First Look: Pairing the new 2010 17 inch MacBook Pro with iPad



  • Reply 21 of 86
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    I still think the iMac + iPad makes more sense for most people than MBP 17" + iPad, and would have made for a more sensible article. The premise of this article seems to be, buy 2 portables so you can leave one at home.

    I agree that there is a larger window for the iPad when comparing to a desktop over a notebook, but that doesn't mean it's not a viable computing device for those with notebooks, too.

    Personally, I think the 17" MBP is too large to be portable anyway. It seems best suited for those who have to travel a lot for business but also need excessive real estate on their display when they get where they are going. Why would they want to use a 17" MBP in bed or on the couch or on a plane or in a car or on a bus if they are just going to be reading some webpages, a book or watching a vid?

    There are just too many scenarios to say that people with notebooks shouldn't get an iPad, but most importantly I think it was used in the article as a comparison because both are new to Apple's line up not a declaration of what is right for you.
  • Reply 22 of 86
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Kibitzer View Post

    Standing up or sitting down? Are you using your iPad one-handed or just standing there taking your chances?!

    How talented would I be if I said I could poop standing up? j/k

    Originally Posted by nasdarq View Post

    I personally think the iPad may well become a proper stand-alone category in a way the netbooks have become. It seems a rather long distance, so far.

    The iPad could have started off as such, but Apple seems clear that they want this to be a satellite device. Maybe that will change with v4.0 or next year with v5.0 or later, but for now that is exactly how this device is designed to work.

    Anecdotally, it seems that the iPad is the first major hit computing device for older people that aren't into tech. If true, I wonder how many realize they will need a PC with iTunes and WiFi router to use the device adequately. Part of this observation has been the number of older people around the iPads in Apple Store while the younger crowd mostly around the Macs. Another part was the dumb questions from younger people who didn't even know what it was I was using, while the questions from retired people clearly indicated that they know something about the device. I was in AZ at the time, so that might explain it. \

    PS: Arstechnia released an article today about why Apple was right to go with C2D this time around.
  • Reply 23 of 86
    nasdarqnasdarq Posts: 137member
    Originally Posted by zunx View Post

    The truth is that the Mac and the iPad are not compatible when working with Apple iWork and with Microsoft Office files.

    What do you mean? Are there conversion issues with keynote (or pages) files on the iPad and the Mac?

    On the other hand, I understand that doc or ppt files may not be properly converted by the iPad's iWork applications, similarly as they are not always properly converted by the Mac OS itself.
  • Reply 24 of 86
    gotapplegotapple Posts: 115member
    Originally Posted by Lukeskymac View Post

    That's because you have something called "higher taxes". The good thing about it is that at least European governments do :something: good with most of the taxes. Unlike here in Brazil, where taxes go up to 50% and none of the public services are of any good. And I don't mean "good" in the whiny way, I'm being serious here: our healthcare and education systems are practically nonexistent, and national infrastructure is a mess at best. That's what you get when half the government is made of ex-terrorists and thieves (once again, I'm being serious).

    The $1200 MBP over here costs $1800. That's because Apple US came over here to kick Apple Brazil's a$$ for abusive pricing last year. Before then, the same MBP cost $2500. That's what I payed for mine \

    I hope I injected some sense on you 1st world people with this.

    Hell I need to make a quick vacation to the States and bring back one MBP with me. Naturally I've bought it here back home if someone asks.
  • Reply 25 of 86
    I've had nothing but 17-inch portables as my main machine since Apple first introduced the first PowerBook model. I carried one around to multiple cities for a month in Europe. I don't fine it to be too large and love having my main machine with me on the road. I also love not having to buy or maintain multiple Macs.

    I think the pairing of my iPhone with my 17-inch MBP is perfect. I also think that paring the MBP with an iPad would be good for some, but I always have my iPhone with me. The iPad would require a case and/or bag. At that point I would think, why not just grab my main machine, my 17-inch MBP.
  • Reply 26 of 86
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member
    My shiny new MBP is currently stuck in China due to the Eyjafjallajokull ash cloud.
  • Reply 27 of 86
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    How talented would I be if I said I could poop standing up? j/k

    Don't want to know and definitely not going there! Just trying to drive away the vision of pants around the ankles and iPad on the knees!
  • Reply 28 of 86
    ctwisectwise Posts: 48member
    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    My shiny new MBP is currently stuck in China due to the Eyjafjallajokull ash cloud.

    I feel you. I just snuck in under the wire. Mine is sitting in Newark on its way to me. I had my fingers crossed.
  • Reply 29 of 86
    nasdarqnasdarq Posts: 137member
    Originally Posted by gotApple View Post

    Lower price tag? Where? Here in Europe the 17" MBP costs 2249 euros. That is around 2900USD... In the States it costs 2299USD. So 600USD less than here in Europe. Why is that?

    Maybe partly because the US price is pre-VAT ...
  • Reply 30 of 86
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    My shiny new MBP is currently stuck in China due to the Eyjafjallajokull ash cloud.

    Amazing how that has affected so much. I wonder if there will be another Little Ice Age because of it. Any talk of that across the pond?
  • Reply 31 of 86
    Originally Posted by synp View Post

    I don't get the idea of pairing a big notebook with an iPad.

    Until these new laptops, the price of a 15"MBP was the same as buying a 22"iMac PLUS base iPad. The 22" naturally had lots of advantages too.

    I have a 15"MBP, so when I upgrade the choice of it vs the bigscreen+iPad will be what I wonder about.

    btw... Now, with i5s in all the MBPs the prices and speeds aren't quite so comparable, but the iMac will be updated in due course.
  • Reply 32 of 86
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I agree that there is a larger window for the iPad when comparing to a desktop over a notebook, but that doesn't mean it's not a viable computing device for those with notebooks, too.


    There are just too many scenarios to say that people with notebooks shouldn't get an iPad, but most importantly I think it was used in the article as a comparison because both are new to Apple's line up not a declaration of what is right for you.

    No, I don't think that someone owns a laptop is a reason not to get an iPad.

    Just that, unless you are one of the few people who really do need to do serious work away from home and office (and I think these numbers are relatively small -- and by serious work, I mean, non trivial photoshop work, coding/debugging, working with large spreadsheets, that sort of thing), a desktop + ipad is a better option than laptop + iPad, if you are purchasing both new. But, yeah, perhaps AI is just using this as a new product highlight article.
  • Reply 33 of 86
    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    My shiny new MBP is currently stuck in China due to the Eyjafjallajokull ash cloud.

    As of last night, flights from Sydney to US were unaffected (since we're on the opposite side of the world). I would have thought China to US was quite easy.

    Has that changed?

    edit: Japan airlines only talks about flight issues to Moscow and Europe. Not from Japan to US.
  • Reply 34 of 86
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by GregAlexander View Post

    As of last night, flights from Sydney to US were unaffected (since we're on the opposite side of the world). I would have thought China to US was quite easy.

    Has that changed?

    edit: Japan airlines only talks about flight issues to Moscow and Europe. Not from Japan to US.


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    Location: UK
  • Reply 35 of 86
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post


    Registered User

    Join Date: Dec 2007

    Location: UK

    Yes, but you can't buy the iPad in UK. So he has to get it delivered into the US. Then forwarded to London.

    So why would it be stuck in China?
  • Reply 36 of 86
    allblueallblue Posts: 393member
    Originally Posted by gotApple View Post

    Lower price tag? Where? Here in Europe the 17" MBP costs 2249 euros. That is around 2900USD... In the States it costs 2299USD. So 600USD less than here in Europe. Why is that?

    You do know that the US price is exclusive of sales tax, whereas the European price is inclusive. In Finland that's 22% right?
  • Reply 37 of 86
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by GregAlexander View Post

    Yes, but you can't buy the iPad in UK. So he has to get it delivered into the US. Then forwarded to London.

    So why would it be stuck in China?

    Note: "My shiny new MBP is currently stuck in China due to the Eyjafjallajokull ash cloud."

    Originally Posted by allblue View Post

    You do know that the US price is exclusive of sales tax, whereas the European price is inclusive. In Finland that's 22% right?

    And import taxes, and additional testing costs, and lack of economy of scale found in the US, etc. I don't think Apple has ever netted a disproportionate profit in other countries over the US. The biggest factor would be from a major change in the countries currency, but that work both ways.
  • Reply 38 of 86
    soskoksoskok Posts: 107member
    I feel that my solution is better. I have a very not portable Mac Pro and i pair it with a 13" MacBook (on which i can actually do something productive on a plane,bus or whatever...watching movies isnt that productive in my opinion ) and this gives me a nice couple to work with.

    P.S. Hope Apple understands that sophisticated sync software has to go bounded with the system. I have many colleagues that use 2 macs as i do. Every one finds it strange that iSync only helps with contacts, calendars and such. What about full HDD sync?

    P.P.S. 17" MBP? throw in just a couple more notes and get yourself a Mac Pro/iMac if you don't need a portable workstation. iPad? its entertainment only, unless your work is to reed rss and send emails. MMP + iPad? it just doesn't seem like a good working couple. its more like "work hard, play hard" but psp is just a little bit better on the latter.
  • Reply 39 of 86
    doroteadorotea Posts: 323member
    Originally Posted by synp View Post

    I don't get the idea of pairing a big notebook with an iPad.

    But if the notebook has become stationary, why do we even need it to be a laptop? An iMac or even a Mini with a screen will give you:

    For me space is a concern. So it may be time to stop cramming in an iMac and go with the larger portable.
  • Reply 40 of 86
    nasdarqnasdarq Posts: 137member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    And import taxes, and additional testing costs, and lack of economy of scale found in the US, etc. I don't think Apple has ever netted a disproportionate profit in other countries over the US. The biggest factor would be from a major change in the countries currency, but that work both ways.

    I would think that import taxes apply also to the U.S. machines - as all Apple computers are imported from China. Not sure whether the testing costs are higher in the U.S. or Europe, given in particular that the EU-wide compliance is certified by one authority, similarly as in the U.S. The only difference between the EU and U.S. price is essentially in the risk calculated by Apple in regard to the exchange rate fluctuation.
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