refresh the page and start loading all over again

    The streaming music in background case is legit, and almost certainly will be addressed at some point. The others, I'm not so sure. Especially with the greater hardware leeway, I would suspect that "app switching" (in which an app has its state saved, is closed, and another app is opened with a read of its saved state, if any) is close to instantaneous. Given that on a screen this size the one app at a time presentational scheme makes imminent sense, how different is that really from actual multi-tasking? Unless I want to use a device where I drag around tiny little windows, I'm only interacting with once app at a time, anyway (and I have to note here the sort of hilarious use cases that people keep coming up with, in which they are apparently surfing, working on a file and sorting their music literally [I]simultaneously[/I).]


    It doesn't have to be major multitasking but the Palm Pre can run 50 active cards side by side and it's so cool to see it playing NFS Undercover, switch out to another app quickly and jump right back into the game without starting the level over again. It's not necessary but it can be done and Apple's competition is doing it fairly well with few adverse side effects.

    I haven't played that particular game but isn't the developer best practice to save state on quit? If it's starting the level over after being switched away from, it isn't very well written.
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