Worst case/Expectations/Best case Hardware predictions
We've all had enough time to give our opinions, read others, review the evidence, surf the web, and make informed guesses as to what's coming down the pipe on Monday.
I would like to dedicate this thread to recording our best guesses in the following format: Worst case/Expectations/Best Case.
Note: This is not an iWish or AppleMust thread. We've had weeks and months to gather our evidence and form our expectations. Based on all available evidence, what is the range of products you feel is MOST LIKELY to be released on Monday?
Finally, there are plenty of threads devoted to discussion/argument. I'd just like to record everyone's best guesses for posterity, not re-hash the same arguments again and again.
I'll start:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Worst Case
iMac - CRT's only, 800 MHz G3 max
iBook - no changes
Powermac - speed increase to 933 MHz G4, no motherboard changes
Powerbook - no changes
The Big Secret - iPicture
iMac - CRT's and LCD's, 800 MHz G3 max
iBook - speed bump of 100 MHz, colors
Powermac - speed increase to 1 GHz, additional dual proc configs, DDRRAM mobo's in some configs
Powerbook - increase in speed to 733 MHz max
The Big Secret - Apple portable table device
Best Case
iMac - LCD iMac G4 at 800 MHz
iBook - speed bump of 200 MHz, colors, docking station
Powermac - speed increase to a max 1.2 GHz, dual procs across the board, DDRRAM mobos in all, case allows for multiple optical drives
Powerbook - increase in speed to 800 MHz, higher resolution screens
The Big Secret - Apple handhelds, merger with Palm
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I would like to dedicate this thread to recording our best guesses in the following format: Worst case/Expectations/Best Case.
Note: This is not an iWish or AppleMust thread. We've had weeks and months to gather our evidence and form our expectations. Based on all available evidence, what is the range of products you feel is MOST LIKELY to be released on Monday?
Finally, there are plenty of threads devoted to discussion/argument. I'd just like to record everyone's best guesses for posterity, not re-hash the same arguments again and again.
I'll start:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Worst Case
iMac - CRT's only, 800 MHz G3 max
iBook - no changes
Powermac - speed increase to 933 MHz G4, no motherboard changes
Powerbook - no changes
The Big Secret - iPicture
iMac - CRT's and LCD's, 800 MHz G3 max
iBook - speed bump of 100 MHz, colors
Powermac - speed increase to 1 GHz, additional dual proc configs, DDRRAM mobo's in some configs
Powerbook - increase in speed to 733 MHz max
The Big Secret - Apple portable table device
Best Case
iMac - LCD iMac G4 at 800 MHz
iBook - speed bump of 200 MHz, colors, docking station
Powermac - speed increase to a max 1.2 GHz, dual procs across the board, DDRRAM mobos in all, case allows for multiple optical drives
Powerbook - increase in speed to 800 MHz, higher resolution screens
The Big Secret - Apple handhelds, merger with Palm
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
PLEASE NO DISCUSSION ON THIS THREAD! In fact would it be wrong of me to ask that any discussion on this thread be deleted by the mods to keep this thread consice?
Worst Case:
iMac - LCD's and CRT's in 2 low end models, 800 MHz G3 max
iBook - no changes
Powermac - speed increase to 1 GHz G4, 933 dual, no motherboard changes, Superdrive in top 2 models
Powerbook - no changes
The Big Secret - iPicture, hehe OS X on x86!
iMac - CRT in low end model only and LCD's, 800 MHz G3 (G4 in top end machine), 133 Bus, no superdrive
iBook - top end gets 8x combo, low end gets 600 MHz and 100MHz bus (colors?)
Powermac - speed increase to 1 GHz, dual proc configs accross line except low end, DDRRAM mobo's in all configs except low end 867, Superdrive accross line.
Powerbook - no change (colors?)
The Big Secret - iPhoto+iPhoto device: see SdC's other thread about the F/W Camera, Gigawire (whatever THAT is)
Best Case:
iMac - LCD (high res.) iMac G4 at 1 GHz (700MHz G3 CRT on low end $799 model) DDR in LCDs. Superdrive on high end
iBook - Same as above + speed bump of 100 MHz, colors, docking station (good idea!)
Powermac - speed increase to a max 1.4 GHz G5, 1.2 Dual, DDRRAM mobos in all, case allows for multiple optical drives. Superdrive accross line.
Powerbook - higher resolution screens, 800-933 Apollo chip (colors?)
The Big Secret - Apple handhelds. Sony partnership. + Above. PowerPod + PowerCamera.
I know, I just modified SdC's but i think mine will happen!
Edit: format
[ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: psantora ]</p>
No Powermac speed increase
New LCD iMac w/G3 700-800Mhz
New PowerMacs w/ Apollo G4s at up to 1.2Ghz
Best case:
iMac CRT G3 @ 600 Mhz
iMac LCD G3 @ 750 Mhz
PowerMac G4 @ 1.0 Ghz (same MB)
New iService on iTools
iMac CRT G3 @ 700Mhz
iMac LCD G3 @ 800 Mhz with superdrive
PowerMac G4 @ 1.4 Ghz (new MB)
New Digital Hub device
Best Case
iMac CRT G3 @ 700Mhz
iMac LCD G3 @ 1.0 Ghz with superdrive
PowerMac G4 @ 1.2 Ghz (same MB)
PowerMac G5 @ 1.6 (new MB)
RackServer G5 @ 800 Mhz (choose how many processors you want - 1 / 2 / 4
New Digital Hub device
Raycer Aqua & 3D Accelerator
Worst Case
iMac - there is no LCD imac, only a speedbump to the current design -- bringing back FlowerPower?
iBook - no changes
Powermac - minor increases (presumably at least 1GHz)
Powerbook - no changes
The Big Secret - iPicture or something equally useless
iMac - new LCD iMac (maybe with CRT at low end)with a fast(ish) G3
iBook - no change
Powermac - breaks 1Ghz, possibly even 1.2 or 1.4
Powerbook - no change
The Big Secret - some consumer electronics device that we haven't really talked about (probably not a PDA unfortunately)
Best Case (ie Fantasy)
iMac - LCD iMac G4 at any speed above 600
iBook - speed bump of 200 MHz, standard combo drive?
Powermac - G5
Powerbook - increase in speed to 800 MHz, higher resolution screens
The Big Secret - Apple handheld
portable table device?
<img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
<strong>Worst case:
No Powermac speed increase
New LCD iMac w/G3 700-800Mhz
New PowerMacs w/ Apollo G4s at up to 1.2Ghz
Best case:
Sounds about right.
iMac CRT
iMac LCD
700MHZ G3
iMac LCD
800MHZ G3
Bigger HD
iMac LCD
900MHZ G3
Even Bigger HD
G4 @800, 867, 933MHZ
Same Mobo
iMac CRT
Old Bus
800MHZ G3
iMac LCD
867MHZ G3
iMac LCD
933MHZ G3
iMac LCD
PM G5 @1.2, 1.4 1.6, 1.4 Dual
DDR 266
60, 80, 100, 100GB
CDRW, SuperDrive, SuperDrive, SuperDrive
$1799, 2599, 2999, 3499
iBook: bumped at MWTKO
PB: bumped at MWTKO
iMac LCD G4 @867MHZ, 933MHZ, 1.0GHZ
40,60, 80GB
CDRW, CDRW, SuperDrive
$799, $1099, $1299
PM G5 @2.0,2.2, 2.4, 2.4 Dual
PC2700 (333MHZ)
HyperTransport Links
SuperDrive on all
Additional PCI Slots
Extra Bay added
Geforce 4
$1299, $1999, $2499, $2999
17", 19" ,22", 24" Displays. $599, $799, $1499, $1999.
I am tired of speculating now. Apple better deliver this time.
These guys did it, and so can you!
iMac: CRT at the low end, at 750MHz. G3's with 14.1' LCD's at the high end with combo drives and the like, up to 1GHz with generous amounts of HD space and RAM.
PowerMac: G4's at 867, 1000, and 1133MHz. Same mobo. Minor case tweaks, perhaps a second bay (finally!). Same shitty prices.
Digital Device: Some cool little thing that costs more than a low end PC.
Insane Wishes:
iMac: 15" TFT's across the board, 800MHz+ G3s only. Sleek, svelte design with wireless peripherals.
PowerMac: G4 or G5 processors all above 1GHz. Enhanced mobo with faster FSB and RAM. Case with many bays, 6PCI slots, 4USB, and no stupid speaker. Soundcard standard. High end video card (a REAL high end video card) standard. Lowering of prices to something mere mortals could afford.
iBooks: Spec bumps. CD model dropped in favor of DVD, CDRW, Combo at $1199, $1299, and $1599. 20GB or larger HDs. Clock speeds at 700 or above.
TiBook: Spec bump, faster G4s.
Digital Device: A PDA similiar to the Sony PGN760c that offers fantastic connectivity, a SrongARM CPU, 16MB+ memory, high resolution color LCD, FireWire, Quicktime playback, and internet for $400 or less.