The official list of AI golf player



  • Reply 21 of 25
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    [quote]Originally posted by Sir Mac o' the Isles:

    <strong>Mr Powerdoc!

    Golf ye say!

    A game whose pleasant bucolic amblings are but a grassy veneer ower its dark and terrible origins...

    Golf as ye may know - originally comes frae Scotland and it is widely accepted that St Andrews is its spiritual hame. The origins o' the game probably arnae rembered overseas there, but it dates back tae the Scottish clan system when it was commonplace during battles and feuds for each side tae score points by whacking their opponents' heids clean aff there shooders wi' mighty swipes o' the claymore. The further the heid the flew the greater the score.

    As the feudal system gradually became mare civilised only shaved participants were allowed as huge ginger beards and lang hair impeded range due tae air resistance. Dress code, shaving and cranial dimensions became mare important. Smallish roond heids were best on account o' aerodynamic stability and o' coorse the shaved heids o' the contestants were quite white efter a' the ginger hair was off. These properties o' shape and colour are still retained by golf balls o' the present day.

    Baskets were soon added so that extra points could be added for 'a basket in one'. Battles were usually fought on smooth ground for the sake o' a smooth trajectory and a guid roll at the end o' it. Hence the origins o' the golf course as we know it today. Occasionally though such suitable conditions werenae available and contests were fought oot on steep rock slopes wi' lots o' crevices and obstacles. This led tae Crazy Golf although the wee windmills and wheels and gnomes are a maist likely recent development.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> and you sir mac of the isles esquire of the higland what is your favorite shot : a big wide drive with the twohanded swords, or a naugthy stab -putting with a bilbo ?
  • Reply 22 of 25
    Most noble Powerdoc!!!

    I am afraid that my involvement in that maist beautiful and ancient o' games is no more bloodthirsty nor adventurous than cutting up one o' those auld fashioned golf balls wi' a penknife. They used tae hae a layer o' wound elastic encompassing a black ball filled wi' a pressurised white substance; possibly some lead compound; which would scoosh all ower the place wi' a good judicious plunge o' the blade. Alas the advances in ballistic technology hae rendered this wantonly puerile - yet uncommonly satisfying - pleasure obsolete.
  • Reply 23 of 25
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    [quote]Originally posted by Sir Mac o' the Isles:

    <strong>Most noble Powerdoc!!!

    I am afraid that my involvement in that maist beautiful and ancient o' games is no more bloodthirsty nor adventurous than cutting up one o' those auld fashioned golf balls wi' a penknife. They used tae hae a layer o' wound elastic encompassing a black ball filled wi' a pressurised white substance; possibly some lead compound; which would scoosh all ower the place wi' a good judicious plunge o' the blade. Alas the advances in ballistic technology hae rendered this wantonly puerile - yet uncommonly satisfying - pleasure obsolete.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Poor and mighty Sir Mac os the Isle, i understand your noble disapointement, a live with no blood is desperate. Luckily and for god sake i practice surgery : je suis un grand saigneur

  • Reply 24 of 25
    evoevo Posts: 198member
    1) ~13 handicap

    2) best: putting

    3) worst: driving

    4) I always use my 3 metal off the tee (I don't have a driver that I like). I'm sure I've hit it 260/270 before.

    5) I live in Carmel, CA, which is right next to Pebble Beach. You guys probably won't believe me, but last year was my last year at Carmel High School, and our home course was Pebble. <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" /> We also play Spanish Bay, Poppy Hills, and Spyglass. Man I wish I was back at that high school

    I went to the 2000 U.S. Open (which was at Pebble of course), and the past 3 AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Ams. I usually watch Tiger, of course, but I've never gotten his autograph or anything. He's always oblivious to the gallery

    I just started playing golf 4 years ago. I wish I got into it earlier. I'm at a local community college now, and most of these guys are better than me, and have been playing since they were little kids. It's been so hard for me to improve lately.

    But I still love the game, and I have had some unforgettable experiences on Pebble Beach.
  • Reply 25 of 25
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    [quote]Originally posted by eVo:


    I just started playing golf 4 years ago. I wish I got into it earlier. I'm at a local community college now, and most of these guys are better than me, and have been playing since they were little kids. It's been so hard for me to improve lately.


    I just started golf 4 years ago, but at the age of 30 , i will consider myself lucky if i can reach 15 handicap this year) i feel you think that you are old to improve, i feel that i am a dynosaure
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