First-gen iPhone, Droid sold 8 times better than Nexus One debut



  • Reply 41 of 96
    Google deserves this as google has strict measure in protecting itself from online fraud . I tried to order 5 for my company but google keeps asking me to give them my proof .Ok , I gave them my proof of bill address and my id then google shipped me one only . Later I use same account same credit card to buy again . WTF , this time account needs to be verified ! What again !!!! Apple doesn't do this ! Also , the payment system of google seems to have problems too . Google declined my orders by saying my bank rejected! But my credit card account has enough money as I have asked my bank ! Shame on google !
  • Reply 42 of 96
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Originally Posted by Esoom View Post

    The Nexus One is a miserable phone, Im a long time TMobile customer, and have had one for 2 weeks now, its a class action suit waiting to happen.

    1.) A poorly oriented antenna thats incredibly sensitive to hand placement in the handset.

    2.) A cheap POS screen/digitizer that washes out in sunlight unless its cranked up to full brightness, loses calibration at the drop of a hat, and the keyboard is crap.

    Its a poorly designed knock off at a premium price. Add in the poor coverage of TMobiles network and you have a barely working handset.

    I'd have to say you probably don't own an iphone. Your arguments sound vaguely familiar with a few exceptions. to me it's status quoe with most smart phones with some exceptions.

    1. My 3G has similar issues. I hold it in one position it's got no bars; move the phone 2 feet in one direction, its got full bars.

    2. The UI on the iPhone is top notch, but does get gittery on some applications and it rather slow processing large apps and files and sometimes freezes up in email. Not to mention the Maps App is about as slow as a snail.

    3. The N1 may be a knock off, but it's price is NOT premium compared to the iPhone; that is since we're discussing differences between the N1 and the iPhone. Sure it's $21 cheaper than the 3Gs but many other smart phones are cheaper.
  • Reply 43 of 96
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Originally Posted by msantti View Post

    and its open!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And it has teh flash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And it multitasks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    as much as i agree with you, it just goes to show how MARKETING (which i've been saying for years Google sucks at this) and HARDWARE do matter. HTC products SUCK ASS!!!
  • Reply 44 of 96
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Because it was supposed to be Google's miracle-baby.

    If the Nexus One was the best phone in the world it still would have never stood a chance in the US because its on TMobile.

    I mean look at this 3G coverage map from TMobile. Its beyond pathetic.
  • Reply 45 of 96
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    Yeah, I'm not sure I have any constructive suggestions on what would be better.

    My previous message wasn't worded clear because my coffee hasn't hit.

    I mean to say that going from a mobile formatted page (which is good - although the fadey tool bar is arguable) - to a non-mobile comments section - which is hard to read - is a drag. The comments are what are scroll-happy and hard to read - and if they're not going to be mobile formatted, why bother with mobile formatting in the first place?
  • Reply 46 of 96
    Originally Posted by iLuv View Post

    The iPhone keyboard is faster than any other one.

    Faster depends on your own hand-eye co-ordination. It is awfully precise though, possibly the most precise of all the smartphone touch-keyboards.
  • Reply 47 of 96
    motleemotlee Posts: 122member
    Android aside. The Motorola Droid has got to be one of the Fugliest phones in recent memory.

    Just saw where you can get the N1 on AT&T and Rogers.
  • Reply 48 of 96
    yet another failed iPhone "Killer."

  • Reply 49 of 96
    Originally Posted by Stefano Lavori View Post

    yet another failed iPhone "Killer."


    That's why Apple Insider's headline should read "iPhone killer - getting killed".
  • Reply 50 of 96
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,527member
    Originally Posted by Roc Ingersol View Post

    I think Google views a T-Mobile launch as exactly that. A beta.

    Bring it out on T-Mobile, work out the bugs, then put it on a real network.

    I don't know that it's necessarily a bad approach. It's certainly Google-y.

    It's not a bad approach when it's free (like gmail beta). I'm not sure that someone who pays several hundred dollars for a phone would think it's such a great approach, though.
  • Reply 51 of 96
    ihxoihxo Posts: 567member
    The thing with the so called "tech crowd" is, in the grand scheme of things, their opinion really doesn't matter.
  • Reply 52 of 96
    jpmukjpmuk Posts: 19member
    Originally Posted by jluptak17 View Post

    I'm not saying Droid/N1 are the answer, but they are light years ahead in terms of hardware.

    Not sure about light years. Maybe a couple of months. I'm sure the next rev iPhone will best it on specs AND build quality (which is really important when you use it almost constantly like may folk.
  • Reply 53 of 96
    Originally Posted by Dlux View Post

    I have to give Google credit for one thing, and I hope it doesn't get buried by the carriers with the excuse of poor sales: selling the Nexus unlocked directly from their web site. The iPad signals a change with it's a la carte wireless service, and I hope we eventually get the option to buy iPhones (or any other handset for that matter) in the US without a carrier lock.

    You don't buy your computer from your ISP; you shouldn't have to buy your mobile handset from the wireless carrier. Good for Google for at least making that step.

    Well you have to offer an unlocked phone in many european countries...
  • Reply 54 of 96
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Wow, is Gizmodo ever harsh:

    Ouch. On point too.
  • Reply 55 of 96
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Originally Posted by Econ101 View Post

    You can't compare the Droid to the original iPhone without mentioning the price difference. . .the iPhone sold for $499-$599 for its first couple months, then for $399, while the Droid never went for more than $199 (after a MIR), yet still only managed 50K more sales during the same period (and as the article states, the iPhone 3G sold 1 million units during its first weekend, the following year). A study that fails to point "price" as a reason that the Droid outsold the original iPhone during its 74 days cannot be trusted as it is obviously nonexhaustive.

    While that is true you also have to consider that we're in a deep recession. I'm really impressed by the droids numbers simply because there are many touchscreen phones available now including the iPhone and there weren't that many back in 2007.
  • Reply 56 of 96
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Did iphone ever have any issues when it first launched?

    And it still does. Every Apple store I've been to is always packed 24/7 with iPhone owners.
  • Reply 57 of 96
    jpmukjpmuk Posts: 19member
    They sold a million phones with a $100 million ad campaign. Jeez. $100 per phone just for the ad. The crazy thing is that this Driod will probably be replaced by another phone called something else soon and all the brand recognition that the $100m bought will be gone.

    Apple buys product recognition which remains in place for years, through umpteen product generations.
  • Reply 58 of 96
    On some level, this is unsurprising. How many orchestrated product releases has Google gotten right (recent "successes" = Wave, Buzz)? Similarly, where is the culture that takes a promising product concept and iterates it to deliver a compelling user experience (Maps = Yes; Gmail = meh), unlike Microsoft in days of old where 1.0 could suck, but you knew by 3.0 it was game over?

    By contrast, Google seems to be at their best in modes where they can play the READY-FIRE-AIM card, and get to a "good enough" level. The problem is that they are facing a market where consumers and developers have a 3.0 model for what a mobile device can deliver, and other than the 'anyone but iPhone' crowd (read: handset makers and carriers that can't offer iPhone), the composite experience, inclusive of handset, developer platform, marketplace and compelling apps is still less than the sum of the parts.

    Not saying they can't get there, just that they aren't there now.
  • Reply 59 of 96
    Originally Posted by ihxo View Post

    The thing with the so called "tech crowd" is, in the grand scheme of things, their opinion really doesn't matter.

    So true. (A bit off-topic) The same can be said of the stock-picking crowd!
  • Reply 60 of 96
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Wow, is Gizmodo ever harsh:

    What's telling are the childish, ill-informed comments by the fans of Google's Android proclaiming it's not a flop because those 135,000 aren't blind sheep.

    Tell that to the investors pulling out.
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