why are americans all so fat????



  • Reply 21 of 142
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    I want to know why the japanese are so damned skinny. Come on Japan, just look at your very own sumos, you can do it. Girls, stop vomitting after every meal, maybe, try to purge just once a day instead? Eat that second piece of maki. Come on, there's enough rice to go around. Eat up.
  • Reply 22 of 142
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:

    <strong>I want to know why the japanese are so damned skinny. Come on Japan, just look at your very own sumos, you can do it. Girls, stop vomitting after every meal, maybe, try to purge just once a day instead? Eat that second piece of maki. Come on, there's enough rice to go around. Eat up.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    thats cause rice is the staple crop over there, and it has very little nutritional value--most of it goes straight through the system like salad does. until we started genetically engineering rice, it had no nutritional value. now it has some, but not enuff to really add much weight.

    its cheap and in abundance, so everyone eats it, but it keeps them lean.
  • Reply 23 of 142
    Where I live it's too fscking COLD most of the year to do much of anything.
  • Reply 24 of 142
    [quote]Originally posted by DoctorGonzo:

    <strong>Where I live it's too fscking COLD most of the year to do much of anything.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    hey, thats our excuse
  • Reply 25 of 142
    [quote]Originally posted by _ alliance _:


    thats cause rice is the staple crop over there, and it has very little nutritional value--most of it goes straight through the system like salad does. until we started genetically engineering rice, it had no nutritional value. now it has some, but not enuff to really add much weight.

    its cheap and in abundance, so everyone eats it, but it keeps them lean.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    So .. ah? If rice has "very little nutritional value" or "no nutritional value" why is it is a staple crop? Why would half the world spend all the time growing it for 1000s of years if it has "no nutritional value"?
  • Reply 26 of 142
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    I chalk all the anti-fat talk up to jealousy. Everyone else is just jealous that we can get 16oz. steaks for $2 in Vegas.
  • Reply 27 of 142
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:

    <strong>Cause they can afford food?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    And Double Whoppers..
  • Reply 28 of 142
    [quote]Originally posted by Scott H.:


    So .. ah? If rice has "very little nutritional value" or "no nutritional value" why is it is a staple crop? Why would half the world spend all the time growing it for 1000s of years if it has "no nutritional value"? </strong><hr></blockquote>

    cause its what was grown--it was popular, and still is. but over the years, nutritional value has been implemented through selective breeding. and the asian populations has always been regarded as being a very healthy society. this is part of it. they eat alot of grain as well, which does have nutrional value. but the rice doesnt have much at all. why do people eat salads??? almost all of the green in salads cannot be digested by humans (only animals w/ ruminents). but we eat it cause it fills us up, even though it just passes right through the system (and also prevents constipation).
  • Reply 29 of 142
    Rice is a grain. It's a starch. It provides pure power. If it didn't no one would eat it. 1000s of years of survival tells us that.

    <a href="http://www.aboutdietandfitness.com/food.htm"; target="_blank">http://www.aboutdietandfitness.com/food.htm</a>;
  • Reply 30 of 142
    two words (well three ) fast food + soda
  • Reply 31 of 142
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    [Edited formula]

    (Burgers, Twinkies and Bon Bons) + (Fizzy pop, Duff 12 packs and Egg Nog) - excercise = saddle bags, spare tires and extra chins.

    Oh sure, there are a few can who blame genetics, but for every one of those there are 100 who are just plain lazy and don't give a crap about taking care of themselves.

    [ 12-10-2001: Message edited by: Moogs ? ]</p>
  • Reply 32 of 142
    cdhostagecdhostage Posts: 1,038member
    I am fat. I am 6'4" and weigh 325 pounds. Those stats alone are not all that informative. People of my size and type (gorilla) who play football or other active sports are thinner than I am. I am a good wrestler, but I am not allowed to wrestle all-out against my 260 pound partner until I weigh275, the maximum highschool weight.

    I've tried dieting. It's not for me.

    The only way I will ever be thin is if I join the military. Working hard all day and NOT being given the opportunity to slow down or slack off is the only way I can get thin.
  • Reply 33 of 142
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    So it sounds like you're actually fairly active (or try to be), but because of your genetics it hasn't helped that much. That's one thing. The people I am talking about (so everyone understands) are those who basically make zero effort to get off their couch or desk chair, and go do something active. Take a walk, ride a bike, play a sport, whatever...instead they just sit and sulk, and eat and watch more TV.

    I have a neighbor who was like that until about three months ago...she was very overweight (guessing maybe 270 lbs, perhaps 5'6")...she always moaned and complained that she couldn't help it. Then one day she decided to get off her arse and go take some health classes at a local community college, start walking every night and eating better. She's probably lost 60 lbs easy over the last 3 months, and all she's done is cut back on her intake a little and increase the amount of excercise she gets. No crash diets, no tread-mill-hell...just little changes, done over and over until it starts to make a difference.

    Most overweight types (and I'm not talking 15 or 20 lbs - thats just normal genetic variation as far as I'm concerned, not "overweight") act like helpless victims and so do nothing about it (not even the little things). People are just gluttinous and lazy, basically. They eat way more than they need to based on their daily grind, and then they do nothing to burn it off. Kind of a sad commentary, really.

    [ 12-10-2001: Message edited by: Moogs ? ]</p>
  • Reply 34 of 142
    macaddictmacaddict Posts: 1,055member
    It's kind of weird actually...I do everything to save myself from doing things like shoveling snow, biking to the store, etc. and then I go work out instead.

    Sometimes I wish I could be genetically modified so that rice and lettuce tasted wicked good and things with high fat content tasted like shit. Evolution just ain't fast enough!
  • Reply 35 of 142
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by MacAddict:

    <strong>Sometimes I wish I could be genetically modified so that rice and lettuce tasted wicked good and things with high fat content tasted like shit. Evolution just ain't fast enough! </strong><hr></blockquote>

    I wish I could be like that too. I'm not fat but I'd like to lose maybe like 5 pounds or so and being like that would be much easier.
  • Reply 36 of 142
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    Why are all foreigners so stereotypical?
  • Reply 37 of 142
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    People choose to see what they wish. If you want to see Americans as fat, then that's what you see. So it's really your fault for being bigoted. Oh, and all that money and power has to go somewhere.

    I'm pretty ****ing sick and tired of apologizing for who I am. I run all over the world, dropping moeny into your economies, keeping your culture on a respirator, and you just spit on my shoes and call me "fat." My taxes likely paid for your last vacation, given our little habit of throwing money at the rest of the world, supporting the rest of the world's economy for the most part. I'm sick actually working hard, earning my pay like my ancestors and getting this kind of treatment. I try to be accepting of people as individuals, and here we are just tossing the whole shitload of us Americans like me into the Euro-trash bin.
  • Reply 38 of 142
    [quote]I am fat. I am 6'4" and weigh 325 pounds. Those stats alone are not all that informative.<hr></blockquote>

    So true.

    I'm 5 '11 and people always guess my weight at 190.

    They are about 65 pounds off....not that I mind.

    I was 5 '11 and 190 back in my freshman year of HS. Then, I had some dealings with an irresponsible doctor......my weight jumped from 190 to 270-something between November 1997 and February 1998 thanks to the effect the medications he gave me had on my metabolism.

    Not that he cared, or even bothered to notice.

    I mananged to drop 20 pounds in the two weeks following the discontinuation of the pills, and this was a period of time that included Thanksgiving! (1998). I lost another 5 pounds which I tend to add and lose and add again.

    But I can't seem to bring it down any further.
  • Reply 39 of 142
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Perhaps he woul have been more accurate if he said "Why are people from New Jersey so fat?"

    No, seriously, a majority of our population *is* overweight, and a good portion is categorically obese. Stereotypes exist because there are some truths in them. Generally, the American standard is "more for your money," and when it only costs 30 cents to add 1500 calories to your McDonald's meal, that's a strikingly better deal.

    I don't think it's an issue of laziness at all, just portions...maybe a little bit of laziness after you already become obese. If Americans were truly lazy, the US would not function.

    It's like saying "Asians and Jews are good at math." Statistically, that generalization isn't far from the truth.

    "Women are smaller than men."
  • Reply 40 of 142
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Additionally, genetics is involved. The average Tongan or Samoan you see walking down the street is most likely quite rotund. I don't think it's the diet that makes them this way.

    I eat like a pig, but I'm borderline emaciated. My metabolism doesn't allow me to be fat at this point in my life, but that could change.

    That energy has to go somewhere. It takes me well over an hour to fall asleep every night.
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