Apple announces iPad sales top 1 million in less than a month



  • Reply 41 of 102
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by Wonder View Post

    It is a worry for us non USA customers if supply is still not meeting demand.

    Does not bode well for the release in the UK.

    I would not be surprised if they delay the release again!

    In his "are you nuts" email, SJ talked about having a "responsible and great" launch outside the U.S. My guess is that they are diverting a certain amount of production for this purpose and stores being sold out here won't have a significant impact on that.
  • Reply 42 of 102
    str1f3str1f3 Posts: 573member
    Hopefully Apple can get the streaming service for music, movies, etc. off the ground. Add that in with Netflix and you'll never have to worry about disk space again.
  • Reply 43 of 102
    cgc0202cgc0202 Posts: 624member
    There might be a different set of people who would prefer one or the other. I won't be surprised if there would be those who will have both.

    It is true that it will be used a lot at home. But, imagine how useful this would be to quiet kids (games, movies, cartoons, etc.) in the back seat of the car while on long trips, or even just the usual routine of going around each day.

    Travelers who would want to watch movies, do some light work, or editing notes, etc. while cooped up in the plane, waiting in terminals. It will be good to take notes, presentations, etc. during conferennces.

    Have you seen the Maps? And related applications for travel and tourism? Here the large screen in the iPad makes a great difference.

    Specially when it becomes more powerful, as others already noted, it will be favored over the very bulky notebook. This is one reason actually why I am tempted to buy the 1st gen (I usually buy the 2nd Gen of Apple products) because it was backbreaking carrying my laptop and my Nikon camera and lenses, plus other accessories. And, I have to bring them again this coming June.

    Some real estate agents want to use it as presentation device -- here big is better.

    There are mroe uses of course. Both are portable, the iPhone and the iPad. However, in this case, the statement: "Size matters!" makes a lot of sense.


    Originally Posted by Takeo View Post

    I disagree. I think the iPad will mostly be used in the home (that's where I mostly use mine)... and as such... local storage is barely needed. I can stream all my media to the iPad using Air Video or Stream To Me... or control my iTunes on my 1GB desktop hard drive using Apple's Remote app. It's not like an iPod where you carry it everywhere and want to have your entire iTunes library with you. The iPad, I think, will mostly live at home. I bet the majority of folks are using the iPad for web and email at home... on the couch... on the nightstand. Or maybe for client meetings at the local coffee shop (view a website, send a quick email, show off your portfolio...) or recipes in the kitchen. Or maybe to take on the plane and watch a movie or two that you just rented off iTunes. Things like that. None of which require much storage space. The few times you leave the house with it, you take the few things you need and go. That's how I'm using my 16GB iPad so far and space hasn't been an issue at all. I thought about buying the 32 or even the 64... but I couldn't justify sending my purchase price into the range of a low end MacBook for something that's not nearly as full featured. $499 was the sweet spot for me that clinched my decision to give the iPad a try. And I'm glad I did. I love this thing.

  • Reply 44 of 102
    lantinianlantinian Posts: 18member
    Does anybody know how the first Netbook sold during its first 2 months of availability?

    It was the Asus Eee PC and it sold 300,000 units between October 27th and the end of of 2007.

    read on here more my full take on the matter:
  • Reply 45 of 102
    creidcreid Posts: 5member
    I bought the 16GB WiFi when first released. Perfect for me. I love it.

    I don't keep a lot music, over 5000 pics though (I like pics), few movies, and over 100 apps, and work docs via GoodReader and note taking apps (use stylus). Some books, comics...

    Have Wifi at home and at work. So no need for 3G. I don't carry along everywhere. I have a smartphone (Android) for that and one day will figure out the Android wifi hotspot stuff to get the iPad online thru that....

    But my needs may not be your needs, it's rare I do not have wifi available in my daily life.

    I have no need to carry a bunch of movies & music. I just prepare what I need before I fly, keeps my media fresh. I figure, the least amount to spend for this "new category" device.

    If the need arises, next I'll get the next revision/model with more ram and give the old one to my wife.


    16G Wifi iPad - Used at work/home/couch/bedroom and travel

    15" MBP Uni - Main @work machine and travel

    Acer Netbook - Secondary work machine for testing

    Early '06 Intel iMac - Bedroom Sling/Movie player

    Late '04 iBook - In a drawer at work, no much use anymore
  • Reply 46 of 102
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    Originally Posted by Kevin Winsness View Post

    One million without 3G or international sales????? By Christmas time I think we will be sitting at around 5-6 million sold!

    Nah! 12 million.
  • Reply 47 of 102
    cgc0202cgc0202 Posts: 624member
    Originally Posted by str1f3 View Post

    Hopefully Apple can get the streaming service for music, movies, etc. off the ground. Add that in with Netflix and you'll never have to worry about disk space again.

    That may be the reason for the North Carolina facility and some recent purchases.

    Disk storage size still matters for personal documents and photos taken during travel. Sonetines I use more than the 4Gb and 8Gb storage disks for my Nikon camera in some shoots for a day if the subject or event is critical. During my 10-day introductory trip to Europe, a couple who were into recording their trip brought their video camera and a laptop computer.

    A higher storage capacity of the iPad would be a way of transiently storing and minor editing travel photos or videos. It beats carrying the more heavy notebooks.

  • Reply 48 of 102
    macapfelmacapfel Posts: 575member
    Originally Posted by lantinian View Post

    Does anybody know how the first Netbook sold during its first 2 months of availability?

    It was the Asus Eee PC and it sold 300,000 units between October 27th and the end of of 2007.

    Thanks for the number, interesting! So, Asus stirred up the interest, and finally Apple got it right ...
  • Reply 49 of 102
    igrumbleigrumble Posts: 32member
    Originally Posted by Takeo View Post

    I disagree. I think the iPad will mostly be used in the home (that's where I mostly use mine)... and as such... local storage is barely needed. I can stream all my media to the iPad using Air Video or Stream To Me...

    I'm inclined to disagree about local storage. My wireless network is 802.11N and while I do get a good data rate, I also get too much interference for streaming HD video (this depends on where I am). I would also generally be inclined to download to my iPad (if I had one...) and then sync it to a computer rather than the other way around.

    Originally Posted by cgc0202 View Post

    Chitika is off by almost 800,000

    as of early Monday, 3 May 2010. In this case, maybe the origin of the sample not truly representative of IPad buyers.

    Well, I expect the sample is fine, it'll be that they are over-extrapolating it. Even after the hard work to uniquely identify the iPads to which they are serving adverts, they still have to guess what proportion of the iPads sold their adverts will be going to. Basically it just means that an unexpectedly high proportion of iPad users are getting those adverts, although really they should have guessed once it passed 1M that it wasn't entirely accurate.

    Originally Posted by success View Post

    I think a lot of people like myself are trying to replace older laptops like my 2007 MacBook with an iPad. I'd like to put it in my shoulder bag and take it to the cafe. I think if your needs are anything BUT creating media projects i.e. Logic, Final Cut and graphic design, the switch from latop to iPad can easily be made. One day there will be an iPhone OS for all those pro multimedia applications and I can't wait for that day.

    That's what I have in mind too. Laptop out, iPad in, since I really don't do much on the laptop that the iPad can't do. Media editing is very probably a no-go at professional levels, because above all else they need lots and lots of RAM - which the iPad doesn't have.

    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    I'm actually a little disappointed with this number. We know that 500,000 WiFi models were sold in the first week. Estimates are that 3G sold 300 K on the first day. That means only 200,000 WiFi models from April 11 to April 30? I expected more, although it's not clear that there were enough supplies to sell more even if the demand was there.

    A drop-off in demand is perfectly normal and appropriate. The first-day people are those who made the decision to buy the product probably a number of weeks before, so you can think of it as being a couple of weeks of advance sales being completed on the same day, with a trailling-off effect as people who would have bought it before but weren't quite desperate enough to go in on the first day buy one at the first practical opportunity. I know that the intuitive way to see it is that people really "don't realise" in advance, which would mean that the first day's sales would be at an approximation of the ongoing rate because nobody would have already come to a decision to buy. But that's not how it happens if there's any reasonable amount of marketing involved.
  • Reply 50 of 102
    tumme-tottetumme-totte Posts: 147member
    Originally Posted by cgc0202 View Post

    Just curious. Can you have more than one of the iPad, and have just one account for the iTunes, iBooks, etc. the share the Apps and the eBook content?

    This will save me a bundle.


    Absolutely. We have 2 x AppleTV, 2 x iPad, 3 x iPhone and 1 x iPod Touch sharing music, apps and movies from three acounts (2 x mine and one for my wife) hosted on 3 computers (mine, my wifes and a "server"). I e I have on my iPad an iPhone songs from my own two accounts and my wifes. As do my wife and her iPad.

    So basically - Yes.
  • Reply 51 of 102
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member
    Imo Apple is having serious trouble keeping up and sales are a lot lower than they could be because of it.

    I hope they will really go internationnal in may.
  • Reply 52 of 102
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    This is just the US ad it is just the beginning. Apple will sell way more than one million in May when they release it world wide.

    Suddenly the naysayers disappeared
  • Reply 53 of 102
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member
    Originally Posted by cgc0202 View Post

    Just curious. Can you have more than one of the iPad, and have just one account for the iTunes, iBooks, etc. the share the Apps and the eBook content?

    This will save me a bundle.


    I wonder if there is a limit, so far on the same itune account I shared: 2 iPhones, 1 iPodTouch, 1 iPad and 1 AppleTV.

    This is kind of cool, you buy an app and put it on all youre mobile devices. Same with music, TV and movies. But they may be a limit on how many mobile devices you can sync with the same Itune account. Anyone knows??
  • Reply 54 of 102
    tumme-tottetumme-totte Posts: 147member
    Originally Posted by iGrumble View Post

    It's a good question. Why don't you pop down to Germany and buy one there? Apple are probably going through the markets in size order. I think the same happened with one of the iPhone launches? There's probably not any kind of a localisation hold-up, since it is the iPhone OS and there has been a reasonable amount of time, but Apple might want to be sure how many units it can expect to sell before it starts trying expensive product launches in lots of countries at once. If the European launch countries all have predictable demand, I suppose maybe there could be a second international launch covering more countries before the end of the year, but if not, I doubt it'll reach Sweden before March. Keep in mind that Apple might have a big job ramping up production for xmas as it is.

    I agree and i guess they are right provided they can't produce enough of the stuff. I think though (as a share holder) that they would long term benefit to cover as many countries as possible as soon as possible. This includes things like movies in iTunes stores and so on. The markets for digital media is maturing and unless they make a real impression on all of them (also smaller) they will not be able to get in there.

    Living in Sweden and being totally deep into their eco system I would love to be able to drool over their products much sooner. But as it is right now I have to lay my hand on them in US or elsewhere when I travel there.
  • Reply 55 of 102
    cgc0202cgc0202 Posts: 624member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post


    Originally Posted by cgc0202 View Post

    Just curious. Can you have more than one of the iPad, and have just one account for the iTunes, iBooks, etc. the share the Apps and the eBook content?

    This will save me a bundle.


    Yes, you can.

    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post

    I wonder if there is a limit, so far on the same itune account I shared: 2 iPhones, 1 iPodTouch, 1 iPad and 1 AppleTV.

    This is kind of cool, you buy an app and put it on all youre mobile devices. Same with music, TV and movies.

    I hope that is the case. Some business and biomedical applications Apps are not cheap. They add up as you add more units.

    When I got a price quote from of Apple though, I got the impression though that I have to pay per device for each of the IWorks (for the iPad) component softwares, so I am not sure if that is the case with the other Apps

    Originally Posted by tumme-totte View Post

    Absolutely. We have 2 x AppleTV, 2 x iPad, 3 x iPhone and 1 x iPod Touch sharing music, apps and movies from three acounts (2 x mine and one for my wife) hosted on 3 computers (mine, my wifes and a "server"). I e I have on my iPad an iPhone songs from my own two accounts and my wifes. As do my wife and her iPad.

    So basically - Yes.

    Actually this is what I wanted to clarify. Do you and your wife share the same account, i.e., some sort of a family account, and pay just "one" even if ported into several portable devices? I am indeed considering a server as a common porting device.

  • Reply 56 of 102
    igrumbleigrumble Posts: 32member
    Originally Posted by lantinian View Post

    Does anybody know how the first Netbook sold during its first 2 months of availability?

    It was the Asus Eee PC and it sold 300,000 units between October 27th and the end of of 2007.

    read on here more my full take on the matter:

    You should probably have cross-posted more of it on here I'd just like to address:


    Many Apple haters will be quick to point out that netbooks sell in the tents of millions per years now.

    I'm having trouble finding a source for that number. The nearest I've managed is:

    That quotes 30.2M shipments for the entire (worldwide) netbook market in 2009. I don't know whether that's a reasonable figure, but it is much higher than the number of iPads that Apple can expect to sell this year.
  • Reply 57 of 102
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by cgc0202 View Post

    I hope that is the case. Some business and biomedical applications Apps are not cheap. They add up as you add more units.

    When I got a price quote from of Apple though, I got the impression though that I have to pay per device for each of the IWorks (for the iPad) component softwares, so I am not sure if that is the case with the other Apps


    You can use iTunes Home Sharing to share your iTunes Library between computers, including apps. This way each iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad can have a different iTunes account and still use the apps purchased by the main account authorized by Home Sharing. As far as I know, there is no limit on the number of devices. Also, if you have an iPad and you are away from your computer and you want to download an already purchased app you can purchase it again without being charged. Apple will not charge you twice for the same app as long as you use the same original iTunes account.
  • Reply 58 of 102
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Ok Steve, we get it. It's magical.

    The only model they had at my Apple store (South Coast Plaza) was 16g wifi. Everything else was sold out.
  • Reply 59 of 102
    dominiejdominiej Posts: 11member
    it's dumb to say o this thing is selling faster than the original iPhone! Of course it is idiots, it's not tied to a carrier or contract! And since it's ONLY available here in the states, I would think it's shipping abroad through 3rd party channels.

    Steve Jobs (or you) is an idiot to think 1 million iPads are functioning solely here in the US. I'd say only 50% are here in the states...
  • Reply 60 of 102
    lantinianlantinian Posts: 18member

    I'm having trouble finding a source for that number. The nearest I've managed is:

    I didn't find any specific number, only estimates in the range of 20 to 30 million.


    That quotes 30.2M shipments for the entire (worldwide) netbook market in 2009. I don't know whether that's a reasonable figure, but it is much higher than the number of iPads that Apple can expect to sell this year.

    Indeed. But netbooks are a mature market. People can buy them in every country and they are now familiar with them.

    Given how Apple only aggressively markets its products into territories where it has established the ecosystem of its services (think Apple Stores, iTunes and App store) it will be at least an year before the iPad is sold in most places where netbooks are sold today. Many people in the 3rd world countries will continue to buys netbooks simply because of their price.

    Therefore we should not compare total sales but rather sales per territory and in that light my comparison of US sales of 1 million iPads for 1 month to 300,00 Eee Pc for the first 2 months is telling enough of the great start the Apple devices had.


    You should probably have cross-posted more of it on here

    Thanks for the vote of confidence.
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