Apple posts surprise ad for iPad during the Oscars



  • Reply 21 of 73
    capnbobcapnbob Posts: 388member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    Too bad they aired a commercial during something most people aren't watching. That being said, sort of like the demand this device is actually going to have.

    Your understanding of TV is as rudimentary as your market predictive capabilities . Oscars will draw between 40M and 55M viewers (probably tending to the high end due to Avatar) which makes it one of the most watched TV events of the year pretty much behind only the Superbowl.

    If you are going to sink $3M into advertising, 2x30 second slots during the Oscars is a great idea. If the target is fashion-conscious, non-tech, media savvy, and female market, (which it primarily is) there is no better TV event in the year.

    I'll bet recognition/awareness and intention to buy will go up tomorrow (a bit).
  • Reply 22 of 73
    futuremacfuturemac Posts: 242member
    I want one, but not this one, i think i can wait for the 3g model. Nice song.
  • Reply 23 of 73
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by solarein View Post

    decade level cool post

    now i wanna buy one

  • Reply 24 of 73

    While there are many, this guy gets to blog quite peacefully about his feelings.
  • Reply 25 of 73
    My wife and I, we like the grip of the macbook much better than the metal ones. We are completely Apple based at home ( phone, laptop, desktop ). But we'll wait till Apple comes up with a polycarbonate version of the iPad.
  • Reply 26 of 73
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    You don't really understand camera angles, do you?

    Imagine this shot, taken from the point of view of the person using the iPad with the camera pointing almost parallel to the floor.

    It would look like the picture you posted.

    Originally Posted by solarein View Post

    This is what they meant when they said it would be Magic. It floats on your lap to provide a proper typing angle! Amazing...

  • Reply 27 of 73
    elmcitywebelmcityweb Posts: 109member
    Looks delicious!
  • Reply 28 of 73
    danielswdanielsw Posts: 906member
    I was pleasantly surprised to see three showings of this ad during the Oscars. It reminded me of the classiness and powerful impact of the '84 Superbowl ad when I saw that one ages ago.

    I was pleased to see Apple wisely pump the big bucks into promoting the iPad, which will have even more impact on society than its ancestor, the Mac, has had.

    This is only the beginning, folks!
  • Reply 29 of 73
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    He-he. I enjoyed the way iPhone legacy user interface was kept totally out of focus.
  • Reply 30 of 73
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    I didn't like the ad. It was too hurried. It seemed like they felt they had to throw in in every iPad functionality possible in every microsecond they had.

    The music was mediocre too. (But then, what do I know -- I think that today's popular music is awash in a sea of mediocrity. I long for the days of substantive stuff).
  • Reply 31 of 73
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    And, it was a bit odd for SJ to make an appearance at the Oscar no? Not his style......
  • Reply 32 of 73
    bergermeisterbergermeister Posts: 6,784member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    And, it was a bit odd for SJ to make an appearance at the Oscar no? Not his style......

    One of his other babies was getting an Oscar or two... Up!

    Technically, now Pixar is part of Disney, but Steve helped them on their way. Up! even has Steve listed in the credits under Special Thanks, if I recall correctly.
  • Reply 33 of 73
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    The apps will make this thing great. The apps aren't here yet, so people can't see it--but in a years time this thing might well explode in popularity. It might take longer even, but the apps are the thing that will sell this device. That and we're just coming to a point in technology where the: "casual computer" needed to arrive.

    What do you mean? All existing apps in the store work NOW, and many developers have already started on the iPad ports which will be available from day one.
  • Reply 34 of 73
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    What do you mean? All existing apps in the store work NOW, and many developers have already started on the iPad ports which will be available from day one.

    Yeah, but aside from games (yet not excluding them either), the iPad screams "Develop For Me".

    It's a great place-holder feature that it runs iPhone Apps, but like he said, in year you won't be using many iPhone apps on it any longer, unless you refuse to buy new ones.

    Most people will use iPad specific apps because they will be a much deeper and natural experience on the iPad.
  • Reply 35 of 73
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    One of his other babies was getting an Oscar or two... Up!

    Technically, now Pixar is part of Disney, but Steve helped them on their way. Up! even has Steve listed in the credits under Special Thanks, if I recall correctly.

    True. But Pixar has been up for, and winning Oscars for many years running now. As has Disney, where SJ has been the largest shareholder since 2007.

    Why this year? Perhaps to signal the fact that he is now aspiring to be a Hollywood 'player' with the iPad?
  • Reply 36 of 73
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by bwik View Post

    Looks like the beleaguered Apple Corp has another fledging new prototype. Let the mainstream media crow on about today's and yesterday's fashions, and how this product is unlikely to succeed. Let the media doubt whether Apple can even continue, or whether it will collapse into fairy dust.

    Always remember: It us US versus THEM.
  • Reply 37 of 73
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by futuremac View Post

    I want one, but not this one, i think i can wait for the 3g model. Nice song.

    I want one, but not this one. I think I can wait for the one that plays flash and has a 16:9 aspect ratio and will allow unfettered access to software.
  • Reply 38 of 73
    leithalleithal Posts: 64member
    Methinks you need to read your own signature:

    Remember: Your View-Point Is Not The Only Perspective.
  • Reply 39 of 73
    ohjoeyohjoey Posts: 3member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    I want one, but not this one. I think I can wait for the one that plays flash and has a 16:9 aspect ratio and will allow unfettered access to software.

    There will never be one that plays flash.
  • Reply 40 of 73
    sandausandau Posts: 1,230member
    what a horrible song. catchy? if i had a pencil i'd stab my eardrums out.
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