Apple's next-gen iPhone could go on sale during WWDC 2010 - rumor



  • Reply 21 of 41
    Originally Posted by zindako View Post

    My 3g phone is feeling extremely dated now, cant wait to get an updated product.

    yeah, all of a sudden my white 3Gs seems 'round' and 'pudgy!' When just a few days ago it seemed state of the art!

    Ps. I'm loving Apple's new 'touch' mouse! got to have the latest 'stuff!'
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  • Reply 22 of 41
    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    No, have Jobs introduce Gray Powell to show off the new iPhone and Mr. Powell fiddles as he searches pocket to pocket to pocket to pocket looking for that thing and have Phil Schilling bring out on a handcart a bunch of German beer and Steve says, "Not again, Gray. Not again, as Jobs shakes his head to the hoots, howls, screams and laughter from the audience...

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  • Reply 23 of 41
    dogcowdogcow Posts: 713member
    Unlikely... They need FCC approval first. FCC files are public. They won't show them before they show us. Isnt this why we had to wait for the first 3 models and the iPad?
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  • Reply 24 of 41
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Dogcow View Post

    Unlikely... They need FCC approval first. FCC files are public. They won't show them before they show us. Isnt this why we had to wait for the first 3 models and the iPad?

    The FCC will hold testing and approval secret until the company decides they want to make it public. I'm sure it has to go public by the time the item going on sale, but that isn't a problem here.

    You can check out all of Apple's products on FCCs website and see that the testing was completed well in advance of Apple's announcement and FCC's release of the info. You can also see letters from Apple detailing certain items will remain hidden for longer, even indefinitely.
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  • Reply 25 of 41
    Originally Posted by Magic_Al View Post

    The coolest thing Jobs could do would be to have Gray Powell bring the phone onstage at the keynote.

    Great idea!
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  • Reply 26 of 41
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Originally Posted by zindako View Post

    My 3g phone is feeling extremely dated now, cant wait to get an updated product.

    Likewise. My old 3G feels like a wheezing old fossil ready for recyling. It struggles even to run the iPod app for long without locking up or crashing, and when it comes to games... well I guess games are all written for the 3GS these days.
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  • Reply 27 of 41
    kurtkurt Posts: 225member
    Originally Posted by Napoleon_PhoneApart View Post


    Me, too.

    My 3G has a broken off mute switch since 11/09, a home button that is flaky, too little memory, and today I notice several bad pixels in the middle of the screen.

    iNeed it soon!
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  • Reply 28 of 41
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by macintel4me View Post

    This would mean that there would be no third party software to support new native hardware features at launch, like the new cameras, higher resolution display, etc. Apple could allow these features available in the SDK before WWDC, but that would be VERY un-Apple like

    the phone will be running iphone os 4.0 which has already been made available.

    the only thing that might be missing is cases

    and I don't see them going on sale right away. at the least it would be the end of that week. or perhaps during the next week.

    Originally Posted by wprowe View Post

    Or to be called to bring it on stage and then pretend to have misplaced it.

    Steve walks out, reaches into pocket for something. it's not there. checks the other pockets. scans floor to see if he dropped out.

    Powell walks out, hand outstretched "Lose something?" and hands him the phone
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  • Reply 29 of 41
    Originally Posted by Magic_Al View Post

    The coolest thing Jobs could do would be to have Gray Powell bring the phone onstage at the keynote.

    nice but it would focus the attention to Gizmodo again. Besides, they shouldn't make fun of something that's being investigated by the police.
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  • Reply 30 of 41
    Originally Posted by Magic_Al View Post

    The coolest thing Jobs could do would be to have Gray Powell bring the phone onstage at the keynote.

    Steve J. are you reading this... (i sure hope you are.)

    that would be THE COOLEST thing if he did that.

    I totally feel for that guy.

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  • Reply 31 of 41
    wurm5150wurm5150 Posts: 763member
    Here's how Steve Jobs will introduce the new iPhone...

    Steve says, "...introducing the new iPhone 4G"

    Plays the video clip of Jason Chen talking about and dissecting the iPhone prototype...

    Steve says, "Any questions? Okay... Thank you all for coming."

    End of keynote
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  • Reply 32 of 41
    capnbobcapnbob Posts: 388member
    Originally Posted by SpotOn View Post

    Or not, Apple has a public at large knowing the next version is and thus holding off purchases.

    Apple has to wait until a enough know-nothings buy out the previous versions inventory. It could take awhile.

    $5,000 buys a lot of German got taste.

    Well, at least we know what it looks like. ;D

    What possible insight do you have into Apple's stock position or supply chain situation? They have had decades of experience in managing inventory before major launches. US gadget aware users are all waiting for the HD but most non-geeks are not and in many other countries, the HD won't be available until later. Clueless...
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  • Reply 33 of 41
    capnbobcapnbob Posts: 388member
    Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

    Me, too.

    My 3G has a broken off mute switch since 11/09, a home button that is flaky, too little memory, and today I notice several bad pixels in the middle of the screen.

    iNeed it soon!

    What have you been doing to it? (my 3GS mute switch is loose but that was totally me putting the case on the wrong end - doh!!)

    My mum has my 1G iPhone and even the battery is still (barely) adequate.
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  • Reply 34 of 41
    capnbobcapnbob Posts: 388member
    Originally Posted by nagromme View Post

    HOWEVER, OS 4.0 isn?t due until summer (beginning June 21).

    Isn't this the key thing - no way they will release the HD without 4.0 for even a few weeks?

    They could release 4.0 only on the HD for 2 weeks. I don't know, my head is spinning...
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  • Reply 35 of 41
    Originally Posted by SpotOn View Post

    Apple has to wait until a enough know-nothings buy out the previous versions inventory. It could take awhile.

    I would assume that they'd allow the current 3G/GS stocks to simply dry up and discontinue that particular model before they release the new...?
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  • Reply 36 of 41
    But, why? That will just mess up everything. The friday sale tradition, the weekend earnings, the global sales and releases! I think this article/story is just a plain hoax.
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  • Reply 37 of 41
    Originally Posted by zindako View Post

    My 3g phone is feeling extremely dated now, cant wait to get an updated product.

    Myself and my wife are in the same situation as you, so this would be a very welcome move for us on Apple's part. There's no point in us getting a 3GS now with the 4G (or whatever it's called) so close. And there must be a lot of pent up demand from others who are on 3G iphones with 18+ month contracts that have expired.
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  • Reply 38 of 41
    Originally Posted by astrosmash View Post

    Given the timing of the beta, I'd expect iPhone OS 4 to be ready to go by then. Certainly no sooner.

    I am not so sure the OS can be ready by June 7. May be by the end of June if things go well.

    I bet they announce on june 7th and ship by end of June.

    Time will tell.
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  • Reply 39 of 41
    Gee. It may be introduced only 6 weeks before my ball and chain with AT&T gets removed. I sincerely hope folks buying the new phones enjoy them. I mean that. My 3G has been an interesting device that has offered a lot of pleasure. Too bad it is not available with service to match.
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  • Reply 40 of 41
    I hope so. I work overseas, I will be home at the end of June through the middle of July. I hope the new iPhone comes out while I'm back in the U.S.A. I will need a cell phone when I'm back home, I dont want to buy a prepaid one. I would rather get the new iPhone. I recently bought 32GB iPod Touch, I love It..its just missing one thing..the phone part. At least I can call ppl using Skype over Wifi on it..thats awesome. Alright guyz..I hope this article is true for a June release date! If it's not true, I wont get the 3GS while I'm home..was looking at Google Phone. Then I will just get the new iPhone after I come back othe US for good. I bought a pair of Nike+ running shoes for the beach when I'm home (Daytona) Hope to try the Nike+ feature on my iPod Touch
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