Growth in netbook sales slows in anticipation of Apple's iPad



  • Reply 21 of 98
    spotonspoton Posts: 645member
    Originally Posted by TheShepherd View Post

    Digitimes is as unbiased as Fox News .

    Don't forget MSNBC, the radical flip side to Fox.
  • Reply 22 of 98
    jupiteronejupiterone Posts: 1,564member
    Originally Posted by SpotOn View Post

    Affluent technophobes and children.

    One gets a free Winnie the Poo book on every iPad.

    As I suspected, you have no idea.
  • Reply 23 of 98
    spotonspoton Posts: 645member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    The iPad is an accessory computing device as is a netbook.

    A netbook doesn't require a Mac or a PC like a iPad does.

    It's your logic that's flawed.


    He also makes some odd price comparison as if other devices being cheaper mean that they'll be less successful.

    Again your flawed, I made no such statement or implied that.

    I'm making the comparison that the iPad is not in the same competitive price range as those other devices because it requires a computer to operate, thus inflating it's true costs.

    Perhaps you need to up your strength level of your reading glasses or take a reading comprehension course.
  • Reply 24 of 98
    spotonspoton Posts: 645member
    Originally Posted by JupiterOne View Post

    As I suspected, you have no idea.

    Actually I have the exact idea, Woz, Pogue and even Steve Jobs agrees with me, that's why there is a Winnie the Poo book on every iPad.

    It's the media who's putting the spin on things and putting out misinformation cause they think the iPad is going to save their *sses and get people to buy content again.
  • Reply 25 of 98
    jupiteronejupiterone Posts: 1,564member
    It sounds like someone forgot to take their meds.
  • Reply 26 of 98
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by SpotOn View Post

    Don't forget MSNBC, the radical flip side to Fox.

    radical flipside? No. More like closest thing to the radical flipside. They aren't NEARLY as bad as Fox News.
  • Reply 27 of 98
    undo redoundo redo Posts: 164member
    Originally Posted by JupiterOne View Post

    It sounds like someone forgot to take their meds.

    What does that mean exactly? Do you have a point?
  • Reply 28 of 98
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by SpotOn View Post

    Don't forget MSNBC, the radical flip side to Fox.

    Except with smart people instead of bigoted fear mongers.
  • Reply 29 of 98
    estyleestyle Posts: 201member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    ... If God needed a computer, he would use an iPad!


    God doesn't need the iPad

    He already has the iAm. It records the music he hears, directs the videos he sees, writes the commandments he thinks of, and creates the worlds he wants to play with in his version of The Sims: Creation.

    When Jobs and Ive finally get permission to design the iAm for humans life as we know it will stop
  • Reply 30 of 98
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,784member
    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    Except with smart people instead of bigoted fear mongers.

    Haha, well said. I should point out that Fox per se has some enjoyable shows it's just the so called FoxNews that has the bigoted fear mongers.
  • Reply 31 of 98
    estyleestyle Posts: 201member
    Originally Posted by SpotOn View Post

    A netbook doesn't require a Mac or a PC like a iPad does.

    It's your logic that's flawed.

    Again your flawed, I made no such statement or implied that.

    I'm making the comparison that the iPad is not in the same competitive price range as those other devices because it requires a computer to operate, thus inflating it's true costs.

    Perhaps you need to up your strength level of your reading glasses or take a reading comprehension course.

    Are you 100% certain that you can't operate the iPad without a Computer.

    If you start with the iPad and nothing else (no music library you had to copy over, etc.) it does not seem like you have to have a computer.

    1) buy your music/movies/tv through the itunes app or from an ABC/CBS/Netflix app all on the iPad.

    2) buy your apps from the Appstore App on the iPad.

    3) Using your iPad Apps like iWork create/edit/save/store your documents/spreadsheets/presentations on the iPad

    4) using the Bento app manage your databasing

    5) already does email fine on its own

    6) games bought and played on the iPad

    7) charges from a plug in the wall

    8) in fact i can't think of anything that you have to have a computer for except for that initial syncing of all your old stuff, which is what you would probably do if you bought any new computer.

    so are we agreed? you don't have to have a computer for the iPad anymore than you would for a netbook or a new laptop or a new desktop.
  • Reply 32 of 98
    bulk001bulk001 Posts: 771member
    Originally Posted by SpotOn View Post

    Except that's it's not really.

    A netbook costs anywhere from $300 and up. A Kindle costs $260 and up. A Windows 7 laptop anywhere from $500 and up.

    A iPad costs $500 and up, it also needs another computer. Which adds a additional $500+ to it's cost.

    So essentially a $1000 to $1300 iPad isn't in the range of other $260-$1000 devices at all.

    If the iPad was standalone, then we are talking some competition, $500 Win7 laptops vs $500 iPads.

    From Apple:

    You can get a Dell Mini10 for 299 at Amazon these days.
  • Reply 33 of 98
    cgc0202cgc0202 Posts: 624member
    What I find disturbing with many articles here in Apple Insider is the lack of more thoughtful or analytical crticisms of published materials. The result is "acceptance" of any published text that supports the obvious bias of Apple Insider.

    This tendency is so prevalent in many articles.

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    In addition, according BusinessWeek, market research firm IDC has revealed new sales data that showed netbook shipments to retailers from January through March 2010 grew 33.6 year-over-year, to 4.8 million units. While that is still an increase, it pales in comparison to the first quarter of 2009, when netbook sales jumped 872 percent to 3.6 million units.

    The reality is that even without the iPad, expect the growth of any product, like the netbook, to slow down -- especially after its astronomical growth rate the past year. This is called the decceleration phase in Sigmoidal growth curves. If you do not understand or never heard of this phenomenon, better brush up on your statistics and Economics 101. You may be more aware of "Sigmoidal Growth Curves", if you took and listened to your biology classes (see below).

    It is true that the introduction of the iPad may have contributed, but to suggest that news of the iPad is the main cause of the decline in growth rate of the netbooks sales is preposterous. There is no solid evidence provided to prove that "cause and effect" -- a fallacious reasoning.

    You will be given an F, and a very scathing remark from your professor, if you present this report in academia.

    To illustrate this phenomenon with Apple products, if you have more reliable data on the iPod for example, you may find that the growth rate of the iPod, or specific iPod products would have had a declining growth rate after some time, in spite of the fact that there were no killer iPods that came to market.

    In actual settings, the growth curve, after reaching the plateau phase, would eventually exhibit growth rate that may even go down (negative grwoth rate) or oscillate. This happened with the iPod for example -- not because of the competition. It is true also that cannibalization contributed to the negative growth rate of the iPod.

    The Sigmoidal growth curve is true also in almost all natural growth phenomena. The ideal "Sigmoidal growth curve" would include the initil slow phase, then an increase growth rate leading to an exponential phase, followed by a decceleration growth phase and then a plateau phase (stable zero growth rate).

    In fact, if the growth rate increase too fast in the exponential phase, this could trigger what is called a "catastrophic growth". The latter leads for example to mass death of a population or even the entire ecosystem. This explains the atrophication, for example, following algal bloom in bodies of water; or famine in countries where thr growth rate is very high and there are very scarce food resources.

  • Reply 34 of 98
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,402moderator
    There are loads of people who want to know what it means to get on the internet without having to deal with the mouse and may already have a TV. The netbooks are great because they are low cost and full-featured. Some of my friends own them and they love them. I found the CPU to be slow but capable - no worse than a powerbook.

    They do think that the 11.6" models are the lowest they would go though. 10" is just too small and the majority of netbooks are too small. That's my biggest objection with them too.

    The 12" powerbook was an ideal size and netbooks seem to be gravitating towards this screen size. 11.6" HP Mini 311, Lenovo S12, Dell Mini 12.

    You can see from the image here how the 9" and 12" compare:

    The 9" looks like a kid's toy. Once the 12" variety take up most of the lineup and they use either ULV chips or dual-core Atoms, they may start to pick up again. However, they are also fighting amazingly good value laptops.

    You can get an Atom netbook for $299 or a Core i5 with Radeon 5650 for $750. If you are investing in a machine and not just throwing spare cash away, people will opt for the better value machine that will last longer.

    The middle ground between the two is perfect. $399 or $499 for 12" display, possibly with a DVD drive (that does put off some movie watchers not having one), Core 2 Duo, decent GPU like the 9400M or higher and light (under 4lbs). Once they get that combination, the netbooks will pick up.

    It makes sense that anticipation of the iPad will have slowed down the netbook sales but we'll have to see what happens over the next couple of months whether the delivered product will pull people away from netbooks. Regardless of whether or not an iPad can be used without a secondary machine, it can't be owned without one and when people who want just one machine find that out, I think they will go back to the netbooks.
  • Reply 35 of 98
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    The 12" powerbook was an ideal size and netbooks seem to be gravitating towards this screen size. 11.6" HP Mini 311, Lenovo S12, Dell Mini 12.

    I agree, but I still swear that a good part of its usefulness at 12" was the 4:3 ratio, which is still taller than the display in the 13.3" MB/MBPs. Videos are great on widescreen but most of the time people seem to be reading.
  • Reply 36 of 98
    undo redoundo redo Posts: 164member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I agree, but I still swear that a good part of its usefulness at 12" was the 4:3 ratio, which is still taller than the display in the 13.3" MB/MBPs. Videos are great on widescreen but most of the time people seem to be reading.

    Taller in aspect ratio, yes. But 1024 x 768 vs. 1280 x 800. I have a little trouble with the vertical resolution of my 600 pixel netbook but 800 pixels on my MacBook is no problem. My next netbook will be a little bigger.
  • Reply 37 of 98
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by Beeman60 View Post

    Apple is doomed!

    No. It's Apple is doomed!

    Just ask Ireland...
  • Reply 38 of 98
    finetunesfinetunes Posts: 2,065member
    The iPad will have no impact on the netbook market
  • Reply 39 of 98
    zc456zc456 Posts: 96member
    Originally Posted by SpotOn View Post

    Affluent technophobes and children.

    If you have critics, then I wonder who your fans are. If any.
  • Reply 40 of 98
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    I don't understand all the hatred on here for netbooks. Is it just because they are different?

    Netbooks have their place, as does the iPad. My wife currently uses an Acer Aspire One which she uses to do school work (she's a second grade teacher). She creates/edits word documents, does report cards online with them, prints out quite a bit of stuff to our network laser printer and scans stuff in over the network with our wireless AIO printer. And let's not even talk about the need for a USB port for basic stuff like accomodating her thumb drive or her iPod nano. Not to mention the physical keyboard which is perfect for her tiny hands.

    Don't get me wrong, the iPad would probably accomodate 80% of what she does on a daily basis, but it's that last 20% where it falls flat on its face for some users.

    That being said, pick the right tool for your needs and stop bashig everything that doesn't have an Apple logo on it.
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